After finalizing the details, the transaction between us and Celestial Court is set for the time being. As for the loss caused by so close, yet worlds apart, Celestial Court finally did not follow My idea is to compensate my Immortal Pill, but to directly compensate the magic crystal. That is to say, except for the Immortal Pill, which was exchanged for the "death" of the few players, the others are compensated with magic crystals, and they are nearly 1,000 tons of magic crystals.

"Damn, these Divine Immortal are really cruel. They compensate me for so many magic crystals. They don’t even have a delivery company. The watermelon seller on the roadside also gave me two plastic bags!" I complained. While pouring out magic crystal in the energy center of Isengard Mobile Fortress. This means that I have room for phoenix and dragons, so don’t expect to bring back so many magic crystals in one go. Normally, even a fleet of things is not enough. You must know that this is a magic crystal of nearly a thousand tons, and it is as big as a hill when piled up, and a smaller ship can't fit it.

The rose laughed while counting the magic crystals and said: "Okay, so many magic crystals can be retrieved, then it will be the same as the white ones, which is not bad. Oh, right, what you said What kind of training school how to arrange things? You don’t seem to mean just planning to build a training school, right?"

"Training school? Am I going to do that for that?"

Hearing what I said, Rose immediately leaned forward and arched me with her shoulders: "You really have something to do. Tell me what you think? I at first thought you might have learned other people's skills secretly. Do it alone, but then I think it’s not right."

"Oh, how do you know that I am not going to do it alone?"

Rose stretched out two fingers and said: 1. The impossible relationship between us and Celestial Court is one day and two days. The root of our Frost Rose League is here. Unless one day we can shake the Celestial Court head-on, otherwise, we will be impossible and truly tear our face with Celestial Court. "

I nodded with a smile and asked: "You are right, what about the second one?"

"The second one is that Celestial Court has a very strong technical strength. , We can't finish it in a short time, and even if we learn all the techniques of making Pill Recipe noodles, Celestial Court still has many other good things. Just for this one technique, we will give up the others. It is a bit of a loss of watermelon picking sesame seeds. The feeling."

"Are you the roundworm in my stomach? I thought about it all?"

"Then you talk about all your ideas?" Rose moved toward the core of power. Zhong Filling asked.

I sat on the shelf next to me and watched the rose filling there, and explained: "Actually, you guessed it is roughly correct. I really intend to go it alone, but I didn't kick Celestial blatantly. Court does it alone. I mean that when our people learn to pill concocting, we will be abroad, and we will set up a pill concocting center in a place that is not reachable within the sphere of influence of the Celestial Court, and then we will secretly pill concocting ourselves. This Immortal After Pill is refined, we don’t want to use it on a large scale, but only circulate it in a small area, and only increase the strength of the most important group of players in our guild. It is not open to ordinary members. As for the pill concocting at Celestial Court The center, that is operating as the main business project, so that Celestial Court can also reap some benefits."

"It's that simple?"

"It's not simple. You think. We are. Secretly doing it alone, so that we can get extra Immortal Pill, we can no longer be suppressed by the Celestial Court, and our strength will increase much faster. In addition, we secretly pill concocting, Celestial Court does not know that we are doing it alone, so we The cooperation between them can be maintained. Celestial Court has tasted the sweetness here. We will propose other things for cooperation in the future, and it will not be difficult to continue to use Celestial Court's technology."

Rose nodded and said : "There is some truth to it, but what about other aspects? It's not just such a trick, right?"

"Of course it won't be just such a trick. I discussed with the Celestial Court before that the Immortal was made. Pill needs to remove the cost of the materials provided by both parties first, that is, to remove the cost. The high-end materials provided by Celestial Court have a high unit price, but we have plant players, and the most important thing is that there are such as Polsephone Goddess of Spring is here. As long as we use all the available methods, we can inevitably spawn these Heaven and Earth Treasures in large quantities and at a high speed. Even if medicine efficacy will decline, but we cannot do one-to-one, we will be ten to one, 100 Right, anyway, we have an absolute quantitative advantage, and we can completely suppress the materials over there. In other words, we actually want to take the bulk of the output of Immortal Pill, because our materials are much more than them. So, Don't watch them take it The process profit is actually fake. In fact, how much Immortal Pill they get is under our control. As long as we pay a little attention to the control of the medicine ingredient, we can basically achieve how much Immortal Pill we want to get the Celestial Court. How many Immortal Pills can they get. "

Rose nodded and said: "Not bad, the plan is reasonable. Oh, right. You mentioned before that you need to practice a pill furnace and a magic array. Have you figured out how to solve this? "

"I have already thought about this. Just go to Woma directly. "

"Why did you ask Woma for making a pill furnace?" They are mechanical engineers, not blacksmiths! "

"You don't have to worry about this, I will fix it anyway. Alright, magic crystals are all here, you sort them slowly, I'll go first. "

Leave Rose and a few financial players in the guild together with Rose to screen the magic crystal that I poured out, and we left Isinger first. I ran to the steel city.

