Cities on the ground need a city wall because the places where people live are basically flat. In this well-connected place, if there are enemies or wild beasts invading, there is no city wall defense. It is difficult to protect yourself. Of course, with the advancement of weapons and the change of human status in nature in modern society, city wall this thing has lost its effect. However, in the primordial state, the city wall is still a very useful defensive facility.

However, although the defensive effect of the city wall is very obvious, it is only limited to the situation on the ground. The settlements of the Underground World are caves. These caves themselves are a relatively closed environment. Only some underground connections are connected with Dao Idol. Theoretically speaking, as long as these passages are blocked, the defense effect should be better than that of a city wall. That's right. However, this dark elven capital city is a weird one. It actually built a city with a city wall in an underground cave. Is this simply unnecessary?

Susis was not surprised to hear Kristina’s question, but just casually explained: "Do you know where we dark elves lived before?"

Kristina is not an idiot, and she is a professional in the legal system. Compared with the warrior, players in the legal system need to know more about the background of the game. Kristina just heard Susis's rhetorical question and immediately guessed the reason.

It is true that the dark elves do feel like they are superfluous in building a city wall in Underground World. However, this kind of behavior is unreasonable but reasonable. Dark elves are not born in Underground World creatures. They are actually the same race as white elves. Both have a common ancestor and both live on the ground. Even now, many of the dark elves still live on the ground, but in comparison there are slightly more dark elves living in Underground World.

Because the dark elves are originally ground creatures, even if they moved underground, they still maintained many habits on the ground. For example, the dark elves still have their schedules according to the changes of day and night, which is invisible to pure underground creatures. After all, there is no difference between day and night in Underground World. For the creatures of Underground World, day and night are the same, so they don't need to distinguish between day and night, and the dark elves only distinguish between day and night because they bring the habits on the ground to the ground.

Building a city wall is also a matter of habit of dark elves. Unlike most white elves’ cities, dark elves’ cities are not plant cities based on Tree of Life, but stone buildings that are closer to humans, so dark elves like to build city walls very much. As for the underground, he did not give up this habit.

In fact, building a city wall in Underground World can't be said to be completely useless, it's just a bit uneconomical. We've noticed it earlier on the way Susis led us over. The dark elves have actually set up levels in various passages, which means that the dark elves actually thought of using the passages to guard, and the city wall is more of a psychological comfort for the dark elves, and in case the first If a checkpoint is missed, there is a city wall that can re-form the Defensive Array line anyway. It is better than the channel is completely defenseless after being broken through. It's just that this probability is very low, so in general, the reason for repairing city walls is mostly psychological and habit.

The dark elves belong to a relatively powerful force in Underground World. As the capital of the dark elves, it is naturally very prosperous. As we get closer to the edge of the city, there are more and more creatures of various races on the surrounding roads.

"Zero" is a fantasy game. In addition to humans, there are many kinds of intelligent creatures. But even if we have seen the mixed situation of various races in the ground city, we are still caught by the Underground City. The situation was shocked. Compared to the ground city, the creatures in this Underground City are not only more diverse, but most of them look very individual. It’s not too much to describe the horrible dance of demons on this street. Most of the terrifying underground races do not have body hair, and they have scales or cuticles on their bodies. The most disgusting thing is that there are many directly covered with folds and sarcomas. For this kind of weird creature, even I sometimes can't bear to look directly at it.

Although Kristina is not a very squeamish girl, she also does not belong to the carefree type. Basically, her aesthetics is still a relatively normal type, so these Underground in front of her Tribe made her very uncomfortable, especially after arriving near the city gate.

Before in the underground cave**, although it is not a flat river, there are many roads to go, but the flow of people starts to gather gradually when they get to the city gate. The dark elf’s capital city has only a semi-arc city wall. The main part of the city is tucked into a concave cave without any external passage. Therefore, the city wall outside actually only surrounds the city. One part of the direction, the remaining part is natural protection composed of natural caves.

