After understanding why Amakusa Ten Guard knew the identity of Masaka Matsumoto, the next step was to ask him what he came from.

For our question, the Amakusa Ten Guards were of course an easy answer, because this was originally his task.

"That means, you are here to move rescuers?" After the brief introduction of Amakusa Ten Guard, we finally figured out the general idea of ​​the matter.

According to the introduction of the ten guards of Amakusa, he was a subordinate of a local castle guard, and his original purpose of coming here was to get Matsumoto's help. As for the reason for seeking help, they are the people who are constantly missing in their city.

Yes, it is a missing person. It is said that their city has lost more than 30 people in the last week. In terms of the cruelty of the world in "Zero", let alone the loss of 30 people a week in a city, it is not a major event even if it loses 30 people a day. The reason why the loss of so many thirty people made City Lord hurriedly send out people to seek help is that the loss was not ordinary people, but monks.

The reason why the loss of the monks can make City Lord so alarmed is mainly because of the environment here in Japan. The arrangement of forces in various places in the game is roughly like this. First of all, free NPCs are the lowest. They are like ordinary people in reality, belonging to the lowest level of existence. The higher level is the local power, that is, the political group. However, because of the existence of Divine Race, the political groups in the game have not formed an obvious concept of the country, only an unstable city-state system. Generally, cities do their own work, or a large city controls several small cities around it, and there is generally not much management span.

Above the political group is the Divine Race power, but this does not refer to the Divine Race itself. For example, Buddhism’s Divine Race power refers to the monks, the Celestial Court’s Divine Immortal power in the world is Taoist, and the two temples of light and dark actually exist similarly. After all, more of the two temples are humans, angels or The existence of the Divine Race like the devil is only the high-level of the two temple forces, and they will not run around outside. The following specific tasks are all recruited from free NPCs and transferred after training.

On top of these Divine Race's substitutes in the world are the real Divine Race forces, such as Buddhism, Celestial Court, and the headquarters of the two temples of light and dark. Of course, they are not the top level existence, because there is still High God pressing on it. As for the players... this group is actually independent. In a comprehensive sense, players are actually the most important group. After all, games exist for players. All of the above forces are fine, but players cannot be left without players. However, in fact, the status of players in the game is high and low, and the distribution is chaotic.

The scattered players are actually a kind of existence on the same level as the local political groups, higher than the free NPC, but due to the constraints of the Divine Race organization, after all, many businesses such as job transfers depend on them. These Divine Race agencies provide. As for local political groups, this is basically the same as scattered players. Players are not afraid of them, but they cannot easily offend them.

Although the status of scattered players is not high, the status of players with groups will be higher. Even in a small guild, it can be half higher than the local political power, but it is still slightly lower than the temple organization. Of course, depending on the strength of the individual's guild, this status is also unstable. If you are a member of a small guild with only thirty or fifty people, and you don’t even have an expert in the guild, joining this guild is actually similar to having no guild. No one cares about you at all. However, if it is a medium-sized guild with thousands of people, there are some second-third rate experts in the guild that can hold the scene, and the status will be significantly different, at least much higher than that of local political groups. Don’t be too careful when you see the temple, as long as you don’t overdo it, they will endure you.

If the guild power is further expanded, such as some of the more well-known guilds with a scale of more than 10,000 people, there will be a large group of first- and second-tier experts in the guild, and there will be a few battle strength rankings. The top players on the number, then people in this kind of guild basically don't care about the local Divine Race office. Just don't offend the real Divine Race forces.

As for the top guild, that is, the level of our Frost Rose League, basically, as long as you don't get too frustrated, the general forces really don't need to care too much. After all, even the real Divine Race forces have been wiped out. We are not one or two. Except for those who are too powerful like Celestial Court, we need to be careful. In general, Divine Race people who see our guild should be polite. Angry, no matter what you think, at least on the surface everyone will nod and pretend to be amiable. After all, those who dare to barter with us are pretty corpses, and as long as there is no problem with their heads, they basically know what they should do.

Of course, the status of the player is actually based on the strength. If you have the ability to kill the gods, then you don’t have to be afraid. Being a human being is not much different from reality, but in reality it is not a personal battle strength, but in the game, weapons and magic are basically used to speak.

