After Susis led us into this commercial street, he began to show the characteristics of the locals. Because I am more familiar with the environment here, Susis started to introduce us to the general business scope of each shop here directly outside the shop. If it is a useless shop, I will not go in at all and go straight down. go.

Although Kristina and Susis are both women, they should be very enthusiastic about shopping, but it also depends on what they buy. If you take your girlfriend or wife to the arms market, I guess they will not be able to use the powerful force of walking in high heels for an afternoon without rest. Although the market in the dark elf’s capital city also sells some things that women like, we have limited time, and because I skipped those things that didn’t make sense to guilds or players, I didn’t even have the desire to shop for women. Can play out. Because of this, our shopping speed is super fast, and we almost reached the end of a street in less than half an hour. Just because I found a shop selling dark elves and accessories on the way, Kristina had to go in and have a look, but she was delayed for ten minutes in desperation.

"This shop sells Underground World food. Compared to your ground food, our food here is much worse." Susis still dutifully introduced the shops passing by. "This one here sells devil beast eggs and slaves. If you need a devil pet, you can consider it."

I was hearing the word devil pet. I immediately raised my ears.

Although I look like a heavy armor warrior, I am a genuine animal trainer! We don’t have to look at other shops, this is definitely going to go in. Moreover, there is a very high-sounding reason to enter this kind of shop, and that is for the guild. It should be understood that the existence of devil pets is basically derived from various devil beasts and high level intelligent creatures, and these things follow the laws of nature, that is, the more severe the conditions are, the stronger the individual battle strength. . This law is actually well understood, because the harsh environment means more intense competition for survival. This fierce competition for survival is like raising Gu, using fierce and rapid survival of the fittest to quickly weed out unsuitable or weak creatures, so that the last remaining creatures evolve rapidly.

Of course, this method of raising Gu is actually a destructive living environment, and it cannot be sustained. Because the competition is too fierce, in the end this world will evolve one or one of the strongest creatures, and then the life course of this world will come to an end, because the conditions can no longer adapt to the survival of the creatures, and wait for the last creature to die. , Then this environment will completely become a life restricted zone. Therefore, this method of raising Gu can only be used to cultivate combat creatures for a short period of time. If the normal living environment becomes such an environment, it will basically become an inanimate life forbidden zone.

Although the environment of this Underground World is not as bad as the place where Gu is raised, it has to be said that this place is much worse than the living environment on the ground, so Underground World often produces some high level monsters. The place. It is also because this place frequently produces some high level monsters, so the quality of the goods in the pet store here will definitely be higher than that of the pet store in the average ground city.

Because I am the president of the Frost Rose League, I usually bring a lot of cash when I go out. This is a place where there may be a lot of high level pets. How can I miss this? In case the familiars in it are all very good breeds, I don't mind helping them clear the inventory. I always like to do things like sweeping goods.

In the game store, especially the system store, the salespersons inside are not as enthusiastic as they are in reality. Generally speaking, as soon as someone enters a store in reality, sales staff will immediately follow. The low-end store will start to introduce you directly, and whether you want to listen or not, the high-end store will follow you. If you find that you stay longer on a certain product, you will immediately come forward and give you a brief introduction or something. If you talk to the other person, he (she) will start to recommend and introduce you seriously.

Although the shop in this game also has sales staff, but the number of people is very small, and if the goods in the game are low-end, they will directly use the crystal ball method for you to buy. This crystal ball is actually like a shopping catalog. You will enter the store catalog after you touch the crystal ball, and then just stand there and browse the information slowly. Of course, high-level products will not be displayed in this way. Instead, they will be physically displayed. However, ordinary customers cannot see this product. You must talk to the NPC clerk. If you have the ability to lead to follow-up development, the other party will let you Look at the high-end products in the store, such as shop protecting treasure.

