"Boss, why haven't you solved it yet?" Masaka Matsumoto's voice suddenly appeared in my communicator, sounding quite anxious.

"We are in a stalemate here!"

"What?" Masaga Matsumoto shouted anxiously: "But the Japanese players on my side can no longer control it. You are so dynamic and so loud, you can't keep it secret. I can only delay the departure time of these people as much as possible, but now I can't control it. If this continues, my identity will be difficult to explain. Now some people are beginning to doubt. I have another purpose."

I was also very anxious when I heard this, but I at least know what is more important. "Matsumoto Masaga, you bring those people here now, don't stop them. Your identity is more important than the battle here."

"But you..."

"I know how serious it is."

"Well then!" Matsumoto Masayoshi decisively chose to obey the order. After all, I am the chairman, and Matsumoto Masayoshi believes in my judgment very much.

After cutting off the communication, I turned my attention back to Nobunaga on the side. This guy was pushed away by the Baqi Orochi just now, so he escaped from the defensive mother tree's lore, but now the Baqi Orochi is entangled by the defense mother tree. I just happened to be empty-handed. Of course, I can't let him go.

"Military God."


"The defensive mother tree concentrates firepower on me and drags the eight-headed snake. In addition, send someone to contact Celestial Court Let’s see if we can give us some support."

"But this is an overseas operation?"

"Just ask, and you won’t lose anything."


"Okay, I get it!"

"In addition. mobilize other troops and continue to encircle me and suppress the ghost Nobunaga and his Divine Race men. Oh, yes, we killed them before How are the Divine Race players from now? The resurrection time should be almost here? Have they come back to participate in the battle?"

"Report to the chairman, according to the message sent by the spy from Masaga Matsumoto , The player’s Divine Race change seems to be different from the NPCDivine Race change."

"Huh? Why is it different?"

"The Divine Race change of NPC is permanent. Even if the body is destroyed, as long as the soul is not destroyed, it can be resurrected. Of course, if the NPC destroys both body and soul, it is really dead. However, the player’s soul cannot be destroyed and can be resurrected after death, but the Divine Race attribute seems to be because Death and disappear."

"You mean that as long as you are killed once, those guys are not Divine Race?"

"Yes. We killed them in battle before A few of those Divine Race players have just been resurrected, but the spy reported that the ability to detect the opponent found that the opponent has changed back to an ordinary person, and the Divine Race attribute has disappeared."

"haha, heaven helps me The order is to concentrate on giving me the killer Nobunaga's subordinates, starting from the weakest, one can kill one."


Originally listened. It is said that Nobunaga's subordinates have become Divine Race. I am still worried. After all, there are so many players, if they all become Divine Race, I can't stop it by myself. Although none of them are my opponents, I am only one person after all, and there are so many guys. They are not like the local Divine Race and there is a restriction that they cannot go abroad. These guys have retained the characteristics of players after becoming Divine Race and can run anywhere. Because of this attribute, if these guys are Divine Race, they can continue to harass our guild's industries all over the world.

Their single combat ability is very strong, our people are not opponents at all, and if they don't fight us head-on, just harass them, we simply have nothing to do with them. So the existence of these Divine Race players is a huge hidden danger for us. It is precisely for this reason that we plan to beat the arrogance of these people in one fell swoop, and try to kill them a few more levels, so that it will be easier to deal with in the future.

However, it now seems that this worry is completely unnecessary. I didn't expect that the Divine Race attribute actually seemed to be a long-lasting BUFF, offline or the passage of time will not affect the existence of this effect, and this effect will not be evolved or driven out in any way. However, once these guys die, then this effect is immediately lifted. In other words, before they were Divine Race, they became ordinary persons after the death and resurrection. Although Baqi Orochi can transform them into Divine Race again, it also consumes Power of Faith. The Baqi Orochi was not willing to strengthen all Guishou Nobunaga's subordinates before, and only gave 200 or so places. Under this situation, the Baqi Orochi has consumed an excessive amount of the ban in order to break through so close, yet worlds apart. Power of Faith, I don’t think he might continue to waste Power of Faith to help the ghost hand Nobunaga repeatedly strengthen those players. It is estimated that even if Guishou Nobunaga pleads, Baqi Orochi will help them transform one or two times at most, and it is absolutely impossible to strengthen infinitely. So as long as we guarantee that we can kill these guys once or twice, Baqi Orochi will definitely not make another move to strengthen them into Divine Race.

While conveying my order, the military god also conveyed the news that the Divine Race attribute would disappear due to death, so the people who called us in the guild immediately became excited. I originally thought that my own efforts had no effect, but now suddenly I know that our kills can actually turn the other party back into an ordinary person, and this motivation immediately rises.

With the transmission of the order, those Japanese players were unlucky, because the superior forces on our side gathered fire one by one, and those newly promoted Divine Race players had no ability to resist. Killed several. Nobunaga Guishou looked at his dwindling subordinates as eye socket cracked. Angrily, he directly targeted me and killed him, hoping to contain our slaughter.

Looking at the ghost hand Nobunaga rushing up, I didn’t bother to entangle him more. Seeing that Kristina and gold coin were approaching next to me, I waved my hand and said: “Kristina, gold coin, help me stop the ghost hand Nobunaga, I will chase down his men."

