Chapter 225 Banshee's Ability

The speed of Banshee production by the defense mother tree is not slow. The advantage of using internal reproduction is that as long as the energy can keep up with the supply , Banshee's production speed can be very fast.

We waited under the tree for about 20 minutes, and the second batch of Banshee descended from the tree, and then basically kept this speed, about 20 minutes per batch. A defensive mother tree can produce 13 Banshees at a time. Although the number is not very large, considering a batch of 20 minutes, this speed is actually quite fast.

We have been tossing from early in the morning until almost noon before finally confirming that the defense mother tree will not produce Banshee again. At this time, she has produced eight times in a row, and the first six times were 13 each time. Full quota, no change, but only eleven Banshees were produced for the seventh time, and seven at the last time. That is to say, the original plan was the weight required for one hundred Banshees, but the final actual output was only nine. Sixteen, which shows that the actual production consumption is higher than expected. Fortunately, this gap is not very large. Although it will slightly increase the cost, it is still within an acceptable range.

In order to calculate the exact amount of materials consumed by each Banshee, we slowly added some materials after that until the defense mother tree gave birth to a new Banshee. Through the birth of this last Banshee, we finally got the single material consumption of Banshee, which can be used as a basis for material filling after the production of Banshee.

According to my goal, Banshee is to exist as the guardian creature of our guild, so this amount is obviously not enough now, so we can only continue to fill so that the defense mother tree can continue to produce Banshee.

To make Banshee the guardian of our guild, the number of Banshee must exceed 1,000. This is a hard and fast rule, so it cannot be omitted. However, for reasons of confidentiality, we cannot let another The three defensive mother trees produce Banshee together, and the production rate of one defensive mother tree is 13 every 20 minutes. This speed is not slow, but it takes a lot of time to produce one thousand. So we and Lada Mantis did not intend to wait for the birth of every Banshee here.

Because there are already many Banshee born here, I left the rest of the work to them. Of course, I don’t care about it completely, because I still transfer from the guild. A lot of auxiliary class NPCs came to help them handle some logistical matters. As for Radamantis and I, when the total number of Banshees reached more than 150, we selected 100 Banshees and took them to Steel City. We need to do a capability test for these Banshees here, and the most suitable place for testing is the mining area of ​​Gangcheng. Anyway, the mining area of ​​Steel City is a jungle of steel. You can destroy it as you want. There is no need to worry about loss or information leakage.

Although we have planned to make Banshee the guardian creature of our guild, because the number is not enough for the time being, we have not been able to complete this process. It’s also because Banshee is not our guardian beast for the time being, so I can’t check their attributes. What’s more troublesome is that I can’t directly fight with them to get the attributes. After all, Banshee is still in a neutral state. Relationship degree, this is not a good thing. Besides, even if I can see these Banshee's attribute panels, testing is necessary. After all, data is just data. The height of combat capability depends on actual performance. It does not mean that high data must be strong.

This time we pulled a total of one hundred Banshee, so the test data will be more accurate. For this kind of test, our guild has prepared many times before, so we have already had a complete test process. However, what’s a little bit troublesome today is that the test can only be done by Radamantis and I, because the people on the steel city have been transferred to the ground part of the steel city to test the new series of installations in the guild. The airship is gone.

Since the last time we got the real floating technology, our guild has made a lot of airship models like the rioters at once. The reason why there are so many models is mainly because we have anti-gravity devices before the guild, and because of the mobile angels, we have studied the supporting technology of flying battleship, so we can say that we have all the supporting technology of flying battleship. , Except that there is no power system. Now we suddenly got the power system, and other technologies have been perfected, so after we got the power equipment, we didn't have any experiment and research and development process at all, and we directly came up with a lot of models of flying battleships. Of course, impossible will retain so many models in the future, but because there has never been a real flying battleship before, we don’t know which design is better. We can only build one or two of each type first, and then Use the side experiment, find out the problem, correct it, and carry forward the good idea, so that after a period of time, it will naturally be able to refine the most practical spaceship.

