Just after Chi Fire Dragon Hime hugged Poseidon, Hades and Xinghuo were in front of them again, but Matsumoto Masaka’s side was a silhouette. Shin, the last few people who followed Masaka Matsumoto also rushed up, and then one person hugged another and entangled one after another. One of them was still there and shouted mournfully: "Matsumoto this Monarch, go! God bless Black. Dragon will!"

In order to gain popularity, Masaga Matsumoto is also desperate this time. He just squeezed a string of tears from the corner of his eye, and then showed an imposing manner press forward that coexists with grief and excitement, rushing past the companions who hugged the Divine Race of our guild, and finally rushed to the point where he was completely gone. In front of the potbelly battleship that came over.

Just when Matsumoto Masaka arrived in front of the battleship, the battleship had already completed its turn, and the muzzle in front of it had begun to shine with rays of light that gathered energy. Obviously, this thing is about to fire. However, Masaga Matsumoto finally rushed to the front of the battleship in time in the worrying waiting of the Japanese players below. A huge light blade that appeared suddenly stretched forward along the light Divine Sword in Matsumoto's hand, and then it was swung along with Matsumoto's body and flew directly in from the muzzle of the battleship.

The muzzle that was flashing suddenly went out after swallowing Masaka Matsumoto, and then the muzzle of the battleship spewed out a few fires, and the whole battleship began to spray everywhere. The fire continued to explode. Accompanied by the sound of metal distortion and a loud explosion sound, a huge Fireball suddenly rose up in the middle of the battleship, and at the same time the battleship's main keel could not withstand the damage and broke apart. The battleship that had lost its support disintegrated into two large pieces in the air, with a large number of finely divided pieces in between and fell to the ground with billowing smoke.

"Oh..." The cheers were made almost at the same time that the battleship fell to the ground. Afterwards, the men of Masaka Matsumoto who hugged our guild Divine Race were shot down to the ground, but there were still Some people successfully separated from the Divine Race they were trapped in, and then they took advantage of the chaos caused by the battleship falling to the ground on our side and killed several other battleships.

At this time, it is all self-interested. Because the real Japanese players who were loyal to Masaga Matsumoto were scammed ahead of time, it is our people who are fighting fiercely here. Because they are their own, it is much more convenient to act in conjunction with each other.

We pretended that there was a brief chaos due to the crash of the battleship, and they rushed to the battleship that had been notified to them in advance. In fact, these battles are nothing but empty shells, and all the things that can be dismantled inside have just been dismantled, and now they are left for them to smash.

The remaining personnel who rushed into our fleet "take advantage of the chaos" quickly became entangled with our battleship. One of our battleships pretended to be impatient and used the main gun strikes to move up. Fire Dragon Ji, as a result, Fire Dragon Ji turned sideways and let go of the cannonball. The super-caliber artillery shells fired by the five-unit battery pierced the sky and hit our own battleship on the opposite side of the battlefield. Then the bow of this battleship was tilted in the explosion and directly hit another battleship on our side. , The two ships began to fall to the ground in an instant, and soon fell to the ground and exploded violently.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the strong light generated by the explosions of the two battleships to obscure the sky, Masaka Matsumoto, who had just fallen to the ground and "dead", and several others quickly disappeared in place using the teleport stone, and the rest of the personnel also The battleship quickly wounded several other targets and began to rush towards the battleship further behind.

Seeing that our Divine Race players are so vigorous, the Japanese players below almost broke their voices. They cheered excitedly, but the joy did not last long.

Isinger Mobile Fortress suddenly moved again. It slowly moved to the top of Mount Fuji, which had previously become a large pit, and then opened a small circular door at the bottom. Along with the pu' sound light sound, a bullet-shaped object slid out of the pipe, but immediately after leaving the Isengard Mobile Fortress, the object opened a winglet like an electric fan blade. Because of the action of these spiral winglets, the bullet-like object began to spin in the air, and the speed is getting faster and faster. However, the same should be due to the aerodynamic principle of the winglet. Unhappy.

Although the bullet-like thing fell quite slowly, after releasing this thing, our personnel rushed back together as if rushing to reincarnate. Those who were alone rushed to the nearby battleships that could still fly, and those battleships desperately flew toward Isinger's mobile fortress. Before the Japanese players had time to react, all those battleships and personnel rushed into the Isengard Mobile Fortress, and the protective shield outside Isengard Mobile Fortress opened instantly and showed an abnormal light blue. .

