"The current situation is like this." Rose explained: "The Japanese player just suffered a loss, the national sentiment was hurt, and then he was hurt by the insider of Yaqi Orochi. As a result, the mood of Japanese players has become very unstable. At this time, they need a channel to vent, and the eight-headed snake is like hitting the gun. However, we don’t want the Japanese civil war now, otherwise it will be against us. The benefit will be a huge loss. Therefore, we actually only need to find a breakthrough for Japanese players to prevent the outbreak of the Japanese Civil War. This is actually a huge gain for ourselves."

< p> "But based on this alone, we threw South Korea and North Korea together. Is this too much effort?" Hong Yue asked.

Rose nodded admits: "On this point, it is true that the pay is greater than the reward, but I have not finished it. This matter is not as simple as it seems." Rose continued: "The current South Korea is a You know what the situation is. On the one hand, they are clamoring to fight against Japan, and on the other hand, they are constantly swaying back and forth between China and Japan. Can you not see anything here?"

" That's it, what can you see?" Hong Yue asked.

"It can be seen that South Korea hates Japan on the one hand, and fears us on the other. They still want to maintain the status quo in the bones, so they are fickle and uncertain." I said.

Rose said with a smile: "Yes, so if we want a qualified thug, the best way is to push the Koreans to the edge of the cliff. One step back is the abyss of ten thousand zhang, Then they can only rush forward with us."

"So you plan to let Japanese players completely occupy the entire territory of South Korea?"

"Not the entire territory, but the Korean Peninsula The entire continent part of, but keep individual islands for the Koreans. Let them be on the brink of subjugation, but they will not completely perish."

"I seem to understand a little bit." Hong Yue said: " When the Japanese occupied the Korean peninsula, the Koreans were all driven to the island. The Japanese players definitely hope to take advantage of the victory, so they will continue to oppress the Koreans, and the Koreans are compressed on the island at this time. The battleship of our guild has become a decisive force in the defense of the island, and the defense of the island. Therefore, the Koreans must rely on our help. Under the threat of the sword of Chris, the Koreans had no choice but to give up their previous swinging attitude, either willing to be a dog for the Japanese, or obediently and honestly with us."

"You have One point is wrong." Rose said with a smile: "They can only follow us. The Japanese have no hope at all."

Matsumoto Masaga also smiled on the communicator side: "Yeah, yeah, don’t forget that I’m here. Koreans will surrender after being occupied, and most of them are looking for us to surrender? Onited nobunaga can’t represent Japanese players now. So as long as I say that Korea’s extermination is not acceptable They surrender, they will not even have a chance to surrender."

Hong Yue laughed at this time. "Yeah, how did I forget you. This matter is indeed your decision. The Koreans will either do it with us or be driven into the sea. There is no third way apart from these two."

< p>"So what about North Korea?" Masaka Matsumoto asked suddenly: "South Korea is easy to handle, how can North Korea do it?"

"I don't think North Korea needs to care too much." Somi said: "North Korea's national conditions Other countries are not the same. The number of online games in their countries is very low, even less than one-tenth of the world average, and there are more people playing games in the forests of Africa and South America. Therefore, almost all of North Korea’s game areas are It’s a no-man’s land, scattered players don’t need to manage."

Sakura Rain God youngster suddenly asked: "The North Koreans have very strong self-esteem. In case their land in the game is invaded by us, they What should I do if I went to China to protest in reality?"

"What are they protesting? Protest that the land in the game has been invaded by others? The game is originally a place for everyone to play, not allowing the invasion to play What? They really went to protest. I guess China won't pay attention to them at all."

"That's what I said." Ying Yu Shen Chi nodded and said.

Hong Yue said: "You don't have to worry about this. Anyway, your invasion is not our invasion. The North Koreans really come to protest, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs directly tells them that Japan is not under China's control."

Sakurayu Shinchan burst into laughter when he heard this: "hahahaha, I forgot this. Are we Japanese... Do they want to protest against us in Japan?"


After everyone laughed, I said to Rose again: "Your plan should have other purposes. Tell them all, listen to us, we can make a decision."

