Ives and I, like the ants on the hot pot, circled around the edge of the valley outside the Spirit King city, but this damn spirit The Spirit King city has gone through so many intrusion inspections by their own elven tribe, and even if there are loopholes, they are almost repaired. Facing the defense like an iron barrel, Ives and I had the feeling that a mouse and a tortoise couldn't speak.

"How can I get in this damn place?" I reluctantly sat on a big tree looking at the Spirit King city across the canyon and sighed. It is already 11:50 at night local time. In other words, it will be the second day soon. However, we have been around the periphery of the royal city for a few hours, but we can't find a way to get in.

Actually, if Ives went in by himself, it would be very easy. Spirit King City does not restrict access to Elf Race, so members of Elf Race can freely enter and exit, and they will not be tracked. However, as a foreigner, although the elves will not restrict me from entering the city, as long as I enter the city, there will be elves stalking. This is the normal defense of the Spirit King, and there has never been an exception. So now I can’t just and honorable enter the city, I can only think of ways outside.

"Why don't we go back and bring your familiars that can dig holes or make camouflage?" Ives thought for a long time and still felt that we should go back first. A way.

I looked at the city over there and wanted to agree with Ives, because staring at the city like this is also impossible to get in. However, it took us so hard to get here before, and it always feels a bit useless if we run back empty-handed. However, just when I was about to give up, a large black cloud suddenly appeared in the sky, and after only a few minutes, the big raindrops began to fall, and the rain became heavier and changed within 30 seconds. It became a torrential rain, and the rumbling sound produced by the rain falling everywhere around me, I could even feel the extra pressure generated by the heavy rain hitting the armor.

"Damn, the rain is really heavy!"

Ives wiped his wet hair and said, "Our climate is like this. The first second was fine, but the next second suddenly rained heavily. In fact, the rainfall in these two days has been relatively sparse. Under normal circumstances, it is normal for us to have three rains a day, and it will rain more often. Five or six times, two hours or more each time is normal."

"Have you always rained so much here?"

Ives nodded said:" The rainfall like this is just normal. Sometimes when the rain is heavy, it doesn’t feel like it’s raining. Instead, it’s like standing under a waterfall. The impact of the raindrops can even hit you when you stand there. It feels strenuous, as if carrying something on my body."

"That's really exaggerated." After I sighed, my mind suddenly divine light flashed. I've said something else I stretched out my hand to cover my mouth. "Don't talk, I seem to have thought of something."

Ives didn't know what I thought of, but since I said not to speak, he didn't open his mouth, but waited there. After a while he asked in a small way: "What solution did you think of?"

I pointed to the top and said, "This is the solution."

"This?" Ives looked up at the sky, only to see a curtain of rain falling from the basin. "Do you want to use the cover of heavy rain to enter the interior of the city? That is impossible. Even if it rains, people cannot be hidden on the cable bridge. As for flying in from the sky... I don't think you can fly in such a heavy rain."

"No. I didn't intend to take advantage of the rainstorm to get in." I explained, "You think. Your place has rainstorms every three days. With such a heavy rainfall, all water is impossible to stay. In the city, right? This can’t let the city be soaked by water, then you need to send the water out. Your royal capital itself is in a high position, so they only need to let the water in the city converge, and then open a few passages. Connecting to the canyon outside your circle, the rain will naturally flow out of the city."

"Do you want to drill into the sewer?" Ives finally understood my intention.

I nodded and said: "The rainfall here is so terrible, and the ground area must be very watery. So there must be a lot of drainage outlets, and very strong, otherwise there is no time to drain. I think this is a must Good to enter the passage."

After thinking about it for a while, Ives nodded and said: "This might work."

"Then don't wait, Let’s take a look."


I have a lot of tools, and it’s not a troublesome thing for me to go down the cliff to the bottom of the valley. Elvis is an elf, and the one who climbs up and down is not much worse than the monkey. Both have strong athletic ability, so we quickly reached the bottom.

Although this valley was forcibly smashed out by the elves and gods, it was a long time ago. In places like tropical rainforests, such valleys will be completely occupied by plants as long as one year. It was full, so after we got down, we felt that the bottom was actually not much different from the top. Except for the absence of tall trees, this place is still densely packed with various plants. Of course, because the gorge within the valley does not have as much light as above, the ground is mostly dominated by ferns and mosses or fungi.

