"Hold on, that thing is going to pass." On the Deck of Sunset, several players are pulling in a row, arm in arm, and the person in the front is clinging to arms with one hand. There was a railing and screamed backwards, because two of the people behind were obviously unable to hold on.

In fact, these players are not the crew of the Sunset. They are high level players who fought outside before. They were only protected from the blast by being blown onto the Sunset by the blast wind and hugged the hull protruding part. The blown away end, but with the passage of time, the strength of two people in the middle is about to run out.

Although the player in front called very hard, the players behind were also clenching their teeth, but the strength is not enough, they are holding hands together and slipping away a little bit.

"No, I'm going to the limit!"

"Hurry up, don't give up!"

"No way, ah..." A player behind finally Suddenly, he slipped out, and because of his miss, the few people who were hanging behind him immediately flew out with him. However, this group of players was lucky. They just took off and flew out less than ten meters, and the blast in front of them suddenly ended. Losing the propulsion of the strong wind, several people immediately fell under the force of gravity, but they were on the deck of the ship, so they did not fall.

"Huh, I finally survived!"

The player in the front released the already a little stiff arm holding the railing relaxed and said, but the original one he was pulling The player ranked second was stunned and pointed to the direction behind him and shouted: "What is that?"

When the player in the front heard the reminder from his peers, he immediately turned his head and looked at it. People also looked up at the past, but this look frightened them.

"Damn! Baqi Orochi!"

As the super-typhoon-like blast disappeared, the crack in the previous space finally disappeared, and there There are two silhouettes of one big and one small appearing in the film area. The larger silhouette has a typical bird body, but the up ahead of the body is densely packed with eight long necks, and the front end of those necks is a head that looks like a poisonous snake.

Although this look is weird, no one in the room does not know this thing. After all, we came for him this time.

This big guy is a big snake, and the little one next to him is naturally me.

The Baqi Orochi and I should be in so close, yet worlds apart, and the attribute of so close, yet worlds apart is clearly stated on the attribute, once we enter so close, yet Inside worlds apart, unless the owner of so close, yet worlds apart is me taking the initiative to release people, otherwise, the only way to come out is to kill me. However, the current situation is-mine is fine, but we have come out, and it is not what I want.

Although this result seems to be a bit contradictory to the attribute, you will understand after thinking about it carefully. So close, yet worlds apart The way of not letting people out is similar to a kind of ban. This ban is like an iron door and railing in a cell, blocking the people inside from letting you out. However, no matter how strong the door is, there is an upper limit of its resistance. Ordinary wooden doors can't be opened by ordinary people, but strong people can still open them with brute force. The metal security door can't be opened by even a strong human being, but if you drive a car and hit it, the security door is not as strong as a brick wall. As for the gates of stronger bank vaults, or the anti-nuclear gates of underground military bases, although these gates seem invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable, they are only because of insufficient destructive power. Even if the gate of an underground nuclear bunker cannot be opened by a nuclear bomb, can it still be opened after another one? If both are okay, what if they come ten times eight times in a row? Therefore, there are limits to what can be locked by the door.

So close, yet worlds apart Although the space inside so close, yet worlds apart will ban people from entering and exiting, the banning power is also limited. Although at present, except for High God, normal creatures, even Divine Race, are impossible to come and go freely. But what Baqi Orochi had just used was not his own power, but Power of Faith. He used the Power of Faith in the core of divine force to inject a large amount of Power of Faith into his body in a nearly explosive manner and release it all at once. At that moment, the destructive power of the eight-pointed snake was infinitely close to High God. . Therefore, the banning ability of so close, yet worlds apart exceeded the upper limit, and it was exploded from the inside at once. The glowing cracks I saw inside so close, yet worlds apart and the black cracks seen by people outside are actually the same thing. That is Space Crack, so close, yet worlds apart. The space inside and the world outside. The space overlaps.

Although a large amount of Power of Faith was consumed in the process of breaking the ban of so close, yet worlds apart, it has to be said that the Eight Disciplinary Snake succeeded. He successfully broke through the banning power of so close, yet worlds apart, and completely penetrated so close, yet worlds apart. Although I can't see it now, I can feel that the body of the so close, yet worlds apart on my arm should have been completely split. It's still on my arm now because so close, yet worlds apart is worn by me next to my body. There is a dragon soul suit arm guard on the outside, so it doesn't fall off, but the so close, yet worlds apart inside is actually It's broken.

"You can actually penetrate the super Divine Item created for me by Celestial Court. The Eight-Puzzle Orochi, you are indeed an enemy worthy of attention!" Looking at the high-spirited and vigorous Eight-Divine Snake ahead, I am now It was also cold sweat again and again. Although the Eight-Divine Snake was miserably abused in so close, yet worlds apart, as I said before, the main god with the divine force core is invincible, especially when the Power of Faith in the divine force core does not Before running out.