The current steel city and when it was first built, it can be said that the whip of Heaven and Earth turning upside down occurred. The original steel city was only a huge under the ground There is a huge steel jungle in between. The original steel of our guild came from this.

At that time, the steel city only had underground buildings, and there was nothing on the ground. However, after passing After years of development, the current steel city not only has a huge Dao Body system and mining system below the ground, but also a large heavy industry area on the ground. The current steel city is the heavy industry base of our Frost Rose League. It is the core of our manufacturing industry. The guild’s high-end battle strength-flying battleship and mobile angels are all completed here to complete most of the parts manufacturing and final assembly. It can be said that this is our economic lifeline.

< p>After transmitting to the steel city, I first went from the underground Transmission Formation to the ground. In the past, the steel city only had things underground, but now the ground and underground are all buildings, and they are very dense.

When exiting the ground exit of the Steel City, the first thing you see is a place that looks like a shipyard assembling a dock. There are huge self-propelled Dragon Sect cranes everywhere, steel materials and various tracks laid across the floor. Countless NPCs Workers are busy up and down on various huge equipment under the guidance of players. If there are not many devil beasts around to help work, this picture is simply a modern production site is rushing to produce something, it doesn’t look like it at all. It’s in a magical environment like this in the game.

In fact, Steel City is basically the least magical place in the entire game. Most of the things in this place are steel equipment, various The huge metal forms the skeleton of the steel city. Although most of the products produced are magic equipment, anyway, just looking at the appearance, these things are very similar to the products of technological flow.

On top of his head, three huge Dragon Sect cranes are slowly moving, and below them a larger hull is being hoisted and moved as a whole. This thing now looks like a section of a ship, but because it has not yet been assembled , So I can’t tell which section it is. However, from this section, the ship should be very big.

"President, why are you here? What's matter? "I was looking at the huge Dragon Sect moving slowly above my head in a daze, and suddenly I heard Christina's voice.

"Huh? Why are you here? "I looked at Kristina in surprise.

Kristina is the high-end battle strength of our guild, but she is definitely not a technical talent. She is really a very strange thing here.< /p>

Christina was not surprised by my question, but said with a smile: "It was Woma who asked me to help. "She said, pointing to the top of her head. "Have you seen it?" Just serve this thing. "

"When did you learn how to make a battleship?" "

"It's not manufacturing, it's helping, and it's the job of building tools. "Kristina said: "You also know that such a large spaceship cannot be cast in one piece, so welding is required. However, there is no electric welding machine in the game. Although there is a magic fusion device, that thing is a waste of energy. If you use that thing for welding, the final cost is really scary. "

"So what? "

"So Woma went to talk to Sister Rose. Sister Rose patted the table and said that we can't use the blender at all. Let's change to magician. "

"Use magician as a welding machine? "

"When the Fire Element magician reaches the high level, there will be a small game-like ability called melting, which is to melt the metal, but not to make it liquid, but to keep the gel half way The state of melting and not melting. "

" Then use this thing for welding? "

Kristina nodded and said: "This semi-melted molten state requires a high degree of magic control. It is a good way for mage players to train magic control. For now, There are not many players who say that our guild’s mage player can do this. Now we are all players who can do this and some players who will be able to do it soon. Their task here is to use their own technology to help spaceship complete the welding, and those players who are about to do this and those mage players who can already do it can use this method to improve their skills, which is a kind of Leveling in disguise. "

"The rose really saves money! "

"Everyone has no loss anyway. It can save money, complete the work, and level up by the way. It doesn't hurt everyone, isn't it? "

"That said. "

"By the way, what are you doing here, President?" "

"Oh, when I was interrupted by you, I almost forgot about business. "

"On business? "

"Where's Woma? I am looking for something to her. "

"I was still here just now. I don't know where I went. If it doesn't work, you can use the radio to shout. It's not far anyway. "

"That can only be the case. "

Finally, after using the broadcast method of tracing people, my manager met Woma, but unfortunately she hadn't had time to say hello to me when she just arrived, but my communication suddenly rang.