Because there is such a division of power levels in the game, Level 1 governs Level 1, and the level is quite strict. This Indian Buddhism has been crippled by our Frost Rose League and Celestial Court. The current remnant forces are either being annexed by various Indian forces or struggling on whilst at death's door. The Buddhism forces in China have all been merged into the Celestial Court or the Demon side. Of course, our Frost Rose League has also made a lot of efforts to bring chaos and order closer to the Divine Race. However, although the Buddha sect master line has been interrupted, the sphere of influence of the Buddhism Divine Race group is more than that. Japan is actually a country that is heavily influenced by Buddhism. Naturally, there are Buddhism forces here, but because the main line is broken, the Buddhism forces in Japan are much weaker than before.

However, although the Buddhism power is now weakened again, the problem is that other Divine Races in Japan have not done much.

Japan’s Divine Race forces are basically similar to China. First of all, the two major temples of light and dark as the infrastructure also exist in Japan, but these two temples belong to the Divine Race organization of the leading class. Except for their strong strength in Europe, they are not the main Divine Race forces in other regions. The two major temples of light and dark in Japan have not developed very well since the game at first, and their competitiveness is not as good as that of Japan’s own native religious religions, so they have always been weak.

In addition to these two temples, there are also three Demi-God clan forces in Japan. Among the three Divine Race forces are Buddhism, Gao Tianyuan Divine Race and Demon clan. These three forces are similar to the Divine Race forces in China, such as Buddhism and Demon clan also exist in China, but Gaotianyuan Divine Race and Celestial Court are different. But one thing is messy, that is, the relationship between Japan's Takatenhara Divine Race and Demon is not the same as the Celestial Court and Demon in our country.

Now the relationship between Celestial Court and Demon has eased because we only eased a little after the appearance of the Frost Rose League, because Celestial Court Demon worked together to get Buddhism under the guidance of my needle. Therefore, the two ethnic groups have a certain common interest, and this contradiction does not appear so intense.

But the relationship between the Takatenhara Divine Race and Demon in Japan is quite different. The relationship between their two Divine Race forces from the very beginning is a bit messy. Some Demons are members of the Gao Tianyuan Divine Race, and many of the Gao Tianyuan Divine Races are Divine Immortal exiled by the continent, anyway. The composition of Gao Tianyuan Divine Race is very mixed, and it is divided into several big factions, one of which is basically composed of Demon. As a result, the relationship between Gao Tianyuan Divine Race and Demon has become more chaotic. The two forces can be said to be one force or two forces. Anyway, it is very chaotic.

In addition to these three Divine Race forces, Japan also has a Divine Race force that is not considered a Divine Race force, that is, the half Divine Race force I am talking about. This Divine Race force is called Shintoism of Japan. Its religion has absorbed the two cultures of Buddhism and Taoism in China, and has softened Japan’s own Demon culture. Anyway, it is a mix-up, and the most terrible thing is that Japan simply doesn’t have one. The Divine Race group corresponds to this Shintoism. Some of the Divine Races believed by Shintoism are Japanese Buddhism or even Divine Race in China or India Buddhism, and some are Divine Immortal of Celestial Court, part of the gods of the Divine Race of Takatenhara, and even a lot of demons. and ghosts, in short, the gods they believe in belong to multiple Divine Race forces, and are simply not a collective.

It is said that this kind of power without Divine Race superstructure is not a Divine Race power, but because Shintoism has a large group of high level battle strength, they can still do it without challenging other Divine Races. Regarding the local political group, they created such a half-truth Divine Race force.

After counting the Divine Race forces in Japan, you can find that the current Divine Race forces in Japan really have a certain vacuum. A Buddhism, the main vein is killed, and the rest is the branch on the Japanese side. A Gao Tianyuan Divine Race, which caused me to take the elite of the guild with me before, and now it still means a little languor. Even the leader of the Gao Tianyuan Divine Race was seriously injured, and now my strength has not been fully recovered. Let alone the two temples, Japan has always been in the position of making soy sauce, and there is not much development at all. Demon's power is even more unreliable. It's just a mess, basically no organization at all. Shintoism is even more ruthless. It created a sect system without even Divine Race, and there are also system functions that can be performed only when a lot of dojos are used for various Divine Races.

