Jade Emperor was not nervous at all after I said the price increase, but said with a smile: "I told you that I knew that there was no way to increase the price."


"What do you mean?"

Supreme Taoist helped to explain: "Although using the method Jade Emperor just said can speed up the absorption of Power of Faith and increase the growth efficiency of the cultivation base, this The premise is that the Power of Faith is sufficient to be effective when the previous absorption method is too late. But when will our Power of Faith be enough?"

After listening to Supreme Taoist, I immediately reacted. coming. Celestial Court is not our Divine Race of chaos and order. Although their Power of Faith income is not low, it is definitely not very high. At least evenly distributed, Celestial Court's Divine Immortal is not enough. In fact, this is also a common feature of most Divine Races. At present, in the whole world, the Divine Race that Power of Faith is enough to use may not find a second Divine Race besides our chaotic and order Divine Race. Therefore, even if there is a way to speed up the absorption of Power of Faith, it is useless for these Divine Races. People are already not enough, but if you speed it up, isn’t it even less enough?

"Why don't you all tell me the strengths of Power of Faith without getting nervous at all. It's a useless strength after doing it for a long time."

Jade Emperor said with a smile: "I can't say it's useless, at least it tastes good."

"I suddenly feel like a cook!"

"Okay, let's discuss now The price of your Power of Faith. Because we have never bought and sold this Power of Faith before, this pricing is really a bit elusive. First of all, the price must not be calculated based on our strength improvement, because in this case , The unit price of your Power of Faith is too scary."

I nodded agree with Jade Emperor’s words. Cost? Although providing Power of Faith to Divine Race is not the same as raising pigs, the truth is the same.

"Since we can't calculate based on our strength, it doesn't seem appropriate to simply pay based on your labor." Jade Emperor said again.

What kind of labor is paid? To be honest, it is really not much. The source of the Power of Faith we compiled for Celestial Court was taken from the followers of the small Divine Race in South America and Africa, and our contribution was actually to kill the Divine Race silently at first, plus occasional satisfaction afterwards. Let’s take a look at the wishes of believers. In this way, the output and the input are completely out of proportion, and the output is huge, and the input is very small. Therefore, if we pay and calculate the price according to our actual situation, the benefits we get will be too low. Therefore, I also agree with Jade Emperor's statement.

"Since neither can work, then we will compromise. Consider the utility and actual labor of both parties, plus you are relatively scarce. In terms of supply and demand, you take the initiative, so in terms of remuneration, we Lean towards you. Then, according to this line of thinking, I can already determine the approximate value, but I don’t know how to count this specific transaction item?"

"Jade Emperor. Regarding this matter, I have a suggestion. I might as well listen to it."

Hearing what I said, Jade Emperor immediately said seriously: "Just tell me."

"This...Look at me. The cooperation with Celestial Court is not one or two times anymore, and there will be a lot of cooperation probabilities that can be expected in the future. Is it too troublesome to find something and barter on-site every time?"

Jade Emperor thought for a while and asked: "Then you mean...?"

"How about we get a general equivalent?"

"You mean money? "

"Yes, it is to use a thing as money to form a liquid transaction between us. Of course, because neither of us exists in general, so this is obviously not appropriate to use crystal coins as a general equivalent, but We can consider using something else."

"For example?"

"What do you think of Immortal Pill?"

"No way." It was called by Supreme Taoist. Celestial Court's Immortal Pill is all made by him. The other Divine Immortal doesn't mean that they don't know how to make pill, but that they don't have any professional expertise. It can be said that ninety-nine percent of Immortal Pill of Celestial Court are refined by Supreme Taoist, so once I use Immortal Pill as a general equivalent, then the workload of Supreme Taoist will disappear.

Although Jade Emperor was a little angry, Supreme Taoist rushed to answer in front of him, but it didn't seem appropriate to think about it. This Immortal Pill itself is the second method for the Celestial Court to improve their strength. It belongs to the lifeline industry, and it is almost in a state of inadequate use like Power of Faith. If this is to add another consumption channel, wouldn't it be even more inadequate?

"Supreme Taoist said, this Immortal Pill is not very good for us, how can we share it with you?" Jade Emperor looked at me and asked.

I said with a smile: "Actually, what I mean is that we add one more cooperation project."

"Add one more cooperation project?" Jade Emperor asked with a smile: " What kind of cooperation is it? Let’s talk about it."

For my collaborative project Jade Emperor, I have always been happy to participate, because I have never lost the project. The original Buddhism was completely divided and engulfed in my collaborative project. Now Celestial Court has absorbed the power of Buddhism. Not only has it grown stronger, but it has also eliminated some external hazards. More importantly, it has increased the collection of Power of Faith. Scope. In addition, I am mediating to keep Monster Race's cooperation project not to be wiped out, and now it has entered a harvest period. Celestial Court thought that if Demon was destroyed, it would be able to dominate the family, and then double the income. In fact, I don't know that without the threat of Demon, believers' demand for Celestial Court will decrease. In this way, the Power of Faith will not increase, but will decrease. The Celestial Court retains the existence of Demon, which is the same as the ancient generals who raised the thieves' self-respect. Now Demon and Celestial Court are ostensibly opposed, but they are actually living in peace. The problem of the decline in Power of Faith, which Celestial Court has been worried about, has not appeared. Instead, the amount of Power of Faith collected has risen awkwardly, and Celestial Court naturally Understand that my statement is correct. After all, the actual benefits have appeared, and nothing is as real as the actual effects.