This time, because I planned to add some familiars to the merchants, I didn't talk to me as soon as I came up. Instead, I first touched the crystal ball startup directory, and then I started to stand there and look up. Kristina also touched it to see if she liked it. Of course, with Kristina's vision, in the end, naturally, she didn't see anything. You must know that she is different from most players. Before joining our guild, she was already a well-known expert, so she has a lot of resources and has hardly been exposed to low-end equipment. After entering our guild, it’s even more amazing. The whole Frost Rose League’s good things are basically chosen by her randomly, and her own familiar is also the most suitable top-grade familiar for her. In this case Of course, it is impossible to find a satisfying demonic familiar if you encounter a small shop. If there are so many good Familiars to that extent, players from all over the world will not let the trading price of Familiars go to the sky.

I just finished reading the information on Kristina here. Sure enough, there are no good things in this low-level catalog that is open to the outside world. The highest level is just an 800-level rock. python. This thing was used as a high-end product when the game was first launched, and now it is basically used by top players among second-tier players, and first-tier players will basically not watch this thing. Although our guild also has second-tier and third-tier players, because our guild’s guild benefits include guild guardian beasts, and our guild’s guardian beasts are very special, so our guild players have a lot of respect for demon pets. The urgency of the demand is not as exaggerated as the players of other guilds. In this case, this 800-level demonic familiar can only be regarded as a low-end product, and most branch members may not want it. However, considering that this demon pet sometimes has special uses, I still bought this rock python. Anyway, no one uses it and can sell it again. The people in our guild don't want it, but the players outside are rushing to ask for it.

Close the catalog, I walked directly to a dark elf sitting behind the counter and stood there. This dark elf is not young, and he is pretending to be a cultural person with a book. In fact, his eyes have been sweeping around on the guests who enter the shop, but he never takes the initiative to take care of the guests. In fact, because of the existence of the catalog, he doesn't need to communicate with customers. People will naturally ask what they want to buy, and they just leave if they don't want to buy.

Because the attention is always on the guests, and there are not many people in this shop, the old dark elf raised his head immediately when he saw me standing in front of him, and then he was very polite He stood up and asked, "Does this guest need anything?"

Of course, he was so polite not because he saw me approaching, but because he found the pressure on me. You must know that the coercion in the game is attributed. This is not the aura of illusory in reality. This is really converted into data by the system and brought into the calculation, so the dark elf in front of me is now acting in front of me. It is a courtesy, because his instinct tells him that I will die miserably if I offend him.

"Hello." Although there are attributes to help, I still talk to the other party politely. After all, attributes alone are not enough. "I heard that you have some high level familiars here, so come here to see if they are suitable."

"Of course there are high level familiars, but haven't you seen the catalog just now? Didn't you find the right one?" Although the old man was affected by the pressure, he still didn't take me to see the Tibetan goods directly.

I didn’t care about the other party’s reaction at all. I just said, "Can those on the shelf be called high level goods? Don’t joke with me. I really want to buy a batch of good goods. , Can you make it easy for me." I passed a high level fruit while I was talking. Food in the Underground World is in short supply. Fruits naturally have to make way for food, even more how I am not a normal product, but a fairy fruit that came back from Celestial Court. Although it is only the lowest fruit in the fairy fruit, it only has a short-term strengthening effect of the zodiac and cannot last, but it is a fruit with attributes after all, and its value is definitely terrifying in Underground World.

When the old man saw this thing, he immediately put it away, and then began to drive away the guests. After all the guests outside were driven away, he quickly closed the door, then walked to the wall behind the counter and opened a hidden door. This small door is only one foot square and very shallow. It is not a warehouse or a secret road. There is only a rope inside. The old man grabbed the rope and pulled it forcefully, and then there was a crash-bang sound throughout the storefront. The large and somewhat illogical store floor in the front opened two large holes, and then two cylindrical display shelves rose from the ground. Up here.

This unexpected shelf surprised me and Kristina. Didn’t expect this place to hide something like this. The two cylindrical shelves each have a diameter of more than one meter, and the surrounding circle is divided into eight sectors. In each sector is placed a pet egg or pet imprint. In short, It's just a familiar that is waiting for the Recognizing Master.