"Hey, what's the matter? "

"Chairman, this is a communication from Masaga Matsumoto. "Military God said.

"Take it over. "

"President. "Matsumoto Masaka's voice appeared in my newsletter for an instant, and then he yelled without waiting for me to speak, "President, come over!" "

"What's the matter? "

"Something happened. "The major event is out!" "As soon as Matsumoto's voice fell, I heard August Kazuo's voice shouting in the communication.

"What the hell is going on with you?" What are you all called? Why do I listen to the roar of monsters in the communication? What are you doing? "

"Boss, we are playing rare beast, you can come over and help, there will be no chance to play again! "

"What the hell is going on?" "

"I have no time to tell you now, we..." The voice was suddenly replaced by a violent gasp in the middle of the speech, and then I heard a series of loud noises, it felt like something was falling. Then there was the howling of monster again, and then suddenly it became blind, but before I could ask what was going on, the communication suddenly went through again, and then the voice of Ying Yu Shen Chi appeared on the channel. "President. Come help! Masaka Matsumoto’s communication headset was broken, and now my communicator is connecting. "

"Okay, I won't ask what's going on. Tell me the location. and also. Can I appear there now as me? "

"No problem, this is a closed map, not connected to the outside. "

"That's good. Tell me the place. "

"The military god knows the location, let him bring you over. Be fast! "

"Okay, I'll be as soon as possible. "

As I said, I turned around and shouted to Kristina: "Kristina, come with me. Military god, pick me up gold coin and Zhenhong. I have something to do and go out to work. "

"The personnel have been notified in advance and are currently on their way. "Military god at a moderate pace said: "I have restored the incident based on the simple conversations of Masaka Matsumoto and the others. Would you like to listen? "

"Of course. "I said as I ran.

"It's like this. "The military god said: "The information on my side is not very complete, just some guesses in their dialogue. From these conversations, I can roughly analyze that there seems to be some Japanese players who are angry because of the eight-pointed snake. They seem to be ready to do something against the eight-pointed snake. "

"That means Masaka Matsumoto's persuasion action did not take effect? "

"It's not that it didn't take effect, but it didn't take effect in time. These people began to plan after the videos were released. Matsumoto and the others did not have time to show any effect, so they couldn't stop them. "

"And then? "

"Then, fortunately, Masaga Matsumoto and the others knew about this in advance, and it seemed that someone had informed him. Then Masaga Matsumoto went to solve this problem. "

"How did you solve the problem of "rare beast"? "

"It's like this. There was nothing wrong with this, but in order to deal with the eight-headed snake, they planned to use a special map of Japan to frame the eight-headed snake. They set up some decoys. Anyway, the content of the dialogue is not clear about these. In short, they set up a game, which is to trick the Baqi Orochi into that, and then they have a special way to let the monster in there treat Baqi. The Orochi as the target was to fight him to the death, so that he could injure the Eight-Different Orochi. "

I nodded and said: "Okay, now the monster has it, but why did they attack Matsumoto Masaga? "

"When Masaga-kun Matsumoto arrived there, he met an informer, and the informer was one of those people. He didn't seem to want to implement this plan, but his companions were unwilling. Then the two sides quarreled during Matsumoto this Monarch's dissuasion, and the result was that the space was accidentally activated and Matsumoto Masaka was pulled in, along with those people. I was also sucked in together. At that time, Masaka Matsumoto was worried that the people he brought were too many to irritate each other. After all, he was trying to discourage, not fighting, so he left all his entourages on the periphery and did not let them come close together. On the contrary, this arrangement prevented the individual people in these entourages from being sucked into that space. Then these people saw the process of Matsumoto's recruitment. After that, they went back to report the letter, and then August Xun and Sakurayu Shinhina went there. Rescue, all of them were trapped inside and couldn't get out. But they are still smart, they brought a space communication repeater when they entered, and finally established a connection with me. "

"It's not complicated. So, how much information do you have about the monster in that place? "

"As for the location of the monster, I have very little information here, and most of them were collected by the remaining players in the guild from Matsumoto and the others. It is said that the place is called the Valley of Brutal Beasts. The inside is a compressed space. It looks like a small valley from the outside. In fact, there is a universe inside, and the space inside is said to be very large. "

"It is said? So someone has been in before? "

"Yes. Went in, but hung back. "

"Does it come in or out? "

"The current record is like this. It is said that many players nearby tried to challenge, but the people who entered were all hanging back. The monster inside was at least three thousand level up, and the number was not one or two, but appeared in groups. "

I nodded and said: "It's reasonable to say that. Those people are expecting to use this place to frame the eight-pointed snake. If the monster inside is too weak, it will be useless even if the eight-pointed snake enters. However, there are all three thousand-level monsters running up, and if they appear in groups, they can indeed pose a threat to the eight-pointed snake. "

"Unfortunately, it is not Yaqi Orochi who are trapped now, but Matsumoto Masaga and the others! "Kristina heard the explanation from the military god next to me.