Although the Baqi Orochi was miserably abused in the steel needle hell that was specifically aimed at him, although I trampled the Baqi Orochi fiercely again physically and mentally, but now, everything is again It's all back to square one. In addition to consuming a lot of Power of Faith, my previous efforts were almost ineffective. Of course, consuming so much Power of Faith is a major breakthrough in itself, but it is far from enough. Not only has the current Baqi Big Snake come out, but my so close, yet worlds apart has been broken, and now there is no way to use so close, yet worlds apart to ban him again, and what’s more terrible is relying on Power of Faith. Burning, the Baqi Orochi has completely recovered its state, and because it is now in a normal world, the Divine Race's powerful recovery ability has been completely revived. In this case, it is almost impossible to destroy a main god supported by the core of divine force.

At the time of the Olympus annihilation battle, we sealed the divine force core of the Olympus Divine Race ahead of time. Then Zeus was besieged by us and his own men for a long time under the rebellion. It can be regarded as completely subdued. From this, you can imagine how difficult it is for a main god who can call the core of divine force for infinite replenishment and infinite regeneration!

"hahahaha..." Eight heads of the eight-headed snake were shaking up to the sky and laughing, and then suddenly all of their heads were pointed at my side, and his white teeth showed up. "Purple Moon, you humble crawler. Because of you, this Uncle's plan has been messed up. Okay, since this Uncle's plan to counterattack the continent has been destroyed by you, then it's time for you to pay the price. "

"Great God." The ghost Nobunaga, who had been crushed and beaten after the Baqi Orochi disappeared, finally flew back at this time, and there were more than 30 Divine Race players behind him. The original Divine Race players with more than 100 people were only beaten up to a few 30, and Guishou Nobunaga is really bleeding in his heart now. However, seeing the return of the Yaqi Orochi, Nobunaga Guishou felt that his hope was back again.

"Oh, are you still alive?" Baqi Osha turned his head and glanced at Nobunaga Guishou, and then asked, "Why are there only so many people left?"

" Report the big snake god, we were besieged by them after you left. These guys took advantage of our struggle under the lava and crawled out one by one to attack us one by one. These people are left!"

Snorted and said angrily, "Okay, I know what happened to you. I'll think of a way to help you recover. Now let me take this Let's talk about it if the guy is done."

When Nobunaga heard this, he immediately nodded, and then turned to my provocative show off one's military strength and said: "haha, Purple Moon, now your plan is bankrupt, right? Qian You still can’t count the divine force of our big snake god. Today I will see how you died."

"Oh? Do you really think so?" I said suddenly. Baqi Orochi and Guishou Nobunaga were instinctively stunned when they heard what I said, and then realized that it was not good, but their reaction was a little slower. Just when they were stunned, I suddenly jumped to the side, and then shouted: "It's now."

Om...A purple beam of light passed me almost at the same time I called out. The Baqi Big Snake who had just stood straight to the opposite side flew over. Because the speed of the beam was too fast, the Baqi Orochi had no response at all and was hit directly. However, the Baqi Orochi is the main god supported by the divine force core. Although the beam successfully penetrated the body of the Baqi Orochi, he did not hang up. Instead, he immediately supported a shield in front of him, and then the big hole in his body. It is also healing quickly at the speed visible to naked eye.

"Damn it! What is it?" The eight-headed snake roared against the Energy Shield's opposite beam, but even after a few seconds, he still couldn't completely offset the attack power. . The energy in his body is fading fast, even if the force is drawn from the divine force core, it can't completely keep up with the consumption rate, so that the surface of his skin begins to smoke, crack, and finally carbonize.

As a fire creature, the eight-qi snake should not have burns, but it has to be said that the beam is so powerful that the eight-qi snake's body can't carry such an attack. . Previously, a direct hit that was less than one-tenth of a second directly opened a large hole in the body of the eight-headed snake, which shows how big the formidable power of the beam is.

Just after the Baqi Big Snake gritted his teeth for twenty seconds, the beam suddenly went out. The Baqi Orochi who felt his strength loosened almost didn't control his body to fall from the air, but he was also a Divine Race anyway, so he reacted.

Onitou Nobunaga was frightened by this sudden attack just now, but after the attack ended, Onitou Nobunaga reacted, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with the fast-recovering Baqi Orochi. Shouxinchang satirized me once again proudly: "hahahaha, Purple Moon, you stupid. Our big snake god is invincible. Do you think that tattered beam can defeat the big snake god? Are you stupid now? You have the ability to come again. One shot? Come on, come on?"

Guishou Nobunaga is not stupid. Although the attack did not hit him directly, but he was so close, what formidable power is that thing? Always know a little bit. It is also because I understand how big the formidable power of that thing is, that is why Nobunaga provokes me like this, because according to the general rule, the more formidable power the attack method is, the longer the firing interval will be. You can see those fast swordsmen stabbing more than fifty swords in one second, but when have you seen a mage throwing out fifty forbidden spells in one second? So, the formidable power that attacked just now was so big that even the Eight-Different Orochi almost couldn't hold it. This thing would definitely not be able to shoot continuously. That's why Nobunaga Guishou dared to be so arrogant.

