"We did research on this. In fact, the Divine Race who came to investigate the case before wanted to start from here, but he disappeared before finding out. We concluded afterwards. , These missing people have a common feature, that is, they all seem to have very good development potential."

"All have very good development potential?"

" Yes.” Amakusa Ten Guard explained: “These people are, without exception, geniuses who have improved their strength in a short period of time. Their growth rate is significantly higher than that of ordinary people. Although these people’s current strength is even, every Every missing person must have a strength improvement rate that surpasses that of ordinary people."

"As long as a genius?" I wondered for a long time and didn't understand the reason. After inquiring about Amakusa Ten Guard in detail, not only did I not answer my doubts, but on the contrary, I became even more confused. Although these people have good talents, the problem is that their strengths are not the same when they disappear. Although the strength of these people has improved faster than the ordinary person, several of them have only recently started to improve their strength. Even if the speed is very fast, these people are now only the strength level of the ordinary person, and they are even expert. Not really. To say that the person who started the attack wanted high-level talents, then such a general behavior of kidnapping is obviously not a good idea. But if it is to use the expert to do something, it is not justified, because some of them have obviously not grown up yet.

"Sir, did you think of anything?" Amakusa Ten Guard asked.

I shook my head and said: "I really don't understand, this matter is for the time being. You can take me to see where they disappeared."

"Okay. Yes, shall we go now?"

"Wait a moment." As I said, I showed Ling to Summon, and then winked her. Ling reacted very quickly and glanced at Amakusa Ten Guard, who immediately fell down unconsciously, but I moved faster, and I was able to hold it right away.

Masaga Matsumoto looked at him and didn't know what we were doing, but I didn't explain it either. Ling quickly stepped forward and pressed the back of Amakusa Ten Guard's head, then closed his eyes and muttered something silently. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes and nodded towards me.

I saw Ling’s gesture immediately patted on Amakusa Ten’s guard’s face, and the other party gradually woke up dizzy, and then panicked and wanted to hide behind as soon as he recovered his consciousness, but he was quick. The reaction stopped struggling. I took the initiative to say before he asked, "Don’t be nervous, I just added the insurance that I mentioned before. As long as you don’t tell our affairs, this thing will have no effect on you at all, but if you try Leak our secrets, then you will definitely regret it. In addition, by the way, don’t try to use any method to evade this thing, because it is connected to your soul. As long as you can’t fool yourself, it will inevitably be Effective."

Amakusa Ten Guard was a little worried and nodded but soon returned to normal, and then said: "Shall we go to see the scene now?"

" Wait for me outside, and I will come right away.” After letting the Amakusa Ten Guards go out, I said to the Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaoru who were present: “I’ll complete this task, and by the way, check Yaqi Orochi and Oni Sou Nobunaga. The news, but my task is just by the way, you are the main force. So work harder to find out where they are going. Didn’t we put the nails at Nobunaga Onitou? Start it when necessary."

Matsumoto Masaga nodded said: "I understand, we will do our best."

I nodded turned and left the room, Amakusa Ten Guard was standing outside respectfully and saw me After coming out, he followed me and left here.

My identity is very impressive here in Japan. Of course, I can't go out in a big way when I go out. I also disguised myself when I came in. Without attracting anyone's attention, I easily left here with Amakusa Ten Guard, and quickly arrived at the city called Yuanbang. This city is actually a mountain city. The whole city is built on the mountainside. The buildings in the city are also high and low. The tallest City Lord's Mansion is almost at the top of the mountain, but more of it is indeed at the foot of the mountain.

Although the unique architectural style of the mountain town looks pretty good, there is not much scenery here now. Although it can be seen that the city should have been beautiful before, but at this time it is more like a large construction site. In fact, the city is in the process of rebuilding, and it is far from complete, or even just beginning.

Looking at the dilapidated city, I turned my head and asked Amakusa Ten Guard: "Is this place been attacked before?"

Amakusa Ten Guard was a little sad nodded and said: "Here It has been occupied back and forth several times. At first, both sides still exercised restraint and just wanted to occupy the city, so they were careful not to damage the city when snatching. In addition, we are a mountain city and large-scale siege equipment is not available. If you only rely on people to fight, you just need to pay attention to it, and the damage will not be too serious. However, the last counterattack, that is, the time when your Chinese adventurer was completely driven away, the troops that entered here happened to belong to a bad reputation. The adventurer guild. When they got here, the Chinese adventurer had already taken the initiative to retreat, but they still ran in and killed a lot of money, plundered a lot of finances, and set fire before they left. Thanks to our extinguishing in time, otherwise you are now But I can't see this city anymore."

For this guild of burning, killing and looting, I just lament that these people are really brain-dead and don't know what to say. This is not a Chinese city. This is your Japanese city. When you snatch it back, you can’t destroy the city. Fortunately, we all voluntarily evacuated and set fire to our own city. Isn’t this sick? However, I don't know the specific situation at the time, and I can't rule out that the other party had any special reasons to burn the city. However, if there is no reasonable reason, I think the group of people who robbed this place and set it on fire are definitely brain-disabled.

I didn’t care about the group of players who didn’t know if it was a lack of mind, I asked directly: "Where is the temple you mentioned?"

"You have not seen our City Lord anymore. Is it?" Amakusa Ten Guard asked in surprise.

I asked, "Why should I see him?"

Amakusa Ten Guard said in surprise: "But the reward is from the City Lord, don't you plan to go and see it? Except for that, we don't have any rewards that you can see!"