Because the city wall is not very long, the city gate is naturally less. A total of three city gates were opened, and everyone had to gather at these three city gates if they wanted to enter the city. As a result, the roads began to become more and more crowded. It’s better to be outside, but as the roads gradually become more and more crowded, it will inevitably be a phenomenon. If this is in a ground city, it doesn't matter if it is crowded, but this is Underground City, so Kristina and those creatures that are more disgusting than toads are crowded together, she naturally can't stand it. In the end, she had no choice but to walk with the magic shield. Although the magic shield consumes mana, it can barely hold up with her mana recovery speed, at least so that there is no need to touch those creatures.

Although I am a man, I have a slightly higher endurance than Kristina, but I have to say that the creatures here are really amazing. There are actually many creatures with slime on their bodies going to the city. Crowded, I can't bear this kind of situation, but we have to enter the city this time, so even if it is uncomfortable, we have to endure it.

Suzis probably knew that we were not used to this environment, and deliberately smiled and talked to us as a distraction. "Do you think we have too many people here? Actually, it is not like that. The main reason is the recent war with the white elves, and it is likely to continue. Therefore, the empire is hoarding supplies and preparing for war. Most of these are businessmen from outside. Team, so there are so many people. Although our city is still prosperous, it is usually not crowded like this. Of course, based on the aesthetics of ground creatures, some of these underground creatures do look too disgusting. Somewhat, but on the other hand, with their aesthetics, we are actually quite disgusting."

"Are we disgusting?" Kristina was stunned for a moment, and then she understood. Indeed, every creature has its own aesthetic habits. When we see certain creatures as disgusting, the other party may also find us disgusting. Maybe you think sarcoma is a disgusting thing, but the other party thinks that baldness on your body is a disgusting thing.

As Susis interrupted, our attention was gradually distracted, so we quickly passed through the congested section of the city gate. After entering the city, as the roads spread out, the flow of people naturally became sparser, and our discomfort gradually recovered.

According to the previous contact with the Dark Council, now the dark elves already know the situation of the family that led the two races to fight, and the dark spirit Spirit Emperor country is also very cautious, in order to prevent this from being a dark review They even sent someone to investigate the case of the meeting in secret, and only agreed to the arrival of Christina and I after confirming the truth.

According to the results of the dark council helping us to communicate, Christina and I are equivalent to the white elves this time. Their main job is to supervise the annihilation of the dark elves. After all, if this matter is to calm down, this family must be annihilated, and the white elves are not assured that the dark elves can complete this task independently. However, if the white elves send someone to supervise, they will inevitably make the family alert. Therefore, we have got the white elves. A third party trusted by the elves becomes the best observer.

Under the guidance of Susis, we quickly reached the back of the city, where there is actually a second city wall. According to Susis, behind this city wall is the real capital of the dark elves, and those outside should be regarded as sub-races and places where the low-level dark elves live.

Because we have said hello beforehand, we did not encounter any trouble in coming. There were already people waiting for us at the gate of the inner city, and we were taken to a small square as soon as we appeared. As soon as we entered this square, I was shocked, because the square was already full of people. I looked at it and I was afraid that there were not thousands, and these were all dark elf combatants, except for a large number of swordsmen. , There are crossbowmen and magicians in the middle, and there is a whole army on this square.

"This is...?"

"Aren't you going to deal with the Sisby family? These are the troops responsible for execution." Susis said.

When I heard this, I looked at Susis in surprise and asked, "Isn’t it? I haven’t met your king yet, so the army has been organized?"

< p>"Of course, this kind of thing is as fast as possible. After all, it is difficult to keep secret for such a big thing. The faster we speed, the lower the probability of leaking."

I also nodded when I heard this. , Although this is indeed a bit too fast, but it makes sense to have to say this. Now that they even have the army ready, I naturally don't have any comments, so I can directly notify the implementation.

After getting my consent, Susis contacted the Chief-In-Charge here. The other party was already ready, but in fact, it was just waiting for me as an observer to arrive. Sussis and the other party only briefly communicated and the team started to act, and these people were obviously all professional, and they acted quickly without a voice. As an observer, I naturally don't need to go to the front line personally. As long as there is no accident in the battle, my task is to follow it. Of course, if something unexpected happens, then I still have to do it.