Roses nodded continued. "Actually, the benefits of occupying the Korean Peninsula are obvious. First, I found a channel for Japanese players to vent, so that the Japanese Civil War would not be able to fight, and a series of troubles caused by this can be bypassed. In addition, Japanese players The invasion of Korea can allow Korean players to stand on our side with thorough identification, and will no longer be half-hearted as before. This third benefit, after the occupation of the Korean peninsula, must be credited to Song this Monarch. We used to help Song This Monarch gains prestige. After all, it’s all vain. Japanese players don’t get any practical benefits. It won’t last long by that little vanity. So this time we will give them some practical benefits and let them taste the sweetness. It truly establishes the unshakable position of this Monarch in Japan."

Matsumoto was also excited when he heard this: "Yeah, yeah, if I can take them to occupy the Korean Peninsula, then all Japanese players will definitely support me enthusiastically. After all, this is the first real expansion of the territory, and it will definitely make our national sentiment unprecedentedly high."

"But this is the end of the game. After that, Japan and China will be directly connected to each other. The fighting will definitely not be able to stop from now on? How to deal with this?" August Xun asked.

“On this issue, it’s not as terrifying as expected.” Rose explained: “First of all, when Japan does occupy the Korean Peninsula, we and Song this Monarch can both use official status requirements. Suppress emotions in the country and don't rush to trigger war."

"This announcement is easy to send, but what excuse is it? Besides, if we send the announcement, people will listen to it?" Hong Yue asked.

"We don't need everyone to listen, as long as most people listen." Rose said: "On the Chinese side, we can take over the original border between China and North Korea by ourselves, just in the name of guarding the country. This is definitely justified. After all, we are the strongest guild in the country and the ruling guild, so we take over defense as it should be by rights. Then, after we take over defense, we can notify domestic players by persuasion The battle sequence of our guild is all organized. If foreigners appear on the battlefield, not only will it not help us, but it may also disrupt our operations. This is very detrimental to our border defense. We After such persuasion, normal guilds and individual players will no longer rush to each other. As for those who occasionally run past who have to fight...let them fight. How much loss can a battle between individual players cause? What's more, if they continue to fight like this, they have invested too much. After fighting for a period of time, they will have to level up and buy money to repair equipment. These investments are enough for them to toss, so the actual conflict will not be too frequent and it will not affect our overall situation. You can also vent the national sentiment of both sides."

"How do we promote this?" Matsumoto Masaka asked.

Rose thought for a while and said: "In Japan, you said that the current Frost Rose League is too strong, and there is no benefit to playing against us, and then you can split the news in two ways."

"What does it mean to distribute news in two ways?" August Yuexun asked suspiciously.

Rose explained: "The two ways are divided into on the surface news and secret news, that is, grapevine news. First of all, you can open news on the surface publicly, and say that it is our Frost Rose. The alliance is not to be trifled with, so I want to wait for the Russians to act with you, so that the two sides will attack us together, so that there is a chance of winning. Otherwise, the attack will not be profitable, and it may be pushed back. The Japanese players have a hard time. Occupying the Korean Peninsula, I think no one wants to be driven back?"

Nodded Matsumoto Masaka said: "This is true. But how to release the secret information?"

"The gossip is not the same as the big reason. It doesn’t need to be so bright, as long as it sounds realistic enough. You can quietly release the news, saying that you are actually waiting for the Russians to do it with us first, and then you see If you start with the situation, you can invade Russia first if necessary, and not move China for the time being."

"Invade Russia first?" This time it was almost the four of Matsumoto Masaga and August Kaoru who called together. .

"What are you doing so loudly?" Rose said: "Don't think of Russia in the game together with reality. They don’t have Divine Race in the game anymore. Although your Japanese Divine Race power It's also a tough one, but at any rate the shelf is always there? This is the first advantage. The second advantage is that Russia is vast and sparsely populated, unlike China, which has a lot of people. Therefore, Russia's local defense forces are not as abnormal as ours. In addition, there is also a moral advantage that can take advantage of this eight-pointed snake incident."

"Why did you say it again?"

"Yes. It was originally for Did you plan to invade the Korean peninsula to solve the eight-pointed snake incident?" Rose said: "Well, you can quietly announce that the words of the eight-pointed snake are actually deliberately made by the Russians."

"Are they full to support?" Chi Fire Dragon Ji asked.

