"Then you guys will just follow me." Ives walked out after speaking, and I took Princess to carefully follow behind.

In fact, after entering the Ancient Life Tree, this task became easier. I don't know if the elves feel that their defense forces have done a very good job. Almost all of their guards have concentrated on the periphery of the royal court, but there are no guards inside. This layout does have a good interception effect on the outside, but once the enemy enters the interior, their supervision will immediately drop.

I walked through several passages with Ives and ran into three guards, and these three guards didn’t seem to be very serious. Two of them kept whispering. There was a guy who was holding a piece of wood and carving some artifacts there, anyway, no one was paying attention to the situation in the passage.

With Princess, these three guards basically failed to produce any effect and we were bypassed by us, and then after passing through a huge pipeline area, they entered into an underground cave like an underground cave. place.

In fact, this place is not underground. On the contrary, the height of this place may be about five or six meters higher than the ground. This huge cave-like place is actually a cavity inside the Ancient Life Tree, and there are actually many cavities like this inside the Ancient Life Tree.

The cavity in front of us has been transformed by the elves into a room similar to a material distribution center, but the things here are all scattered on the ground, and there is no guard to guard it. According to Ives, this place is their daily material storage place. It contains some daily necessities that need to be consumed every day. The flow is large and it is not a valuable thing, so it is not guarded at all. Besides, this is inside the royal court, and most people can't get in at all. Even if someone came in, they would never steal these things here. It's like no thief would be stupid enough to run into the Pentagon to steal office printing paper.

Although this place is not guarded, it does not mean that there is no one here. On the contrary, this place is not only people, but also people coming, people going are very lively, but the people who come here seem to be very rushed, and there is no stopping time when they come in and out.

"How do I get here?" I found that this place has a lot of connection channels. I glanced over and saw a dozen exits.

Ives pointed to a place not far away, where there is a step that is embedded in the wall and extends upward. From that step into the tree, there is a bend a few meters deep, and the rest is Can't see it anymore. Ives pointed there and said: "That is our goal. After entering from that place, even if this task is really difficult. There is still a room like this connected to it, but there are many guards over there, it is a guard. The place where we rest. The entrance of the secret library is in the room above, and the location is very close to the center, which means it is unlikely to get in quietly."

"Our task is to make impossible For possible, let’s think about how to go up now."

"It’s simple." Ives said, "Just walk over. No one cares about you." "

"Isn't it so exaggerated?"

Ives nodded and said: "The things that come to this place are all elves working everywhere. What are their affiliations? They are not the same, and they will leave when they come and take things, and there is no communication between them. Because everyone doesn’t know each other, even if outsiders appear, it won’t cause any suspicion."

"That’s your Elf The people inside the Race, is it okay if I'm obviously from a foreigner like this?"

"Although you have a problem like this, you only need to put on this." Ives said and took a robe. Tell me. I have seen many elves wear this robe along the way. It seems that this thing is the folk costume of the elves here, and many people have it, and this thing is a simple large robe with a hood, so as long as I put the hood on With the hat strap on, basically it won’t be noticed. Of course, this method is only suitable for such places where no one is in charge. It is basically impossible to deceive the guards by relying on this method.

According to Ives' method, I put away Princess first, then took off the armor and other things on my body, and then put on the robe. Although my dragon soul suit has great attributes, it's a pity that this is a heavy plate armor, which is too wide. If you put on a robe outside, it won't look like a slender elf, but rather a barbarian. So I can only take off the armor and wait to enter the tunnel over there and then change it back.

After some tossing, we really went smoothly into the stairway on the opposite side. Following that place, we quickly saw the place where the soldiers gathered that Ives said before. This place is a place for the guards to rest. It is full of guards, and the only way to the secret vault is on a wall on one side of this room. Not only did there not have any doors near it, there were no obstructions around it, and it turned out that it was basically impossible to enter there as Ives said.

"This is the place I'm talking about." Ives pointed to an entrance in front and said: "Fifteen meters away behind that entrance. Turn to the right and you will see a room more than this one. A slightly larger room. There is only one door in it. Behind the door is the secret storehouse for storing special seeds. If we want to enter there, we can only pass from here."

