After the Jade Emperor had absorbed these Power of Faith, I waited for his answer, and the Jade Emperor had been brewing for a long time before slowing down and asking: "This price Wait a minute, I just want to ask first, did you have any special circumstances in the process of collecting Power of Faith?"

Waiting to discuss the price with Jade Emperor, I didn’t know how to hear this. This problem made me a little unfathomable mystery. "Then what... the special situation you mentioned, what kind of special method is this probably?"

Jade Emperor also said in a very embarrassed manner: "If I know the special method, I won't ask you. . Anyway, it’s a very unusual thing."

When I heard Jade Emperor’s question, I began to wonder, and then I carefully recalled whether there were any problems with our guild’s Power of Faith collection process, but I wanted to come. There seems to be nothing wrong with wanting to go. "Um... I really can't remember what's wrong. This... I want to know what is wrong with you, so you ask me such a question? Could it be the Power of Faith provided by our guild? There is a problem?"

"No no no, it is not a problem, but it feels different from the Power of Faith we absorbed before."

"Huh? Different? Why not Is it the same way?"

Jade Emperor thought for a while and said, "You also know that for our Divine Race, the Power of Faith is similar to food, and we are absorbing the Power of Faith. It will also have the same pleasure as you eat, and even have a taste-like effect. Different people produce Power of Faith. The taste is different. Some people are religious, some are hypocritical, some are grateful for happiness, and some People are cursed for despair. This will produce Power of Faith, but the taste is completely different."

"Then what is the taste of the Power of Faith I brought?"

"The problem lies here." Jade Emperor frowned: "I can't taste the taste of this at all. It feels like a person's life's feelings are concentrated together. To be honest, it's that place. Sometimes the Power of Faith collected from the dead souls has this taste, but most of the dead souls in the underworld produce very little Power of Faith, and they are generally the taste of plea, which is a mixture of all the emotions of a lifetime. The taste is really rare. Not only is your taste very strong, but you also have a special taste that is different from the general taste. I can't say what it feels like. Anyway, it makes people want to cry and laugh. It will be moved for a while. I want to cry, I want to laugh for a while, I want to cry for a while, I want to cry for a while, and then I want to laugh again, it feels special! I really don’t know how to describe this feeling. ."

"Then is this taste good or not?"

"Good. This is a good taste. You also know that the immortal cultivator of the Celestial Court is true, And this way is divided into three, six or nine grades, among which the most Supreme is the Dao. The so-called Dao is ruthless, which is a natural general feeling. If we can realize the true meaning of the Dao, then our emotions will naturally disappear, but we After all, it also needs to exist. A creature, if he is truly integrated with the Heavenly Dao Avenue, then he will lose himself. At this time, he will be the strongest, no one is invincible, but he will not be an enemy. , Because at this time his feelings have completely disappeared, or that the creature actually doesn't exist anymore. If you scold him, he won't be angry; if you hit him, he won't hurt. Even if you kill his parents and adulterate his wife and daughter in front of him, he will not have any reaction, because Heavenly Dao is natural, and naturally there is no subjective consciousness. He moves only because of the rules, and will not change a single bit because of anything. This is the great way. Although we at Immortal Court are building this avenue, we take the power from it, and we don’t want to make ourselves part of the avenue. To preserve oneself in the cultivation, the experience of Seven Emotions and Six Desires is essential. Ruthless means nothing. If you don’t want to be fused with the Dao, you have to be sentient, but if you are truly sentient, you will easily be desperate and ruin your path of cultivation. This is where Heart Demon is. "

Supreme Taoist took over from Jade Emperor and said: "Because our immortal dao repairs the avenue, we need Seven Emotions and Six Desires but not much, so our best way is from this Power of Faith Kind of extracting emotions. "

"In other words, for you, the more emotionally rich the Power of Faith, the more useful it is? "I guessed and asked.

Jade Emperor explained: "It's not that the more it is, the more useful it is. It can only be said that feelings are like salt in a meal. Without it, it is bland and tasteless, and the salt itself is also a necessary substance you need. This kind of feeling of Power of Faith is the same as salt for us. It is something we must have. If we only absorb Power of Faith, which has no feelings at all, we will soon lose ourselves. However, within a period of time, there will be a situation of soaring strength, but people will become more and more lazy to move, and finally you will be completely integrated with Heaven and Earth. At this time, you are no longer an independent individual, but a part of Heaven and Earth. . So we cannot absorb Power of Faith without feelings, even if it will increase the speed of our strength, but it is also a very dangerous behavior. In addition, it is not the same as you eat salt. Although salt is something you need, it’s not good to put too much, but the feelings in Power of Faith have no upper limit for us, but the amount we need is actually not high, but the feeling of Power of Faith is rich. It can make us eat more comfortably and feel more refreshed, but it has no practical meaning for the cultivation base or something. "

I nodded and said: "I understand. That is, in Power of Faith, there must be emotion, but only a little bit is enough, and the extra emotion can make you feel that the taste of Power of Faith is better, and it is the more the better. "

"That's pretty much what it means. "Jade Emperor said: "The inner emotional concentration of the Power of Faith you provided is almost ten times the concentration of the Power of Faith collected by ourselves. It feels really exciting when it is absorbed. I think that if it is this kind of Power of Faith, it can be used to help us accelerate the growth of our strength. "

"Speed ​​up? "

"Yes, it can indeed be speeded up. As long as we first absorb those Power of Faith that have no emotions, then we will enter the Heavenly Dao fusion state. At this time, our growth rate will increase, but this state is very dangerous. Normally, once we enter this state, we are not saved. But the Power of Faith you provided has a very high emotional concentration. As long as someone is watching when we are cultivation, after our growth rate increases, once we find that the situation is not right, we will immediately replace the Power of Faith with this high-density emotional power. , We will immediately regain our sanity because of the realization of human feelings. This can speed up the cultivation speed in disguise. It can also prevent accidents. "

"Sounds good, but why did you tell me this? Are you afraid that I will increase the price because of this? "

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