"This place is the scene of the disappearance?" Under the guidance of the demons, I and the Amakusa Ten Guard quickly stopped in a seemingly ordinary mountain forest near the temple. Come down.

Amakusa Ten Guard was also a little surprised and asked: "It looks no different from the surrounding environment. Is there any problem with this?"

"The problem is not on the ground, but It's below." Ling, who is in charge of guiding, pointed to a big tree and said: "This tree has been moved as a whole. When the rose vine just passed underneath, it was found that most of the root system of this tree was broken. This tree must have been moved, and that's why the root system was completely ripped off by brute force, and most of the nearby vegetation also showed signs of being moved. Obviously, it was deliberately restored to its current state after being destroyed. No. If you search carefully, you can hardly find anything special, but you can find a lot of problems if you look closely.” Ling said, holding up a handful of dirt from the ground and saying, “Although it looks like dirt, you can dig somewhere else. Comparing the soil, you will find that the soil here is obviously different from the soil in other places nearby."

"oh?" Upon hearing this, Amakusa Ten Guard and I walked away more than ten meters and grabbed it. The soil, and then came back and compared it with the soil here, and it turned out that there was a difference in soil quality.

Ling explained: "This kind of soil here is called yin soil, which is buried under the ground at a certain depth for a long time. In fact, basically nothing can grow in this kind of soil. Normally farming. When farmers encounter this kind of soil, they will break the soil into small pieces, and then let it be exposed to the sun for one to two weeks. If there is rain during this period, it is better. It is better to be soaked in rain repeatedly and then exposed to the sun. Dry, and after repeated several times, it is no different from the surface soil. Since the soil in this place is still cloudy, it means that they have not been turned up for a long time, otherwise it will naturally become the same as the surrounding soil after only one to two weeks. The soil is the same as normal soil. But looking at the structure of the soil here, it should have been turned up within the last three days, otherwise the impossible difference is so obvious."

Amakusa ten guard immediately admired after listening to Ling’s explanation "It’s amazing, how did you find the soil is different?" Ling said with a smile: "None of us noticed the difference in soil, but the pioneers He found a tunnel network underground, and then he paid more attention to the surrounding soil structure. As a result, he found that the soil at several locations was obviously turned up from underground soil."

" This inference is that someone attacked the missing people underground?"

"It's not a person, but Divine Race." Ling said directly, "I checked the tunnel after I found it. There is a weak divine force. Although it is about to astigmatize, there is still a residue after all, so there is definitely a Divine Race passing by in the tunnel."

"Why did a Divine Race attack these talented monks? "Amakusa Ten Guard asked suspiciously.

"The key issue is not the monk, but the talent." I said aloud: "There are people who are not members of Buddhism among the targets of the other party's looting. Therefore, the specific identity of the specific monk as the motive for committing the crime does not hold. But it does not hold. The people who are kidnapped are without exception brimming over with talent, so the other party’s motive should be to arrest a large number of talented people. The reason for choosing temples as the target may be that there are more people brimming over with talent here. That's it."

Buddhism in the game and Buddhism in reality are not the same concept at all. You must know that Buddhism can only rely on those doctrines to persuade people to believe in and worship Buddha, but there are real Buddhas in the game. So the temples in the game are completely different from the real ones. These Buddhist temples in Japan are much stronger than the temples in reality. It's not that everyone has them for reasons. Don’t think that it’s an exaggeration that a modern monk requires a college degree. The temple screening system in the game is definitely a hundred times more perverted. It is precisely because of this strict screening system that the last thing that Buddhism can admire and leave behind will never be waste. Moreover, Yuanbang City is a large city, so this temple is also a temple that is more valued by Buddhism. This value is paid attention to, and the internal staffing will naturally be more high-end. If I want to capture a group of brimming over with talent and I don’t bother to choose from the free NPC, then it’s definitely the easiest way to find a Buddhist temple in Buddhism. Of course, there is a prerequisite for doing this, that is, you have the ability not to let Buddhism know, or even if the other party knows about you, you have no fear, otherwise it is better not to provoke Buddhism.

