The level of three thousand monsters is very high, but it is not completely unsolvable based on our battle strength, but the premise is one-to-one, or exaggerated, one-to-two. No problem, I can even do one-to-five. However, the problem now is not one to a few, but one to dozens or dozens. With such a large number, if our strength is to be wiped out...I don't think it is possible anyway.

"If we can't handle so many monsters, don't we have to stay here forever?"

"It's a matter of time, we just need to pay attention to cooperation, and solve them one by one. , There should be hope." Matsumoto Masaka said.

I also nodded and said: "We can indeed handle these things, it just takes a little effort."

"Boss, why are you so confident?" Christy Na asked me.

"It's not self-confidence, it is fact."

"Facts can only be proved after they happen. Now you are sure. This is not self-confidence?"

I smiled and pointed to the monster in front of me and said: "Look at the characteristics of those monsters and you will know why I said it's okay."

"Why?" Kristina turned her head and looked again. I repeated those monsters, and suddenly reacted after a few seconds of confusion. "These things will not fly."

"You finally found the problem."

"In this case, we do have a certain chance of winning." Kristina also agreed this time. I'm full of confidence.

Air superiority is a very powerful advantage. When your enemies can only run on the ground and you can fly, even if the battle strength is not as good as the opponent, you can at least guarantee that you will not lose. . Moreover, because you can fly, you can decide when to fight, how to fight, and when to end. As long as you don’t want to fight, the opponent can’t do anything about you, and when you want to fight, he can’t run away. This is The huge benefits of air superiority. At the same time, the air-weight advantage will also give you an additional ability to attack outside the opponent's attack range. Because gravity is downward, all tangible attacks that the other party thinks you launch will be limited by gravity, so their attack distance is actually not up to the distance on the ground, and your attack can be accelerated by gravity. As long as the lead and trajectory are calculated, the dual effects of increasing range and formidable power can be achieved.

The monster level here is indeed very high, and there are a lot of them, but all these things will not fly. It is true that such a high-level monster must have air-to-air capability, but the facts tell us that the best way to air defense is to get a group of flying objects to go to the sky like others, and attack from the ground into the air. This is basically too big an effect. Isn’t the reason why the aircraft carrier in modern warfare can become the soul of the fleet is because the aircraft it carries is the strongest air weapon and the strongest air defense weapon? If ground interception is useful, why bother to get out of a huge maritime mobile airport?

Because of the great convenience of air superiority, we can fully grasp the initiative on the battlefield. Although we can't get out of this space, we can fly. Originally, the ability of the monsters to block space was a kind of field control skill. They could rely on this method to trap the enemy near their settlement so that the enemy could not escape the battle, and could only meet force with force. With their strength, they usually take advantage of the hand-to-hand combat. And we can fly. In this way, even if we can't get out of this place, we can decide the battle rhythm. No matter if you are tired or injured, you can fly up to rest and treat, and if the opponent is injured, there is no chance to escape. This is our advantage.

Of course, even if we have air superiority, it does not mean that we will definitely win. After all, we must prevent being killed by a monster one strike certain kill. Air superiority can only be said to give us a huge victory condition, but it cannot guarantee victory.

"hey hey hey, don't talk about it, the monster is coming up." Chi Fire Dragon Ji reminded us to be careful.

I looked at the monsters over there and said: "Choose the targets for each. The first batch of monsters are not many. Solve them separately."

"The big one belongs to me. "Zhen Hong directly picked a monster with the strongest figure. The body structure of this thing looks like a silverback gorilla who has practiced bodybuilding. Not only does it have well-developed limbs, and it does not have the big belly of the gorilla cloud, on the contrary, you can see six strong abdominal muscles in the abdomen. In addition, although the body and limbs of this thing are a bit like gorillas, it is actually quite different from gorillas. First of all, the head of this thing does not look like a primate at all. It has the same head structure as the Three-Horned Dragon. Starting from the two wings of the nose, there are two bands of bone spurs that gradually increase and extend all the way to the sides of the forehead. There is also a huge bony crown on top of its head like the Three-Horned Dragon. However, this thing is different from the Three-Horned Dragon in that it is definitely not grazing, because this guy’s mouth is much larger than the Three-Horned Dragon’s mouth, and it can be opened to nearly seventy degrees for biting, and It actually has double rows of teeth in its mouth. Each of these teeth is like a curved dagger with a slight backward arc, which means that once it is bitten by this thing, it will be very difficult to break free.

Besides the difference on this huge head, the skin of this thing is not the sparse and short-haired skin of the orangutan, but a layer of crocodile-like scales. In addition, behind this thing is a large tail that is almost twice as long as the body, and there is a two-edged axe-like structure at the tip of the tail. When it swings the tail left and right, the two-edged axe-like structure It can really act like an axe, and according to the length and size of this guy's tail, even if this thing has no blade, even if it turns into a hammer, it can kill people, let alone the sharp bone blade. Cold light flashes on it.

