Since the eight-pointed snake has been roughly delineated as the goal this time, the rest is much simpler. The only thing we need to do is to follow the vine and see what Yaqi Orochi and Nobunaga Guishou are doing.

It’s a simple way to find it, but it’s not easy to find it. Since the other party has a purpose and does not want to be discovered, of course it is a concealed method. Although we have now discovered the underground passage, it is not so simple to find the location of the eight-headed snake and the ghosts of Nobunaga. of.

Although this task is not simple, things are always done. First of all, I contacted the next party, and briefly talked about my new discovery with Masaga Matsumoto, and then I planned to send away the Amakusa Ten Guards. The strength of this guy is actually only equivalent to the level of a five-hundred-level player. For such a person to follow by my side, I really can't completely protect it. Besides, this time I am not going to travel. I'm going to find news about Baqi Orochi and Nobunaga Guishou, these two guys are not simple. For such an opponent, I have to spare no effort. Bringing a burden around is purely unhappy with myself.

Although Amakusa Ten Guard is very reluctant to leave, this guy finally relieved it after I started to threaten him. After I dismissed the rather reluctant Amakusa Ten Guard, I began to study the tunnel in an all-round way. This thing is the most important clue so far, so naturally you can't let it go.

To find the exit on the other side of the tunnel, the easiest way is of course to go under the tunnel, so I put away the other summon creatures and jumped down the tunnel dug by the pioneer.

The other party dug this tunnel very deep in order to conceal his whereabouts. Thanks to the fact that this tunnel is on the mountain, if this tunnel is dug on flat ground, groundwater might be dug out.

After following the passage that the pioneer helped me to open to the passage left by the other party, I discovered that this underground tunnel network is much wider than I thought. If it was only suspicion before, then I am really sure that it must be the Baqi Orochi who is robbing people, because this tunnel network is actually as large as a seabed tunnel. The huge vaulted passage with a height of about ten meters and a horizontal width of more than fifteen meters was obviously not dug out by humans. If just a group of humanoid creatures want to kidnap someone through a tunnel, digging a tunnel two meters high and two meters wide is already very luxurious, why make such a big tunnel? Are they planning to change this place to a human defense project? Therefore, the creature used here must be a big guy, otherwise there is no need to dig such a large channel.

After entering this huge tunnel network, I was first surprised by the hugeness here, and then I realized that it was not as dead as I thought. On the contrary, this place seems to be very lively. As soon as I entered here, I heard groans one after another around me. This moan is a bit like the painful wailing of an injured buffalo, and it feels very low and hoarse.

Others may not know this strange sound, but I am really familiar with it, because this is the sound of zombie. To be precise, the meaningless groan of this zombie. Zombies do not rely on this kind of voice for communication, nor are they used to express any emotions, but they just like to make two calls from time to time.

This is a tunnel. All around is a closed illusion. The sound will not disappear quickly here, but will be reflected several times before completely disappearing. In addition, there is obviously more than one sound source here, so this The sound sounds like one after another.

As I am, of course I am not afraid of zombies, but there are so many zombies in this place that surprised me a little bit. But surprise is not the same as fright, and I am not afraid of these things, so the first thing I do is run to the nearest zombie.

Zombie is different from ordinary undead creatures. There are two types of this thing. If the ones here are all western zombies, it's not bad, because I can get some intelligence from the mouths of these undead. But if these are oriental zombies, then it will be troublesome.

Western zombie is a kind of undead formed when the soul of the dead is not separated or occupied by other souls in the fleshy body. To put it simply, they use the soul to drive the body activities, and I happen to be the Dark Element profession. Yes, it has a high affinity for undead creatures. You can get a lot of useful information from those undead as long as you guide it casually. However, the formation principle and structure of Oriental zombie are completely different from that of hope zombie. Oriental zombie is a kind of monster in which the soul is separated or dissipated after death, and then the body naturally wakes up and follows instinct to start activities, and finally grows up gradually.

Western zombies are a branch of the large group of undead creatures, while Asian zombies are an independent biological system, which has nothing to do with other creatures. In fact, the undead saint is still the Soul Spirit Creature to put it plainly. The only difference is that the carrying method of the soul is not the same, but it is undeniable that the undead creatures have souls. This is the easiest to see in the skeleton soldiers, because you only need to Looking inside their eye sockets, you can see the burning Soul Fire in their heads. Although that thing is not the same as a complete soul, it is really a soul. The eastern zombie must be bad. Although these guys still have low intelligence in the later stage, unfortunately the early-Stage zombie is really just a zombie. Their intelligence is basically at the same level as Insect, and they only know the simplicity of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. The reaction does not have a complete logic, and because these eastern zombies don’t even have a soul, even Ling’s soul searching method is useless. After all, people don’t even have a soul. What are you searching for?