"Not good, they are going to run!" I don't know who yelled this way, but everyone basically noticed the situation. They just paid attention to what they were going to do, but they couldn't do anything.

As the protective position was fully opened, an unstable blue halo suddenly appeared around Isengard Mobile Fortress, and the halo flashed suddenly, and the entire Isengard Mobile Fortress instantly collapsed toward the center. , Disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Leave aside where Isinger Mobile Fortress went, the remaining Japanese players on the scene panicked. Although the current situation is still unclear, people with a little bit of mind will immediately know that the situation is not good after such analysis.

First of all, Isengard’s mobile fortress threw something down. The second is that this thing has a delay design, which means that no matter what the thing is, at least we don't want it to start too fast. Third, under the premise of having a strategic advantage, we ran away in a hurry after dropping the thing, and we did not hesitate to waste precious magic crystals directly.

All of this, can't it explain what the problem is?

"Quick flash, that thing must be a super bomb." The quick-reacting person quickly understood it, and when he heard the shout, he understood. So the people calling the scene began to flee frantically. Those who can use Transmission Scroll use Transmission Scroll. Those who don’t have a scroll can run by themselves. Anyway, they can run as far as they can. Even the astonishingly defensive mobile fortress of Isengard was scared away, they didn't think their small body could block the next thing.

In the process of many players escaping, the gang of Fire Dragon Ji did not run directly. Among the remaining people, a group of people will die according to plan, so Chi Fire Dragon Ji began to stand up as the leader and announced that others would protect the team below to go first, and she herself would take the lead. Take the remaining people to snipe the thing that is still falling. This kind of behavior can actually be regarded as choose honor over life, of course, the main reason is to find a convenient reason for suspended animation.

The following Japanese players immediately understood their intentions when they discovered their actions, so many people in the team were moved to tears, but they couldn’t stop now, otherwise they would be disappointed. Sacrifice, so these people speed up desperately while tearing in their eyes.

The Japanese players below are running fast, and Fire Dragon Ji and the remaining players who should be "dead" are not slow. They quickly reached the object that was still falling and pretended to attack it, acting as if they were about to destroy the thing, but they were actually waiting for it to activate.

In fact, this item that is falling is not a standard bomb. Our guild does have this weapon, but this one has been temporarily changed. The warhead of this normal bomb is a drill, which will continue to rotate and descend after landing, and then be embedded deep in the earth's crust. Then the multi-layer composite magic array composed of magic crystal and fire drill inside will be activated, and then An artificial Fire Element well was created under the ground. Because this Fire Element well is deeply embedded in the earth's crust, it will cause a volcanic eruption in 99% of the cases. Don't forget that the world in "Zero" is a rather unstable thing, and the underground lava activity is far more exaggerated than in reality.

When this Fire Element well is formed, it is equivalent to a lava highway built between the lava layer and the surface, and of course there will be volcanic eruptions and major earthquakes.

Because this weapon is a super weapon for attacking the crust plates, the formidable power is very large. If you drop this thing in the city center, it is absolutely no problem to turn the city into a volcanic crater. So this thing can actually be used as a weapon against the city.

Although the formidable power of this thing is very large, it is just like other huge might weapons. For the sake of balance, all huge might weapons must have high cost and super danger. sex. The danger of this thing is reasonable, because the design is reasonable, and the probability of malfunctioning self-destruct is minimal, but this thing is really not cheap. Those composite magic arrays are fortunate to say, after all, we have a magic array printer, so the cost is not high. Although magic crystal is not cheap, but considering that our guild has a large number of magic crystal veins, the cost is still within the acceptable range.

The most unbearable thing is the fire drill. This thing is going to make the Fire Element deep well, so it needs a lot of Fire Element. Even if we use the magic of magic crystal to transform the Fire Element, there is always a guide component in the magic array, and it also needs a Fire Element well startup structure. There is no way to replace this part with a magic crystal, you can only use real fire diamonds, which is what players call rubies. In fact, the name of the ruby ​​defined on the system panel is the fire diamond, and I also have one of this thing.