"Since we know the location of the secret storehouse , Can’t you go straight through the big hole in the trunk?” I asked.

Ives immediately shook his head and said: "Absolutely not. This is a gambling agreement between the royal court and our branch tribes. Even killings must be avoided. Even more how is to destroy the Ancient. Life Tree."

"But if a real enemy invades, they won't care about you, Ancient Life Tree or Ancient Life Tree!"

"Yes, foreign The intruder does not care about the life and death of the Ancient Life Tree, but destroying the Ancient Life Tree itself is not a simple matter. Don’t think that the current Ancient Life Tree looks like a big tree that can’t move, just treat it like a normal tree. In fact, the Ancient Life Tree is much stronger than most devil beasts. Usually, because there are a lot of elves living in the trunk, and no one interferes with her, the Ancient Life Tree will stay still. If you attack any place around The ancient tree, the ancient tree will immediately start to fight back."

"Fight back?"

"Yes. Ancient Life Tree can secrete a green solution in its body, this thing It is harmless to the Ancient Life Tree itself, but other creatures will be corroded into a pool of pus as long as it touches a point. In addition, once the Ancient Life Tree is attacked, a lot of damaged wounds will grow. The vines are used as weapons to attack the enemy. These vines can swing and attack like tentacles, and the vines also have the corrosive liquid on them. Don't say if you are entangled, even if it is tapped, it is not a joke. "

"The Ancient Life Tree you said is really amazing."

Ives nodded and said: "In fact, Tree of Life also has similar capabilities, just a little bit It’s only weaker. In addition, you should have already felt that your own magic power is losing rapidly, right?"

I nodded and said: "I have noticed this a long time ago, but I know this is shared by Tree of Life. Natural Formation's ability effect, it seems that your elven city also has such a setting, right?"

Ives nodded and said: "This is a kind of ability inherited from Ancient Life Tree by Tree of Life. As long as it is a creature that has not been certified by Ancient Life Tree, it will absorb magic within this range. If you don’t use magic, it’s better. Once you use magic, the rate of loss of magic It will be even more amazing. However, the creatures that have been authenticated here will not be weakened by magic power, but will be replenished with magic power, and they can quickly restore their life force. "

I nodded and said: "In this way, we can't start with Ancient Life Tree. But it is really troublesome for these guards to block here. "

Ives nodded said: "If it were not for these guards, stealing seeds would not have become so difficult. "

I thought for a while and said: "About this guard, I really want to know. If I kill all the guards here, how long will it take for people outside to discover this? Condition? "

"What? "Ives screamed as soon as he heard it, but he hurriedly covered his mouth as soon as he finished shouting. We are now at the entrance of this side, and we turned into the guards' room after turning a corner. Fortunately those now. The guards were chatting there, so the noise was very loud, otherwise the scream would definitely be discovered. Ives looked outside nervously, and then turned around and pulled me back for a while and then whispered. Asked: "What did you just say? Kill all the guards here? Didn’t we say that we can’t hurt the guards here before we came here? "

"I didn't really do it, just make a hypothesis. "

"What else do you suppose if you don't plan to do it?" "Ives is worthy of being an elf, and his head is not stiff.

Looking at this serious elf helplessly, I had no choice but to explain: "It's like this. I have a familiar with the ability to get all these people away, and in an instant, forcibly move everyone to another place, and as long as my familiar doesn’t let them come out, with their The strength will definitely not come out. So I want to know, if I lose all the guards, how long will it take for people outside to find out that something is wrong here? "

After listening to my explanation, Ives finally put out a long breath, and then said: "I was scared to death. I thought you were really going to kill all the guards here." If your familiar can really remove all the people here at once without making any noise, then I guess that no one will notice it within ten minutes. However, this place is the rest room for guards on duty. About one-fifth of the guards on duty today will rest here in shifts, so there will be a team of people coming back to change shifts in more than ten minutes. "

"How many people change shifts every time?" "I asked.