While praying not to be an Asian zombie, I ran to the nearest zombie, and at the same time the black magic halo under my feet was fully expanded, and the Dark Aura on my body spread like a thick black mist. Come on, if the undead creatures don't say that they don't accept their heads and worship, at least they should show considerable politeness. However, the zombie that looked good in front of me showed extraordinary enthusiasm, because he just turned around and gave me a warm hug, and then gnawed at my neck with a big mouth.

When. Unsurprisingly, zombie’s teeth were broken, and this guy was directly hit by a lightning chain for more than ten meter away. When he fell to the ground, he immediately turned into a pile of black ash, and there was really little scum left. Scum.

Although the speed of this zombie just now is too fast, I didn’t even see what his face looks like, but this reaction is no longer necessary. It’s definitely Eastern zombie, only those who don’t have a brain can feel it. Such a pure Power of Darkness can bite even with open mouth.

Since these are all oriental zombies, I can't ask anything. I simply beckoned to release the darts, and then said to him: "Go and help me find the tunnel exit."

Although there are zombies everywhere in this place, but with the speed of light movement of darts, zombie I'm afraid we even struggled to see his shadow, let alone catch him.

This tunnel network is almost a spider web near the temple, with upward vertical passages everywhere, and the number is obviously larger than the number of missing persons. These passages show that when the Baqi Big Snake and the others were robbing people here, they were not accurate one at a time. These extra channels should be erroneous actions, or channels used to confirm the situation first. Of course, in my opinion, the greater probability is that the Baqi Orochi directly dug such a tunnel group, and then squatted in these places. Once a target person approaches a certain tunnel entrance, they will launch an attack to drag this person down. Then quickly sealed the entrance, so that it became a Shenyin incident, and no one else could find them anymore.

Although there are many exits in these passages, one thing they have in common is that they are all concentrated near the temple, and they are all vertically upward. What I want to find for darts is not such a passage, but an entrance and exit far away from the temple. That place should be the entrance for the opponent to enter the tunnel, and when the opponent evacuated, 80% of them also evacuated from there. As long as we can find this entrance and exit, we can find more clues and continue our pursuit.

The speed of the darts is really exaggerated. It only took a few seconds to find the entrance and exit. The obvious difference between this entrance and the other entrances and exits is that it is very far away from the tunnel group we came down, and it is actually connected to an underground lava pipeline.

After I found the passage, I didn't delay time any more, and went straight to summon Yeying all the way. This wide passage has brought me a lot of convenience on my way. After Ye Ying spread his hoof and ran for a while, we found that the wide passage suddenly turned into a small hole. The passage that was originally enough for several trains to run in parallel suddenly shrunk Small Accomplishment into a small passage that was only large enough for two people to run in parallel. Although this was still much larger than the normal tunnel, it was already much smaller than the previous passage.

According to the shape and shape of this passage, I guess that the eight-headed snake probably turned into a human form and passed through here. As for why the back part is so wide, I think it might be caught Personnel related. Maybe the Baqi Orochi can get those people away silently because he used his own body at the time, so he will get people away so quickly, and the wide passage over there is obviously to adapt to the big size of the Ochi Orochi And deliberately made it so big.

Although the passage here has narrowed a lot, the ground is also much quieter. The zombies are all concentrated in the spacious passage over there, but there is no one here. Although I am very puzzled why there are so many zombies wandering in this passage, which is obviously not long ago, but I can understand that there is no zombie here.

The reason why there is no zombie near the entrance of this small passage is because the entrance is connected to an underground lava pipeline, and this lava pipeline is definitely an active volcanic pipeline, and there must be lava flowing through it. I can feel the heat assaults the senses at the entrance of the passage, and these all are zombie's most annoying things. The hobby of the western zombie have nothing common with each other, but the eastern zombie is the same. The primary stage cannot touch the fire. Anything that is hot and dry is not a good thing for them. The cold and humid environment is what the eastern zombie likes. environment. This place is connected to a lava river, and the temperature inside is so high that zombie will definitely not come over.

Following this small passage, it didn’t go far, and it was a hundred or so meters in total. This passage ended directly and entered the lava pipe. The lava pipe is not too big. The location I entered is near the top of the pipe, and the lava river flows slowly below it.

This place is different from those normal lava pipes. There is no walk-in area on both sides, and you will fall directly into the lava from here. Fortunately, I have enough Familiars, and I am not afraid of the high temperature of the lava myself, so I rode the night shadow directly and landed in the lava lake.

Yeying is actually a guy who likes fire. You know that he is not afraid of fire when he sneezes and sprays fire star out. After entering the lava river, Ye Ying became obviously excited. He landed directly on the lava river, and then ran forward happily on the lava as if running on a country road, if not for the scary lava river under his feet. And the blue blaze from his nostrils, this picture looks very idyllic. But in addition to the monstrous situation of the earth fire, the demon wind is heavier no matter how you look at it now.