As a kind of magic gem, fire diamonds can be inlaid on equipment to increase equipment attributes. Of course, there is a limit to the number of inlays, but the advantage is that as long as the inlay holes are made, the gems can be exchanged at will. In other words, if you find a broken ruby ​​inlaid today, you can pry the original gem off and install the flawless ruby ​​someday. As long as the attributes of the gems are the same, the player can change them without even going to the blacksmith shop. Even if you bring a ruby ​​today and pick up an emerald someday, if you want to change it, just go to the magician association to find a professional formation diagram teacher to change the interface of the mosaic magic array.

In short, each series of gems is a very practical auxiliary equipment. They have a wide range of uses and great effects. At the same time, they are accompanied by the characteristics of extremely low output.

After understanding the characteristics of each series of gemstones, it is not difficult to estimate the value of this thing. It has a wide range of uses and great effects, so the demand is huge, and the output of this gadget is low, so the price starts to soar. What's worse, there are still requirements for the fire drill used by the super bomb that can cause volcanic eruptions. The low-level ones are not good. You can only use the two levels of fire drills, perfect or flawless, and these two levels of fire drills are the two highest levels of fire drills. Fire diamonds are very precious in the first place, and they have the highest level of existence, so the price will naturally go up. Moreover, the more critical issue is that the use of fire drills for this kind of bomb is a one-time use. After the bomb is activated, the fire drill will be completely consumed, and there is no way to reuse it, so basically every bomb is a sky-high price.

Although this bomb is not exaggerated in terms of the damage it can cause, its unit price is not exaggerated, but after all, it is tens of millions of pieces. Imposing, generally don't dare to throw this thing around. It's not like a nuclear weapon to be tied up with the heart core or the end of the world, it's just that it can't be played. It's okay to scare people, occasionally throwing one can act as a deterrent. If it is used as a conventional weapon, then we are probably not far from bankruptcy.

The above are only the characteristics of the standard specifications of the volcanic bomb, but today this is a temporary modification, the basic function is the same, but the one third fire drill has been removed to reduce the cost. This is mainly due to the fact that this place is now where Mount Fuji was originally located, and there is a small circle of volcanic craters around it. That is to say, the lava here is very close to the ground. There is no need to use such a large complete bomb. One third can save a lot of cost. In addition, besides the formidable power of this volcano bomb is a bit smaller, a fixed slot is temporarily added to its tail, and a daylight bomb with the delay device removed is installed in it.

This daylight bomb is actually a flares, but the formidable power is relatively large, and it can form a small sun in the sky. Basically, one shot can ensure that it is as bright as the day in a radius of more than ten kilometers within ten minutes. Of course, that is the normal version of the daylight bomb, and this time it is installed without a delay system, which means that it is impossible to burn in the sky for ten minutes, but it will be finished in an instant. Because it erupts too fast, the flares directly become flash bombs, and its action time is about ten seconds. During this time, if you face its direction, even if you close your eyes, your eyes will be short-lived. Blindness, and within these ten seconds, skin tissues exposed to the air without armor protection will feel burning. From this you can imagine how bright this thing is.

The flash bomb on this thing is of course to conceal the fact that Chi Fire Dragon Ji and the others escaped. After all, the volcano bomb can only be detonated after burrowing into the ground. If Japanese players see Chi Fire Dragon Ji and others If you ran away halfway, you could just wear it. So we added a flash bomb to make everyone lose their eyesight within ten seconds, so that Chi Fire Dragon can easily escape. As for how to explain the fact that they disappeared after ten seconds... Actually, there is no need to worry about this, because the volcano will detonate after ten seconds. When the time comes, the volcano erupts. Japanese players probably don’t care about anything other than running away. . Moreover, even if someone looked back, they would think it was Chi Fire Dragon Ji that they had sacrificed, and would never think that they actually ran away.

In the wild rush of unknown Japanese players, the pre-made flash bomb exploded as scheduled, and the already prepared Fire Dragon Ji everyone immediately activated the teleportation stone and left the explosion center in a flash of light. This teleportation stone is a transmission item different from Transmission Scroll. Compared with Transmission Scroll, this thing is closer to Transmission Formation, so it can be transmitted quickly without having to prepare as long as Transmission Scroll. Of course, while this thing has the advantages of transmission distance, transmission speed and transmission accuracy, it also has the defects of high unit price and not easy to obtain, and this thing is also a one-time item like Transmission Scroll, and it will be used up. Fragmentation, so the cost is quite high.

