"Boss, we have been attacked by a large number of Japanese players!" I was chasing the last few Divine Race players, and suddenly I heard the voice of the king from the communication. come out.

"I see. Block them first. I'll wait until I kill the last few targets."

"But there are too many people, I don’t know how to intercept them. Huh?"

"I didn't let you kill all of you, just block it first. Wouldn't it be possible to block shooting?"


Chuangwang After receiving the order, the fleet was immediately released from the battlefield to block the Japanese players who came, and the artillery group on Isengard's mobile fortress also began to show off. These conventional weapons are not enough to deal with Divine Race, but they are still very good to deal with ordinary players.

"Boss. How do we call here?" I just cut off the communication from Chuangwang, and Matsumoto's communication came in again. His question and the question of Chuangwang are actually the same question, that is, how should the forces on both sides intervene in the battle to fight fiercely without causing any real losses.

Of course I had planned for Matsumoto Masaka’s question.

"Never mind those Japanese players, let them fight by themselves. You bring your usual obedient loyalty, and the elite team assigned to you by the guild to assault the eight-headed snake, I The military god will only make way for you with the strength of the guild, but this cannot be done too exaggerated. Anyway, you can just fight hard, don’t keep your hands, I will control the issue of scale."

"But what are we going to do when we rush to the eight-headed snake?"

When I heard Matsumoto's question, I immediately said with a smile: "Of course it was a profit in the past."< /p>

"Taking advantage?" Masaka Matsumoto didn't respond to my intentions for a while, but there were people who knew what was on the scene.

August Xun suddenly interrupted us and asked: "President, do you mean let us force Baqi Orochi to give us a strong Divine Transformation family attribute?"

August Xun Of course Matsumoto Masaga understood this sentence immediately. The current situation is obviously urgent for both parties. Baqi Orochi and Guishou Nobunaga are not only being crushed and beaten now, but they are already reaching their limit. Of course, the eight-headed snake is really going to give up and squander all the Power of Faith in his hand at one time, then we people are indeed not enough to kill. But the question is, does the Baqi Orochi dare to do that?

Because they dare not, Baqi Orochi and Guishou Nobunaga are now in a precarious state and need help very much. Compared to Baqi Orochi and Guishou Nobunaga, the situation on our side is actually not very good, and Baqi Orochi and Guishou Nobunaga are very aware of this. However, the more they understand the status quo, the more they hope to get help, because both sides are obviously approaching their limits, at this time any external force may cause the balance to tilt. Moreover, with the arrival of Masaga Matsumoto with a large number of Japanese players, the scale of war has now begun to tilt towards them, but the strength is obviously not so good.

If hope is slim, everyone will not worry about it. But now it's only a little bit overwhelming us, do you think it is possible for the eight-headed snake to give up easily? At this time, as long as Matsumoto Masaka and the others squeeze to the side of the eight-headed snake, and then just and honorable ask the eight-headed snake to help them strengthen into the body of the Divine Race on the grounds of the need for battle strength. There is absolutely no problem with this excuse. Yuqing, the eight-headed snake had clearly stated that he would cooperate with Masaga Matsumoto before, but in the end he secretly engaged in such a Divine Race enhancement operation with Nobunaga Onitou. This is basically tantamount to betraying Masaka Matsumoto and being arrested. Even if Yaqi Orochi's face can block an atomic bomb, there will always be some regrets at this time. Even if you don't care about emotional problems, it's reasonable, and it's inescapable. Now the battle conditions are tight, and both sides have reached their limits. As long as one side breaks out a little, it may immediately cause an avalanche effect, and Baqi Orochi is holding this condition in his hand. Logically speaking, strengthening Matsumoto Masaga now is undoubtedly the best way to win.

So, at this time, Masaga Matsumoto and the others asked the Eight-Divine Snake to help them strengthen into the Divine Race. This reasonable in every circumstance Eight-Divine Snake can't push it away. Of course, he can use the lack of time to strengthen on the battlefield as a reason to shirk, but this problem may not be solved by the eight-headed snake. After all, he should strengthen Matsumoto Masaga and the others. However, even if he is unreasonable and insists that he refuses to strengthen, then I have a trick to make Matsumoto Masaka and the others have to strengthen the Baqi Orochi.

This time, in order to deal with the Baqi Orochi and Nobunaga Oni Shou, our guild has consumed a huge amount of magic crystal, and the shells and mobile angels that were destroyed in the previous battles are all The crystal coins are piled up. I can't throw in these losses in vain. It's not my style not to get some interest back.

Matsumoto Masaga and August Kaoru were originally placed in Japan by me to control the players in Japan, and at the same time contain the actions of Onitou Nobunaga and Yaki Orochi. They have done very well before, and the effect has been shown a lot. It can be said that certain expected goals have been achieved. If it weren't for Baqi Orochi, who was born in a daze and made such a mess, our gains would definitely be huge. However, the situation is different now. Oni Shou Nobunaga was strengthened by the Eight-Divine Orochi to become a Divine Race, and the two guys are obviously getting closer and closer, so it's definitely not a problem to continue. In particular, the strengths of Masaka Matsumoto and Nobunaga Onite are not equal, which has a great influence on our plan. Masaka Matsumoto does not have my Godslayer attribute, so although his basic attribute is higher than Nobunaga Onishou, in the current state, the two are playing against him. Masaga Matsumoto is by no means an opponent of Nobunaga Onishou.

In a place where strength is respected in Japan, it is obviously impossible for Masaga Matsumoto to gain the support of players with a weak strength, not to mention the support of Nobunaga Oni Shou and the eight-pointed snake. Therefore, I need to fully squeeze the remaining value of the Yaqi Orochi, and let him strengthen Matsumoto Masaga and the others into Divine Race, so that Matsumoto Masaka and Onitou Nobunaga can return to the same starting line. Moreover, on the one hand, this move can strengthen our strength in Japan and make up for some of our losses in this battle. On the other hand, it can also consume some of the Power of Faith of the Eight Dispersion Orochi, which is also a good thing for us.

Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaun, who were instructed, immediately began to move to the side of the Yaqi Orochi, and the battle strength of our guild was created for them intentionally or unintentionally under the command of the military god Gap. Masaga Matsumoto and the others are already strong, and I told them not to keep their hands. Coupled with these intentionally created weaknesses and gaps, Masaga Matsumoto and the others quickly separated from the Japanese players behind. Come. Masaka Matsumoto took a few of his subordinates whom I assigned to him and some of his loyal loyalists in Japan plus Augustsuki. They were three. A group of people quickly broke through to a place less than two hundred meters away from Yaqi Osna. And because this side may be affected by the energy of the defense mother tree and the eight-pointed snake, there is no longer any battle strength of our guild.

Hiding in the distance, I saw Masaga Matsumoto succeeded in taking his place, and I immediately connected Masaga Matsumoto and their communicator to explain. What to say this time, it will take a bit of blood from the Baqi Orochi. It is not our Frost Rose League's habit to suffer a loss.

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