Although this spaceship refining plan is quite good, before the large-scale drawdown, we must first test the reasonableness and unreasonableness of various battleships. Therefore, the steel city is now the city of heaven. Everyone is busy testing the various abilities of various battleships, and because there will inevitably be some problems in the test, they need to be repaired, tested, repaired, and tested constantly. In short, there are so many things that are scary and there is no time at all. No matter what else.

Because there is a shortage of people in the steel city, today's test can only be done by Radamantis and I. Fortunately, there are not many people.

The testing of one hundred Banshees went very quickly. Because Banshees have a spiritual connection, they will understand many things as soon as you finish talking, and it is very easy to guide them. In addition, the Banshees seem to have a good obedience. If it weren't for their more attractive appearance, plus the behavior and behavior, there is always a kind of lazy feeling. You might even think that this is a group of female soldiers. Regarding Banshee's obedience, the result of my discussion with Ladamantis is that Banshee may have inherited part of the plant characteristics of the defense mother tree.

The characteristic of plants is that they are very passive. They rarely take the initiative to do what they do. Their behavior is instinctive and will change according to changes in the environment. They will not think about changing the environment. Although Banshee looks similar to humans, they were hatched from the defensive mother tree after all, so it is understandable that they have inherited some of the plant characteristics.

Compared to other tests, the basic data test is the simplest. Get some standard props for the Banshee to attack, and look at the damage results to know the general ability data. This is the simplest and most effective method.

We completed the basic test in just one hour. The final data show that Banshee is likely to be a full-scale combat creature. It can be said to be comprehensive, mainly because Banshee's spirit strength and physical fitness are very high in the test data. If it is a warrior, then it is bound to be physical surpassing the spirit, and the wizard is the spirit surpassing the physical ability. This is the basic law of the combat profession, and there are no exceptions. Even if the two attributes are both high, it can only mean that this person has dual careers or triple careers. After all, no warrior will madly increase spirit strength after upgrading without increasing strength and agility.

Banshee’s stamina value is quite high, its value basically reaches the stamina value of the 1,500-level warrior player, and the stamina value of the 1,500-level player mentioned here is Counting the value of additional bonuses such as equipment, Banshee now only has a cloth robe on his body, without any attributes. In other words, if equipped, Banshee’s melee combat ability may be equivalent to the level of 1800 warrior players, and this is still based on the average level of equipment. If equipped with good equipment, the battle strength is approaching. The battle strength level of two thousand players is not too much.

In addition to the basic physical stamina that has reached the level of 1,500 warrior players, Banshee's basic stamina also has a clear bias.

The warrior players among the players are often divided into many different types, the most famous of which is the MT or the main battle tank, referred to as the main tank. The main tank is called a main battle tank because its battle method is similar to that of tanks in modern warfare. This type of player usually has two major elements. One is the defense is super strong, and to put it bluntly, it can carry it, even if it is attacked by the enemy. Insist on for a short period of time will not be killed immediately. Another essential element of the main tank is high damage. Except for the armor with skin is rough and flesh is thick, the sharpest thing about the tank is the tank gun. Therefore, the main tank in the team also has similar capabilities. In addition to strong defense, offensive capabilities must also be very strong, must have high output capabilities, at least be able to give a strong threat to the enemy main tank level players, so as to play a vital role in the battlefield. .

In addition to this main tank, there are warriors such as meat shields and sensitive wars among the players. A meat shield is actually a main tank with no attack power. This kind of player is either a low-level main tank or a professional shield that specializes in defense. Anyway, the defense is very good and the attack is not strong. Min Zhan and the previous profession are just reversed. For them, defense simply doesn't need to be concerned, because Min Zhan survives by speed. Relying on the super fast speed to avoid the opponent's attack, try not to be attacked, this is the defense method of Min Zhan. As for the attack... Min Zhan's attack methods are also divided into two. One is the assassin type of sensitive warfare. Although the speed of such agile combat is very fast, what is even more exaggerated is their attack power. Just being touched by them is usually a serious injury. There is also a kind of agile warfare. This warrior's attack power is very general, purely fast, and then through the advantage of speed, you will continue to get attack opportunities, each time you will be destroyed a little bit of blood, but Fast and frequent attacks will eventually cause the opponent to die in pain.