Amakusa Ten Guard said something that didn’t understand: “But, as Divine Race, people who want brimming over with talent shouldn’t need to use this method, right? Let’s not talk about these people being arrested. After that, they will definitely resist. Even if these people don’t care how they were passed, why did the other party use this troublesome and dangerous method? With the status of Divine Race, if you want talents, you can just send someone to hire someone. Notice, there should be a lot of people lining up to apply for the application, right?"

There is a saying in China called "learning civil and martial arts, selling with the Emperor Family." This sentence is also quite appropriate in the game. . The executive agencies of Divine Race, such as temples, Taoist temples, temples, etc., if they want to find people, there will naturally be a lot of people among their believers willing to join. If there are such good people who actively join, don't want to go to other people's organizations and kidnap them. Isn't it obvious that this is unnecessary? Let’s not talk about loyalty. Even if those people are tied back, they will immediately accept their heads and confess their masters. Is it so indifferent to offend other Divine Races? Even with the powerful Divine Race of Celestial Court, when you cut down Monsters and eliminate Demons before, you still had to put on the guise of enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven before you dared to do it. Who is so awesome this time? Do you dare to tear meat from Buddhism without saying anything? This is much worse than grabbing meat from someone's mouth!

After listening to Amakusa Ten Guard's words, I suddenly felt something flashing in my head, but for a while, it seemed that I couldn't remember it. Ten guards of Amakusa wanted to continue talking, but I reached out and stopped them. Ling and the other familiars also stayed aside and didn't speak any more. Obviously they knew what key points I had thought of.

Sure enough, after only a few seconds, I suddenly thought of what the aura that flashed by just now was.

"haha, I thought of it! It's really traveling far and wide looking for something only to return and find it easily!"

"What did you think of?" Amakusa Ten Guard wondered Looked at me and asked.

I said excitedly: "I know who made the move this time. As for the blame on Buddhism, you don't have to worry about this matter. As long as you know who made the move, just go straight Speak out, let Buddhism trouble that guy. It doesn't matter who loses or wins."

"But who is it that attacked those people?" Amakusa ten guards a head. The question mark asked: "We have just discovered a tunnel net and a trace of divine force. How did you guess who did it?"

I said with a laugh : "Unexpectedly, it is extremely difficult. Once I understand it, it is actually very simple."

"President Purple Moon, please teach me." Amakusa Ten Guard asked very solemnly.

Thinking of the reason, I was in a good mood, and I immediately explained: "In fact, the evidence is sufficient. First of all, the tunnel network found underground and the residual divine force in it show that this is not a simple disappearance. It's kidnapping, and it was Divine Race. You have no doubt about this?"

Amakusa ten guard nodded means that he understands this.

Seeing that he understands, I continue to say: "We just analyzed it. Those caught are all geniuses, and the other party’s goal is very clear, which is to grab talents. However, this method of kidnapping has drawbacks. Many, it can be said to be a very brain-dead way. The normal Divine Race can be done by just posting an announcement, but the starter has to make it so troublesome. Normal people obviously will not give up the simple method instead of doing it. With complicated methods, there are only two explanations. Either the opponent's brain is really abnormal, or the opponent has some difficulties in issuing such notices to openly recruit people. Can you understand here?"

Amakusa Ten guard nodded and said again: "I can understand this, but can I determine who started it?"

I slightly nodded with a smile and said: "Yes. Because of Divine Race The intrepid physique is fundamentally impossible and crazy, so the explanation that has a problem in the brain is pure joking. The real explanation must be that the other party cannot openly recruit for some reason, so I can only grab it. Since I have already thought of this, then who is the other party? Simple? Japan’s Divine Race forces are just those. They can recruit people just and honorable at the moment. There is no need to use this method to collect talents. Therefore, the starter is not the known Divine Race forces in Japan. It is an emerging Divine Race force."