Although the plants below are relatively low, but because there are no large beasts below, there is not even a beast trail on the ground. This created a little trouble for our progress, but after I took out the eternity, everything was okay. With eternal sharpness, cutting a rattan and cutting branches is similar to cutting noodles with a paper knife. Once a knife is past, it can easily cut all obstacles in front of you without even feeling resistance.

This valley was artificially made by the elves. The cliffs on both sides of all the valleys are vertical, so the width of the valley below is about 100 meters, which is basically the same as the top. After passing this more than a hundred meters, we reached the cliff on this side, and then we started to move around the Spirit King. Sure enough, we didn't walk far before we ran into a huge waterfall that flew straight down.

Although it is still raining heavily, the waterfall is a waterfall, which is very different from the surrounding rain. Moreover, I am very sure that there were no waterfalls around Wangcheng before it rained. This shows that the waterfall in front of you is caused by the drainage system of Spirit King Capital.

After finding the waterfall, we immediately climbed up the mountain wall beside the waterfall with joy. I don't know if the mountain wall here is washed away by rain all the year round, and there is hardly any plant cover on the surface, but there are a lot of mosses and the like. The cliff wall in this state is like oiled, and the smooth one can't take advantage of it. Ives could still pull the vines down by himself when he went down the mountain, but now he can only rely on my help. After all, elves are not monkeys, and I guess there are no monkeys in this kind of place.

Compared with Ives' climbing method, the method I use is much simpler. Directly separate the eternal into several metal sleeves with short pendants, and then fix them on the toes and fingers respectively, so that I can insert my hands and feet into the rock wall with a little force when climbing, and then I can easily borrow the force. NS. As for Ives, he brought the rope anyway. I put the rope directly on him, and then pulled him up. Anyway, with my power, even if I hang three or five more people, there is no problem.

As we continue to move upward, the waterfall above our heads begins to become denser, which shows that we are close to the water outlet. After crossing a slightly protruding rock, we saw a huge drain. At this time, a large amount of white water was gushing out from this drain and rumbling loudly.

"Purple Moon, how do we get in this place?" Ives asked worriedly looking at the gushing drain.

If we discovered this drain earlier, of course we could easily climb in, but the problem is that now this drain is full of spewing water, if we enter, we will definitely be washed out, so that it simply doesn’t. Law goes against the current. So Ives had a little trouble seeing this drain.

I have already thought of Ives’ worries. But unlike Ives, although I thought about this problem a long time ago, but because I also thought of a solution at the same time, I am not worried at all.

"Of course you can't enter such a drain, but you can rest assured that there will be no water here soon."

"How do you know?" Ives was puzzled Asked.

"Because I am here." The sudden appearance of the small dragon girl shocked Elvis, but because Elvis knew I was an animal trainer before, she immediately realized that this is My favorite.

"Excuse me, are you...?" Although I guessed that the small dragon girl is my favorite, Ives still asked aloud. After all, everyone's favorites are long A very vicious devil beast, but the small dragon girl is a beautiful girl, which is a bit different from the general appearance of the devil pet.

"Don’t be surprised that I am the small dragon, the pet of the Master, this is my human form, and I still have a beast form. My race is Eastern Divine Dragon."

< p>"Divine Dragon?" Ives thought for a while and asked: "You are talking about the kind of oriental devil beast with a long body?"

"I am not a devil beast, but a dragon! "The small dragon girl was immediately upset when Ives called her devil beast.

Ives also knows that some high-level creatures don’t like others to classify them in the category of devil beast, so I quickly apologized. Time is wasted, let the rain stop quickly."

"Okay." The small dragon girl heard my order and immediately began to execute it.

Call the wind and summon the rain is the instinct of Divine Dragon. This is a bit similar to racial stunts. You don't need to learn from the day after tomorrow. As long as you grow up naturally, it will happen naturally. Moreover, this ability brought out of the womb is much stronger than most spells learned the day after tomorrow. Not to mention the effect, the consumption is particularly low.