The above general classification of these all are warrior, in fact, there are many specific classifications, and the classification of some players is not clear, which is regarded as the center. However, Banshee's attribute allocation is very accurate and clear, and their combat characteristics should be agile players who tend to be assassin.

Banshee showed a super high power attribute in the basic test, and the power is directly linked to the attack power, which means that Banshee's attack power is very high. In addition, Banshee's agility value is also quite terrifying. In a kind of agility test called a moving maze, the best innate talent among these Banshee actually ran out of zero touch and completed the entire level test in only 13 seconds. .

In fact, this moving maze is to set up a lot of movable tracks horizontally on a section of the road, and many vertical metal pillars are installed on these tracks at intervals. The surface of these metal pillars has a sensory magic array, as long as you touch it, it will be counted immediately, and when someone crosses this road, the metal pillars on these tracks will move quickly. You must know that on these tracks, each track is equipped with a dozen metal pillars, and the distance between every two metal pillars is only 60 cm, which means that the gap between these metal pillars is actually just enough for one person. walk over. However, when it moves irregularly on the track, this gap is not so easy to target. Moreover, because the distance between the track and the track is very narrow, there is simply no one standing there, so once you start to enter this road, it is impossible to stop, otherwise you will continue to be hit by the metal pillars. The person under test must move in the level without stopping. If they don't move forward, they must move backward, otherwise they will inevitably be touched. It is basically impossible to stand in place and slowly aim at the gap to drill through.

Before this level test, we let players test it in the guild. Finally, a player test standard was set. After entering the corresponding level, the moving column will start to move, and the speed is determined according to the level you enter. Today, the Banshee used to test the level of difficulty of 1500, and as long as the player can run the entire course in one minute and ensure that the number of times he is touched by the metal pillar does not exceed ten times, then he will be considered as a player of this level. The average standard too. It can be seen that the speed and the number of contacts of the Banshee are very abnormal.

High agility, high attack, such Banshee itself is very abnormal. However, in the actual test, there was a little surprise, that is, we found that Banshee has no hidden weapons.

Before when Banshee was born, Radamantis and I discovered that there was nothing on their bodies that could be used as weapons, such as claws or teeth. These are all common attack sites, but Banshee did not have them. . Although their nails are slightly longer and slender than normal humans, they only look more beautiful. If this kind of nail is used to catch people, even if the other party does not have armor protection, at most they will be caught with a bloody face, which is basically impossible to kill. As for the teeth... it seems that their little white teeth are also suitable for nibbling vegetables or something, anyway, biting people is basically not expected.

Ladamantis and I find it strange that there are no natural weapons at all. Many attributes of Banshee are similar to Banshee, but the problem is the nails of the Queen of Blades. They are all retractable, and can reach a foot long after unfolding, and it is really shaved iron like mud, even if it is a shield, as long as it is not of Divine Item level, it will still have five white marks when it goes down. However, Banshee has the basic attributes of the blade Banshee, but does not have their minions, which would be very problematic if they really fight.

In addition to the physical data, after using the wizard test system for testing, we also unexpectedly discovered that Banshee actually has a strong spirit strength, and the condensed degree and control of the spirit strength are very strong. .

Many people only know that the warrior is divided into different categories such as Min Zhan and Main Tank, but few people know that there are actually different categories of wizards. On the surface, it seems that the only indicator of the wizard is the strength of spirit strength, because this value determines the amount of magic power, but it is not the case.

Although the data label of the Master only has the value of spirit, this value is actually divided into two small branches. One of them is the strength of spirit strength, and the other is the accuracy of spirit strength.

Spirit strength determines your upper limit of magic power, maximum Demon power output, and speed of magic recovery. The accuracy of spirit strength determines your casting speed, number of magic controls, and magic formidable power.

Some wizards will use a lot of low-level magic to cover and strike in battle, such as Kristina is a typical representative of them. Generally, this kind of wizard has a high accuracy of spirit strength, so they gather magic very quickly, and the same magic they release will be much more powerful than other wizards, and such a wizard can often perform magic Plural control. Of course, Kristina's so abnormal is a case, but most of these mages can easily get seven or eight low-level magic to be launched together.

