"Orochi, we are here, do you need help?" Masaka Matsumoto, who successfully rushed to the Ochi Ochi, immediately started talking to the Ochi Ochi using the method I just explained.

The Baqi Orochi who has been scorched by the attack of the defensive mother tree suddenly heard the voice of Masaka Matsumoto and immediately shouted excitedly: "Come here and help me block this damn beam."

"But we are only an ordinary person. This kind of attack is so difficult to block even a Divine Race like you. Wouldn't our strength go up and die one by one?"

I originally expected someone to help The Baqi Orochi who was trying to share the damage was stunned when he heard this, but after thinking about it, he said, "Then think of something else. If this goes on and let the Chinese defeat me, you all will follow. Unfortunately."

"But the big snake god, we are a mortal, we can't participate in this kind of confrontation at all!" How long can I last personally?"

Sakura Rain God Hina immediately followed up after August Xun said: "Otherwise, we should think of a way to connect Guishou Nobunaga and his few Change your subordinates? They have been strengthened by the big snake god to become Divine Race, which is more useful than us at this time."

"It makes sense." Matsumoto Masaga pretended to be very excited to face Ba Qi Dashe said: "Don't worry about the big snake god, we will go and exchange Nobunaga Guishou and the others. We can't stop this kind of attack. We can still do it by dragging a few Chinese to rescue Nobunaga Guishou and them. Yes."

After hearing this, Baqi Oro was very uncomfortable, and always felt quite sorry for Matsumoto Masaga and the others. People have already paid for him in this way, but he is still playing selfish calculations and refuses to give others strength. This is quite an ungrateful behavior. However, Baqi Orochi is not a stunner after all. His face is very thick as a ten thousand-year old monster, and that guilt can only be turned around in his heart and I don't know where he was thrown.

Nodded, who feels that this method is very good, intends to agree with Masaka Matsumoto and the others. Unfortunately, Masaka Matsumoto and the others are not fighting alone, even though they are from the Japanese side. It’s a representative force, but in essence, Masaka Matsumoto is ours, so...the opponent's drama appeared.

Just when Yaqi Oro was going to let Mae Matsumoto die to replace Nobunaga Onito with his conscience, they came back to save themselves, but the mobile fortress in front of Isengard suddenly one after the other. There were two energy responses. The first defensive mother tree suddenly launched a beam of light at the other defensive mother tree. After the beam hits the second defensive mother tree, it did not cause any damage to the defensive mother tree, but suddenly abducted it. Turned a corner and carried the formidable power twice as much energy as before.

Because of the arrival of Masaga Matsumoto and the others, the Yaqi Orochi was slightly divided, so they did not notice that the interval between the attacks was slightly longer than the previous attack. In fact, we are waiting for the two defensive mother trees to cool down at the same time. The attack method we have been using before is alternate shooting by two defensive mother trees. The advantage of such an attack is that there is no interval, which can make the Baqi snakes have no time to recover their energy. They can only use Power of Faith to Divine Transformation to strengthen the strength. Carry. However, we just stopped one of the defensive mother trees to be activated, and then waited until the two defensive mother trees had cooled down and used the combined attack of the defensive mother trees. This combined attack method does not double the attack power of the defensive mother tree, but the formidable power of the joint attack of two defensive mother trees is definitely much greater than the formidable power of one defensive mother tree.

The Baqi Orochi that could have been able to support it was already used to that kind of attack formidable power, and suddenly it almost broke through the defense of the Baqi Orochi, so scared the Orochi hurriedly called its own. Power of Faith strengthened the shield and barely blocked the attack, but the skin on his own body surface was completely scorched, and the cracks in the large area of ​​the skin were covered with blood, which looked quite scary. .

"Origin...are you okay?" As soon as the attack was over, Matsumoto Masaka and the others pretended to be nervous and went up and asked to warm up.

Of course the Baqi Orochi is not good, but can he say that? So this guy can only endure the pain while letting Power of Faith repair his body and quickly said: "Quickly, go and write the ghost letter..." He quickly exchanged Nobunaga Oni's name, but before he finished reciting his name, a ball of light flew out of the opposite Isengard Mobile Fortress. The ball of light hadn't flew far, and immediately followed by the second ball of light appeared again, then the third, the fourth... until the seventh ball of light rose, the light ball in front was almost there. In front of Baqi Orochi.

Although he had never seen this thing before, Baqi Orochi at least knew that it was not a good thing, so he began to dodge. However, what surprised him was that these balls of light would actually follow. Although it seemed that the ball of light was not fast, but in fact, it was because of the long distance. When the thing got close to Baqi Orochi, I realized that it was not only fast, but it also had almost no turning radius. How to hide the Baqi Orochi, the thing can guarantee that it will always fly at him, completely without delay and error, simply can't hide.