Ives recalled: "About twenty people in a group. "

" Then there should be no problem. "I said: "As long as those people come back, my Familiar can force them into that space together, so that they can't report. "

Ives thought for a while and said: "This can only be a little more than ten minutes. "

"How do you say? "

Ives explained: "Our guard here is like this. The guards guarding the Ancient Life Tree were divided into teams of 20 people, and 15 teams totaling 300 people were on duty, but there were actually 16 teams wandering outside. Fifteen of the teams are on duty, and the extra team will return to this place to rest, but they will patrol the entire passage by the way and then return here. The rest team here sees that the previous team is back, and then the next team will leave by themselves. They will still patrol the passageway on the way to duty, and then wait until they get to the duty position over there. The extra team over there will leave their posts and return here again, thus forming a cycle. "

I nodded and said: "That is to say, if we wait for a certain patrol team to just set off before we start, it will take twenty minutes for the team to return. Then, if my Familiar controls this team, it will take more than ten minutes for the outside staff to notice that a team of on-duty changing teams has not arrived on time. This is under the premise that the other party has a very accurate view of time. If the other party didn’t take it seriously, he might even notice that someone hadn’t come to take over after a delay of ten minutes, right? "

Ives nodded and said: "If you say so, we had close to forty minutes before it is absolutely safe, and then it depends on the response time of the guards outside. Even if they immediately realize that something may be wrong, it shouldn't be an alarm immediately, but will send someone back to check the situation first, which means that it will take more than fifty minutes for someone to find out that something is wrong. "

I nodded and said: "Fifty minutes. The passage over there is only a dozen meters long. You can run it in less than one minute. How long does it take to collect all the seeds after entering the warehouse? "

"Up to 3 minutes. "Ives said: "But the main problem is not here. "

"Where is that? "

"The main problem is the guard over there. "Ives said: "There are also guards outside the door of the secret library. Although there are only a dozen people, two of them are bred from Elf Race, usually a high level sword saint and a Dharma saint. Basically, even if this configuration can't stop the enemy, it will definitely make a big noise. We are unlikely to enter the secret vault silently. "

"Sword saint and Dharma saint? What level of existence? "

"About three thousand level, or higher. "

"Three thousand level? "I thought for a while and said: "Apart from these two Elders, what level are the rest of the people? "

"Except for the two Elders, the rest are more than one thousand eight hundred guards. "

"Ten guards at level 1,800 plus Elder at level two or three thousand or more, this strength is indeed not low. If the level exceeds my five hundred level, I can resist the forced Space Change of my familiar. In this case, it is impossible to throw the opponent directly into the special space. "I was talking to myself while thinking of a way. "There are quite a few battle strengths in my pet, but it's a pity that the field control unit basically didn't bring it. This kind of gambling task cannot be a killer, so only auxiliary methods can be used. "I thought about it and looked at the crystal bubble next to me, and then said: "I can control one with this prop. What should I do with the rest? "

Ives knew that I was thinking of a solution, so he didn't interrupt, he just looked at me and waited for me to figure out a solution by myself. After all, he is a guide. I really need a way. They came by themselves, and their Elf Race leader won’t let me come.

The crystal bubble can perfectly control an enemy, whether it’s a magic saint or a sword saint, and the opponent has to come out at least It takes more than ten minutes. However, the remaining goal is still very difficult to get. I thought about it and still felt that this method was not reliable, and then I began to give up thinking about the issue of props, and instead wondered what kind of familiars I have that can help. I’m busy.

If I can play the killer, I can think of three or four options at random to kill these people before the other party can make any response. But the problem is now. It’s that we can’t play the killer, which is very annoying.

If you don’t need to worry about the opponent’s life, I can let Princess go out and sell a cute first, even if the opponent’s sword saint and magic saint are super high, Resistance is horrible, but there will be a short period of mental trance under Princess’s charm skills, and there will definitely be a sluggish period after recovery. Although the two times plus one piece will not exceed two seconds, but in these two seconds But there are many things that can be done inside. For example, I can let Ling take advantage of these two seconds to have a mental flogging or something. Taking advantage of Ling's ability, one mental flogging can make that The sage can't slow down for more than ten minutes, and the sword saint next to him will definitely be dizzy. Anyway, it can extend the defenseless time of the other party. This time is definitely enough for us to do a lot of things. At least I can let Lilith go there first Eat one of them, and let the remaining familiars kill the other one.