"Okay, we already know the general situation of the matter, and now we must hurry to save people. Masaga Matsumoto and the others finally got the body of Divine Race. Once they die once, this attribute is really gone. We can't let them die here. We keep their Divine Race body and it will be of great use! "

"That said. "Kristina and the others had forgotten about their Divine Race body before, and they realized what I was so nervous about when I said it. If it is normal, even if it is trapped, as long as it can hang back, it will be fine. What can't be beat. Although it is not a good thing to say that it is not a good thing to lose level or anything, it is really not a big thing to lose Level 1, so there is no need to be so nervous about this matter. The reason why I am really nervous is their Divine Race Attribute, we did not hesitate to waste a lava bomb and lost several spaceships in order to hide it from the sky and let the eight-headed snakes think that Matsumoto's Divine Race body disappeared? But this time in case they really did. Hang up once, and the body of the Divine Race really disappeared. Then, our previous cover-ups and efforts weren't all in vain?

"Boss, we are here. "I was talking to Christina here, and suddenly I saw Zhenhong and gold coin riding the gold coin foxes rushing.

I saw the two of them immediately beckoned:" Go directly to Transmission Formation, we go to Fulcrum City. "

"Okay. "

All the way to the transnational Transmission Formation, and then sent to the semi-ruined Fulcrum City, and then a few of us changed into the long spear and flew up. There is a living navigation satellite of the military god in the air, and it can be directly Find the target location accurately.

Fortunately, Japan is not big, and the flying speed of the long spear is fast enough. It didn’t take long for us to reach the valley. This place has now been left by Masaga Matsumoto The personnel of the company were completely sealed off, and the purpose was to prevent unrelated personnel from entering and making trouble. Now Matsumoto and the others can barely protect themselves in it, but once someone who doesn’t cooperate well goes in to help, it might really happen. Something might happen.

"Damn, there are three floors and three floors, how are we going to get in? "Zhen Hong asked in surprise when she saw the guards outside.

I looked at the guards nearby, and then suddenly eyes shined. "Haha, you really deserve to be a professional spy. Everyone is invisible, come with me. "

Although I don’t know what I mean, everyone obediently followed me invisible, and then rushed along my flight path. Then, in everyone’s surprised eyes, we had no effect. The guard flew directly over the heads of the guards, and those guards looked up suspiciously just because they felt the airflow on their faces. In fact, the anti-stealth array has been placed on this line of defense just now. This is The high level is necessary for the line of defense, but we came here safely. This is because there is a gap in the anti-stealth line on that line. This gap is also marked next to it, using the marking method of our guild spies. Although hidden, I can tell at a glance.

After successfully crossing that line of defense, there is a narrow valley inside. Taniguchi is a Heaven's Line sandwiched by two cliffs, which is less than five meters wide. It's quite wide, but because the cliffs on both sides are high, it seems that the entrance is very narrow.

After the Heaven's Line, there is a very short passage. It’s only five or six meters away. From here you can see a small valley in the back. The scenery is good but the area is small. Even if all the ground is concentrated, the entire valley is not as big as a football field, and there is actually one third among them. Occupied by a lake.

"Hey, God of War, we have entered the valley, where are Masaga Matsumoto? "

"Have you seen the lake in front?" "

"I saw it. "

"Stand in front of the lake and look towards eleven o'clock. "

When we heard this, we looked towards that direction, and then found that there was a river connecting this lake over there. It seemed that the water of the lake came from the river over there.

The voice of the god of war sounded again. "Did you see that creek? "

"I saw it. what's wrong? "

"To the estuary, walk up along it, there will be a turn for fifty meters, and you can see a waterfall. Behind the waterfall is another world. "

"Water Curtain Cave? "

"It's almost the same thing. "

"Okay, I see. "

After cutting off the communication, we quickly ran over. None of the people present were ordinary persons. Everyone had a way of wading, and there was no use of mounts. We just ran over. Sure enough, and The military god said that there is a waterfall not far from turning the river mouth in front, but because the extension of the mountain here blocks the waterfall, it is not visible on the other side of the lake.