In fact, apart from the tail and the head of a carnivorous reptile, the limbs of this thing are not exactly like orangutans. Although the main structure looks similar, the fingertips of its front paws clearly have sharp claws, which is different from that of apes. As for its hind limbs... the thing is actually more like the hind limbs of a kangaroo. It is very long, with thick joints and full muscles. At first glance, it looks like an explosive one.

Although there is no match, I can tell from the appearance alone. The monster selected by True Red won with strength. Super explosive power, huge brute power, and solid defense are probably the main characteristics of this creature in front of him. Of course, its attack power is equally amazing.

Probably because Real Red was aiming at the target and rushed up, so the monster also rushed out at the same time. The two sides quickly broke away from the formation and rushed to a position between the two sides. The other monsters on the opposite side didn't immediately follow after seeing Zhenhong and the monster hedge. Instead, they took a look at us first and found that we stopped after not moving, and didn't follow along.

For the behavior of these guys, Masaga Matsumoto and the others think it is a performance of wisdom, but I think it may be a hunting instinct. The one that rushed out first should be the pathfinder. They were weighing our battle strength. This behavior is very similar to the behavior of wolves hunting, but a higher level.

Because there is no companion to participate in the battle, neither side needs to worry about anything, so Zhenhong and the monster on the opposite side completely let go of their battle strength. When the two sides were separated by more than 80 meters, the monster suddenly took off moved towards Zhenhong and rushed over. This distance is quite far for humans, but it is also the normal jumping range for that monster. After all, this The guy is nearly forty meters long even if he doesn't count his tail. For such a big head, this little distance is just a small jump for it.

However, just after the guy took off, Zhen Hong made a more exaggerated take-off. He was still in midair and twisted his waist to accumulate strength with one arm, and then Zhen Hong suddenly collided with the monster in the air, and Zhen Hong suddenly exerted strength and hit the bridge of the monster's nose with a punch. With only a bang, a clear white air circle appeared in the air. The monster's body suddenly stopped in the air, and then his head sank and his tail rose. It was hit by the real red punch. An somersault flew over Zhenhong's head, and then fell heavily to the ground.

After the monster landed here, Real Red also landed, but to our surprise, Real Red was there to shake his hands desperately after landing, and shouted: "Damn, what kind of monster is this? Why is his head so hard?"

When the real red here was shaking his hand there, the monster was struggling to get up from the ground. Seeing that it was swaying and shaking, it should have been hit not lightly just now. But after standing up, the guy shook his head vigorously, and then seemed to regain consciousness. After yelling at Zhen Hong's mouth, the monster immediately rushed up again. It seemed that this time he was planning to compete with Zhen Hong again in strength, because he actually rushed forward with his head down.

Although the monster’s forehead can’t see anything there, it’s confirmed from the red reaction just now that there should be something similar to a bone shield on this guy’s head. Anyway, its head should be It's very suitable for collision, otherwise it won't hurt Real Red's fist. You know, Real Red used his fist to tear down the city wall. In terms of destructive power, few can challenge her.

Seeing that the monster rushed up again, Real Red didn't shake his hand anymore. He quickly turned to face the monster, stood with his legs one after the other, and walked around with his arms in the air. Along with the really red arms moving in the air, circles of faint golden breath began to gradually appear on her arms. These golden breaths gathered quickly, and within a second before and after, they gathered two golden Divine Dragons on her arms. These two Golden Dragons are entwined around the red arms and swim continuously, and the color is getting darker and deeper, and the rays of light are getting brighter and brighter.

Just after the formation of the two dragons, the monster over there rushed in front of Zhenhong again, and Zhenhong suddenly punched the monster again, and at the same time angrily roared: "Dawei Heavenly Dragon Fist's 81st move-collapsed the mountain." With a boom, it was like an explosion. A burst of air burst out at the point where the monster was in contact with True Red, blowing all the surrounding plants away, and even the soil on the ground was covered. Cut off a layer, and the monster and the real red rolled back and flew out as if they had stepped on a landmine at the same time.

"Fuck me, save people!"

It's okay for monster and Zhenhong to be knocked down by each other, but the problem is that they have already exchanged in the previous battle. Location, now Real Red is facing the monster group. Both sides of this fist flew upside down at the same time, and the monster flew directly into the crowd on our side, and of course Zhenhong flew to the monster pile on the opposite side. Seeing this situation, you said how can we not hurry up?