However, it is a pity that Nobunaga Guishou made the same mistake as we did. When we first saw this thing, we all thought it couldn't shoot continuously. As a result, people told us that in addition to the normal situation, there was another situation that was less normal.

Less than five seconds after 1st Strike was over, and Nobunaga Onishu had just finished that paragraph, I suddenly smiled slightly, and said, "Since you think like this, it’s just like you Whatever you want."

When Nobunaga Onishi heard what I said, he thought I was bluffing, but the big snake next to him suddenly flapped his wings to him and the one beside him. The new Divine Race players from the gang are all fanned out. However, while flying out, Nobunaga Guishou also saw a beam of light passing through the position where he had just stood, and after Baqi Orochi fanned him, the beam of light immediately moved to aim at the Baqi Orochi.

Because of an experience, the Baqi Orochi's resistance is a little easier this time, but it still has some gnashing teeth. This attacking Baqi Orochi was sure that he would not be hurt again as long as he paid attention to it, but the rate of consumption of magic power made him very worried. Because the power recovery speed can't keep up, Baqi Orochi had to continuously extract the Power of Faith to replenish its power. But the problem is that the Power of Faith in the core of divine force is not infinite, but it uses a little less. Contrary to our Divine Race of Chaos and Order, where Power of Faith is too much to be transformed, all the Divine Races in the world except our Divine Race of Chaos and Order are in a state where Power of Faith is not enough. The difference between everyone is only the difference between more and less difference, and there is no mention of which Power of Faith is sufficient.

The Eight-Divine Snake does have a lot of Power of Faith, but this thing was picked up. He himself simply did not establish a complete Divine Race system, so his divine force core can currently absorb it. Power of Faith is a very small amount provided by Nobunaga and the others, which is basically negligible relative to his consumption.

Under such a situation of sitting and eating the mountains and sky, of course Baqi Orochi does not want to use up its Power of Faith needlessly, but what can be done? If you don’t support the shield, your body won’t be able to hold it at all. If you’re injured, it costs more to repair the wound than it consumes magic power. The shield is more cost-effective.

In fact, it’s not just the Baqi Orochi who is suffering now, and it’s not easy on our guild side. The thing that attacked the Baqi Orochi was naturally the defensive mother tree that made our chaos and order, the main force of Divine Race, joined forces to defend. We transplanted two strains of this thing on Isengard Mobile Fortress, so we can fire alternately. Considering that the firing interval of this thing is only between 20 and 30 seconds, so if the two trees fire alternately, this interval can actually become no interval, because the duration of each shot of the defense mother tree is as long as 30 Seconds and this process is enough to cool another defensive mother tree. However, the firing interval is not a problem, but this energy consumption can be troublesome.

Isinger Mobile Fortress is not on the ground, it is flying in the air, so the energy source of the defense mother tree is only the little energy free in the air, and it cannot be supplemented from the ground. This is very bad, because the energy absorbed in the air only accounts for a little over 60% of the energy consumed by the defense mother tree’s attack, and the remaining part needs to be extracted from the ground by the roots of the tree. However, Isinger Mobile Fortress is a flying unit, and we naturally cannot absorb the energy from the ground in the sky, so this part of the difference can only be supplemented by the power core of Isinger Mobile Fortress.

Everyone knows what the power core of Isinger Mobile Fortress is. That thing is a boiler that burns a magic crystal. Although the principle is completely untouched, it is essentially the same as a boiler. The boiler burns coal to output power, and the power core of Isengard Mobile Fortress consumes magic crystal to output magic power, and the nature is the same.

It’s nothing to consume magic crystal, but the problem is that magic crystal doesn’t fall from the sky. He wants money for this thing! So... every time you fire at the mother tree, you are actually hitting people with a lot of crystal coins.

Because of the problem of defending the mother tree, we now feel the same heartache as the eight-headed snake. Baqi Dashe is heartbroken for his Power of Faith, and we are heartbroken for our money. Although everyone does not want to consume this way, the current situation is not so bad.

As long as Baqi Orochi stops consuming Power of Faith, he will be killed immediately. Of course, it is also possible to escape, but the problem is that the collection of Power of Faith depends largely on its own reputation. A god who was beaten away by the enemy on the battlefield, who do you expect to believe in him? Therefore, the Baqi Orosha didn't dare to run at all, and could only burn Power of Faith to support it.

The eight-headed snake needs persistence, so why don't we? The situation is obvious now. Baqi Orochi is stronger than any of us here, and it's not even a bit stronger. Relying on the powerful attack power of the defensive mother tree, we can keep the Eight-Puzzle Orochi from attacking us temporarily, and once we stop here...I don't think the Eight-Different Orochi might let us go anyway.

So, now we really are if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off. Both sides didn't want to fight, but both sides had to fight, this situation is still depressing. And, worse things came later.

"Boss, why haven't you solved it yet?" Masaka Matsumoto's voice suddenly appeared in my communicator, sounding quite anxious. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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