"First of all, let me explain to you that I am here to seek cooperation, and I came here with the determination to die." Amakusa ten guard paused after speaking. Then he said: "Actually, I didn't know the relationship between Masaga Matsumoto and you before I came here. As for the discovery of the relationship between you, it was completely unexpected. For the details, please explain to Masaga Matsumoto."

When I heard this, my gaze naturally shifted to Matsumoto Masaka, and Matsumoto Masaka also said very sorry: "This...I'm really sorry, this is our negligence."

"This Monarch cannot be blamed on this Monarch, and we are also responsible." August Xun suddenly stood up and took the initiative to take part of the responsibility, and then she and Matsumoto Masaka started to explain the main content of this matter one sentence by one sentence. .

In fact, the matter is very simple, that is, this Amakusa Ten Guard went to Matsumoto Masaga and they came to Matsumoto Masaka to seek cooperation, but because of a little misunderstanding, August Kazuo and the others put Amakusa Ten Guard Think of it as the NPC sent by Masaga Matsumoto to pick them up. Speaking of which may be due to the player's own superiority. Most players think that they are more noble than NPCs. This is not a problem at all, after all, NPCs can be said to be part of the game, and the meaning of their existence is to accompany the player to play. So this kind of thinking of the players is not a problem. But the point is, because of this concept of thinking that they are superior to NPCs, many players often forget or even simply fail to see the capabilities of NPCs. Most players regard NPC as a low-level, mechanical dummy that only follows procedures.

The formation of this concept has repercussions left by other games that players have come into contact with before, and there are also reasons for players to position themselves. In short, the reasons are very complicated. However, in any case, at least one thing is certain, that is, players will always ignore the power of NPC.

Be aware that although most of the NPCs in "Zero" are the same as previous games, they only have simple intelligence, but "Zero" is the best game in it. It has a rule that can guide the game world. The main system and several biological computer clusters specially used to simulate artificial intelligence.

These biological computer clusters can simultaneously simulate many artificial intelligences with normal human intelligence, so you can imagine them as a large group of game customer service personnel. As for the main system, it is a kind of existence similar to a telephone exchange. Although the NPCs in the city usually only have low-level intelligence, it is for the program itself. Once a player interacts with an NPC, the main system will immediately assign an artificial intelligence to take over the NPC and communicate with the player. . Therefore, although the intelligence level of this NPC is not as good as a dog for most of its life, this NPC will communicate with you like a shrewd normal person during the entire process of the intersection between the player and him.

In addition, in addition to ordinary NPCs that only appear intelligent when interacting with the player, there is actually a kind of NPC in "Zero" that has standing intelligence. This kind of NPC has a dedicated computing unit to simulate their intellectual behavior, so they will always be in this high level of intelligence. This kind of high level NPC is generally a more important NPC, or an NPC that communicates more with the player, in short, has certain special features.

Because these NPCs have human intelligence, and even some NPCs that surpass ordinary person intelligence, in fact, NPCs are a group of very powerful existence, and they actually affect the entire game process all the time.

This Amakusa Ten Guard seems to be the kind of NPC with standing intelligence, and this guy's intelligence level is quite not low.

According to reports from August Kaoru and Masaka Matsumoto, the general situation is that Masaka Matsumoto usually trains a group of NPCs to assist the spy players we send him to do some daily work. . Unlike players, NPCs can be bought or transformed. It is difficult for you to make a player a true traitor in the game, because to do this, you need to fight against the strong national education system and the normal values ​​of the ordinary person. However, the players in the game are the easiest to instigate rebellion, because many people feel that they are playing the game, so except for some major issues, most people do not actually have too much loyalty to their guild.

Because the player's temperament in the game has become elusive, we can't let Matsumoto Masaga transform Japanese players into his real help. The people we sent to Matsumoto Masaka were first to join our guild, and then sent back to help Matsumoto Masaka, and the people who came to Matsumoto Masaka in Japan, we simply dare not let them know about Matsumoto Masaka and our Frost Rose. Links between alliances. This is a basic rule, and we dare not go beyond it. However, NPCs are easier to master than players. Their lives, their lives, and everything about them are in the game, so unlike players who can go offline, if an NPC takes refuge in one person, it is basically a real refuge. Therefore, you don't need to care too much about NPCs that are concealed from Japanese players. Of course, Masaga Matsumoto and the others will not spread the word around the world, but for the convenience of doing things, Masaga Matsumoto will train many NPCs to let them know the relationship between Masaga Matsumoto and us.

These NPCs surrendered to Masaka Matsumoto, which meant that they gave their wealth and life to Masaka Matsumoto. Therefore, unlike the players, they would not suddenly betrayed for other unfathomable mystery reasons. . The more important reason is that there is no national education problem in NPC. Most Chinese players don't like Japanese players, and the situation of Japanese players is similar, but there is no such thought of ethnic hatred between the NPCs of the two countries. Moreover, because Divine Race is powerful and politically weak in the game, there is almost no concept of country among NPCs. Most NPCs only know their own nation, their own forces and their own belief camps. They simply don't have the concept of the country.

Because of these reasons, Matsumoto Masaga and many of their NPC subordinates know their true identities, and these NPCs were recruited by Matsumoto Masaga and August Kaoru in Japan, so these people They are all Japanese costumes, either warrior or Onmyouji, or ninja, or the appearance of ordinary Japanese people, anyway, they are authentic Japanese.

Amakusa Ten Guard is a Japanese warrior, so he is also a real Japanese, or a Japanese NPC, and because of his identity, when August Xun and the others came, they thought this Amakusa Ten Guard was An NPC subordinate of Masaga Matsumoto. This mistake caused them to take him directly to the communication room. Although it was later discovered that this guy was not really Matsumoto's subordinate, but because he later explained his intentions, Matsumoto and the others made a temporary intention and did not kill him. This is what happened now. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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