Of course, the Sisby family as the target is impossible. They are all gathered together waiting to be killed. In fact, people in this family are usually very busy, so the members of the family are scattered in many different places. However, the dark elves have already figured out the location and power distribution of the opponent's personnel in advance for the complete effectiveness of the action, so our team started to disperse their actions after leaving the small square.

Originally, the efficiency of the dark elf action is so high, I still think the other party is quite a face, but when I get out of the square, the opponent is actually frowned by a dozen troops. This dark elf is obviously not convinced! This is doing us bad.

In fact, I can understand the mood of the dark elves. After all, because of this thing, the unfathomable mystery fought a battle, and the loss was so heavy, and finally I suddenly found that the bane was on my side. What did I change? People will feel uncomfortable. Therefore, although the dark elves rationally agreed to destroy this family, they still couldn't swallow it, so they thought of such a method that is neither soft nor hard to pit us, which is generally a small way to get back some face.

Although I understand the dark elf's intentions, I am not a person willing to be pitted. Besides, this time this matter is for others. If this is our own business, taking a step back means taking a step back. Anyway, we don’t suffer any loss, and it’s also good to give the other side a bit of face-up and ease the relationship. But now I'm working for the White Elf, and I've said all the big talks before. If I lose the chain halfway, wouldn't I just smoke my own big mouth?

Since we can't make people fool, we have to solve the immediate problem. Looking at the troops that suddenly split into several teams, I started planning to summon the Gate of the Earth, but didn't expect the other party's commander in chief to come over first. As soon as the guy walked over, he immediately began to apologize hypocritically: "Really sorry. We got news that the Sisby family members are now scattered in many different places. In order to ensure the integrity of the operation, I can only divide our troops and act at the same time. I know that you are an observer and need to follow the action, but we still have to eliminate the Sisby family as the first priority, so we can only be sorry for you. But you can choose to follow any team to supervise and complete this Annihilate the plan."

Although this guy’s words seem to be pretty good, his tone and expression are clearly deliberately cheating, and if you listen carefully to these words, you can also find the profound mystery in it. . Although this guy asked me to follow the team to observe, the entire team was scattered into a dozen teams running in different directions, but we were the only ones here, Christina and I, which means that even if we split up, we can only follow. Two teams. According to this situation, if the opponent is really not intentional, at least we should tell us which two teams are responsible for the main task. Even if I don't care about the scattered members of the Sisby family, I will always follow the team that raids their family, right? But now the other party not only didn't tell me which team was going to deal with the Sisby family's lair, but even in order to prevent me from judging something based on the number of people in the team, they actually evened the number of teams roughly. That is to say, the number of people in the teams is almost the same, so that the number of people alone cannot guess the destination of the other party.

Now that I want to come, the other party should have already planned to cheat me like this, otherwise they won't gather the team in advance to wait for us to come. They deliberately arranged the action in advance, and launched an attack as soon as we arrived. The purpose was to prevent me from having time to investigate in advance in the city, so that I could not decide which team to follow based on the specific location of the Sisby family. NS.

This group of dark elves is really bad enough, and this group of guys are boring, ordinary people, you really can't notice it.

The commander-in-chief of the operation must be a participant in this little trick, so he turned around and left after saying this to prevent me from asking him which team he was going to. And I guess he must have planned it in his heart, even if I asked him, he would pretend not to hear him and hurried away.

Although this guy is boring, I don’t care at all. This kind of trick is good enough to bully and bully newcomers.

I deliberately said to myself very loudly there: "Damn, why are there so many teams? Where should I go with this?" Hearing me here, the front The guy couldn't help but wanted to laugh, but unfortunately he hadn't laughed yet, but I suddenly changed the conversation and continued: "Fortunately, I have a lot of people, otherwise it would be really troublesome. Scot, you let the ring tone Knight separate. Everyone brings two hundred Qilin warriors to follow behind those teams. Remember that your task is to supervise. As long as the dark elf friends in front do not miss, you do not need to participate in the battle."

"Understand "The dark elf commander in front heard the words behind me and began to turn around, but when he turned around, he happened to see the scene where Skoks answered me, and then he saw the ground next to Skoks. A large number of soldiers gushing out of the gate followed the ringing tone in front, Knight dispersed and followed the teams and ran out separately.