In fact, everyone does not understand these classifications of mages. The main reason is that these two classifications are hidden attributes and will not be displayed, and players cannot add points to control the invasion of these two branch attributes. Sex, can only rely on equipment and special tasks to change the specific performance of these two attributes. The final result of this state is that the two attributes in the wizard are actually not much different, and there will be no situation where the agility of the warrior is seven or eight times higher than that of the meat shield type warrior. The ratios of mental strength and control power among wizards are usually very close, with only one general aggressiveness, and there are very few two values ​​that are much different. Even Kristina is not really that the two values ​​are very different, she just has better control, and her battle strength is stronger entirely because her two hidden attributes are high, not Said she was partial.

Banshee's spirit strength is tested and concluded to be very high, but what is even more exaggerated is their control. Calculated according to this numerical ratio, Banshee's spirit strength control is several grades higher than that of the players, and this control force exceeds the spirit strength by a lot, often means precision strikes and magical deformation.

It's like letting you use a chopstick to poke a small hole in the wall and letting you use an iron rod weighing more than ten kilograms to poke a small hole in the wall, the power and control weight The larger the gap, the easier the control will be. The accuracy of Banshee's spirit strength is so high, which means that their control of magic absolutely reaches the point of breathing like do as one pleases. This is a terrifying kind of innate talent among wizards, because once spell is used, it is actually difficult for warriors to take advantage of it. After all, the damage of most wizard skills is higher than the damage of warrior skills, and wizard skills Almost all are remote. These advantages determine that once the wizard's spell has the characteristics of flexibility and change, the warrior can only be deflated.

"Ladamantis, look at this attribute..."

"It feels very strange." Radamantis said before I could finish: "This kind of attribute is not like the characteristics of a wizard player, at least not a pure wizard."

"Do you think these Banshees are that kind of profession?"

" That kind?" Radamantis was taken aback for a moment, and then asked: "You mean Demon Sword sergeant?"

"It may also be a battle mage, but I can't get out of this range anyway. "

Radamantis frowned upon hearing what I said, "It sounds possible, but I don’t know much about it. You’d better find a professional to take a look. ."

"Professionals?" I thought for a moment and said: "Then you wait."

Since it’s a magical issue, the professionals of course need to look for Klee. Stina. After all, she is probably the most powerful spell player in the world, and our guild’s theoretical research is very advanced. As the No. 1 of the guild’s mage system, Kristina should also study theoretical aspects. It has been a lot, so it would be more appropriate for her to help analyze it.

Christina happened to be in Isengard at this time, and she had nothing to do, so she came very quickly. Radamantis and I explained to Kristina about the special attributes of the Banshees, and then I asked Kristina: "What do you think their combat classification will look like?"

Christina didn't even hesitate at all, and she said directly: "It's definitely a Demon Sword, don't guess."

"Why not a battle mage?" Radamantis asked road.

Christina directly clicked on the information sheet in her hand. "The battle mage only uses magic to fight melee, and he doesn't want to knock people with a wand. Why do you need such a high strength? High agility and high spirit strength. This is the battle mage. The high strength is for the sword, so it must be Demon. Swordsman, not a battle mage."

Originally, Ladamantis and I hadn't figured out yet, Kristina's reminder immediately made sense to us. Just like Kristina said, the battle mage doesn't need to use a staff to knock people, what can he do with such a high power? So, the only reasonable job should be Demon Sword.

"Really didn't expect Banshee to be a creature of the Demon Sword type." Radamantis said, "But when they were born, they didn't understand anything, and they didn't even have a sword. Isn’t Demon Sword a little weird?"

Kristina said: "Sword problem shouldn’t be a problem? Weapons this thing should be easy to find in the game, let alone others. Originally, they were Demon Sword soldiers. Besides weapons, they can also use magic to fight. So if they adopt the step by step strategy to gradually acquire high level weapons, they can also grow up?"