"Leave it to us." Gold coin kept her sword pocket directly. "Xuantian sword array-Myriad Swords Returning to Origin." Crash-bang There was a metal crash, and in the sky was immediately covered by countless flying swords. Although Guishou Nobunaga wanted to catch up with me, he was helpless gold Coin's sword array is not only large in area, but also terrifying in attack power. Even because the sword array is too thick, even his eyes are blocked. Now he can't even see me anywhere.

"Damn, you guys die for me, go to one side!"

The angry ghost hand Nobunaga roared and planned to use his Divine Race body to force the sword array, But the sword array of gold coin suddenly formed a smasher-like rotating sword barrel in front of him. When Nobunaga saw the densely packed tip of his sword, he immediately stopped sprinting and planned to switch to strong power. The tricks blasted the sword array that was blocking the way. As a result, he hadn't completed the preparation of the move, but the sword array in front of him suddenly scored, and then he saw that Christina didn't know when he actually ran up ahead of him. In addition, he held this huge ball of light with a diameter of at least five or six meters and threw it at him.

Guishou Nobunaga realized that it was not good when he saw the ball of light, and quickly turned around and ran away, but the sword array was pressed from all directions to continuously squeeze his activity space. Forcibly forced him to the path of the ball of light. In desperation, Guishou Nobunaga had to use his skills to prop up the shield and rush those sword arrays. After all, the formidable power of the sword array lies in comprehensive damage. If one of them is injured by the Flying Sword, it will not directly kill people. But in comparison, Kristina's ball of light is not fun. As a well-known super magician, Kristina’s attack power has been verified by many people with her own body. Because the sword array was blocked before, Nobunaga Onishi didn’t know how long Kristina was able to gather. Time, but for sure, that is definitely a big move, even Divine Race, a big move that can get rid of Half-Life with just a touch. Therefore, Guishou Nobunaga intends to fight a few wounds cut out by the sword array and will not definitely not touch the ball of light.

Ghost Nobunaga rushed out with the sword array here, and the gold coin side immediately noticed, so she suddenly waved her hands and said in her mouth: "Change formation-Tianluohuagai."

Following the shouting of gold coin, the originally scattered sword array suddenly gathered in one direction to form a long-open umbrella-like shape, and then used the umbrella to align the position with the ghost hand letter. The long shield hit directly.

Originally, there were only a few sporadic Flying Sword Nobunaga nobunaga who could still rush, now so many Flying Swords all ran in front of him to face him face-to-face, and the pressure on Nobunaga was immediately Got bigger. Although his shield was very powerful and was not broken by the concentrated attack of the sword array, tens of thousands of Flying Swords lined up and slammed into his shield, and the impact was too big. Although Guishou Nobunaga blocked the Flying Sword, his body was forcibly pushed back, and behind him was the ball of light that was gradually pressing up.

The ghost hand Nobunaga who realized that he was so incompetent turned his head and glanced at the distance of his eyeball, suddenly gritted his teeth and sank. Because the body turned, the shield could not fully protect his body. The Flying Sword group instantly passed by his side. There was almost no sound or special effects. An arm of Nobunaga Guishou disappeared suddenly, only in the air. The flying pink mist can explain a little bit. However, although he cut off one of his arms, the sword array did not cause more damage because Nobunaga flashed fast enough. On the contrary, Kristina’s ball of light ran into gold coin’s sword array because it couldn’t stop the car. The ball of light burst instantly, and gold coin spurt a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground, and her sword array too It was scattered all around by the explosion.

Although Kristina and Gold Coin are now hitting their own people, Nobunaga Guishou is not comfortable. His previous guess about the ball of light was correct, the formidable power of the thing was indeed amazing. The price of Nobunaga Destroying an arm was to avoid the ball of light, but the light ball collided with the sword array and exploded, and Nobunaga was still swept in by the shock wave, just because it was not a direct hit. , So the damage is much lighter. However, even if it was only wiped, the armor behind Nobunaga Oniji was completely shattered, and the exposed skin was cracked into countless small pieces like a field in a drought, looking extremely disgusting.

Here, Kristina and Gold Coin both lost their strength, but I had already ran away long ago.

The guys of Nobunaga Ghosts are not very comfortable with the power of the Divine Race body, and they have been fighting since they were attacked. Now they are quite unstable. In this case, these It's not bad that people's strength can show five or six achievements. However, Divine Race is Divine Race after all. Even if the strength is not complete, these guys have made the people here a little bit more work. However, with my joining, this situation was immediately reversed.

My attribute can be said to be Divine Race. In addition, those guys are very jealous of my strength, which means that there is already a psychological shadow. In this case, it is still possible to be attacked by me. Good results? Besides, did I do it alone this time. The elite of our guild and the great gods of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order, as well as our mobile angels and those flying battleships for Divine Race are all assisting in combat. People say that tiger entering a flock of sheep describes the quickness of killing, but now the group of Guishou Nobunaga's people are the sheep entering the tiger group. Naturally, there is no need to think about what the result will be.