Neither did I watch what the small dragon girl did. The rainstorm began to shrink in the blink of an eye. The previous downpour suddenly turned into drizzle in only ten seconds, and soon the misty drizzle stopped. However, although the rain is not going to fall, this drain is impossible to dry up immediately, after all, it takes time for the accumulation of water on the ground. But we don't need to wait for the water in the city to run out completely, as long as the water is not so big.

Hang it on the drain and waited for about twenty minutes, and it was already the early morning of the next day. At this time, although the drainage outlet has not cut off the flow, the water potential is obviously much smaller, not only the water flow is very gentle, and the upper half of the drainage outlet is basically out of water.

I looked at the water potential in this passage and said immediately: "Okay, let's go. It looks like I can go."

Ives glanced at it. The current is also nodded and agrees to enter now. According to the previous method, I still go ahead to enter the drain. Although the water flow in this drain has been much smaller, it is still difficult for normal people to stabilize their bodies here. This thing seems to be soft, but in fact it has a great impact. Don’t look at us in this drain now, the water surface only reaches our waist, but this terrible resistance is not something that ordinary people can resist. Moreover, because water is buoyant, it does not mean that you will not be washed away if you are strong enough. Once the body floats, there is no place to take advantage of it, and no matter how strong you are, it is useless.

The method I used is still the same as before, using eternity as a fixer, constantly nailing into the wall to fix myself, and then relying on my powerful power attribute to crawl forward a little bit. As for Ives, he can only rely on the rope connected to me to barely guarantee that he will not be washed away.

We were lucky. The drain was not very long. After moving forward a short distance, it became a horizontal passage, and then we quickly entered a huge circular room.

The plan went well here, but when I got here, I was suddenly dumbfounded. My original plan was to climb all the way into the city along the drain, but what made me didn't expect is that there is such a big circular sewer collection point under the city. The water in a certain area of ​​the city is connected to this aggregation point through hundreds of pipes, and the pipes that come in are only the thickness of my waist. Pipes of this thickness can't actually be counted as thin, but people definitely can't make it through. You must know that the widest part of a person's body is not the waist. This tube is barely as thin as my waist, and it is simply impossible for me to get through.

"I rely on. Did the designers of your royal capital used to repair prisons? Why do you even do special treatment for the sewers?"

It is also the first time Ives knows It turned out that the drainage system under the royal capital looked like this. For me, he could only shrug his shoulders helplessly and said: "I don't know what this place is like. President Purple Moon. What are we going to do now? Shall we go back the same way?"

"It's almost one o'clock in the morning. We have to wait until tomorrow to come back now. We must find a way to get to the ground from here."

"But those pipes..."

< p>"The pipeline is indeed a little bit of a show. But this is not a problem."

"Ah? Why is this not a problem?"

"The pipeline is indeed very thin, but Can we widen it by ourselves.” I said, pointing to it and said: “According to the height we climbed outside before, plus the inclination of the pipeline here, we are only five or six meters away from the city ground. As long as we dig a road and go."

"So, but won't we be found by digging the passage?"

"Just stop making a sound."< /p>

"But is there a way to dig out the channel without making a sound?"

"Of course there is, but you didn't know it before." I said directly to the small dragon girl again Summon came out and told her about the need to help dig a hole.

After the small dragon woman understood my request, she directly pressed her hand on the wall next to her, and then watched the soil under the pipe above our head start to fall downward. Soon there was a circle of hollowed out dirt around the pipe.

Ives looked at the soil that fell off automatically and said: "Even if a small dragon woman can hollow out the soil like this, this is just the beginning. As you go deeper, the dirt on it will accumulate in the passage. , I still can’t dig it out."

"About this, the solution is also very simple." With my words, the pipes above suddenly gushed out of water. I was shocked and thought it was raining again, but I quickly understood that this was our use of water to hit the soil, so that we could continue to expand the passage without worrying that the soil inside would not be dug out.

Using this method, we quickly opened a five-meter-long tunnel underground. According to normal inference, this place should be very close to the ground. I asked the small dragon girl to temporarily stop for a while, and then summon took out the chili and asked her to go up and test it with spirit strength. After confirming that there was only half a meter of soil on the top, I immediately took the pepper back and let the small dragon girl continue to dig the soil.

Our luck is really very good. After the last soil layer was opened, we reached the ground, and this place happened to be located in a section of road with little traffic. Of course, even if the flow of people is small, wanting to get to the ground like this is a troublesome thing.

