"I have to say that if your familiar becomes a spy, I am afraid there is no secret to hide!"

"Not as exaggerated as you said Princess's charm skills also need to be determined by people. It is also very troublesome to encounter the kind of determined spirit or too strong spirit strength. But this kind of ability can be regarded as a more practical ability. After all, the existence of super spirit strength is not originally. Many, it is very easy to deal with miscellaneous soldiers."

"Hey, master, am I as weak as you said?" Princess pouted and asked me.

When the little girl was angry, I quickly patted her and was comforted: "Okay, well, you are the best, right? Come on, there are two guards in front of you. It's up to you."

"No problem, leave this to me."

As I said, Princess's ability to deal with miscellaneous soldiers is simply invincible. The spirit strength of the spirit guard here can’t even reach the fraction of Princess’s own spirit strength, and as long as Princess doesn’t encounter that kind of sturdy existence that is much stronger than herself, she can basically be charmed directly, and even if it is That kind of perversion with super spirit strength, Princess doesn't mean that it can't charm each other at all, but the effect will be much weaker.

Although it can be said that the Spirit King’s court is expert as clouds, expert is impossible to stand guard for you, so we all encounter elite elves combatants at the checkpoints along the way. In the case of soldiers, these people are the existence of Peak, but in terms of high-end martial power, these guys are obviously not enough.

Along the way, it’s like walking in our own home. We easily walked through the garden and the royal courtyard behind the garden, and then we dared to go directly through a Kimera lair. . Originally, Ives was going to go around the atrium part on the other side, but finally we went here under the insistence of Princess and I.

Actually, walking to the Kemera lair is much closer than the atrium, and there are basically no guards here. Kemera itself is a high level devil beast. Adult Kemera’s battle strength is almost the same as that of the giant dragon of adolescence, and the intelligence of these guys is also significantly higher than that of ordinary devil beasts. Although there is no human level, it is absolutely Much smarter than the orangutan. It is also because Kimera is strong and smart, so the elves simply never thought about the need to arrange any guards here. As the elves thought, if the invaders passed through the Kemera lair, it would be as simple as fighting directly from the barracks. Although there are more soldiers over there than Kimera, it is really necessary to start a battle. A nest of Kimera here can definitely easily reimburse the soldiers of the two patrol battalions, and Kimera still has no casualties. victory.

Because Kimella is too strong, normal people will never infiltrate from here. You must know that elves are not like humans, they can communicate with animals, so elves do not need reins and chains whether they are riding or raising devil beasts. To put it simply, the devil beasts of Elf Race are all free-range. There are no cages and chains to restrain these devil beasts. The entry of ordinary intruders into such devil beast nests is purely courting death.

However, although it is normal to go through the Kemera lair, it is basically a life-threatening situation, but that is normal, and we are now in an abnormal situation.

Princess’s charm ability is far better than Elf Race’s natural affinity effect. As long as she does not actively attack, even if she does not activate any charm skills, ordinary devil beasts will never actively attack her. And as long as she develops a little charm ability, most of the devil beasts will show a super long favor to her. Although I don't have the high charm of Princess, it is not bad. With Princess's ability assistance, those Kimella will not react even if they see me. Moreover, compared with ordinary players, I am better at controlling breath and Spiritual Fluctuation.

In fact, there is a hidden setting in "Zero" that many people have not noticed. This setting is the devil beast in the game. In fact, many have the ability to recognize hostility. Many players are accustomed to categorizing devil beasts into active and passive types. The active devil beast will attack when it sees people, while the passive type will only counterattack after you attack it. In fact, this classification is simply wrong. The classification of offensive devil beasts in the game should actually be divided into: aggressive, vigilant and defensive. Among them, the aggressive and defensive types are what players usually call the active and passive types, and the vigilant devil beast will attack before the player, but they are not really active attacks, but after the player is discovered. Watch your actions first, as long as you show any hostility, they will immediately start attacking.

Because many of these vigilant devil beasts are more sensitive, and because everyone in the game thinks that devil beasts are used to kill leveling, it leads to many vigilant devils. beast was mistaken for assault on the spot. In fact, if players can treat these devil beasts as trees and rocks in the background of the environment, or simply ignore those devil beasts, then these vigilant devil beasts will simply not attack you.

Kemera is actually a vigilant devil beast. Unless he is planning to prey, he will not attack actively, and he basically does not have a strong sense of territory. After all, Being able to live with elves shows that these guys are not actually the kind of lone rangers.

With this kind of character of Kimella, coupled with the charm attribute of Princess and me, those Kimella simply didn't bother to take care of us when we didn't take the initiative to attack. As for Ives, he was originally an elf himself, and this place is the Spirit King, and there are elves everywhere. These Kimera have long been accustomed to those elves walking around. So, as long as Ives doesn't try to provoke Kemera on his own initiative, Kemera simply won't care about him.

Thanks to the charm of Princess and the composition of our personnel, the three of us finally passed through the passageway in the nest smoothly. After passing the Kimera lair, we have arrived in the Central Region of the Royal Court, behind which is the so-called secret library. In fact, the Kimera’s lair was placed here as a guard, but the elves didn’t expect us to have natural charm, and we passed through the entire Kimera’s lair without causing any reaction from Kimera. .

After passing the nest safely, we immediately saw the main part of the Ancient Life Tree. In fact, the central location of the Royal Court is the backbone area of ​​the Ancient Life Tree, and the real secret library is inside the Ancient Life Tree.

"Okay, how do I go now?" I looked towards Ives and asked him for the next route. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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