The position where we enter the lava pipeline is not at the beginning, but in the middle section, so there are two directions, but there is a more obvious divine force remaining in this place, so we don’t need to explore the way, just follow it Just run in the remaining direction of divine force.

I have been running a long section of the road along this lava pipeline. I guess it may have run out at least more than two hundred miles, but the passage hasn't ended yet. I felt that this passage might be longer, so I had to let Night Shadow accelerate. In the past, Ye Ying was just a walking trot. Although the speed was not slow, she did not give her full strength. Now, after being urged by me, she immediately drove her speed to the extreme. Sometimes when encountering corners, she just took a walk because she didn’t have time to slow down. The fire star ran to the wall on the outside of the curve, and then ran across the curve as if it was a corner in a motorcycle race, and then returned to the surface of the river to continue running.

After completely letting go of the speed, we really got out of the lava pipeline very quickly, but at this time we were at least three-four hundred kilometers away from where we entered the pipeline. In order not to be discovered, the two fellows, Baqi Orochi and Nobunaga, were really able to hide from such a far place. No wonder Buddhism could not find a clue.

Although we have now broken away from the lava pipeline, it does not mean that we have entered the Baqi Orochi and their lair, but just broke away from the lava pipeline. At the end of this lava pipe is a vertical well, and there are three openings on the wall of the well, two of which are lava pipes, which are injecting a large amount of flowing lava into the bottom of the well, while the remaining pipe is ordinary groundwater.

Because there is a flow of water and two lava flows in this vertical well, the airflow here is particularly chaotic, and there is no divine force remaining here. But after trying the other two holes, I was lucky to find the divine force residue again.

The Baqi Big Snake should have entered the underground river on the opposite side. There are obvious divine force remnants over there, so I went straight into it.

In the underground river, you can’t use the night shadow to travel, but the underground river here is very narrow, so the small dragon girl is not good, so I can only ask Aanna to help.

The width of this underground river is only three to four meters, and the depth is more than one meter. Even if you stand up and walk, it is true that the speed cannot be faster. Moreover, the top of the cave above the head is only more than one meter high from the surface of the water, and there are some short stalactites hanging down in it. If you don't want to hit these things, it is best to swim obediently and honestly in the water.

With Anana dragging us, our speed naturally can’t be slowed down, and the Baqi Big Snake probably feels that the distance is far enough, so not long after walking in this underground river, there is a horizontal fork. . This fork is also injecting water into the underground river, so it is the upstream channel of the underground river just now, and the water flow in it is naturally much smaller than the downstream channel.

This underground river is not so much an underground river, I think it is more like a crack. Although many places have been smoothed by running water, the crisscrossed cracks can still be seen, and the width of this place is really not wide, only a little over one meter. Although it does not affect people's movements, it is actually very depressing. .

After walking along the crack for a certain distance, we suddenly found a vertical crack above the crack. This crack is a bit narrower than the water-filled crack below, but it is vertically upward, so this narrow state is quite suitable for climbing. I felt for a while and confirmed that the divine force residue had also moved upwards. I quickly put away the divine force, and then I used my hands to support the walls on both sides of the crack and began to climb up.

This upward crack is very long, and there are some turning points during the period. I calculated it, and I finally found that the crack had become a horizontal passage after it rose about one more than a hundred meters. After entering from the horizontal passage here, a small room is not far ahead. This is a real room, not a natural one. There are wall tiles all around the room, floor tiles are also laid on the ground, and there are many things in them.

From the structural point of view, this room is basically a cellar, and the narrow slit that I passed through when I first entered the room looks out from here, we can confirm that this is a natural crack. From these things, it is not difficult to guess that this cellar appeared before the crack, and then it may be an earthquake or something that caused the crack, and as a result, it was connected to the underground river below.

I felt a little bit in this room, and there was quite obvious divine force remaining, which should have been left by a very powerful god. This point is in line with the strength of the eight-headed snake.

Because I have entered the man-made architecture, I also began to be careful. I ran so far underground just now, and the ghost knows what is up here, if it is the nest of Nobunaga Guishou, I would definitely beat the grass to scare the snake if I got out so suddenly.

Fortunately, no one seems to be guarding here. I carefully confirmed that there was no one outside, and then I left the cellar. When I came up, I found that it was a wood shed, and it was a very ordinary kind.

Open the small door of the wood room and go out to a yard that is neither too big nor too small. There is a small pool in the center of the yard. The row of houses on the left of the wood room is obviously a kitchen, and the row in the front left is relatively tall. It's probably the main room, with the courtyard wall on the right.