Here, Fire Dragon, Ji and the others have just successfully disappeared. Before the surrounding glare disappeared, the Japanese players heard a loud noise. When they took away the palm of their eyes, they felt that the light was no longer dazzling. When I suddenly looked back, I just happened to see a huge lava column with a diameter of several kilometers and a height of several kilometers rising into the sky.

Although the lava bomb just reduced the formidable power, the formidable power of the lava bomb is not directly related to its own energy. The real function of the lava bomb is to cause volcanic eruptions, and the specific formidable power depends on the volcanic activity in the area. If the lava bomb is dropped in a place where there is no lava layer at all, it may not happen in the end, and if it is in a densely volcanic area like Mt.

"Run, run, don't even look at it, run!" A few quick-reacting people in the back of the team shouted loudly, and the others turned and ran as if they had just awakened from a dream. Such a large lava column is impossible to fly into space. The flying lava will eventually fall down, and when these things go up the direction is very uniform, but when they come down, it may not be necessary. Japanese players live in Japan, a country of volcanoes, and are really familiar with lava. They know very well that once this huge lava column runs out of kinetic energy and starts to fall, what awaits them will be lava missiles flying all over the sky, and the only thing they can do is run quickly. As long as you can get out of the coverage before the lava bomb falls, it's fine. And if you can't get out... it's not necessarily a death. Although the falling lava bombs are dense, they will not baptism all the places, and there will always be some gaps. So in theory, even if you stand still, you might be unscathed in the end. It's just that no one dares to try their luck at this time. Moreover, even if you can't run out of the coverage area, as long as you stay away from some volcanic craters, the probability of being hit will be relatively reduced. After all, the main point of lava is still near the volcanic crater, and the farther the place is, the lower the density.

The desperate flight of the Japanese players finally played a role. The lava flow that was shot into the sky was shocking when it finally fell, but because the Japanese players ran in a timely manner, the casualties were also lost. not very big. This number of casualties was not a big surprise because we had predicted it a long time ago. However, there was something surprising at the scene, that is, the Mount Fuji, where we planted a lava bomb, turned into a big volcano again.

Originally, Mount Fuji was the only volcano in Mount Fuji, but due to our previous attack, Mount Fuji was completely destroyed and turned into a large crater, and then a small volcano formed around the original Fuji volcanic crater. . However, because our lava bomb reopened a volcanic crater at the original location of Mount Fuji, and this volcanic crater shattered the surrounding small volcanoes during the eruption, so now these small volcanoes and the newly opened volcanic channel in the center It merges into a huge lotus-shaped volcanic crater. The diameter of this volcanic crater has exceeded seven kilometers, which is several times larger than the original Fuji volcanic crater. Moreover, because the crust itself in this area is not very stable, the undead’s lava bombs are shot too deep into the ground at one time. , So that when the lava erupted, it also pushed the ground nearby. As a result, instead of disappearing, Mount Fuji has expanded by N times more than before we came. Of course, although the area has expanded, Japanese players will definitely not be able to come back to play in a short period of time, because the Fuji Mountain is basically a world of lava, with high temperature lava everywhere, and most people start to buckle as long as they get a little closer to this area. Blood, if you want to move normally inside, don't even think about it without a set of super high fire resistance equipment. Entering is also a barbecue.

We don't care much about the changes in Japan, because at this time our side is also in a mess.

The battle is indeed over, but the problem is a lot of trouble after the war. The first thing that needs to be solved is those flying battleships. This experiment proved that many imaginary airship design schemes have huge flaws, so these airships need to be rebuilt and reformed. Of course, what will be rebuilt afterwards will not be the chaotic battleship group now, but a selected, most reasonable and practical battleship group, and this series of flying battleships may be mass-produced. However, this is only an intention at present, and has not been finalized. What we need to do now is to dismantle all the battleships that have just returned. Although none of these battleships was actually sunk in this battle, in fact, every one of them had big or small problems. Moreover, only a small part of this is caused by the enemy, and most of the problems are caused by various faults caused by unreasonable design.

