Looking at the monster flying over, Kristina threw a series of magic directly over it without any hesitation. The monster was cooked half-cooked before it landed. As for us, we rushed directly from under the monster, chasing Zhen Hong to the monster pile over there.

The monster group on the opposite side obviously does have a fairly high level of intelligence. A few monsters ran under the real red body and blocked us in front of us, while the monsters behind were surrounded together. It's really red.

When we see the monster rushing over here, of course, we can’t continue to rush forward. We can only fight with the monster in front of us first. As for the real red side, we can only expect her to hold on for a while or It's best to take the initiative to rush over.

After our side was stopped by the monster, Zhenhong finally landed on the other side. Because it was only lifted by the shock wave, Zhenhong's consciousness was very clear. She looked at a monster who was super-self-pounced. He twisted directly in the air, forced a turn, and stepped on the monster's forehead with her head and feet, and then when the monster's claws were touching her forehead, she suddenly exerted force and used the monster's forehead to step on. The foot stone figure was raised again, but the monster behind also stepped on the back of the monster in front and ran up all the way, and then moved towards the real red bit after a vertical leap opened its mouth wide.

Seeing a big mouth pressing towards him, the red hands and feet are not long enough to touch any part of the monster. At this angle, they will definitely fall directly into the monster's throat. However, although Zhenhong couldn't help it, she suddenly heard Kristina's voice calling her name from behind. Real Red suddenly turned his head and saw a light bullet flying towards him, and the real red who reacted instantly turned his head with a punch on the light bullet, and the light bullet immediately exploded, a powerful force. The air wave directly blew the true red away horizontally.

The flying monster’s long open mouth suddenly closed with a bang beside True Red, and True Red looked at the monster in front of him. The white teeth suddenly reached out and grabbed the monster’s mouth. Then, with the help of the power of the monster's forward pounce, his body was pulled in the direction of the monster, and he turned over and rode on the monster's neck.

The monster reacted very quickly, feeling that the real red fell on his neck and he just hugged himself into a ball along the falling posture, then hit the ground with a bang and moved forward. Get out. If ordinary people will definitely be threw away this time, and then be crushed into meat sauce by the huge body of the monster, but the red body refinement is very strong, and there is no tendency to lose balance at all. When the monster landed on the ground, Real Red suddenly made a backflip. The two hands hooked into the gap of the monster's carapace and immediately caused a series of backflips. The pace was completely synchronized with the speed of the monster's rolling. As a result, the monster flipped out seven or eight. Circle her on the monster.

The monster that has rolled seven or eight laps has completely lost its keen intuition for the touch of the body surface. I don’t know that the real red is still there, and it directly loosens the curled body, but the real red is in it. The moment he opened his body suddenly fell from the sky, and his hands drew a brilliant golden streamer in the air. "Dawei Heavenly Dragon Fist Eighty-Earth Burst." With a bang, the monster below made a sharp and distorted howling, even the monster who was fighting with us here. Can't help but turn his head and look over.

I don’t have the slightest plan to let go of the monster’s distraction in front of me. I hugged my body into a ball and rolled forward to the bottom of the belly of this monster who looked like a king, and then stretched out suddenly. Here, Eternal Sword pointed to the sky: "Eternal-Divine Lightning." A beam of light as thick as a well shoots straight into the sky from the tip of Eternal Sword, and the monster above me can't stop the beam at all. Ascended, and even it itself was lifted up together, and immediately after the beam shot into the sky, a heavenly thunder fell from the sky in the middle of the monster's body, accompanied by a burst of crackle sparks, the monster fell all over with smoke. Falling to the ground did not get up for a long time.

I took the opportunity of the monster in front of me to be maimed. I rushed through the blockade of the two monsters and finally reached Zhenhong's side. At this time, Zhenhong was also very busy. Although the monster that was really popular just hit the monster miserably, the monster next to him quickly surrounded him again.

A gibbon-like monster stretched out his hand to catch Real Red. Real Red saw the opportunity and landed on the opponent’s paw with a small jump, and then rebounded to the opposite monster’s face. . Taking advantage of the chance that the monster hurriedly stretched out his hand to grab his face, he jumped again, and the whole person somersaulted at least three thousand six hundred degrees in front of the aerial group, and then suddenly unfolded his body and put out a punching posture again.