This is a very standard residential building. There is nothing special about it, but this is the problem. What kind of existence is the eight-qi big snake? If it's okay, he will go to the house?

Regardless of what kind of place it is, I first summoned peppers and scanned the entire house with spirit strength. The result was that there was no one in the house, and the house was actually not a general The small courtyard of the residents is a side courtyard of a large courtyard, and there are many connected courtyards in the vicinity.

Obviously this is a very large manor, and it is a large courtyard with a small courtyard, and the area is very large. However, there is a surprising answer in Pepper's report, that is, there is no one here.

Since there is no one, I don’t need to be cautiously. Summon’s monsters started to inspect the entire yard with great fanfare, and it turns out that this place is really big. No, it should be said to be outrageous. This place is much larger than an ordinary city park, with at least thirty yards inside and out, and countless rooms. Although it is incomparable to the Imperial Palace, it is at least the size of the prince's Level 1 mansion.

This kind of place should have lived with a super aristocrat, and then take countless servants and servants, but now it seems that there is no one here, and the most amazing discovery is in some rooms There are traces of battle. Although the traces are not obvious, there are indeed traces of battle, and blood stains were found in several places.

After receiving such a return, I suddenly understood where the previous zombies came from. The opponent must use the passage in the cellar to grab people, but the owner here obviously didn't intend to cooperate, and a battle broke out. But in order to conceal the facts, try not to be discovered by others, so after the other party killed all the people here, they transported all the bodies to the tunnel network over there, so that ordinary people would not be able to discover the situation here. As for why all those people have changed to zombies, I don't know this for the time being. There may be a problem with the environment in the temple, or a problem with the person who killed these guys. Anyway, there are many factors that cannot be analyzed for the time being.



"Check what exactly is here."


Ling stood still on the spot after answering my question, then thrust his wand into the ground, and then saw waves of energy rippling away, and then waited for ten seconds. Ling suddenly opened his eyes and said, "There is a city near where we are, and there seems to be a leveling spot behind, with a lot of monsters. The mountains on both sides should also be leveling places. This house is stuck here, it is likely to be a large-scale. NPCs are concentrated."

There are often some NPCs living outside the city in the game, but most of them are single households such as woodcutters or hunters. Such large manors are still relatively rare. But although it's rare, I've seen it once or twice. It's not too strange. It's just that there is no hair left of the killed person here, which is a bit troublesome. However, Ling quickly said to me: "Master. When I checked just now, I found that there is no one here."

"Isn't there no one? You mean someone here?"

Ling nodded said: "In front of the mansion, there is an archway a little bit forward outside the courtyard wall. There are four people under that archway. Depending on the strength of the soul, it should be armed personnel like warrior."

I don't feel surprised that Ling found the people who didn't find Chili, especially after knowing the location of the other party. Pepper's spirit detection distance is not as far as Ling's soul detection, and I just let her detect this house at the time. Ling Du said that the other party was under an archway a little further away from the house, which means it was beyond the scope of the house. No wonder the pepper was not found. Fortunately, when we searched the courtyard before, we were light-handed and did not make any noise, otherwise it would be bad to attract the guards over there.

"Let me take a look."

Recovered most of the summon creatures, I only took Ling to the gate of the mansion over there. The gate of the mansion was tied up from the inside, but it was too easy to do this. After all, the courtyard wall is only more than three meters high. There are so many flying in this world, and it is not surprising to be able to jump over the wall. Besides, it also has the ability to protect things from the air.

In order to be afraid of disturbing the people over there, Ling and I just climbed up from the courtyard wall, and then stretched our heads and looked out.

Sure enough, there is an archway about seventy-eighty meter away from the gate of the mansion here. Below are four Japanese warriors holding long weapons, which look like guards. Same.

I don't know what these four people do, but they are so close to the mansion and standing there like guards. It is absolutely impossible. I don't know if there is no one in Dao Academy. No matter who they are sent to guard here, they can always ask for some information.

Thinking of this, I didn't continue to hide, so I gave Princess to summon and put it outside the courtyard wall.

The guards over there are very ordinary, with average strength and terrible resistance. Princess just casually stunned them, and all walked like sleepwalking obediently. Arrived in front of the house here. After I opened the door and let them in, I immediately began to ask Princess and Ling to interrogate them. Didn't expect hit the target directly.

"Who are you?" Ling just asked like this.

The guy who was selected to answer among the four said with a dull gaze: "We are the field troops of the Guishou League."

The Guishou League is Nobunaga of the Guishou League. In that guild, these guys were actually from Nobunaga Onitou, and the problem was already very clear.

"Quickly tell me where are the people in your guild now? Why are they all missing these days? Is the Eight-Different Snake with you?" I took all the questions I wanted to know in one breath Asked it out. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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