I nodded: "It should be so right. But it was in a wild environment. The smelting technology of our guild, to equip them with some good weapons is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain?"

" You have to have armor, too? You can't let the Demon Sword go on the battlefield, right?" Radamantes asked.

When I heard this, I suddenly remembered that I had brought back a set of guild equipment from Egypt. Although the equipment was prepared for the members of the guild, I took into account many people like me. Members have their own equipment, so it’s better to distribute guild equipment to Banshee. Anyway, after Banshee becomes the guardian of the guild, every player must bring one with him. This means that every player is equipped with a set of this guild equipment, which is not wasteful, and can maximize the performance. formidable power.

When I said that about the equipment, Kristina immediately nodded and said: "Then the equipment is solved, but what about the skills?"

"I'm not worried about this." Radamantis said.

I watched Kristina looked at Ladamantis suspiciously, and helped to explain: "You didn’t see it before. When the Banshee were born, they would not even have language, but finally they scanned Ling Ling. I only learned the language from my memory."

"Can they read the memory directly?"

I nodded and said: "Yes, and as long as one of the Banshee knows it, the other Banshee They will all be there."

"Damn, so amazing?"

"So I don’t worry about their battle skills at all. Just take this time The 100 Banshees that came to test are all sent to the skill training center on Isengard’s side for separate training. Each Banshee learns one skill, and after two hours, all the Banshees have learned 100 skills. This This kind of learning speed can definitely scare people to death."

"Then let's take these Banshee to study, right?"

"No problem."

At the suggestion of Kristina, we also called True Red, Shadow Spring and Gold Coin on the way to Isengard. The two apprentice sisters, Zhenhong and Yingquan, take the hard-fought route and the agile route. The really red attack method is nothing more than tanks, the whole is a bulldozer. No matter what enemy you run into, just rush all the way. Although Yingquan and Zhenhong were the same master who went down the mountain, her ability was completely different, because she took the assassin route and was particular about one strike certain kill.

The two of them are called for the convenience of giving some skill suggestions. After all, these two are even the two stronger melee players in our guild. As for the gold coin... she was asked to learn about the general characteristics of Demon Sword from her. Of course, gold coin is not a Demon Sword priest, but a Taoist priest, but if you analyze it carefully, the Taoist priest is actually the Chinese version of the Demon Sword priest. The two have a lot in common. As for why not find a real Demon Sword... this speaking of which is really amazing. The answer I got after inquiring the records of the military god was that there is no high level Demon Sword in our bank.

Our guild is no longer the small guild of the year. It is said that the ratio of various occupations is very scattered, but didn't expect actually has shortcomings, and it still looks very The famous Demon Sword professional. This is not to say that our guild does not have Demon Sword officers, but that Demon Sword officers are very low-level. According to the statistical information from the military god, the highest rank Demon Sword in this guild is actually only one thousand and two hundred. This level is considered mid-to-upstream level among ordinary players, but it is basically the bottom of our guild. This phenomenon is really strange enough.

After the appointment, we met together in the skill learning hall, and then I divided the 100 Banshee into more than a dozen groups, the number of people in each group is not necessarily, mainly depends on the learning It depends on the difficulty of things. As for skill selection, this is of course really red and they have discussed it. Anyway, Radamantis and Kristina can't count on it anymore. Radamantis is Divine Race. He hasn't used any of our skills, so naturally he can't guide. Kristina is simply a mage, she really can't help Demon Sword or something.

Fortunately, the three of them are pretty awesome. They quickly came up with a list of the most useful skills. Then I sent all the Banshees in groups to learn these skills, and we also Can only wait outside.

According to the normal process, the skill learning time is usually two hours. Most players can complete the specified skill learning within two hours. Of course, there are some who can’t learn it, but this situation is quite It is rare. After all, the various public facilities of our guild are of the highest standard, and the addition of various functions is very high. If this is not good, why should I waste guild points to upgrade those functional buildings?