If you count these Divine Race forces, you can find that the Divine Race forces on the Japanese side are actually very problematic. Originally, both the Divine Race and Demon forces of Gao Tianyuan were quite strong. It is a pity that the Divine Race of Gao Tianyuan made us suffer miserably, and Demon is not united, so this time the power of the Japanese Divine Race seems quite sluggish. It was also thanks to the emergence of Masaga Matsumoto that our guild’s Japanese strategy shifted from occupying Japan to controlling Japan, so that these Divine Race forces were retained. Otherwise, according to our guild’s tactical habits, definitely It is to clean up the Japanese Divine Race.

Because the Japanese Divine Race forces now have their own problems, all resemble diseased seedlings, so even if the Japanese Buddhism forces do not have the main line, they can still maintain the previous Status. However, it is precisely because the status of Buddhism is still undiminished, that's why the master of the Amakusa Ten Guard was so anxious to send out the Amakusa Ten Guard to find someone for help.

As a local political organization, they have a higher status than free NPCs, and they are definitely inferior to the institutions of Divine Race. Fortunately, Divine Race is different from the requirements of local political groups, so there is basically no conflict between the two. One is for material benefits, and the other is mainly for Power of Faith, so there is no conflict between the two.

However, no conflict does not mean that you will be scrupulous. It's fine for everyone to perform their duties before. Now that the Buddha’s sect master vein has been wiped out, this Japanese branch is eager to absorb Power of Faith to strengthen itself. As a result, at such a critical time, the monks who are the most direct unit of collecting Power of Faith suddenly lost more than 30, and all of them are concentrated. In a city, would you say that the top Japanese Buddhist officials would not send someone over to see the situation?

It seems that the situation is okay. The problem is that the low-level Divine Race, which has lost more than 30 monks, disappeared after it arrived.

The relationship between the Divine Race force and the City Lord is basically not much different from the relationship between the emperor and the magistrate. Although it is not a direct relationship, it can be determined by someone's words. The life and death of the City Lord here. Originally, the loss of more than 30 monks here was gone, but as a result, an imperial minister sent from the top of the house unexpectedly happened again. If this Buddhism remains indifferent, it is obviously impossible. Regardless of whether this matter can be found out in the end, and whether the responsibility is in the City Lord, anyway, looking at it like this, the City Lord is definitely not good. It's all lucky to be replaced, and it's not strange to lose your head.

It just so happens that the owner of Amakusa Ten Guard is a master who likes to take the initiative and doesn't like to sit and wait for death. Forget it if he didn't know, now he has foreseen his tragic future, how can he not think about finding a way out?

When he was thinking about it, he immediately thought of looking for someone to help. This is also very particular about finding someone to help, and the Divine Race force is definitely not good. It has been said that the relationship between the local government and the Divine Race is like the emperor and the local official. The imperial minister here has an accident in the jurisdiction of your local official. If you don’t explain it, you will find a foreign official to come to you to support the scene. What does it mean? Regardless of whether the previous thing was big or small, it was right or wrong. If you can do this kind of thing, the above is absolutely impossible to spare you. This is not a question of right or wrong but a question of principle, so there is no room for bargaining.

Because of the distinct factions between the Divine Race forces, the City Lord knew that other Divine Race forces should never be used for help. Besides, people might not take them seriously. Divine Race against the Buddhism inspection is basically tantamount to committing suicide. Worse still, it may not be invited.

You cannot find the Divine Race faction, and there is only one option left for the remaining faction, which is the player influence.

Although most of the player powers can't actually fight the Divine Race power, it happens that the City Lord know that there is a power that can fight Divine Race, and that is Matsumoto Masaga.

Because they know that Masaga Matsumoto and the others are capable of fighting Divine Race, at least they can protect them, so the City Lord will send ten Amakusa guards here to contact Masaga Matsumoto for help. It’s just didn’t. After t expect, I accidentally ran into this misunderstanding, and the ten guards of Amakusa discovered our relationship with Masaga Matsumoto.

Matsumoto Masaka first knew that Amakusa Ten Guard had discovered his secrets and wanted to kill a witness to silence them, but the Amakusa Ten Guard asked him to give him a chance to speak, and Matsumoto Masaka also wanted to kill a witness to silence them. agreed. After that, the Ten Guardians of Amakusa told Matsumoto Masaka the whole content of the matter. After hearing this, Masaka Matsumoto felt that this matter might indeed be worth reaching out, so he did not directly kill the Ten Guards of Amakusa, but let me decide. What to do.