"No, this has practical benefits." Rose explained, "You think. That scene is what Baqi Orochi said when he was complaining, although it is very annoying after being made out. , But only someone can explain to them. I think Japanese players can still understand it. After all, everyone will complain. Sometimes our own complaints are too much. If we really want to use this to talk about it, the world has long been messed up. . The only misfortune of the Baqi Orochi is that this incident was photographed. You can use this for publicity, just say that the Russians did it, and they deliberately used this complaint to provoke the Japanese civil war."

"Will they benefit from our civil war?"

"Of course, they have no direct benefits in your civil war, but they can get indirect benefits. You think. In your civil war, domestic forces will inevitably be chaotic, even if you don't consider battle. The problem of strength decline, just a loss of unified scheduling is enough to make you weak. At this time, our Chinese players must intervene. When the time comes, we must be unable to stop it, and because there is no For good reasons, our guild must also follow to Japan. Is it that Japan is now suffering, if we do not take action, some people in the country will inevitably gossip about us. In this way, the Japanese civil war will evolve into a Sino-Japanese war, and it will bring us All of his powers have been transferred to Japan."

Rose said that Matsumoto Masaga suddenly reacted. "I understand. At this time, China's domestic military strength is empty, and the Russians can replicate the last great invasion."

"Yes. So, the Russians provoked your civil war. Actually, it is against them. It’s good."

August Xun also reacted and said: "We only need to show this insider analysis to Japanese players, so that they will be dissatisfied with Russia, and then we only need to give some guidance. , The previous gossip has become more credible. And in order to complete our plan, the Japanese players who heard this gossip will definitely not mess with us anymore, but will continue to help us to complete this first The plan to fight Russia."

"So, as long as you release these two news, you can then wait for the war with the Russians."

Hong Yue also said here: "Yeah. This means that China and Japan have joined forces to invade Russia. Haha, it is time for Russia to have a taste of both sides."

I am also on the side. I thought about it and said: "When the time comes, we can invade Russia from Mongolia. If we don’t go the same way with you, both sides can contain some Russian players, and then fight in the oh la la territory. Because Russia has already There is no place for Divine Race, so don’t worry about the involvement of the local Divine Race. As long as you defeat the Russian player, it means the occupation is successful. When the time comes Once our two territories expand again, then whether it is a Chinese player or a Japanese player will not I have an opinion."

"Actually, I think I can bring Koreans to play with." Su Mi said next to him: "Anyway, they are almost out of land, so we told them to invade Russia by helping them. Just grab the territory. In this way, Korean players will inevitably fight hard in order to obtain a new and safe homeland, which can further reduce the intensity of our battle."

"Ai, it's a pity that they are not Ashford. The axis of evil back then." Hong Yue sighed aside.

"What do you mean?" Masaga Matsumoto asked in surprise: "Aren't you trying to bring Germany in for a world war?"

"Not anymore, in the middle It's still separated by two countries." I said: "Those things are a bit far away, everyone don't go wrong. Let's think about this plan. As long as we can guide it correctly, not only can we solve the problem of the eight-different snakes, but also by the way. Let the Japanese players’ attention away from our country, and then we can really put Japan on the road to help us fight."

"The way is a good way, but I feel that the plan is huge, I am very I'm worried that we won't be able to play!" August Xun said worriedly.

"The plan is indeed a bit bigger, but you don’t need to worry about this. Just focus on the instability factors."

"The instability factors? What do you say? Is it the Eight-Different Snake?" Ying Yu Shen Chi asked.

"In addition to him, there are Americans." I said: "The guilds in the United States have been so quiet these days. I always feel that this is not in line with their habits, so I guess they must I am also planning something. But this is just a guess, and there is no direct evidence, so I don’t need to worry about it for the time being. The other one is of course the Eight-Different Snake, this guy really needs to pay attention. His behavior is really unpredictable."

Actually, the character of Baqi Orochi is quite terrible. We can imagine Baqi Orochi as an old bastard, the kind of hooligan when he was young, but now it has become an old fogey state. On the one hand, because I am older and more senior, I have some abilities in all aspects. But on the other hand, he is a bastard after all, has no culture, no background, and doesn't understand anything, so this way of doing things is sometimes not like a mature old man, but rather like a youngster. Acting impulsively, without considering the consequences, and not knowing how to deal with the aftermath when something happens, is completely flabbergasted.