For these battleship issues, we threw all of its last hand to Woma to deal with. As for the issue of resources, Rose has given the green light and asked the god of war to allocate supplies to Woma at any time to study the flight. battleship use.

Although there were many problems with these flying battleships in this battle, these things played a big role in general. Especially the powerful firepower delivery ability of the flying battleship has been fully proved, otherwise Rose is also impossible to make Woma toss casually, after all, Rose is still very strict with the bank's fund management.

Because the scientific and technical personnel on Isengard’s side are busy flying the battleship problem, so all the problems of the mobile angels have to be transferred to the new continent floating island to deal with, but I don’t need to worry about this aspect. Anyway, there are enough technicians in the guild, so I don’t care about this.

Although I don’t need to take care of these technical matters, there are still other aspects that need to be handled by me personally on time. The first is the post-war summary meeting. This thing went on very quickly, but the things were very complicated, so you need to use your brains to remember them carefully. Everyone, you can explain the things clearly, and then the military god records and organizes the unified information. , Finally, give us a feedback, suggesting which areas have not been done well, which areas are worthy of development and so on. After this matter was over, most of the guild leaders left, and then we contacted Masaga Matsumoto.

It's almost as busy as the guild, and Masaga Matsumoto and the others have just gotten off. Because this battle was very dynamic, coupled with their eye-catching performance by Masaga Matsumoto and the last inaction of the Yaqi Orochi, the Japanese players suffered a great psychological blow. What's even stranger is that Baqi Orochi didn't know which of the tendons got the wrong thread, and even ran out to make a statement. Originally, the status of Baqi Orochi is higher than that of the players. After all, they are Divine Race, so if he doesn't say anything, the Japanese players will at most talk and complain. Or Ba Qi Da Snake can explain what his various behaviors are motivated. With a little modification, his behavior this time is at best understood as a decision-making error, without causing too much negative emotions. But the problem is that Baqi Dashou Xiudou ran out of his head and issued a strongly worded statement. The content basically said that he was Divine Race, so his will is absolute. Players can only follow him and assist him. In addition to his words, there is no meaning to be wrong at all. Instead, it implies that the Japanese player group, especially Masaga Matsumoto, did not do well this time, and hoped that they would take the initiative to realize their mistakes and make an apology.

Although the player's status in the game is lower than Divine Race, it is based on the premise of peaceful coexistence. Players enter the game to play, not to be a henchman for others. Normally hehe haha, everyone respects the gods, pats flattery, mixes good equipment, good missions, nothing, but Divine Race you can't do it against the players. Of course, what this says is that Divine Race can't fight against the player community. If it just bullies certain players, it's okay.

However, Baqi Orochi offended most of the players in Japan this time. What he meant was that the players in Japan didn’t work hard enough, and this time because the Japanese players didn’t work hard enough, This led to his huge loss to the eight-pointed snake, and he hopes that the Japanese players can compensate him for this loss or apologize.

You said that if Japanese players admire powerhouse, they are not completely ill-tempered. Hearing such obviously unreasonable remarks, who is not angry? So, now the Japanese side has almost become a porridge. Matsumoto and the others have been busy calming down the situation after they came back, so that our side has just been free after a lot of things have been handled by Isinger.

"How did the statement of the eight-headed snake come out?" I frowned and asked after listening to Matsumoto's report.

"I don't know." Masaka Matsumoto answered very quickly. "Since we came back, we have been busy pacifying the players on our side. Before, many players outside almost gathered to rush into the nest of the eight-headed snake. If we didn't try our best to stop it, this would cause civil war on our side. It’s coming!"

"So serious?" Rose asked in surprise: "The Baqi Orochi impossible sound transmission to players all over Japan at the same time. There is always a channel for this thing to be distributed, right? I know it was the Yaqi Orochi deliberately. That said, someone leaked the anger of the eight-headed snake?"

"It shouldn't be intentional." August Xun said, "Although the character of the eight-headed snake is like a bastard, it has no upper rank. The kind of aura and wisdom of the writer, but he is not a complete fool. This kind of thing is obviously offensive. Even if the eight-headed snake is short-circuited, I think it is impossible to say such a thing."

"Then how are you sure that these words are the words of the eight-headed snake?"