Because the previous cooperation has been very good, Celestial Court is now very interested in any of our cooperation.

"This...I think so, don't say anything about your opinions, and ask questions after I finish talking."


"Okay, I'll talk about my plan." I cleared my throat, and then said: "The Celestial Court all immortals want to improve their strength. Apart from absorbing Power of Faith, there are two remaining ways. One is Comprehend Heavenly Dao’s self-cultivation. The second is to strengthen it with Immortal Pill. This comprehension Heavenly Dao talks about perception, perseverance, and luck. We have nothing to do with those things, but Immortal Pill is made by you, and this thing can be controlled. "

"However, each furnace of Immortal Pill of this deity needs careful care. It takes a long time, not to mention, the amount of each furnace cannot be too much. In this case, how do you want us to change? "

"Yes. Supreme Taoist, your pill concocting is indeed time-consuming and laborious, and the output is not high, understandable, but if there are more people to help with the practice?"

"How many more people "" Supreme Taoist asked rhetorically: "You don't think that this Immortal Pill can be practiced by an individual? Besides, even if is this Venerable, it also requires my old monarch furnace and this civil martial flame array to produce 9 by 9 at once. , 81 Immortal Pills, and only three or five of them are high grade, most of them are low grade. If there is no such Laojun furnace and the civil and military flame array outside, I am afraid that three or five Immortal Pills each time is the limit. This high grade Immortal Pill may not be one a hundred times!"

"I also thought about this. But...Immortal Pill may not be practiced by everyone, but it may not be only the old man. As long as the old man opens the door, I can choose the adventurer from the guild and the suitable talents from the aborigines to practice the pill technique. At first, they are definitely not better than the old man, but people will always grow. No, it doesn’t mean it won’t work in the future. As long as they can refine medicine pill, wouldn’t they make more money even if they have one more? Besides, under normal circumstances, adventurer learns things very quickly, I believe there will be someone soon You can make low-level medicine pill in large quantities. Although those are only low-level medicine pill, they are not as good as your high level Immortal Pill, but use It is always possible to make transaction equivalents. Besides, the low-level Immortal Pill is not completely useless to Celestial Court, right? "

"This makes some sense. But the talents are easy to cultivate, the pill furnace, the big array and the materials..."

"The pill furnace and the big array shouldn't be a problem. "I said: "Our chaos and order Divine Race is just a mix-up, in which Buddha, immortal, god, demons, demons, ghosts, and spirits are basically occupied except for witches. These Divine Races have brought some of their own refining and drawing array techniques, coupled with our guild’s scientific research capabilities, combining the strengths of all families to make up for each other, and come up with a refining pill furnace that meets or is close to Laojun’s furnace. Is it all right? As for the formation diagram, this is not even a problem. Our guild has a formation diagram expert. You have also seen the mobile angel. The application of the formation diagram is not worse than that of Celestial Court, right? "

Speaking of here, Supreme Taoist also nodded and said: "Indeed, the mobile angel you made is a bit nondescript, but I have to admit that the production and application level of its formation diagram has surpassed After using Celestial Court's technology, many of the ideas are really unimaginable, but they are also very effective. I really can't figure it out! "

Of course, Supreme Taoist can’t figure it out. In the mobile angel is the magic array, which only borrows a little from the fairy talisman's technology, and the main part is the magic array of the Western Divine Race. This entire system It’s not the same. It’s weird that Supreme Taoist can understand it.

Jade Emperor suddenly interjected: “I’m not worried about the level of the crafting array. The key is that the materials needed for the pill concocting How to do? The novice pill concocting is bound to have a lot of waste, Heaven and Earth Treasure is not enough, how can so many medicine ingredients give you a waste of practice? If there are so many medicine ingredients, I have already let the fairies learn the refining by themselves, so why wait until now? "

"This...I don't know if the Jade Emperor ever heard of something called-urinary element? "

"I've heard it before, but that thing will seriously affect the quality of Heaven and Earth Treasure, and the output has gone up, but this medicine efficacy..."