Because these monsters have very high intelligence, they can roughly understand our battle method. Zhen Hong has been so many times in succession, and those monsters also know her fighting characteristics, so the gibbon monster in front immediately started to back away when he saw Zhen Hong had taken this pose again, for fear of following in the footsteps of his companions. You must know that he is not a defensive monster, but he can't carry such an attack head-on like the previous companions.

The monster, who thought he was tall and leggy, thought he was safe after backing a few steps in a row, but what made him didn't expect is that just after he backed up, the real red was suddenly Activate her skills. "Dawei Heavenly Dragon Fist Ultimate Profound Truth First Style-Wan...long...broken...day" accompanied by the roar of a dragon roar, a huge golden magic array suddenly appeared in front of Zhenhong, and then we saw densely packed I don't know how many golden Divine Dragons swarmed out of the magic array like a blowout, and instantly submerged the monster. The surrounding monsters had to go up to help, but they were rushing forward, and I saw a golden light shining in front. A monster that was close by was only wiped off and the whole arm was completely gone, and even more than it was. The monster at the front has disappeared half of its body. As for the monster that took the blow head-on... well... we need a magnifying glass to see its... fragments?

Boom. In the remnant of Wanlong’s sun-breaking prestige, Zhen Hong stayed half-kneeling and fell to the ground. Her body seemed to be equipped with a steam engine at this time. There was a sound of Zizi, and in front of her was a Great Dao of Connecting Heaven. Thirty meters wide, at least three kilometers long, and a straight straight line. Nothing remains on this straight line, whether it’s a monster, a forest, or a mountain, anyway, there’s nothing left but a big ditch. .

"Damn, boss, take your time!" They were shocked when they saw this terrifying formidable power gold coin and Kristina. Although the big move is very difficult to deal with, the problem is that there is not only one monster here. The enlargement move is really enjoyable, but what should I do if the magic power is used up? Didn’t the monster behind fight anymore?

Before real red could answer, I saw the monster on the opposite side suddenly turned around and left the scene, leaving a group of us standing there in a daze.

"What's the situation?" Kristina walked over and asked me suspiciously.

I also didn’t understand, shook my head and said: "Maybe I was scared?"

August Xun looked at the ditch in front of her and said, "I don’t think We have been fighting these monsters for a while before you came. Their battle strength is very strong, and they were scared away as simple as impossible."

"Then they are...?" Kristina Asked.

Matsumoto Masaga said: "Perhaps he went back to rescue the soldiers. The formidable power of the real red trick is too big. They felt the need to reassess our battle strength, so they left first."

"Anyway, let's restore our own consumption first." As I said, I took the initiative to release the fit state, and then started to let Xiaochun give everyone a healing response. Of course, we also used some medicine.

Fire Dragon Ji has just been reincarnated and resurrected once by me before, so her current physical condition is still in perfect condition. Without treatment, she immediately flew up to the top of the tree canopy to guard us, but as a result, she jumped down right there as soon as she went up here.

"Hurry up, those things are back!"

"Damn, why are they back?" Kristina complained.

"It's just right to come back, you can practice your hands." Zhenhong said with her arms active: "It's been a long time since I let go of it to damage. These things are really good."

"You still give me a little restraint, we are not here to exercise." As I said, I saw a row of trees on the edge of the forest suddenly fell forward, and then I saw a large group of densely packed monsters. Rushed over.

"Damn, it seems to be really bode ill rather than well this time!" Seeing this scene, Gold Coin couldn't help but say.

Although we are more worried about our loss, since the monsters are all up and we can't run away, there is nothing to hesitate. I directly asked everyone to put a defensive posture to prepare for the meet force with force.

While we were ready to fight a tough battle, we were waiting there nervously, but the monster group in front of us suddenly changed a little. The monster group suddenly started to separate when it was approaching us, and then the Chinese army stopped advancing, and the monsters on the two wings continued to move forward, quickly bypassing us and forming a circle to surround us.

Although we were surrounded by these guys, we didn't feel anything. They can block this space, we are actually trapped, and being surrounded by these monsters is actually meaningless. Besides, we can fly. They sealed our front, back, left, and right without blocking the sky. What's the difference between not enclosing us?

After successfully forming a circular encirclement around us, all the monsters sat quietly around us. Judging from their appearance, it is clear that they are not planning to fight, because this posture doesn't look like a fight.