After explaining all the incidents, the Ten Amakusa guards said: "Okay, President Purple Moon, I have already said everything. Your secret is only seen by me. , I haven’t returned to the City Lord, so I’m the only one who knows your secrets. If you don’t want to interfere in this matter, just kill me to ensure that the news will never leak out. Of course I don’t want to die, so if you have the possibility If I don’t kill me for some reason, I will promise to absolutely rot this news in my stomach, even Sir City Lord will never say it. Please believe that I am not a muscular fool. This kind of news has been known far It’s better not to know that I tell the City Lord to put him in danger, so even if you let me go, I will never talk to the City Lord. As for others, I naturally don’t talk about it."

I still believe in the guarantee of Amakusa Ten Guard, after all, what he said is indeed the right way. The ten guards of Amakusa know that our relationship with Matsumoto Masaka is equivalent to knowing a great secret. Of course, this kind of thing can’t be said casually, otherwise we will suffer losses if the news is leaked, and his own stunts will not be able to escape us. His revenge, and whoever he tells before this matter is completely disseminated, is equivalent to letting this person into our Must Kill List. As long as he has a bit of brain, he will definitely not do this kind of thing. He and us are lacking hatred and enmity, there is no need to fight our lives to pit us. Isn't it obvious that there is a problem with your head?

"Okay. Regarding our secret question, I won't kill you because of this, but for such a big thing, it is impossible for me to let you go completely. So, I will treat you Take some precautions. But you can rest assured that as long as you don’t leak the information, this precaution will not affect you in any way. As for things to help you... I want to know what your City Lord plans? He won’t I think if we ask for it here, we will definitely help?"

When I heard this, the Amakusa Ten Guard knelt down, knocked his head first, and then said: "Thank you for not Killing grace, and thank you for your willingness to help us."

"Wait, I haven't said to help."

"The cost of asking us is about you Be tempted, at least you already have the intention to take action. Of course, our City Lord will not let you offend the buddhism gang in vain. What he means is to use some special rewards to pay for your reward."

"Special reward? What kind of special reward can he give?"

Amakusa Ten Guard paused for a while before saying: "Our Sir City Lord has prepared a lot of High Level beauty for you. Beautiful beauty, as long as..."

"Stop!" I almost fell to the ground when I heard the words of Amakusa Ten Guard. "Who do you think of me? Beauty? You City Lord really have an idea. Don't tell me that you only prepared this. If this is the case, I will immediately let people tell you that you blasted out."

< p>Amakusa Ten Guard immediately shook his hand when he heard what I said: "Don't worry, don't worry, we have other things besides this."


Amakusa Ten Guard He groaned a little and said: "We Sir City Lord still have something that we don't know the value of. We estimate that it may be very valuable, but we don't know the specific value for the time being, so we can't determine whether you are satisfied." /p>

"What kind of thing is it?"

"It is a round thing with many incomprehensible lines carved on the surface. The material seems to be jade, the size of an apple."

I frowned and said, "Are there no other features besides this? I don't know what it is just based on the information you said!"

"We also don't know this. What it is, so I can’t tell you clearly, but I think it must be a good thing, because this thing is the thing left by the Buddhist Divine Race who came to check later."

"The Divine Race Left behind?"

Amakusa ten guard nodded and said: "Yes. The first thing after the Divine Race came was to go to the temple where more than 30 monks were missing. After checking, he found a hidden compartment in an old monk’s room in the temple, and this thing was placed in it. At that time, he seemed to know the location of the hidden compartment, and he was simply directing at the thing. Yes. And after seeing this thing, he immediately appeared very relieved, and his investigation work was not so anxious. But the second day he disappeared. We found this thing when we sorted out his relics. So I’m not sure if this is of any value, I just know that it should be a good thing."

"It’s really a good thing to hear. But if the thing is of no value, I won’t take care of your business anymore."

"Many thanks, Lord."

"Okay, you should withdraw first, and we will pay it back here. There’s something, and I’ll come and look for you later."

"It’s an adult."

Amakusa Ten Guard was sent by Matsumoto Masaka’s two subordinates to a room to rest, but actually The above is temporary house arrest, and he cannot be allowed to leave until security precautions have been set up.