Ghost Nobunaga easily rushed out of Kristina and Gold Coin's tail chase and intercepted, and when he rushed here to see the battle situation, he almost fell. After the previous battle, the only remaining point of his Divine Race team is now only eight people are still in the sky, and most of these people are besieged by five or six of our Divine Race. Originally, the strength is not equal, and the gap in the number of people is still so big, it is strange that the battle situation can be good.

Seeing that his subordinates were killed one by one, Guishou Nobunaga really wished that he could grow two more wings now, but it is a pity that his speed is just like that, even if he is more excited. It can't change much. Just as he rushed to the periphery of the battlefield, three people under his Divine Race were killed. Now only five people are still fighting, and these five people are all covered in bruises, and they are about to die.

"Go die for me!" Guishou Nobunaga roared angrily and rushed up to save people, but when he rushed forward, a huge black shadow suddenly moved sideways. He came over and just blocked him.

Chuangwang stood by the Cambridge porthole of the Sunset, looking at the red-eyed Nobunaga Guishou calmly and ordered: "Boarding."

The whole thing is in front of Nobunaga Guishou. The naval guns on the side of the Sunset were all aimed at Oniji Nobunaga, and there was a volley of firepower. The dense projectiles and various beams formed a wall of death in the air. Nobunaga Onitou only came and was hit by a intensive attack with the Energy Shield in front of him.

As a counter-ship weapon, the accuracy of the weapon that fell on the ship is not very high, so it is still a bit difficult to hit a person. But at such a close distance, so many cannons fired together, even if the guns were fired with closed eyes, there were always times when they could be missed, not to mention that they had been carefully aimed at.

In an instant, Nobunaga, who was hit by countless cannonballs and beams, turned from a forward attitude to a state of flying backwards. It was not that he wanted to fly backwards, but was lifted by the explosion. No matter how strong his ability is, he will not be able to push forward against the sideboard fire of the Sunset.

"Damn, damn, damn..." As soon as he was blown up, the anxious ghost Nobunaga adjusted his body and planned to rush to the duel again, but when he recovered from the explosion, his sight When refocusing on the sunset, the reality is like a basin of cold water pouring him through.

At this time, densely packed black spots were suspended in the airspace around the Sunset. He knew too well about those humanoid combat weapons with gorgeous armor like angels. Look at the standard chain saw sword, what else can you do besides using the mobile angel for Divine Race?

Previous Guishou Nobunaga has eaten these losses for Divine Race’s mobile angels. After becoming Divine Race, because of the increase in his own strength, his fear of Divine Race’s mobile angels has not diminished. It's more. It's like primordial people didn't understand how terrifying nuclear weapons are at first, but if they enter modern school and complete basic education, then he will realize what terrifying things nuclear weapons are. Now Nobunaga Onishu has become a Divine Race, so he knows more things, and because he knows more, he is even more afraid. He had always dismissed these artificial constructs before, but now he understands. What can fight Divine Race, no matter what it is, now you should give the opponent enough respect, because the opponent's fist is not necessarily smaller than yours.

Although he was afraid of using mobile angels for Divine Race, Nobunaga Oni also knew the strength of these guys. Although Baqi Orochi had strengthened both Guishou Nobunaga and his men before, the standard of strengthening was obviously different. As the leader of these people, Nobunaga Guishou must have received special attention, so the strength of Nobunaga Guishou is much stronger than those of his men. However, even so, the number of mobile angels that Onizu Nobunaga can face against Divine Race is only three to five triflings. If there is more, it will enter a war of attrition, and it will probably be a tie. Race uses the number of mobile angels to enter double digits, and Nobunaga can only run. But now, the number of mobile angels in front of him is definitely over one hundred. Although I don’t know if it is mixed with other types of relatively weaker mobile angels in it, even if one-tenth of it is for Divine Race. Angel, then he can only run with his tail between. Want to rush to save people? It is more practical to consider how to save yourself.

"Why? Why? Why are we always one step short. Why do we always have to be crushed by the damn Purple Moon!" Nobunaga Guishou painfully holding head, tears have flowed out of his disappointing self , Even if you want to hold back, it is completely uncontrollable. Seeing that two of the last five subordinates were killed, and they were directly exploded into pieces of meat in the air by a big move, Guishou Nobunaga felt that his world had collapsed.

Just as Nobunaga was about to collapse, Nobunaga, who had already planned to give up, even removed the divine force shield on his body. He was ready to meet death, and even gave up running away. However, at this juncture, a purple bullet flew from the side to the center of one of the mobile angels. The mobile angel that was hit immediately exploded, and then began to fall, but more light bullets came one after another, and more mobile angels were shot. For a while, the battleship and mobile angel formations on our side were in chaos, and we were busy making maneuvers to avoid those light bullets.

Guishou Nobunaga, who was completely bewildered by the situation before him, didn’t return until he heard the sound of killing, and when he turned his head, he saw the person he didn’t want to see the most. . "Matsumoto Masaga?!" Nobunaga Guishou almost gritted his teeth and pronounced the name. He doesn't even know whether the emotions in his heart at the time were happiness, sadness, gratitude, or hatred? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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