"What are they doing?" Gold coin asked me.

Although I really want to answer, the truth is that I am also at a loss. "Well, I'm not quite clear either, maybe I'm waiting for some powerful monster to appear, or I just want to besiege us temporarily, who knows."

Because I don't know what they are going to do, so we just We can only be careful to guard against these monsters' sudden emergencies, as long as they plan to swarm them in a while, we will immediately fly. Anyway, none of them can fly. Wouldn't it be stupid not to fly and bully them?

Just when we were carefully guarded to see what the monsters in front of us were doing, the encircling circle of those monsters suddenly opened a passage in the direction that they came from. All the monsters are moving to both sides, gradually giving way out here.

"What is this going to do? Let us go?" Gold coin asked again.

Kristina shook her head and said: "We were not in this direction when we came."

"They are absolutely impossible to let us leave. These guys should have other purposes. But they didn’t take the initiative to attack, which should be a good thing.” I said to Kristina and the others: “Go ahead and see what they want to do.”

Matsumoto Masaga Nodded also agreed with my opinion, so everyone started to move towards that gap together.

At first, we were worried that the monsters would suddenly rush up to launch an attack after we entered the passage, but the truth is that these monsters behaved strangely. Although they showed considerable hostility towards us, they were able to exercise restraint and were determined not to approach the central passage. Some monsters even bared their teeth at us while dripping saliva. They knew they wanted to eat us at a glance, but even if they were all the same, the monster didn’t really do anything abnormal to us. . It just demonstrated against us outside that passage, but it didn't dare to step forward.

"It's really weird. What is this position?" Kristina suddenly got to the edge of the passage that the monster gave up, and then got to the front of a monster. At this time, the distance between her and the monster was less than one meter, but the monster still didn't move her.

"Hey, don't get so close, beware of sudden attacks by that thing." Masaka Matsumoto kindly reminded him.

Christina shook her head and said: "They won't attack."

"How do you know?"

"Because you see These are all trained monsters."

"What? You mean these are raised by someone?"

Kristina’s sudden revelation made all of us here Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then they gathered around and asked: "What did you find?"

"In fact, you can't say that you have found something, just a feeling."

"Feeling? Please be reliable, okay?" Gold coin complained.

"I'm not talking nonsense." Kristina said: "I am the body of the elements, and I have a great sense of inscription for all the elements. These monsters have a very peculiar elemental fluctuation. I can’t say what’s going on for a while, but I can guarantee that these monsters are not natural wild monsters."

"The way they are now means that the people who raise these monsters want us to be Is it?"

"Almost." Kristina nodded and said.

"Although I don't know what is going on right now, but besides following the path that the monsters let out, we seem to be the only one we can do." Said Akatsuki.

"Then move on."

Under my order, everyone started to walk along the passage set by the monsters again, and before we walked to the passage Half of the time, the surrounding monsters also collectively turned their heads, and then followed us along both sides of the road. It seemed like they were escorting in the lane.

Although we are very puzzled, we don't know where the monsters want us to go. We are impossible to know the answer, so we don't have any other crooked minds, just follow these monsters forward.

The speed of the monsters is very fast, and our speed is not slow. Soon we left the place where we just fought and reached a hillside. There is a big hole halfway up the hillside. Depending on the size of the hole, monsters should not be able to get in, so there must be other creatures living here, or the owner of these monsters.

As soon as we arrived near the entrance of the cave, the surrounding monsters suddenly dispersed on their own, and in the big cave over there came out a monster that looked at us in a daze.

This is a creature that you think is a tiger at first glance. This guy has all the characteristics of a tiger, tiger skin, tiger head, tiger tail and the Giant Tiger Claw, but the only difference is that this guy's body structure is not four-legged like a tiger, but standing upright like a human. It is not the kind of animals that imitate humans to stand deliberately, but the body structure has changed. Speaking of which is a bit like the tiger tribe among the orcs, but the tiger tribe orcs have more body like humans except for the tiger head. At least the tiger tribe has no fur on its body, but is like a human. Hairless skin. And the guy in front of me bought the skin exactly like a wild tiger. If it weren't for the realistic image, we even thought it was a person wearing a tiger skin.