Although it is very simple for us to go up, there is a big hole in the ground. This fool also knows that someone has come up from below. So how to cover up the hole is a troublesome problem. The ground of Spirit King City is not a masonry pavement, but is covered with a short green grass like a carpet. This grass is very low and soft, and can be used as a carpet on the ground. Moreover, this grass is not afraid of being trampled on. Even if someone steps on it every day, it will not die. However, although not afraid to step on it, the growth rate of this turf is very slow, at least incomparable to ordinary grass. This result also made it impossible for us to seal the hole in a short time. After all, even if we fill the hole back with soil, we cannot copy the turf on it. If it is simply filled with soil, it will be the same as leaving a white cement block on a black asphalt pavement, which is very conspicuous. Therefore, the disguise at the entrance of the cave is a big trouble.

After thinking about it for a long time, I finally felt that it was impossible to disguise the entrance of the cave to be completely invisible. It can be done if Emenes is still with me, but the problem is that Emenes is not here now, so I have to think of another way.

Since you can’t fill it back in, you have to cover it with something else to make it less conspicuous, at least to ensure that you don’t notice that there is a big hole underneath it. When I thought of this method, I suddenly found a way again.

After thinking of a solution, I didn't hesitate anymore, and quickly took Avis out of the ground. After Ivis came out, he looked at the big hole in the ground and was worried. Obviously he also knew that leaving this thing here would definitely reveal our whereabouts. However, I have already figured out a solution to this problem.

"Small dragon girl, now turn your spell upside down." I pointed to the sky and said.

"Upside down?" Both the small dragon girl and Ives didn't quite understand what I meant.

I explained: "Before you resisted this natural rain and turned the heavy rain into drizzle. Now you turn the spell upside down, don’t stop it from raining, and in turn help it rain. Let it rain. Bigger, and bigger the better."

"Oh, I understand. Master, do you want to cover the hole in the ground with rain?"



Ives also understood now. When the city is hit by heavy rains, the accumulated water on the ground must be too late to be dispatched. As long as the rain is heavy enough, local floods can form on the ground. Once the ground is submerged, can anyone notice that there is a missing piece of turf on the ground below?

The small dragon girl who came to understand immediately began to reverse the weather. It was supposed to be raining heavily in this place now, but as a result of the small dragon girl doing this, the rain suddenly increased after a while. When we were outside the city, the rain was only heavy, but now it is completely like a big waterfall. There are rumbling sounds everywhere, and only a rain curtain can be seen five meters ahead, and nothing else can be seen. It only took less than five minutes for the accumulated water on the ground to accumulate a thin layer. Although it could not cover the big hole on the ground for the time being, the water surface was slowly rising. As long as the rainfall does not drop, this place will be seen soon. The ground is gone.

After confirming that this place is ok, I immediately asked Ives to give me directions and guide me to the Wang Court secret library. As for the small dragon girl, I arranged to find a shelter in this place. Hidden. Because of this torrential rain, the small dragon woman cannot return to Fenglong space now. She has to stay outside to manipulate the weather. However, the small dragon woman is Divine Dragon and not a snake. She is not good at infiltration, so it is better to let her She hides here, so the probability of being discovered is much lower. As for the issue of battle strength, there is no need to worry about this. There is no shortage of battle strength by my side, and this mission seems to require auxiliary abilities instead of battle strength.

This terrible rainstorm not only helped us cover the big hole in the ground, but also played a very good role in cover. It was already midnight, it was very dark, and with this heavy rain, even my Perfect level dark vision only had a visibility of five meters. Ives now basically can only rely on my description to recognize the way, and I have to lead me. He walks, because his current vision is only one meter around him. If I didn't pull him, it wouldn't be surprising that he hit a big tree on the road with his head.

Thanks to the shelter of the rainstorm, no one can be seen on the road. Originally, the elves were not nocturnal creatures, but now that there is such a heavy rain, no one has come out. Even the patrolling guards had to suspend their patrols because of the terrible rainfall. Although this will create a defensive gap, when they think about it, such heavy rain, they can't walk by themselves. Even if the outsider can enter the city, it is probably impossible to move a single step, so the guards are as it should be by rights He gave up his intention to continue patrolling.