However, now this can’t be done like this. If you can’t play a killer, then you can’t use the above method. Because you can’t play a killer. , So we can’t distinguish the winner or loser quickly, and once entanglement occurs, let alone the time delay, exposure becomes inevitable.

"It’s really damn it. Is there no way to control the other party? "I was there frowned thinking for a long time, suddenly divine light flashed in my head. "By the way, don't I have a so close, yet worlds apart? "

When I heard my whispered exclamation, Ives knew that I might have thought of a way, but he didn’t know what so close, yet worlds apart was, so he whispered: "Is it right? Think of a way? "

I am excited nodded and said: "That's right. I thought of a way. "

"Oh? Then hurry up and talk about it. "

I directly released Ling, Pepper, Babies, Princess, Kings, Monsters and Ghosts. Ives suddenly felt a little dizzy when he saw such a large group of people, but I had already explained it. .

"You will follow what I said in a while, first..."

After some explanation, I soon let everyone understand my intention. Ives I am very satisfied with this method, so I also let me implement it immediately.

Although it is to be implemented immediately, in order to extend our confidentiality time as much as possible, we still have to wait until the new patrol team leaves. Well, the patrol has to leave every twenty minutes, so we will soon wait for the opportunity. Soon one patrol returned to this resting place, and then another patrol began to assemble, and then left collectively This lounge.

After the patrol team left here, we waited two more minutes for insurance before we suddenly started. First, Princess walked up the corridor where we were hiding first, and then the room The guards inside immediately discovered that there were suddenly more people here, and they weren’t from Elf Race. Under normal circumstances, the guards should be alert immediately when they saw foreigners appearing in this place, but what they didn’t expect was after raising their heads. What I saw was a beautiful little girl, and the elves felt that their heads were a little dizzy, and when they were in a trance, the surrounding environment suddenly changed, and then they all fell into a very beautiful , A very dreamy world within the realm.

Ignore the guards who were forcibly pulled into the sweet world, Ives was stunned. He saw that the guards found Princess, and then Turning their heads collectively, all the people will disappear in the next second. You must know that there are not one or two people in this lounge, but hundreds of people. So many guards disappeared without even humming. Isn’t it too exaggerated?

Because of the tight schedule, I didn’t dare to delay too much. As soon as the baby succeeded here, I immediately awoke the somewhat dazed Ives, and then charge ahead. Pick up the baby on the ground and rush into the secret storeroom over there. Although the secret storehouse is not far from here, because we didn’t make a sound before, the people in the secret storeroom over there haven’t noticed yet. I suddenly became quiet outside, but this time won’t be too long. After all, it’s been quite noisy before. Suddenly quieting down is indeed a bit surprising.

In order to be in a hurry, we almost flew all the way.

I ran to the corner in the passage outside the secret library, and then Princess walked out first.

As we expected, the person opposite Princess was going to do it as soon as she came out, because Their own guards will come here at the corner He said hello in advance, but Princess walked out without shouting, so the person opposite was immediately ready to do it. However, after Princess walked out, the skills and spells that were gathering in the hands of the two Elders suddenly stopped. Princess's appearance is too attractive and has a great affinity. Unless it is a creature with no mind, normal creatures will immediately think of protection rather than attack when they see Princess.

At the time of this pause, the king suddenly flashed out from the passage beside him, but instead of attacking the Dharma Saint and the sword saint there, he hugged fiercely from behind. She stayed at Princess, and put her weapon on her neck.

Of course, this move was made for the elves on the opposite side. Originally, the first impression that Princess gave to people was very affinity, but this affinity is not the same as control. You may feel that someone is more on your way and will like to be close to the other person, but this does not mean that you will completely obey the other person's arrangements. The wizard sword saint and the magic saint have too high levels, so what Princess can do is to use affinity to keep them temporarily inactive. It is impossible to control them. Once they react, they will still attack. After all, this is a secret library and the location is very special. No matter how cute it is, it is inappropriate for Princess to appear here. Therefore, once the rational thinking starts to work, the two Elders will discover that Princess is actually the enemy.

Because once they start thinking, Princess's ability is useless, so we can't let them think. The king's body is the heroic spirit, which is the undead creature, and it has been soaked in the sea of ​​silence, so this negative energy attribute is simply gushing out.