"It doesn't matter. "I said directly: "Heaven and Earth Treasure's reproductive ability is not bad, but the growth environment is demanding. There are very few adults. We can collect seedlings to artificially simulate the growth environment to help grow, and then use oxygen to accelerate maturity, and then give birth. Although the quality of the Heaven and Earth Treasure is very poor, it is not a problem to use it to practice hands for newcomers, right? Even if the medicine efficacy and the yield rate are reduced because of this, we don't mind Frost Rose League. Even if a medicine pill only adds a little attribute point, it is also useful to us. "

"You said this is indeed feasible, but if this is the case, the scale of this cooperation is quite large! "

"Do you mind the large scale?" "

"Of course not. "

" Then it's over. We will set up a special training organization. Our guild will be responsible for the selection and transportation of personnel trained in pill concocting. The materials, equipment and other related expenses required for teaching will be paid by our Frost Rose League. Celestial Court only needs to use technology and teaching personnel. The way to participate in cooperation, that is, the pill concocting technology is provided by Celestial Court, and the teacher is also in charge of Celestial Court. We jointly run a pill concocting training school, which can be divided into crash courses and long-term courses. The long-term class is for the aboriginals, and the crash class is responsible for educating those adventurers, which is the most efficient. "

"This, after the pill concocting personnel are trained, how should the medicine pill be allocated? "Jade Emperor asked.

"I have thought about this question. First, we convert the materials provided by each, that is, the Heaven and Earth Treasure used in refining medicine pill, and calculate it according to the value of medicine pill. Then, after the medicine pill is completed, we first clean up our respective material consumption, that is, you provide Return the medicine pill of the equivalent amount of materials, so that the material fee is settled. "

"In this material cost, do different materials have to be priced separately?" "

"Of course. For example, what kind of Spirit Ginseng you provide at Celestial Court, we provide the same kind of ginseng, the price of course can’t be calculated in the same way, it’s much cheaper. "

"Oh, that's fine. "

I nodded and said: "Then the net profit is left after the material cost is cleared, and the net profit will be calculated based on our previous investment. "

"What do you think is the better allocation of quotas for our Celestial Court's technology and your guild's resource input?" "

"I think it's like this... We divide the accounts by six to four. Celestial Court Six, our guild four. "

Jade Emperor hesitated for a while after hearing my proposal, then turned around and called a few other Divine Immortal together and calculated there for a while before turning around to me nodded and said: "Yes, We agree to your distribution plan. "

"Since you also agree with this plan, let me raise a detailed question. "

"You said. "

"Immortal Pill refining is necessarily impossible to be low-level pill, even if it is an apprentice, there are so many people, and occasionally one or two high level Immortal Pills will be produced if they are not uniform, am I right? "

Supreme Taoist nodded and said: "Indeed, this Immortal Pill refining has no fixed number. Unexpected things are common. Therefore, so many apprentices will pill concocting together, and some high level medicine pill will inevitably come out occasionally. "

After Supreme Taoist finished speaking, I nodded and said, "That's good. Since high level medicine pill may appear in this medicine pill, I think the distribution of this high level medicine pill cannot be calculated according to the quantity, but according to the previously agreed ratio. "

"What does this mean? "

"In other words, high level medicine pill cannot be converted according to the proportion. For example, you Celestial Court do not want low-level medicine pill, and decide how much low-level medicine pill you sacrifice. Don't take away all high-level medicine pill. . After the high level pill is produced, it will accumulate. After five pill is enough, the three of you will be divided into two. If you want the high level pill in our hands, you can also, let's talk about it separately. The details of how to buy and sell and how to exchange are all other things, and have nothing to do with this cooperative production. Do you agree with this point? "

Jade Emperor thought for a while and said: "Yes, this is not a big problem. "

"Then you have any comments to put forward quickly, otherwise we will come in accordance with this charter. "

"It should be fine, even if there are minor problems, the general direction is set. "

"Well, now that this cooperative project has been finalized, let's talk about the Power of Faith transaction. "

"Yes, yes, this is the key. Tell me about your Power of Faith's plan to deal with it? "

"I plan to use this Immortal Pill to trade. Exchange Immortal Pill with Power of Faith, but since Power of Faith is almost impossible for you to get from other than us, I hope that the Immortal Pill you provide can also have the same characteristics. "

"Do you mean...? "

"I want a high level Immortal Pill, the kind of very high level, don't inferior goods. "

"What is the concept of very high level? "

"Increase the basic attribute, or increase proportionally, or add a certain characteristic of Immortal Pill. "

Jade Emperor thought for a moment and looked towards Supreme Taoist, and Supreme Taoist thought for a while and said: "Since it is an exchange of Power of Faith, it is also possible to use high level Immortal Pill. It's just the quantity you want..."

"I know, it can't be too much. The high level Immortal Pill itself is also very important to you, so impossible is provided to us in large quantities. So, how many high level Immortal Pill do you think a pot of Power of Faith looks like just now? "

Jade Emperor thought for a while and said, "How about one can for three?" "

When I heard this number, my brows frowned, and the Jade Emperor quickly said: "no no no, three are a little too few, then four, oh no, five." Is it okay to change one can for five? "

I deliberately held the shelf there and thought for a while, then nodded and said: "Okay, five is five. "

"Then I wish us a happy cooperation. "Jade Emperor said enthusiastically: "Five high level Immortal Pills for a bottle of Power of Faith, so it's decided. "

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