"Hey, isn't this the president of Purple Moon? I heard that you went to Japan, why did you come back so soon?"

Here as the Celestial Court My regulars, the Four Great Heavenly Kings of South Heaven Gate, are all familiar with me. Seeing me suddenly appear in the Transmission Formation outside South Heaven Gate, the four of them greeted me immediately.

I didn't mean to respond to the enthusiasm of Four Great Heavenly Kings at all. Instead, I walked in angrily and said, "You're upright, don't talk to me."

Four Great Heavenly Kings, who is passionate about sticking cold ass, saw that my expression was wrong and didn't say anything, so he opened the door and let me in. Anyway, I can't beat me, and it's useless to stop it. Besides, I don't need to stop when I enter Celestial Court.

Just after entering South Heaven Gate, I plan to find someone to ask if Supreme Taoist is in Dust Palace, but think about it, it seems that you can’t find Supreme Taoist, because so close, yet worlds apart is considered Supreme Taoist Manufactured, if I go to Supreme Taoist intuitively, then it is equivalent to direct communication between the buyer and the seller. This should be considered private. But Supreme Taoist is a member of Celestial Court, so if Supreme Taoist is personally responsible for this matter, the compensation will definitely be a big discount. So I think it's better to be public.

After making up my mind, I didn't ask anyone to ask about the location of Supreme Taoist, but went straight to Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace and passed. I didn't expect luck in coming over this time. I happened to have a meeting in the Celestial Court. This saved me looking for people one by one.

This Celestial Court is in a meeting. Of course, people won’t come in casually, even if everyone knows me in Celestial Court, it’s not alright, so I was stopped by the two-day general just as soon as I got on the stairs. Down.

Although I don’t know these two heavenly generals, I know that although these two are not well-known, their strength is definitely a very exaggerated type. If you really want to fight Four Great Heavenly Kings, it may not be necessary to bundle them together. I have passed the weaker one of them, and if the two join forces, it is estimated that even Li Jing will not be able to make three moves.

Don’t think that all the celebrities can be played in Celestial Court. In fact, true experts generally do not show the mountains and not revealing the water. The Southern Sea bodyguards are great. When did you see people calling me expert? Therefore, the two guards of Celestial Court are definitely the existence of secret expert type, the kind of explosive battle strength.

Since people’s strength lies there, then I have to give them a little face, otherwise it’s me who is really embarrassed and shameless. Of course, if you don't go in, you can't go back in. I didn't plan to stay here honestly.

"Hey, Jade Emperor, Jade Emperor, I want to sue, I want to avenge my grievances, please let me in!" I stood outside the Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace and shouted to the inside.

This Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace is the building of Immortal World, which is different from the building on the ground. Said it is a great hall, I think it is more like a pavilion. In fact, the Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace does not have four walls. It only has a roof and pillars. There is only a railing on the edge of the base and no walls at all. Because of this unobstructed architectural feature, I let out a roar, and I heard it immediately.

Jade Emperor, who was discussing things, was shocked when he heard my shout, and almost threw Jade Ruyi in his hand. Slightly angry, he said to Taibai Jinxing, "Let’s see what’s going on."

Taibai Jinxing ran out quickly, and then he didn’t ask about the situation after seeing me, so he would just block. The two experts who held me, then dragged me in and asked the same question as Four Great Heavenly Kings.

Celestial Court is now very strict on the movement of our guilds. It can be said that there is a bit of trouble on our side. They all know that something as big as Isengard Mobile Fortress suddenly left. Of course they are impossible. do not know. Of course, this is limited to public information. We don’t want Celestial Court to know. Celestial Court may not know it. At least they don’t know the source of our Power of Faith now. Otherwise, Divine Race’s desire for Power of Faith is estimated. The illegal operation has long forced us to hand it over.

I didn't directly answer Taibai Jinxing's words. Anyway, I have to say it again after going to the palace, so I just simply said that I was here for this. Taibai nodded said that he understood, and didn't ask any more, he led me directly into the great hall, and then stood aside after returning to the Jade Emperor.

Jade Emperor saw me standing there and immediately asked the same question as Taibai Jinxing just now. At the end, he asked: "You don't fight well in Japan. Why are you running here to develop your nerves?"


"I'm not nervous, but angry." As I said, I waved directly to Taibai Jinxing. Taibai Jinxing was puzzled for a moment, then glanced at the Jade Emperor and saw that the other party was slightly nodded before I walked there. Come by my side.

"Purple Moon, what are you...?"

Before I finished asking Taibai Jinxing, I just stuffed a few pieces of golden into his hand, and said : "Present it."

Taibai Jinxing also saw so close, yet worlds apart at the beginning, but now it is broken like this, he didn't recognize it for a while, but thought it should be a Magical Artifact, after all, the material Posed there. But despite his doubts, he quickly sent the things up, anyway, this thing was not dangerous.

Jade Emperor took over the so close, yet worlds apart fragments submitted by Taibai Jinxing. After the fragments, they were the same as Taibai Jinxing. They did not understand the situation at all, and they were different from Taibai Jinxing. So close, yet worlds apart, but he has never even seen it.

Because I don’t know what I did for him, Jade Emperor asked directly: "What are you doing for me?"

"What are you doing? Of course it’s just to ask for an explanation. Now."

"What do you mean?"

I deliberately smiled, and then said: "Remember that the eight-headed snake was going to invade my Chinese land, and you promised to help me build one. Is this Magical Artifact used to resist the invasion of the Eight-Different Snakes?"

Although the Jade Emperor doesn't know this thing, people's brains are so good. Hearing what I said, he immediately screamed: "This is not the Magical Artifact, right? How come it broke? Is it because you went to Japan and ran into a big snake in battle this time...?" Jade Emperor said I didn't dare to continue talking here, because he suddenly thought of it. If this were the case, their guilt would be serious. Can you imagine what it would be like when a soldier fought desperately on the battlefield and found that all the weapons in his hand couldn't fire? If you don't understand, you can refer to the inner thoughts of the sailors of the Beiyang Navy when they found that the shells were full of sand during the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895.

As soon as Jade Emperor asked about it, Supreme Taoist who was standing on the other side immediately walked up a few steps and grabbed the thing and looked at it. Now he doesn't even care about etiquette. If this thing is really the so close, yet worlds apart he made, he doesn't dare to think about the consequences.

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