Elf Race is known as the child of the forest and the child of nature. The family also has a special magic branch of life magic. It can be seen from this that the elves and the undead are simply opposites in terms of attributes. Races. It is precisely because of this natural antagonism on attributes that the king is filled with hatred as soon as he comes out.

In this case, an evil creature with full hatred suddenly kidnapped a very cute little girl. Of course, normal people’s thinking is to worry about the safety of the little girl and hope to destroy that evil creature. NS. The elves are of course normal creatures, so their thoughts are also normal. Suddenly seeing Princess being restrained by the king, their attention immediately focused on Princess's safety, and as a result, they ignored the issue of Princess's identity. Of course, this situation is also very unreliable at this time, as long as the time is a little longer, the other party will react immediately. But this is only one step of our plan, and I have no plans to control the two Elders by this.

While they were paying attention to Princess's safety, the king suddenly waved his hand, and the ghost and the ghost suddenly appeared beside the two Elders without warning, and put their arms around their necks from behind.

Although the attack power of demons and monsters is very low, their special attributes are really too permeating. Suddenly appear behind someone else, and then hang it on the person's body in a way of back-binding spirits. At the same time, it sucks blood and sucks the magic, and causes the decline of various attributes such as attack and defense. These abilities are absolutely annoying, and even if you don’t consider the attribute issue, just a translucent grimace suddenly appears behind your back and you can’t get it off your back. This can scare many people into peeing. So, this trick has a deterrent effect on most people, especially the first time you encounter it.

The two had been paying attention to the situation of Princess here for a long time, but didn't expect suddenly they were recruited, but this time they were very scared. The two hurriedly turned around and attacked the demons and monsters hanging on their backs. As a result, their spirits were shaken and they were unable to concentrate, but Ling suddenly flashed out. A mental shock wave directly attacked the elves and guards. The two Elders all fell on the ground in shock, and immediately after the two of them reacted, it was another mental flogging. The two Elders screamed directly and were obviously seriously injured. But this is not over yet. Pepper came out suddenly, and then the king grabbed her petite body and threw it over a distance of more than ten meters so that she fell directly next to the two Elders. Then he saw that the moment the pepper fell on the ground, his eyes flashed. Before they got up, the two Elders fainted and lay on the ground again.

I took advantage of this opportunity to rush to the two Elders, and then activated so close, yet worlds apart, a space door appeared next to us in the next second. Ye Ying suddenly appeared. After lifting the ladder, it was a fixed-point kick, and the two Elders were directly pushed into the space door, and the space door immediately disappeared in place. Of course I also disappeared.

so close, yet worlds apart is not good at this point, every time someone enters this, I must follow in. So after catching these two Elders, I couldn't participate in the battle. Fortunately, although I was restrained, but with Ling, my Familiar could still move freely.

The baby jumped out and threw all the remaining guards into his sweet world. Without those two Elders, these guards are just miscellaneous soldiers.

After putting away the guards, the secret library is completely undefended. The guards outside are gone, and only one gate is left. And I don’t know why, the secret library door of Elf Race is not locked, it can be opened directly. Because Ives had served as a guard here for a period of time, he knew that the door was unlocked, otherwise he would have told us before.

Without guards and no locks, Ling and Ives of course entered the secret vault smoothly. Ling said to Aiweisi: "I let the master's Phoenix Dragon follow you. Tell her what you want to take. She will put things into the special space of your body. You move fast. We have 20 minutes left. Now."

"Understood." Ives quickly rushed in with Fenglong, while Ling released my humanoid demon familiars, and then everyone surrounded them. There let the baby one by one pour people out of his sweet world.

We are impossible to take all the guards away, because once the sweet world of the baby is activated, his own actions will also be restricted. He cannot run around and can only move within the skill range, so now the baby The range of activities is very small. However, we did not intend to take these guards around.

It is really troublesome for those guards to deal with them together, but one by one is not a problem. The baby only releases one person from the sweet world every time, and he directly keeps the other person in the center of our encirclement. As soon as the opponent comes out, the best king of our Sword Art will draw a horizontal bar on his neck with a red brush, and then he will be unable to move even if he is pressed by a bunch of weapons. At this time, Ling will show the badge that Elf Race gave us. As soon as the other party saw this, he knew what was going on, and when he thought of the horizontal line drawn by the brush on his neck, he immediately understood that it meant he had "Death". So after being let go, this one honestly went and stayed. Anyway, according to that internal gambling agreement, he is now considered dead.