The guy who was going to pit me was dumbfounded when he saw this situation. What made him even more depressed was that my Qilin warrior were all cavalry. Although most of the roads in Underground World are not suitable for the passage of horses, Qilin warrior's mounts are not horses, but a four-legged beast he has never seen. At first glance, such creatures are very athletic. They are basically impossible due to terrain restrictions, so he was immediately dumbfounded.

The original careful thinking has completely lost its effect at this moment, and they can’t blatantly tell us not to follow them, they can only rely on our shortage of manpower to trouble us, but now, we are not only very manpowered Foot, and it seems a bit scary.

In that guy's startled gaze, Ringtone Knight rushed out with Qilin warriors one after another, and then followed the team.

After the scattered team dispersed, I didn’t move. Instead, I stretched my left hand out, followed by a red flame suddenly appeared above my wrist, and then the flame began to roll. , And the speed is getting faster and faster. Finally, when the flame that turned into a Fireball slowed down again and finally stopped, Xiaofeng's beautiful bird of paradise form appeared on my wrist.

Turning my head and looking towards Xiaofeng, I said softly, "Go up and help me stare." Then, with a flick of my wrist, Xiaofeng immediately leaped into the air with my strength, and in the blink of an eye It became a large group of fire clouds covering the entire city, and there was a commotion in the city below.

After I got it all done, I strolled to catch up with the commander who was still in a daze, and said: "Okay, I have Heavenly Eye that monitors the city now, so please act quickly. I will be here to watch you perform tasks."

Although the roots of the teeth are itchy with anger, but now this kind of thing can only be swallowed in the stomach even if the teeth are knocked out, and the other party can do nothing about me. , Snorted who can only gnashing teeth, then turned around and chased one of the teams and left the scene.

Of course, Susis saw my actions. Although she didn't know about it beforehand, she was not blind and her brain was not stupid. Naturally, she saw the other party's plan. Although she is a dark elf, Susis has no sense of belonging to the dark spirit Spirit Emperor country. She is naturally watching this incident as an outsider. Until now, she came over and teased me jokingly: "Are you really a master who refuses to suffer?"

"It depends on the situation, and I will also eat if I suffer. "

"Then you mean it shouldn't be eaten this time?"

I nodded and said: "The key is more troublesome with your speaking of which, anyway this time You can’t suffer, so I won’t give in at all. Oh, yes, now I don’t have to follow them to see the implementation process. Are you free to take us around the city?"

< p>Generally speaking, the system city in the game will have some special products, so of course you should first go to various trading places in the city when you arrive in a city. Moreover, according to the system's consistent setting, it seems that the more the kind of city that players cannot reach, the higher the value of the specialties there, so I have also developed a habit now, as long as it is a new city that is not marked on the guild map, After arriving, I must go to the trading market.

When Sussis left the Dark Council, the order that the Sith Speaker gave her was to take care of us, and everything was subject to our orders, so she immediately agreed to this simple request without any hesitation. As for my mission, there is Xiaofeng staring at the sky above the city, as well as the ring tone Knight and so many Qilin warriors. Nothing can escape my eyes.

After confirming that I was going to go shopping, Susis began to lead me out of the inner city. Although this infield is the nest of dark elves, it belongs to the place where the ruling class lives. There is no commercial activity in this kind of place. The real business activities are carried out in the outer city, even high-end luxury goods are absolutely impossible to sell in the inner city. After all, according to the ruler's point of view, advanced dark elf elites are impossible to do business, and those who do business can only be ordinary dark elves or foreign races. Putting such a group in the inner city obviously should be regarded as a safety hazard, so it is safer to put it in the outer city.

Although this business is all outside the inner city, according to general business laws, the consumption power of the rich is obviously higher than that of the poor. Therefore, although the Commerce District cannot set up shops in the inner city, They are all close to the city wall of the inner city. So as soon as we left the inner city, we immediately saw a row of shops, and at this time, it was in a state of full of people, and it was obvious that the business was quite developed.

"Come on, this is the largest commercial street in the capital. We entered the inner city from the east gate before, so I didn't see this place. Let me take you around now." To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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