In fact, although the blow flew on both sides, in my judgment, the real red actually took advantage. When the monster flew out, I clearly saw that the gaps in all the scales on its body were blood red, which should be caused by the effect of the true red skill. The true red mighty Heavenly Dragon Fist has always been known for its unrivaled sturdiness. This move is another explosive skill, which can instantly output dozens of times the damage of normal formidable power, and can use the knocking principle to instantly destroy things that would never be destroyed. . It can be said that the formidable power of this move not only depends on the real red's own ability, but also depends on the hardness of the opponent. If this move is hit on cotton, there will hardly be any formidable power, but if the target object is hard enough, the formidable power will increase exponentially, and the harder the object, the greater the formidable power will be.

Although the lap just now hit the monster's forehead, the power burst out instantly and was transmitted to the monster's body with the detonation effect, so that all the scales of his body were shattered, so the whole body was destroyed. Oozing. As for whether there is any other damage, I don't know for the time being, but it is certainly not only the damage on the surface.

Although the real red side was also shocked, I think this is mainly driven by the reverse thrust generated by the knock. This is not the same as a direct attack. The formidable power is easily blocked by equipment. , So it can often shake people far away, but the actual damage is far less scary than it seems.

Originally, the monster is so big, its weight may have been nearly a thousand tons, and it collided with the little real red, no matter how powerful it is, she should fly out. After all, the size of the two sides Posed there. This small size means light weight, and when two objects collide, of course it is the lighter one. However, Real Red is slightly different here. Although Zhenhong herself weighs only 100 catties nodded, the True Martial suit on her body is made of Chiyang fine gold, and the actual weight is close to one ton, which does not include those two gloves. The real red gloves are special equipment, each weighs 5 tons, and the total weight of the two gloves is ten tons. In other words, even if True Red doesn't do anything, it weighs eleven tons standing there. Of course, this is the external weight, because the attribute on the equipment, Zhenhong can not feel the weight at all when he drives this equipment. In the feeling of true red, the armor on her body is like paper paste, and she can hardly feel any weight, and when she wants to exert force in which direction, the gravity direction of these equipment will be concentrated in that direction. . This way of changing gravity can help Zhenhong exert her strength, so instead of being overwhelmed by the eleven-ton equipment she wears, on the contrary, there is a huge release of power between her hands and feet.

Of course, just the weight of eleven tons is not enough to force a monster of nearly 1,000 tons. In fact, there is an attribute on this boxing glove, which is to transform the gravity field by 30 times according to the power output of True Red to follow the action, which means that if True Red can hit a ton of punch in one direction, The equipment will automatically add 30 tons of gravity in this direction, and the final result is that this fist actually produced 31 tons of force. Of course, this is not even the eleven tons of the equipment's own weight.

In fact, the initial additional ratio of True Martial suits is not so high, but the national equipment is a bit good, that is, it is particularly safe to strengthen. Generally, you need to worry about failure when strengthening equipment. Although most of the materials are lost after failure and the equipment is still there, there are cases where the equipment is completely scrapped or some attributes are lost. Because of the existence of this probability, the better equipped players are, the less they dare to strengthen casually, for fear that they will become waste products if they fail to strengthen. However, Guoqi does not have this worry, because Guoqi has indestructible characteristics. No matter what method you use, you can't completely destroy a national weapon. You can integrate it with other equipment, but the attributes will be completely retained, that is, the appearance of the equipment has changed, but it is still a national weapon.

Because of this indestructible feature, the strengthening of the national equipment can be said to be 100% reserved for the equipment itself. As long as you don’t spend money, at most it is a waste of time and loss of materials. The equipment will always be There will be no problems.

Because there is no need to worry about the equipment being damaged, this enhancement has become very bold. These two enhancements in three days, even if it is a low-level equipment at first, will become very good things later. even more how National equipment is very important to players in a country. Therefore, everyone will concentrate on strengthening the national equipment. In addition, True Red itself is a member of our guild. This condition is naturally good and various enhancements. The materials are put together, and the result is strengthened so that it can add 30 times the power as it is now.

In the collision just now, it looked like a nearly 1,000-ton monster hit a person weighing less than a ton, but in reality the punch that Zhenhong hit was thousands of tons. Fist, this is equivalent to the monster hitting something heavier than himself. How can there be no reason to lose?

Although the monster suffered a loss just now, the situation is dangerous on both sides. It might be a bit of a bargain for Real Red to single out a monster, but if it falls into the pile of monsters, no one can help her with ten strokes and she will definitely be over, so after seeing her being lifted off, I immediately led someone to rush up. Of course, not all of us went here, at least Kristina was stayed, because there was another monster flying towards us. It's really red to save, and this monster can't be let go. It's rare that it's already half-dead, and it would be a pity to let it run away.

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