When I was in China back then, if Baqi Oro had a little bit of quality and didn't require so much elegance, as long as he could maintain the basics of dealing with people, he wouldn't be driven to Japan. To put it bluntly, the Baqi Orochi is a down-and-out Divine Race. Although he seems to be of high status and strong, in fact, he is nothing. As long as it is Divine Race, few can see him directly.

"We can stare at him on the Baqi Orochi, but there is nothing we can do on the American side." August Xun said.

I nodded and said: "You don’t need to worry about the U.S. It just so happens that our super wizard city in South America has been completed, so we have a large base in America. Future penetration and reconnaissance in the U.S. will be easy. A lot."

"Boss, there is one more thing to pay attention to." Masaka Matsumoto said: "Although we can keep an eye on the eight-headed snake, it can only be limited to tracking and monitoring. He wants to be true. What are we going to do, we’re afraid we can’t stop him?"

"You don’t have to worry about this. You can use the general trend to suppress him, and use the collective interests of Japanese players to suppress him. I don’t think Baqi Orochi will really fight against all Japanese players."

"We know, but I’m afraid he gets nervous. We can’t control him. President, your special item for the eight-different snake is also broken, and now his martial power simply has no one to suppress, I’m very worried in case..."

" Let’s not talk about this matter for now. Now that the Baqi Orochi has come up with such a thing, I think if he has the brain, he at least knows to be quiet for a while. As for the suppression of the Baqi Orochi, we have two steps."

"How to divide?"

When I heard Matsumoto's question, I suddenly smiled: "You are already Divine Race now, right?"

Matsumoto, nodded, puzzled Asked: "Does this have anything to do?"

"Of course it does." Rose said: "Divine Race players are different from ordinary players. In addition to upgrades, they can also pass Absorbing Power of Faith is directly converted into attribute points. Our guild now has too much Power of Faith to digest. How many attributes you can get depends entirely on the speed at which you digest Power of Faith, you...understand?"< /p>

Matsumoto Masaga and the others laughed when they heard this. After all, everyone would be excited to get such a convenient way to improve their strength. Besides, the speed of this Divine Race's ability to improve is very terrifying, at least much faster than ordinary players.

"Power of Faith, we will send it to you as soon as possible. If the Baqi Orochi gets mad again, you can always stop it a little bit. As for my equipment, I will go back to Celestial Court and ask later. See if it can be fixed."

"I hope it can." Masaga Matsumoto said with some worry: "When it comes to Power of Faith, we have the Eight-Different Orochi, and we may not be him faster than the absorption rate. Opponents, so our side is at best temporarily suppressed. It is unrealistic to rely on us to completely restrict the eight-headed snake."

"I know this. I didn't expect you to completely suppress it. Live in the eight-headed snake." I said here suddenly: "By the way, Matsumoto Masaka, August Kaoru, Sakura Rain God Hina, Blazing Fire Dragon Hime, what is the divine force on the four of you like?"

"What is it like?"

"It's an attribute...it feels...anyway, just describe it as much as possible."

"It feels nothing, it's just a kind of energy. It's a bit like Berserker's madness, but it doesn't lose your mind. What's wrong? President, do you plan to mass-produce Divine Race units?"

"For the time being Without the ability, I just ask." I interrupted them as I said, "Okay, the plan is set for the time being. You can fix the Japanese players first, and I will talk about other things later. I have to Go to Celestial Court to find them to settle the account."

"Understood. Boss, this time I will get more land!" Matsumoto and the others said jokingly and then closed the communication.

Actually, what Matsumoto Masakah said is correct. I really plan to go to Celestial Court this time to settle accounts.

At the beginning, Supreme Taoist and Jade Emperor talked about the sky-flowers, and told me that this so close, yet worlds apart can trap the Eight-Different Big Snake, but the result? All our plans were made around this so close, yet worlds apart, but in the end this thing collapsed. The other aspects of our guild’s battle strength are more powerful, plus the initial assault is good, otherwise if so close, yet worlds apart, the outside battle has not been determined when it collapses, then we will add the eight-headed snake afterwards. With a strong battle strength, it is still uncertain who will win the battle after that.

This so close, yet worlds apart of Celestial Court has made us take such a big risk. What if we don’t ask for compensation? Celestial Court also has a warranty.

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