After the Amakusa Ten Guards were taken away, I looked towards Masaka Matsumoto and asked, "Okay, let’s talk about the matter of Nobunaga Onishu and Ochi Orochi. When did they disappear? Of?"

"We only learned about the news this morning, but according to the information our personnel got, they actually disappeared late yesterday."

"These two people can't help but feel forgivable, but there are so many people under Nobunaga Onishu, and you haven't found any of them?"

"Sorry, President, our people are indeed completely I don't know how they disappeared. It was fine before, but suddenly everyone disappeared collectively." Masaga Matsumoto said helplessly.

I thought for a while and said, "Can you be sure that Nobunaga and Yachi Oto are together?"

Matsumoto was still nodded after hesitating a little: "I am more than 80% sure that they are together. There are a lot of evidences that can prove indirectly, but we don't have direct evidence."

I thought about it for a while, and then asked Rose and Su Mi: " What are your thoughts?"

Rose frowned and said: "They disappeared together, they must be planning something, and they obviously ignored the people on this Monarch side. If you say that Nobunaga Onishi does this, That's forgivable, but the Baqi Orochi also did this, which is a bit unreasonable."

Su Mei followed: "I think they shouldn't come at us this time."< /p>

"Why do you think they didn't come at us?" I asked aloud.

Sumi replied: "You think. If you want to attack our Frost Rose League, it is basically an invasion of our country. This kind of large-scale operation must not be a trifle and spread all over the country. Zhili is still not at ease, how could some of the staff remain unused?"

Rose nodded and said: "It makes sense. If the eight-headed snake wants to do it to us, it doesn’t make sense. Call Uematsumoto Masaga and the others?"

"Yes, most of the people in Japan are now under our control. Nobunaga and Yaki Oro must not be able to bypass us to execute the plan. . If they don’t notify us now, it means that these players are not available, and if it is an invasion plan, we will definitely need people like us. So it can be inferred from this that no matter what Guishou Nobunaga and Yachi Orochi are planning, they should all be with Frost Rose. There is nothing wrong with the league," Masaka Matsumoto said.

"But what if they just use a few people to fight in this way?" Ying Yu Shen Young asked. "Once Isinger's side is attacked, will our price be too great?"

"Actually, I don't even worry about their sneak attack Isinger." Rose said: "Isinger's defensive The power is very strong, even if they do come, they may not be able to take our city in a short time, and now this matter has been filed on the Celestial Court, once the eight-headed snake appears in Isengard, the Celestial Court The side’s reinforcements can be reached within a few minutes. When the time comes, the battle will inevitably become a protracted battle, and this is probably not the result that the Baqi Orochi is willing to see. Of course, it does not rule out that the Baqi Orochi is fooled by the ghost hand Nobunaga shareholders. The suspicion of the matter is just that the probability is very low."

Sumi interrupted us and said, "I don’t like this. Let’s start the Level 3 defense plan in Isengard first, so that at least it can be achieved. A certain degree of security. In addition...I suggest to immediately start the Spatial Teleportation interception system on Kirishima, and cross-country Transmission Formation uses time-jumping connections to evade, so as to prevent them from directly transmitting to Isengard. To launch the probability of a surprise attack. Then we only need to block the Sea Territory between China and Japan, which can basically act as an early warning."

Rose nodded said: "This method is feasible, but the Japanese side I can’t relax either. I suggest to send more people to Japan to investigate the whereabouts of Yaqi Orochi and Nobunaga Ghost.” At this point, Rose looked towards me and said, “Just right, Purple Moon, you are not going to help that Amakusa. Ten guards look at the situation on their side? By the way, I went to investigate the information of Baqi Orochi and Guishou Nobunaga. Isn't this just one move, two gains?"

I nodded and said:" No problem, I'll go here personally, but what should I do in South America?"

The rose said: "The Tree of Life has already been planted, so you don't need to worry about the rest. Logistics Don’t worry if I take care of you. Just deal with the eight-headed snake and don’t have any more moths!"

"No problem, leave this to me."

Simple Immediately after the conclusion of the discussion, we started to split up. Rose is going to South America to stare at the construction of the new city. After all, she is the Chief Manager of the logistics. I can't manage the affairs there now, she will take over. Of course So Mi can’t take time off. She is going to the staff to discuss the formulation of a local defense plan. This plan needs to be modified from the original plan. On the one hand, the defense must be activated, and on the other hand, it must not be seen by interested people. This is not a simple task.