Of course, although most people can complete skill learning within two hours, if you complete it early, the skill training center will not kick you out in advance, but will use the remaining time Give you training skill levels. According to the average situation of our guild, most players learn skills, and their skills are already two Level 3 when they come out. Some more powerful people will go directly to Level 5 when they come out. This is a common occurrence. However, the performance of the Banshees surprised me a bit, because two of the skill learning teams actually came out within two hours, and when I asked them why they came out so early, their answer turned out to be skills. I learned to the top, so I came out.

"What? Are you up to the level?" Kristina asked in disbelief.

One of the Banshee nodded and said: "Yes. It's already Level 20, and the instructor said that we can't go to school anymore, so we can only come out."

"Zero "The setting of skills in》 is like this. Each skill is level zero when it is first learned, and then it will be automatically upgraded to Level 1 as long as it is used once. After that, it will only accumulate experience at the training center or when it actually produces a killing effect. However, no matter how you use it, the highest level of the skill is Level 20. Of course, the player’s skills are not necessarily Level 20, but only Level 20 can be upgraded by EXP. After Level 20 is reached, players can also use special task rewards, props or equipment to increase their skill levels, which means that there are skills above Level 20, but at most there are a few more than a dozen levels. Anyway, so far. I haven't seen anyone who can upgrade a certain skill to Level 10 or higher.

Although Level 20 is at full level, it doesn't look very high, but considering the difficulty of this level upgrade, in fact, this level is not less. Strictly speaking, the difficulty of upgrading a player's skill level is often more difficult than that of a character level. Many players learn skills at level one or two hundred, but they have not yet reached the level of five-six hundred. This is still a common skill. Those skills that are not commonly used are even more cloudless.

Although we were surprised at the learning speed of the Banshee, we still have to admit that after some inspection, the Banshee’s skills really learned the level 20 full level. The result is that the gold Coin and Zhenhong were hard hits. I thought they were good enough by themselves, but didn't expect there are even better than them. It's just that once they entered the skill training hall, they got their skills to the full level. This is simply a monster!

With the emergence of the first team Banshee, the following Banshee also began to appear as a team. In the end, it turned out that four teams all directly learned Level 20 and came out early. Although the remaining teams did not come out early, half of them had learned the 19th and Level 20 status, and the lowest one of the remaining teams had already reached the 15th level when they came out.

As for the Banshee's abnormal learning speed, I discussed it with Radamantis and the final conclusion that surprised us. Based on the analysis of this effect, the telepathy that Banshee said before should probably be called experience sharing.

What does this experience sharing mean? Let me put it this way. Suppose you practice for an hour alone, and you can get 10,000 EXP. Now there are ten of you leveling together, and then your EXP is shared. Then, after one hour, each of you will get 100,000 EXP. And what if there are not ten you, but a hundred you? Is the result terrifying?

Banshee's telepathy is likely to have similar abilities. Although it may not be 100% experience sharing, and it may only be effective for skill learning, this skill is too abnormal anyway. I even thought of a probability, that is, Banshee might be the most suitable strategic mage force.

There is a spell called strategic magic in "Zero". Some people call it Legion-level magic, others call it super forbidden spell, and call it destruction-level magic. There are a lot of names, but they are actually just one thing.

Our guilds are accustomed to calling this magic called strategic magic, and the use of this strategic magic is not done by one person, but by one person, and then a large group of people treat this person as a human body The battery provides magical support, so that this super terrifying spell can be released. However, although the formidable power of strategic magic is extremely large, its shortcomings are also obvious. Long preparation time, unstable formidable power, and easy interruption are the most important flaws. And these shortcomings are actually unified to one problem in the end, that is-tacit understanding.

The preparation time of strategic magic is so long, half of which is due to the incoordination of the magic power between the magicians who support this magic and the guide wizard who dominates the magic, so the guide wizard is preparing the magic In the process, you need to constantly adjust the strength and frequency of the magic power that supports the mage. It’s like a large group of people want to line up a square, but except for one Captain, everyone else in the team is blind and can’t see their own. Position, can only rely on Captain's command to change the position to arrange the square array. But Captain has only one mouth, and he can only command one person at a time, and because of communication problems, it doesn't mean that Captain can say a word. This person can immediately find his position accurately. This process requires constant and repeated adjustment of everyone's position, and this proce

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