The creature in front of me didn't do anything else after seeing us, just waved at us and turned around and entered the cave. Masaga Matsumoto and I took a look at each other, and finally nodded walked in together. Of course, Kristina and the others chose to follow.

"Who do you think lives here?" Gold coin asked after entering the hole.

"I don't know." The red answer is super simple.

Christina said: "It should be a guy who is engaged in biological genetic research. Didn't you see the monster outside and the tiger head man just now? Maybe it was made by man here."< /p>

"Gene research? Is there such a thing in the game?" Masaga Matsumoto asked suspiciously.

I will explain to Matsumoto Masaga by the side. "There is no genetic research in the game, but there are scholars in bloodline research. Our guild also has similar research, mainly studying how to reasonably mix monsters, and then get stronger next-generation creatures. This method is in reality. It takes many years to study it, but the progress of the research in the game is still quite fast."

"Guests, please go faster, our time is running out." We are talking here. Then, I suddenly heard an old voice ringing in front, because the tiger head man has already walked a long way. We don’t know the sound he makes from time to time, but it doesn’t seem to be the same, because the tiger head man sees it. It feels very young and strong, but this voice sounds like it is about to die.

We are wondering here, but the voice sounded again: "Please don’t hesitate, we really don’t have much time."

Matsumoto Masaga looked at me At first glance, it seemed that I wanted to get my opinion, and after thinking about it a little bit, I decided to speed up the progress. Anyway, it doesn't work. At worst, I just hang back. Many people have died in this place. Everyone has said that if you die in this place, you can't drop equipment, it will be teleported out and you will drop Level 1 like normal death.

After we speeded up the progress, the sound never appeared again, but we quickly passed through this long straight tunnel to an open room. At the entrance of this room is a fountain, and there is a channel on both sides and back of the fountain connecting the room with the fountain. Counting the road we came in, this place is equivalent to a total of four channel connections.

After we walked into this place, the tiger-like person stood at the passageway opposite the fountain and waved to us, but we had no choice but to bypass the fountain and continue to follow him.

This time the passage is not as long as before. We walked a short distance and it was an ascending step. After going up, we saw the light after a few steps, and then we went on for more than ten meters. Then we walked out from a hole.

This end of this passage obviously passed through the inside of the mountain just now, and this side is not the ground, but a small platform halfway up the hanging rock. At this time, a stone pillar is standing on the platform, and a person is tied up with a long chain on the pillar. This person seems to be at least eighty years old. The skin all over his body has dried up like old tree branches, he has a lot of hair and beard, and only a few rags are left on his clothes. It looks miserable and miserable. .

"Who you are?" After seeing this guy, Christina was the first to walk up and ask.

The guy tied to the pillar didn’t answer Kristina’s question. He didn’t even look at us. He just closed his eyes and said, “Your time is running out. Listen to me, hurry up and commit suicide."

"Suicide? Are you okay with your head?" Zhen Hong asked directly.

The old man seems to have known us for a long time, so he didn’t show any excitement, but said in a tranquil voice: "If you don’t believe me, check your status. , Some things that affect your strength should have been diminishing."

Although he doesn't believe this old man, he has said so. Of course, we still looked at the attribute just in case. The fastest gold coin heaved a sigh of relief after watching it, and then said: "You Old Guy, you are not honest about being tied to a pillar. There is no change in our attributes."

"Wait a minute." Just now the gold coin here just finished speaking, but the Yingyu god young suddenly screamed. "President. My EXP has dropped!"

"EXP?" Low-level players look forward to leveling up every day, so they often stare at their own EXP bar, but high-level players have all the experience of level 1. It is massive, and the experience of high level players is astronomical, so no one remembers their specific EXP at all. However, of course there are exceptions, at least Ying Yu Shen Chou remembered his EXP.

I didn't notice that it was normal when I didn't pay much attention to it, but now the Yingyu god young people have shouted out. Of course, we found out when we took a closer look. Our EXP is indeed declining. Although the speed is not fast, it takes a few seconds to deduct a little amount. At this speed, when we die, my EXP is impossible to be deducted.

We have just confirmed that EXP has indeed fallen, and the old man suddenly said again: "How? Now knows the fear right? As long as you stay here, your experience will be Continue to decline, and when the experience is not enough to support your current strength, you will be demoted, and then this deduction will not stop, but will continue until you leave here."