If you talk about emerging guilds, there will be one or two or more emerging guilds in every country every day. But this emerging Divine Race is not an emerging guild, of course it is impossible to risk one today and two tomorrow. There has recently been a new Divine Race in Japan, and even the new Divine Race may not be counted as a new Divine Race. And this emerging Divine Race is the fellow of Baqi Orochi.

Although the scale of this emerging Divine Race is so small that there is almost only a general without an army like the Baqi Orochi, anyway, the Baqi Orochi has a divine force and the core is true, and as long as there is a divine force The core, that is actually equivalent to the establishment of a Divine Race force.

Think about our previous conclusions. Because there is no way for the other party to recruit people publicly, they use this most dumb, most inefficient, and most side-effect method to recruit people. Think about Baqi Orochi again. Did you find that he fully meets all the above characteristics?

Baqi Orochi has a fully charged divine force core in his hand, that is to say, the energy is huge, but there is no one under him. The original name of Baqi Dasnake is Ghost Car, and his body is Nine-Headed Bird. He was deported to Japan after being beheaded by Celestial Court before. Because of the serious injury, Baqi Orosha didn't dare to act on the ground anymore, so he could only hide underground all year round. Even if he appeared, he would at most reveal his remaining eight heads. It is precisely because of this that Baqi Orochi has its current name.

Then, since Baqi Orochi had been in contact with Celestial Court, and had fought, he, as an enemy, naturally knew a lot about Celestial Court. Unlike the native Japanese monsters who don’t know the immensity of heaven and earth, Yaqi Oro has a deep understanding of what kind of organization Celestial Court is, and he also knows how strong they are, because he tried this with his own head. The water inside is deep.

Because of his understanding, Baqi Orochi knew that even if he had a divine force core, he was impossible. What did he really do to Celestial Court? What he was clamoring about before was actually just an act of bluffing, to put it bluntly Just do it for others. In fact, he had several goals this time. One was an attack on mainland China, which was regarded as a small revenge against Celestial Court, and the other was that he planned to take this opportunity to steal some practical benefits. He knows that Celestial Court is currently restricted by the rules of tie-in and cannot do his best to deal with him, so he plans to use himself as a bait to attract attention, and at the same time send a part of Divine Race to various places to get some practical benefits back.

This plan is not only feasible, but also more down-to-earth. It is actually more reliable than the plan that Baqi Dashe has been clamoring for, and it is very maneuverable. However, although this plan is good, there is a huge loophole in it, that is, there is no one under Baqi Dashe.

That’s right, Baqi Dashe really dug a group of people from the Gaotianyuan Divine Race during this period, but this number is still too small and too small. So overall, the Baqi Orochi is now in a state with no soldiers available. It is precisely because there is not enough manpower that he needs talents. It's a pity that he didn't fully break with Gao Tianyuan's Divine Race for the time being, so he hasn't played his own banner for the time being. Although it is now half-concealed, but in fact Baqi Orochi has not really established its status. It was precisely because of this embarrassing situation that Baqi Orochi was completely unable to conduct public recruitment of talents.

Because of the limitation of this special situation, Baqi Orochi had to use the trick of kidnapping. Moreover, not all of these people were kidnapped. Some people may be the Baqi Orochi they contacted in advance, and then they were finally "disappeared" from the Buddhist side in the form of kidnapping, and then they appeared on the Baqi Orochi and became their people.

As long as you want to understand this, many of the previous doubts are all right. The identity and special circumstances of the Baqi Orochi perfectly explain why these people have disappeared so unfathomable mystery, and what is more interesting to me now is that Matsumoto and the others said that the Oni Shounaga and the Baqi Orochi have disappeared collectively. And here is unexpectedly discovered that the kidnapper was the Yaqi Orochi, which is equivalent to the merger of the two sides into one thing, and we still have a lot of clues in our hands, so I might be able to find out before Matsumoto Masaga and the others. The whereabouts of Baqi Orochi and Guishou Nobunaga may also be determined. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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