"Where are we now?" After encountering a row of huge buildings, I stopped to ask Ives.

The interior of the Spirit King is quite different from the wizard city. In addition to the buildings made of plants, there are also many stone buildings, and there are still a lot of them. Of course, because of the perfectionism of the elves' obsessive-compulsive disorder, the appearance of the buildings here is the same whether it is plant-based or completely man-made. This beauty does not mean how gorgeous it is, but the overall feeling is very coordinated. The elves are all gardening masters, and the spirit kings are all plant-based buildings, so you can imagine what the buildings here will look like. Entering this place does not feel like you are in the city, but like visiting the world gardening expo.

After hearing my question, Ives asked me: "What's the situation around? Can you see a sculpture of a female elf?"

"There is The shadow of the human figure, but look not quite clear, let's lean closer and take a look." I took Ives forward for a few meters before seeing it clearly. There is indeed a sculpture five meters away. This is a sculpture of a female elf holding a small bottle in both hands and preparing to catch a drop of dew dripping from the leaves. Because the rain is too heavy now, I can only see a rough idea, and I can't see the details clearly. "Ivis, this seems to be a female elf who is catching the dew. Is this the sculpture you are talking about?" I’ve seen it before. It’s very beautiful and is definitely a classic sculpture art. She is located at the boundary point to the interior of the palace. From here, turn left and you will reach the abandoned World Tree passage."

"Abandoned passage?"

"Yes." Ives replied: "World Tree occasionally degenerates temporarily during the growth process, and then some internal passages will change. Narrow. Although this is rare, it occasionally occurs on certain passages. This passage here is a passage that suddenly shrank due to unknown reasons. Now it has become very short and can only be crawled over. , So this channel was abandoned, but we can take advantage of it."

I nodded and said: "Then we will go over quickly?"

"Okay, you are now Go left. It’s best to walk against both sides of the street, because a few houses have been built near the abandoned passageway, and the passageway has been blocked behind. If you miss the fork, it will be difficult to find."

< p>"The houses in this place are all repaired the same. How do I know which junction you are talking about?"

"I can calculate the approximate distance, and I will remind you when I get nearby. Newly built houses It should be slightly different from the old-style houses in the past. Just look for them carefully."

"I believe there will be differences between them, but do you think I can see them under this kind of rainfall? "

I was stunned by my words. Indeed, it depends on the style of the house, there must always be a comprehensive concept to distinguish it? The visibility is only five meters now, and it is vague within five meters. How can I find this?

"Let's do it." Ives said helplessly: "I will notify you when I feel almost in the position, and then we will go in and take a look as long as we see the alley. The error will not be too great for the direction induction."

I feel relieved about Ives’ sense of direction. The elves are known as the children of the forest, and being in the forest is like being in their own home. Most people will get lost after entering the forest, but the elves will not. Although this includes their knowledge of trees, more of them are due to the elves' precise sense of direction. Observe carefully and you will find that elves walking in the forest simply do not communicate with trees to ask for directions. Although they do have this ability, they don’t need this ability at all. As long as it is not the first time to enter the forest, the elves can accurately find the right path in it. Since you can sense the exact direction and distance, why bother to communicate with the trees?

According to Ives’s instructions, I started to take him to the left. Of course, I followed his instructions to move against the roadside building along the way. After walking for a while, Ives suddenly grabbed me and said: "Stop, I feel that I should get to the alley with a little more way, but in order to prevent missed, we will now start looking for it against the wall, as long as If you have a small alley, go in and have a look."

"Ok, you follow me."

Ives nodded, think about it and say: "Well, you can now Is the small dragon girl who has contacted you?"

"What are you doing?" I turned my head in confusion and looked towards Ives and asked.

Ives did not answer my question, but pointed to the foot. As soon as I lowered my head, I saw the knee-deep water surface, and then I understood what Ives meant. Although I told the small dragon girl that the rain should be as big as possible, but now it seems to be a bit too much. Is this just a while longer? The stagnant water on the road has already overflowed the knees. If this is another hour or two, the Spirit King will have to become Atlantis. Although the rainfall in this place in South America is relatively abundant, such a heavy rain is still too exaggerated. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, I quickly contacted the small dragon girl through spiritual contact.