"Just now At this rate, ten years may not be enough to deduct our EXP, right?" Kristina asked.

The old man suddenly said with a big smile: "Don’t you think it’s over? To tell you the truth, this absorption rate is gradually increasing. Don’t look at it now, it seems to be very slow, but very fast This absorption rate will increase tenfold, and then it will double tenfold after a while. Let alone ten years, if you can persist for ten days, even if you don’t go back, you will be forcibly transferred back to Xinshou Village."

"I rely on it, didn't you say it earlier?" Gold coin was immediately relieved after hearing that the rate of deducting EXP would continue to increase. Although the current speed is not fast, if it doubles ten times, it will not be slow, and if it continues to double ten times, the speed will be even more frightening. If you keep flipping like this, no amount of EXP is enough to reduce it.

After asking the gold coin, I suddenly stood in front of the old man and said: "There are some questions in your words that I want to answer."

"You just said it. , My old fogey is a good person, I must tell you if I know it."

"Then many thanks." I first cup one fist in the other hand, and then continue to say: "First .You have been urging us to commit suicide quickly, and the reason is that we will be deducted EXP here, then why don’t you let the monster outside give up blocking this world and let us leave by ourselves? Don’t say you can’t control it. You just can Let those monsters make way for us, can't they let them remove the space blockade?"

"You are right, but you can't control it, because the space blockade is simply not caused by those monsters."

"What do you mean?"

"The meaning is very simple. The space blockade of this place is not blocked by those monsters. They are just like me, trapped here and unable to get out. Worm, so even if they want to let you go, there is no way to let you out."

I nodded recognized the old man's statement, and then asked: "Then, the first Two questions. Since these monsters also want us to leave here, why must they attack us? Because my companion broke the egg?"

"Of course not." The old man said, "Actually These monsters are infertile monsters. This egg is simply not theirs. Their bodies are completely unable to produce offspring. I made all the eggs that you smashed."

"Make it? Eggs? What do you want to do?"

"Why can't eggs be made?" The old man said: "Have you never heard of High God Nuwa creating Man? Compared to a big living person, monster The egg is much simpler. Although I can't make a human, I can make a monster egg."

"Just like you now?" I glanced up and down at this guy. Matsumoto Masaga and Sakurayu Shinhina next to them also expressed their disbelief.

This old man doesn’t know whether it’s a personality problem or a person has been locked up here for a long time. In short, it feels a bit problematic in his head. After hearing that we don’t believe him, he actually yells like a child. Let's demonstrate once. Not to mention the result, this guy actually made us a monster egg in front of us. This monster egg was originally a luminous golden light spot, and then as the light spot rotates, more and more light particles begin to fuse into this light cluster, and the light cluster gradually grows larger, and finally becomes the size of a watermelon. The appearance did not suddenly explode, and as the spot of light gushed out, only a white egg was left on the scene.

"Fuck me, it's an eye-opener!" Gold coin was muttering: "An old man who can lay eggs."

"You will lay eggs. This is how I use it. I did not lay the egg that was condensed by force!" The old man roared excitedly and struck the iron chain on his body for a while, oh la la.

"Okay, well, my subordinates don't mean that. You get back to the topic. Since our EXP will be absorbed here, is there any way to solve it?"

"It's very simple. You can go out if you die. This space blockade is useless for your soul."

I frowned asked: "Then you mean that your purpose of killing us is actually for Protect us?"

old man without the slightest hesitation shook his head and said: "I am not so kind. The space blockade in this place will absorb the power of all the creatures here and strengthen itself, so you come here The more people there are, the longer you stay here, the stronger the seal will be. My old fogey has been planning to escape, and your staying here like this is tantamount to helping the guy who sealed me reinforce the seal. You said I want to get you out quickly?"

We immediately believed the explanation of old man, because this reason sounds very reasonable. Being trapped here, normal people would definitely want to escape. The old man didn’t want us to increase or decrease the difficulty, so he had to kill those invaders, and then let them get out of the way, so that the seal would not absorb the power and would not be able to. Continue to strengthen.

Thinking of this, I suddenly found a problem. "That's not right!"

"What's the matter?"

"There is a problem here!" Masaka Matsumoto also found the problem and asked: "You said this thing Will absorb everyone’s strength to reinforce the seal, but why don’t you reinforce that thing yourself here?"

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