Although this method has to be solved by one person, it is actually quite fast. And there were a lot of "dead people" out there to help explain, Ling's actions were much smoother, so they only "killed" all the guards that were under control in a dozen minutes.

After getting the guards here, Ling said to them: "Okay, now the corpses are hidden by us in the secret vault, so... everyone, will you cooperate?"

When the guards heard this, they could only honestly enter the secret vault, and Ives had already come out with things at this time. Many of the guards actually knew him, and when they saw him, they laughed and cursed: "It turns out that you brat guards and steals. I said how can you touch this side silently!"

< p>Ives was said to be quite sorry by these people, but this matter was originally an internal test of Elf Race, and it didn't matter much, so everyone didn't really care much about it like playing games.

Ling sees that they have no problem here and said to the baby: "Hurry up, now go to the room below, the team on the shift over there should be back soon."

Baby though He didn't be very obedient to me, but was unexpectedly afraid of Ling, so he immediately went to the gate and waited. The guards returned to the room accurately according to the scheduled ten swords, and were immediately pulled into the sweet world, and of course they were "kill a witness to silence them" like the previous guards.

After getting the guards here, Ling looked anxiously at the time and said: "Hurry up, get ready, the master wants to let the two Elders out."

Because so close , yet worlds apart The internal time is different from the external Time Flow Speed, so this thing can block all transmission and communication. In fact, even if you can connect to the communication, it won’t work. After all, the Time Flow Speed ​​on the two sides are different. I talk at several times the speed inside, but it sounds like I simply can’t understand it outside, so I can’t communicate. But before I entered, I agreed with Ling that I would throw one of the two Elders out at the appointed time, and then let them control first, and then I would throw the second one after five minutes. Of course, the premise is that I can't handle the two Elders. If I can handle it, I will bring them out directly.

In fact, it is much more intense than Ling and the others thought. As soon as the two Elders entered the so close, yet worlds apart, they immediately recovered a part of their mobility, but they soon discovered that they could not adapt to the surrounding environment.

In fact, these two Elders are also lucky, because they are the first batch of people who have been pulled into so close, yet worlds apart in the true sense so far. I just came in with Supreme Taoist before, and it was testing equipment at that time, not really fighting here.

Because two Elders from Elf Race came in this time, I deliberately chose an environment that is extremely unfavorable to each other. You know that so close, yet worlds apart, this equipment is so good that it can provide you with the right time and place. It not only allows me to set the internal natural environment and a few rules at will, but more importantly, I can modify the Time Flow Speed. .

Because I am not a human being in reality, but Dragon Clan, my brain thinks faster than humans. So close, yet worlds apart, the internal Time Flow Speed ​​change will cause a certain burden on the brain of normal people. Although an ordinary person can also support a period of time in this environment, the mental exhaustion will be very scary, and they are used to normal Time Flow. Speed, simply can't adapt in such an environment. It's like you are playing a computer game. If suddenly all the enemies inside and the unit you command are moving at several times the speed, can you still play the game normally? I'm afraid most people will be killed if they can't react at all?

Because normal people are not used to this Time Flow Speed, I deliberately set the Time Flow Speed ​​to the maximum, which is eight times the speed. This is the extreme speed of so close, yet worlds apart, and it can only be added so much at most. However, this speed is actually quite terrifying. Imagine those action or shooting games you usually play, what is it like to speed up eight times? Moreover, after this speed increases, because my electronic brain itself reacts faster than humans, others do not adapt, but I am very adaptable, and it is very relaxed. After all, the basic speed of our Dragon Clan's electronic brain is sixteen times that of humans. The normal Time Flow Speed ​​is our thinking speed after closing most of the brain domains, which in itself is tantamount to degrading operation. As for driving to eight times speed, it may be too fast for normal people to play, but it is still half speed for us. As long as I turn on the brain activity to a normal state, this eight times speed is for me to cheat when playing single-player games with ordinary players and reduce the game speed to half of the normal va

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