I couldn't help laughing when I heard the Amakusa Ten Guard's words. "You are really a sincere person! Don't worry. I am here to seal your mouth. This time I do you a favor as a hush fee for you. The ball you mentioned will be taken away when I leave. I know it's worthless, and at worst, it's just a matter of busying it." The ten guards of Amakusa couldn't help kneeling when he heard this, and I stopped him. "Hey hey hey, here is the street. You are a celebrity in this place. You kneel on me like this, afraid that others don't know who I am?"

Amakusa ten guards react immediately when they think about it. He came over and quickly stood up and said: "I'm sorry, I was rash."

"It's okay, quickly take me to the temple to see the scene of the missing person's accident." Amakusa ten guard listened At this point, I suddenly became embarrassed again. Looking at him, I knew there was a problem, so I asked, "What is your expression? Is there any other problem?"

Amakusa Ten Guard thought for a while and said, "Go back, it’s not me. I don’t want to take you there, but it’s really not convenient."


"That's it. We said before that these people are missing. So let alone being kidnapped, the main reason is that there is no trace, as if people disappeared suddenly. These people are basically unfathomable mystery disappeared after being out of sight of others. It is impossible to confirm the scene at all, only knows about it. The scope of the incident. Although according to the situation, this matter is very similar to kidnapping, but because there is no trace of fighting and no other evidence, it is completely non-statutory. Moreover, the disappearance scene is not entirely within the temple, although it is all based on The temple is the center, but because I don’t know exactly how it disappeared, the location of the scene cannot be confirmed. Moreover, although there are more than 30 people missing from the temple, a large number of monks are still there, and the number of missing people is less than the total number. One percent. Before, the gods of Buddhism came down to investigate the case. We went in and searched it and it was nothing, but now you and me..."

Amakusa ten guards said that I would understand. I have no legal status in Japan at all. It is a problem to enter the temple, so don't mention the search. The Ten Guardians of Amakusa have legal status, but the problem is that according to the hierarchical system in the game, the temples actually exist at a higher level than their local government. Last time they only entered in the name of assisting the Buddhist deity. Now The god himself has disappeared. The ten guards of Guang Amakusa are simply not qualified to search the monastery, so under such circumstances, the two of us can't swagger to check the monastery.

Furthermore, even if the monks in the monastery treat us as transparent people, they don’t care about us at all. Although these people have disappeared near or in the temple, the problem is that no one can see how they disappeared, and they know that they never come back after they left the line of sight. During this period, the location of the crime scene was simply not. Sure. Under such circumstances, how do you think we can find it? Can't you go through the entire temple? This isn't our backyard, so why don't the other party fight with us?

"This is troublesome! There is no site available for inspection, how can I start?"

Amakusa Ten Guard also doesn't know how to deal with this problem. Min thinks about being frowned there, but it's a pity that if we can't get in, we can't get in, and no matter how we think about those monks, we won't let us in.

"Forget it, you'd better take me around the monastery first." Can't think of a way, I have to retreat to the second place, at least take a stroll outside the temple. Anyway, the Ten Guardians of Amakusa said that not all of those people were missing in the temple? You may not be able to find the scene outside. At least we can search the outside of the temple at will!

The Ten Guardians of Amakusa can't think of a good way now. They can only listen to me and take me to the monastery to see the situation first.

"Nine Heavens Shenzhao Temple? You monk dare to name it?" When we arrived near the temple, I saw the huge archway in front of the temple gate a long way away. The name of the temple is really majestic.

Amakusa ten guards can only complied to me, and I don’t know what to say. I didn't embarrass him, let him lead me around the temple.

This temple is worthy of being a temple attached to a large city. The scale is quite large, and the temple is not in the city, but on the other side of the mountain, separated from the city by a ridge, but two There is a natural mountain tunnel connection between the ground. If you want to go in the past, you can go through the tunnel or climb the mountain. Of course, more people will choose the tunnel. After all, the tunnel is almost straight, and the distance is much closer than the mountain. It's also much easier than climbing a mountain, isn't it?

The exit of this tunnel is not far from the gate of the temple. After we came out, we looked at the archway in front of the gate and started to circle the outside of the temple. Of course, I can't find clues by myself. The abilities of the familiars are my main support. Large familiars can't be used if they are too arrogant, but small ones are more suitable for things like finding clues. The dart, a flexible and fast investigator, can't naturally fall, and the nose of the white waves is also an important indicator. Trailblazers and Rose Vine will also participate. Traces on the ground will be concealed, but the underground is easily overlooked, so if the person who tied the person did not pay attention to hiding the traces of the underground, the pioneers and rose vines are likely to find these clues.

After these familiars went out, I released Chili, Ling, Yeyue and Sha Yezi.

The spirit strength field of pepper is a good tool for precise search. The most important thing is that this trick can ignore obstacles. Ling's abilities are diverse and comprehensive, so naturally he can't lose it. Yeyue's abilities are special because she can see life energy, as long as it is alive or something with energy, she can see it at a glance, even if there is something in between, as long as it is not too thick, she can see it directly. The function of Sha Yezi is relatively simple. As the soul body, she is mainly responsible for burrowing everywhere or entering some small rock cracks and other places to check.

Finally, after releasing the familiar, I threw out a lot of ghost worms. Although the vision and other sensory organs of the ghost worm itself are not very developed, at least there are enough people. Thousands of ghost worms were released, as if a sieve passed the entire mountain forest. I don't believe there are any clues that we can't find.

The implementation finally proved that my summon creatures are still very powerful, and they did not disappoint me this time. There were a lot of clues immediately after my summon creature came out of the situation without any clues. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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