The two of them are busy in their own way, so naturally I can't take any time off. After Isengard went to Misty Island to supervise that they activated the transmission isolation barrier, this thing is a very high-end remote space interception device that can block the space channel between the two regions and cause the Transmission Formation to fail. Spatial Teleportation, which does not rely on Transmission Formation, will also be disturbed and cannot be used.

If Baqi Orochi wants to come to China, unless he flies over, he can only take a boat or use Transmission Formation, and the group of Guishou Nobunaga is the same as them. They must use three One of these methods. As soon as the transmission jamming device is activated, there are only two methods they can choose. Either fly over or take a boat by water.

I just said that we are going to start a coastline blockade, so if they come by boat, they will be spotted, and they will be sunk halfway, so they are impossible to reach Isengard by boat, and they will definitely Exposed. Then, all that is left is the air. Of course, this is actually a big pit.

What is the strongest in our Frost Rose League? Of course it is the air force. So many long spears and giant dragons, do you think it is fun to raise them? We dare not pack tickets for other battles. In air battles, our Frost Rose League has never been afraid of anyone. When there was only one pegasus group, we were number one in air combat. Now it is the long spear formation, giant dragon group, air combat mobile angels and aerial battleships, and most importantly, the mobile fortress Isengard. Fortress, our guild’s air combat capability is definitely one of the very best, even if the eight-headed serpent flies over, we can knock him out.

Of course, once this spatial isolation barrier is activated, our own transnational Transmission Formation will also be restricted, but we plan to rely on the working principle of similar frequency hopping radios for transmission. To put it simply is to leave a hole in the isolation barrier for our own people to use, and this hole is not fixed, but changes all the time. However, because there is a communication center called Military God, we can use the communicator to coordinate the frequencies on both sides, so that our Transmission Formation and the isolation barrier use the same frequency for frequency hopping transmission. If others can’t find our transmission rules, we can’t transmit at all. , And because we use the instant messaging coordination frequency, there is simply no law, so this method is simply impossible to crack. Of course, if someone cuts into our communication channel, it may follow the frequency hopping for secret transmission, but the problem is that our communication is based on military gods, so if someone cuts into the channel, he will immediately find out, and then just stop jumping. It is enough to block all space channels frequently, and the enemy will still be unable to get through.

After dealing with the matters here, I left Kirishima again, and then arrived at Fulcrum City. Without leaving from the city gate, I made a big circle directly from the sea, then landed from a no-man’s land far away, and then circled around to reach the temporary headquarters of Masaga Matsumoto and the others.

Seeing my arrival, Masaka Matsumoto and the others immediately led me to the secret Conference Hall. This is the core area here. Only people who really understand Masaka Matsumoto’s identity can get here, generally in Japan. Players can't even enter the outer circle area here.

Here, I met Masaka Matsumoto and the others face to face to understand the situation of Yaqi Orochi and the others, and then Masaka Matsumoto and the others took them to the Amakusa Ten Guard's room.

Although I have seen it in the communicator before, I was surprised to see the Amakusa Ten Guard at the scene. This guy's appearance is quite different among the Japanese, thinking that his appearance is not very Japanese, or not Asian. In fact, this Amakusa Ten Guard looks a lot like Western whites, only a little bit of Asian bloodline can be seen vaguely.

Although I was curious about what this guy looks like, I didn't ask too much. After all, I didn't come to check the household registration. I briefly exchanged a few words with the ten guards of Amakusa and I started to get to the point. "Where is your city and what's its name?"

"My lord. Our city is called Yuanbang. It is a large city. There are several small villages and farms around it. Because the cities are more comparable. Buddhism set up a large temple here, and there are many monks who are very difficult to deal with. I just don’t know why some people are missing."

"The missing people are all monks. "

Amakusa ten guard thought for a while and shook his head: "Not all, one of them is a staff member of a small guild passing by."

Amakusa ten guard The so-called staff of this small guild should refer to the MPC in the guild, because if it is a player, he will directly say it is an adventurer. It must be called NPC by the staff.

I thought about it for a while and asked, "What are the characteristics of the missing persons, have you investigated?"

For continuous cases of the same nature, the first reaction is of course to Find common ground in order to identify the behavioral characteristics of

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