"Master, what's the matter? Is there not enough rainfall? I can double the rainfall, because I am afraid that it is too rainy to walk, so I didn’t dare Put it so big. You don’t know. It’s super easy to move clouds and rain in this place. As long as half of the usual mana can produce several times the usual rainfall. You need me to increase the rainfall now, right?"< /p>

As soon as the communication was opened, I was shocked by the small dragon women’s cannon-like remarks, and quickly explained: "don't, don't, don't. I don’t think the amount of rain is too small, it’s too much) That’s it."

"Huh? Too big?"

"Yes, you quickly lower the rainfall, let the water level drop by half, and then maintain this water level. Don’t let the water keep going up. I’m going to take the rain to get in and steal something, and I’m not planning to flood the Spirit King!"

"Oh, that’s the case! Then I’ll adjust it."< /p>

"Okay, after you adjust it, keep the water depth and don't let it drop."


Small dragon female side As soon as the communication ended, the rain fell a lot, and the previous feeling of a big waterfall turned into a normal medium to heavy rain in an instant. Although the rainfall is not small, it is at least much better than before.

Because of the drop in rainfall, our sight suddenly widened. Ives can barely see the situation a few meters away now, and I basically have a vision range of 50 meters. With this line of sight, basically the action is not affected by anything.

For creatures who are used to seeing things with their eyes, not seeing things is really painful. Now as soon as his sight was restored, Ives immediately spotted the alley. The location where he told me to stop before was very precise. The alley was actually less than ten meters away in front of us on the left. You can walk a long street without seeing things, and you can control the accuracy within ten meters. This accuracy is what the elves can do. I have to say that the spatial positioning ability of Elf Race is too developed. Perhaps their excellent arrow technique also has a lot to do with this ability.

This alley is just a gap between the two buildings. We must be sideways to squeeze in. Fortunately, this passage is not long, and soon we entered the back of the house. Here is a small square area surrounded by the back walls of several buildings. A wilted tree vine with a diameter of more than four meters just stretched out from the ground, and it grew up to a height of seven or eight meters before it ended. This tree vine is actually a root of Tree of Life, but it is now withered. There are many tree roots like this on the Tree of Life. They do not actually affect the health of the Tree of Life itself. On the contrary, such withering can also help the Tree of Life adjust the branch structure, re-fix the soil, and affect the growth of the Tree of Life. There are still benefits.

Originally, because Tree of Life is alive and can communicate with the elves to a certain extent, the passages in the normal Tree of Life are all flush with the ground, and there will be stairs inside to facilitate Climbing. But this is a withered rattan, so there is a problem. The narrow passage is only one of the problems. Another problem is that the entrance of the rattan is already not in the ground, but has become a hole more than two meters above the ground. Fortunately, this height is not too high, so after I directly climbed Ivestor up, I went in too.

In fact, the tree vine is not as narrow as Ives said. Although it is not spacious, it has not yet affected the movement. After entering the tree vines, we went all the way down, and soon the vines turned to a horizontal direction. At this time, we couldn't stand upright. We had to lie down and crawl. Of course, we could also pass by squatting, but that was too hard.

After being afraid of a section of the road, we broke away from this withered and abandoned passage, and then entered a section of the main passage. A few elves here will come here from time to time, but we don't need to walk this way. Our goal is a branch road on the opposite wall of the passage.

The two of us swiftly slipped through while no one was there. The fork here is the connecting channel between the two main channels. There are many such passages between the root passages under Tree of Life, which connect the roots of Tree of Life into a huge three-dimensional network structure, which not only can hold the ground, but also make the internal passages extend in all directions. Of course, this kind of advantage that extends in all directions is only for the elves. With human spatial positioning ability, you will get lost if you don't go too far in this kind of place, and then you will most likely be stunned in this huge maze-like network of passages.

Although there are many elves in this huge underground passage, because it is early morning, there are almost no people in sight except the guards on patrol. The way we deal with the guards is very simple, which is to stand against the wall and cover the two of us with my Phantom Cloak. There is no light in this underground passage, and the guards are patrolling with their own lights, so as long as we stay still, we can achieve the perfect stealth effect. The guards simply can't find us.

Using this method, we dodged a group of p

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