This waterfall is actually also It's not very big, the height is about ten meters, and the width can be as high as six meters.

"Said the military god is behind this? "Zhenhong asked.

I clicked: "It should be. We rushed in. "

"Okay. "Zhenhong was the first to agree, and was the first to rush up, and seeing her penetrate into the waterfall, we also rushed in.

We originally thought that we would meet after entering the waterfall. I saw a slippery passage, and then walked forward for a while to get to another space, but the result was different from what we thought. The waterfall itself seems to be a space barrier. When we broke into the waterfall here, immediately I rushed out from another waterfall, and then I found a large strange area with rugged rocks in front of me. This place is full of towering stone pillars, some even as high as hundreds of meters. These stone pillars can be seen to be different. The artificial building seems to have been eroded by water or wind. But there is no wind and water here, all you can see is green. This place is a bit like a tropical rain forest, with plants everywhere. Those. The stone pillars are all covered with green vines, and the spreading vine leaves make these stone pillars look like giant feather dusters.

From this stone forest to the front. It is a large area of ​​primitive forest, but at this time, the primitive forest here is a mess. There are chaotic trees and huge craters everywhere. It is obvious that this place looks like the battle has just finished.

< p>"Matsumoto Masaka, we are here, how about you guys? "I directly put my hands on my mouth and yelled at the front. As a result, as soon as I finished yelling, I heard a scream from far and near, "Ah..." which gradually became louder. The sound, and then suddenly slammed on a stone pillar in front of us. That stone pillar could not stand such a big impact on the spot all split up and in pieces, and then the person hit the ground in front of us again and again Bounced, and then in the air, I don’t know how many somersaults before being caught by the gold coin fox with a big tail.

"Matsumoto Masaka? Why are you doing this? "Gold coin was stunned after seeing the person caught by his pet.

Matsumoto Masaka did not answer our question, but pointed to the front and said intermittently: "Quick...go help. ...Fire Dragon...Ji Fire Dragon is going to die! "

I immediately turned my head and looked towards the direction from which Masaka Matsumoto was flying, and then regardless of the actual situation, I directly activated the Divine Domain integration, and the whole person was transformed in the next second."

As a stream of light, it flies out.

The two people, Ying Yu Shen Hina and August Xuan, used their weapons to hold up a huge turtle-shaped rare with rhino horns and no shells. beast, the claws of rare beast and the tortoise are not in the same proportion, the huge claws are gradually pressing downwards, trying to push the two people down, and behind them is the blazing Fire Dragon who is lying on the ground constantly vomiting blood. The individual's legs are now completely plunged into the ground, and the waist is about to be pressed in, but the monster doesn't mean to stop at all, it is clear that they are to be completely plunged into the ground before dealing with Chi Fire Dragon.< /p>

However, just as the monster watched the two little by little sinking into the ground with pride, suddenly a bright light flashed by in front of him, and Ying Yu Shen Hina and August Xun felt a sudden change in their hands. Light, and then the monster suddenly screamed backwards a backflip and flew directly out for more than a dozen meters away. Then he broke a piece of tree with a bang before it fell to the ground.

"Damn, you are What are you doing? "I looked back at the two people who had fallen into the ground, pulled them out of the ground one by one, and threw a reincarnation and rebirth onto Chi Fire Dragon. In the combined state, I can use the abilities of any familiars participating in the combination at will. So I can also use Xiaochun’s healing power, and the formidable power is much stronger than Xiaochun’s own use. After all, my own attributes in the combined state are much higher than Xiaochun’s own attributes.

"How about it? Are you okay? "

Fire Dragon Ji stood up from the ground with a support, and then said: "There was a lot of trouble just now, but it should be gone now." Boss, you use such a high level of magic. Will the monster come and fight? "

"Don't worry, it's just a monster. "

"Not one, but a group. "Sakurayu Shenchi said and pointed to my back, and then I realized something was wrong. As soon as I turned around, I saw that the forest in front was gradually being squeezed away, and then seven or eight weird heads appeared from behind those trees. /p>

"Damn, this place is a monster's den? "

"I feel so. "Ying Yu Shen Young said tremblingly.

"Boss. "I was guarding the monster in front of me. Zhen Hong suddenly ran over, and then immediately noticed the situation in front of me and hurried to the brakes. "Damn, what's the situation? "

"I feel like I fell into a rare beast concentration camp! "Matsumoto Masaka said. It seems that he has just been treated, and his face looks much better.

"This time it is extremely unlucky! "Christina sighed, who had just arrived.

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