The Baqi Orochi who couldn't avoid it had no choice but to take a ball of light, but he regretted it as soon as he touched it. It was completely different from what I had imagined before. After this thing touched the Eight-Different Orochi, there was no explosion or other effects, and it did not cause direct physical damage. Instead, it directly entered the Eight-Different Orochi's body like a ghost. The Energy Shield used by Baqi Orochi did not play any protective role.

"Ah..." The eight-headed snake who was recruited almost immediately screamed Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry, and at the same time couldn't control his body shape, with a huge body on one side. Twitching violently, one side fell to the ground, and finally hit the ground with a bang and slid out several hundred meters all the way to a complete stop. "Ah..."

The Baqi Big Snake that landed did not stop there, but rolled on the ground, all the muscles of the whole body spasm uncontrollably, and it feels like the whole body muscles are cramping. That look is really embarrassing and embarrassing.

Although it falls from the air to the ground, the process does not take long. After only seven or eight seconds, the convulsions of the Baqi Orochi began to improve significantly, but the light ball that just flew out was not the only one.

"I..." The Baqi Orochi who had just returned to normal had not had time to stand up from the ground. The second ball of light was coming one after another like a tracking missile, and then I saw Baqi The big snake began to dance on the ground again, and this time it was obvious that there were a large number of blue and white arcs flying around the eight-pointed big snake.

"Save..." The effect of the second ball of light also began to decrease in only seven or eight seconds. In fact, it took less than ten seconds from the time of being hit to the disappearance of the symptoms. However, in such a short ten seconds, I felt that the whole aura of Baqi Orochi was not right. Although he had fought against the defense mother tree for so long before, the eight-headed snake seemed to be a little bit physically exhausted, not even exhausted. But now the Baqi Orochi seems to have just ran a full marathon, and his shortness of breath makes people worry that he even blows out his lungs.

Two consecutive balls of light directly tossed the Baqi Orochi to wish one were dead, but the balls of light at the back were lined up, and it seemed that the distance between the balls of light in the back was longer than that in the front. It was dense, so Baqi Oro snake was almost constantly screaming and cramping for a short period of time. Of course, during this period, our defensive mother tree was not idle. We took time to give him two more shots. As a result, it caused two super huge wounds on the Baqi Orochi, if it weren’t for the divine force core to hold him, Ordinary Divine Race can go to death in two strokes.

"Orochi, how are you?" As soon as the ball of light over there was over, Masaka Matsumoto ran to condolences the Ochi Orochi, and the Ochi Orochi is the strength to speak. It's almost gone.

Looking at the Baqi Orochi being soft, Matsumoto had to let someone pull the Baqi Orochi and run back, and the Baqi Orochi was dragged away without resistance, and he was very The body was transformed into a humanoid state after receiving it in cooperation.

The Baqi Orochi has just been erected here, and before it has gone far, the defensive mother tree on the side of Isengard's mobile fortress once again shows off. The two Japanese players assigned by Masaga Matsumoto before seeing the beam saw the beam and immediately greeted them. The result was of course similar to using cardboard to block armor-piercing bullets. Almost no changes in the beam were found and the two were directly gasified. Then the light beam once again opened two holes in the human-shaped eight-pointed snake, and even the two players who had supported him before died together.

Four people died in an instant, and Baqi Orochi also became nervous. It's not that he cares about these players, but that he is worried about himself. Matsumoto Masaga and the others rushed over although not many people, but they were not too few. In addition to the four main personnel of Masaka Matsumoto and Kasumu August, there are also seven players in the guild that I assigned to him before Matsumoto Masaga. In addition, there are eleven real Japanese players here. They are all The loyalty of Masaga Matsumoto belongs to the kind who admires Masaga Matsumoto very much. Of course, most of their worship is due to Matsumoto's positive image in Japan. If you know Matsumoto's true identity, these people are definitely the ones who most hope that Matsumoto's immediate death.

According to this data, Masaga Matsumoto and the others have a total of 22 people. Four were killed just now, that is, there are 18 people left. The defensive mother tree can come in less than 30 seconds. If the two trees fire alternately, this group of people will not be enough to kill. Besides, there is the ball of light that makes Baqi Orochi think about it, and his calf cramps. So, Baqi Orochi is now very worried about his safety. Although he can hardly defend against the mother tree's attack, just like this, he will completely lose the ability to move after being hit by the light ball first, and then if he is attacked by the defending mother tree, he simply can't defend. Even if the Power of Faith in the core of divine force can help him repair his body, Power of Faith is not unlimited! Besides, even if you can't die, no one would like to keep popping up some big holes in your body, right?

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