"Because of this." Ying Yu Shen Chou held a crystal ball and said: "This is what we did after we came back. The crystal ball I arrived, this thing is now spread everywhere, and it’s all copied between players. The primordial crystal ball should have come from Guishou Nobunaga, but it doesn’t matter how it was made. I'm clear."

"It means that Baqi Orochi just complained casually when he felt uncomfortable for a while, but it was recorded by someone unfortunately, and it was sent out again, right?" Hong Yue asked.

Matsumoto Masaga nodded and said: "We think that 80% is also the reason, but no matter why the Baqi Orochi said this, as long as he said it and was heard, what is his responsibility? I can’t run away. To be honest, if it weren’t for worrying about the civil war in Japan, the situation would be uncontrollable. I would like to go find a big snake and do it!"

"This thing must be suppressed. Staying, don't let Japan mess up." Rose reminded immediately after listening to Matsumoto's words.

Masaga Matsumoto is also nodded and said: "Of course I know this, otherwise we will not be so busy. But public opinion cannot be violated! Now almost all players in Japan have shown to Yaqi Orochi. Strong dissatisfaction, at least a little bit of a fire from it, and it is estimated that even if it breaks out afterwards!"

Rose frowned: "Because the Baqi Orochi said to counterattack China before, we have already made the domestic preparations in advance. After preparing for the battle, everyone was prepared for the eight-different snake and the snake was not moving, which made our country quite unstable now. Many people are now gearing up and waiting for a battle. If there is a civil unrest in Japan at this time, news It must be unstoppable. Once domestic players know this, they must be clamoring to fight back to Japan, when the time comes, we will not stop it or not."

Su Mei On one side he added: "What's more terrible is that all the people in China have gone to Japan, and there is no one to guard against Russia. And now the battle strength on the Japanese side is equal to our reserve battle strength, if this is the same as the domestic players The occurrence of internal friction is definitely a huge loss for us, and it is a loss without the slightest profit."

"It seems that the problem is really serious." August Xun exclaimed.

"I don't care how things come out now, the key is how to suppress this thing." Masaka Matsumoto said: "We can only persuade and appease, and try to let us control Japanese players. Don’t be impulsive, but there are still a lot of scattered Japanese players gathering on the Baqi Orochi. Although many people do not have a clear purpose, they probably have opinions on the Baqi Orochi, and subconsciously hope to find the Baqi Orochi theory. . It’s just that so many people gathered to Baqi Orochi, when the time comes, when the hearted person incited a little, this problem can be big!"

"Wait, wait." Su Mei suddenly stopped. "You said, let's drag one side into the water and divert the attention of Japanese players a little bit?"

"Tell me."

Sumi explained: "Look. Now. The situation is like this. Japanese players are now furious at the behavior of Yaqi Orochi, but this is just an emotional vent. Because we raided Mount Fuji this time, it caused a high psychological negative emotion to Japanese players. This This emotion could have been slowly faded over time, but now there is the eight-pointed snake, so this emotion has found a channel for venting."

"This We know. What you mean is to find another catharsis channel for Japanese players to vent, but what can attract their attention? Can't you really let them counterattack China?" Hong Yue asked.

Sumi shook her head and said, "There is no need to attack ourselves. I think this catharsis target can choose Russia or South Korea."

"Russia and South Korea?" I asked in surprise: "You don't want Japan to occupy the entire Korean peninsula?"

"Actually, I have such a meaning." Su Mi admitted.

"Let Japan occupy the Korean peninsula?" Rose raised her cheeks and frowned there after thinking for a while. Nodded and said: "Speaking of which, it does have a certain operability."< /p>

"Eh? What do you two think?" Hong Yue asked in surprise, "Without the Korean Peninsula, we are not equal to directly bordering Japan? Wouldn't it be more difficult to control in the future?" /p>

"no no no, this is different." Rose said: "We have limited control over Japan, not complete control, so the necessary friction is still necessary. As for the Korean Peninsula For Japan...I have other ideas in it."

"Tell me, what do you think?" I was also quite curious watching Rose and Su Mi waiting for their explanation. To be honest, I can think of a little bit of this plan, but I don't always feel that I fully understand it, so I decided to listen to their explanations. If it is indeed feasible, then I might as well give it a try.

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