Regarding the question of whether Banshee is used decentrally or intensively, gold coin finally gave a good suggestion, that is, it is usually used decentralized and concentrated in large-scale wars.

This scheme is actually very simple. Usually everyone is busy with their own tasks. Some people do guild tasks, some are leveling, some are making money, and some are learning skills. At this time, strategic magic is not used at all, so it is better to distribute Banshee. , So as to play the best role. After all, this scattered state is a normal state for players, and it is rare to use strategic magic.

As for the collective use in battle, this is actually very easy to understand. Any guild battle, it must be a large number of players who need to accumulate our guild. At this time, we must gather all the Banshee around our guild players to temporarily form a strategic magic group. Anyway, there is telepathy between Banshee, and there is no need to stay together and cultivate like other strategic divisions. By tacit understanding, they can enter the synchronization state anytime, anywhere.

After analyzing Banshee's attributes, the next step we need to do is to test Banshee's actual battle strength.

Testing the actual battle strength is very complicated in reality, because it is very troublesome to eliminate the interference of various unexpected factors and count a lot of data. But in the game, all this is much simpler, because there is something called the personal jump battle system in the game.

This personal challenge system was initially set up for players, as long as they pay a certain amount of money, then they can participate in the challenge. During the challenge, you will generally choose three modes according to your own settings. The first mode is a mission mode, that is, something with a puzzle-solving nature. The main test is the thinking ability rather than the practical ability. The second mode is called combat mode. Basically, you alone challenge various monsters that are constantly appearing. In this mode, there will be more and more monsters, with higher levels, and your battle scenes are becoming more and more complicated. In the beginning, the player may be fighting on a flat ground like an arena, and then the terrain will gradually become larger and more complicated, and may even become air combat in the later stage. Anyway, the difficulty of the scene and the monster is increasing, until the challenger is killed, even if the challenge is over, then the system gives a comprehensive score based on the battle time, the number of monsters killed, and the difficulty of reaching the terrain.

Third Type mode is actually the most attractive part of challenge mode. This mode is called the self-challenge mode, which is to fight against a self completely copied by the system. The copied you have exactly the same attributes as you. You can do everything else, and all the non-attribute features such as response speed will be the same as you. The system will even give the copy person based on your previous behavior habits. Your movement habits. Although system AIimpossible completely replicates a person's fighting habits, most players feel that the replicated self is very close to the real self after challenging themselves.

Although theoretically you will challenge yourself with the same attributes as your own, the final result should be all luck. After all, the player's every attack value is unstable. The maximum attack and minimum attack on our equipment shows that the damage output of the equipment is unstable, and the player's own power output is actually unstable. However, in the actual raise upwards battle mode, few players can handle the duplicated self, because the duplicated by the system will always be the biggest attack, and the duplicated you are a computer-controlled artificial AI, he doesn't know what Called tired. When the battle time is long, the real players tend to be distracted. This is a normal reaction of normal people, but you will not be distracted by the copied ones, so the longer the battle time is, the higher the probability that the player will be defeated by himself.

We want to know Banshee's battle strength, so we can just borrow this challenge mode. This thing not only allows you to see the status of the battle in a macro view, but also gives detailed test data. Besides the cost, there is almost no shortcoming. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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