Originally, normal players want to see this thing at least after buying a certain amount in this store, and then brush up the relationship value with the boss, and then they can see this thing, but because I have pressure, plus that Guo Guo easily saw this thing.

Although the two display stands have only sixteen display grids in total, they are of quality but not quantity, so if it is a good familiar, let alone sixteen, even six is ​​quite exciting. Of course, I didn't report much hope for these sixteen pet eggs. This is the system store after all, even if there is a hidden interface, you can't expect to get anything shocking from this place. At present, less than one-thousandth of the top-quality equipment, familiars, and medicine ingredients that players get in the game are bought from the hidden interface of the system store, and most of the rest are obtained from the task of the player group or Hit in the wild. If you can buy top equipment at random in the store, then a certain player only needs to fill a lot of money into the game world at one go, and then go to the store to buy it. Even if "Zero" is an economic bomb that exists to destroy the economies of various countries, the kind of thing that catches fish is absolutely impossible.

After the shelf popped up this time, I simply took a look. Indeed, compared to the familiar familiars that can be seen directly in the catalog, this row here is quite good, at least Players in our guild should be more pleased to buy it, but it is far from my request. Of course, because members of our guild might need them, I didn't let them go. I bought all sixteen magic pet eggs.

After asking the Boss carefully and confirming that there was nothing better, we left this store, but when we came out Susis hesitated and asked me: "President Purple Moon likes it very much. Familiar eggs?"

I nodded and said: "Why do you ask? Could it be that you have the supply? You have seen it just now. I don't like ordinary goods."

Susis hesitated a little, but after thinking about it for a long time, he still opened the mouth and said: "Actually, I really know that there are a few creatures that are suitable to be familiars. They are very powerful. But..."

"But what's wrong?"

"But that place is also very dangerous. Those creatures are not ready-made monster eggs, you need to capture them yourself, so this process will be very dangerous .You and our dark council are now working together. I really want to help you, but I am worried that this will cause you losses, so...!"

"I don't think this worry is necessary at all. "I looked towards Sussis and said: "First of all, no matter whether the biology book you mentioned can threaten us, it is unlikely that I will be killed directly, so even if I can't deal with it, running is definitely no problem. Secondly, we are Adventurer, with the ability to resurrect almost infinitely, even if it is killed by the monster, it is nothing more than a loss of strength. You don't have to worry about us at all."

"In this way, it seems that you are right about this. The creatures are very interested." Susis thought for a while and said, "Okay. If you have time when you want to catch those familiars, come to the Dark Council to find me, and I will take you there. But. First of all, I must explain that I can only send you to the entrance of that place. I don't dare to enter it."

I nodded and said: "You can rest assured that you only need to get to the entrance."


After we finished the exchange here, we continued to go around the market here, let alone, let us find a few more good things afterwards. Most of them are items used by guild members, but Kristina and I have gained a lot. Kristina found a strange triangular metal block, I don't know what it is, but Kristina is very excited, it should be a very helpful item for her. As for me, I bought a directional mutation fruit.

This directional mutation fruit is a very special kind of fruit. The growing place is completely irregular. From the extreme cold places in the middle of lava, this thing basically does not pick up the environment at all, and it will grow anywhere. However, although the growing locations of this thing are widely distributed, the output is unbelievably low. I have almost never heard of it. It is rare to see one on the auction. This time I didn’t expect it. One was found on the street stall on the side of the road.

In fact, when I bought this thing, I found that this was the beginning of a hidden mission, but I was not free at the time, so after I bought this thing, I didn’t continue to chat with that NPC, otherwise I would definitely receive a series of Task.

I intend to use this directional mutation fruit for luck. The main reason is that the attribute of this fruit is a dark attribute, so the only suitable demons are luck, plague, king, sand night, and black inflammation. , But the king and Heiyan have both soaked in the sea of ​​the Silent Sea, which is equivalent to experiencing similar baptism. Even if you use this fruit, there is no room for growth. As for Sha Yezi... her current attributes are still extremely unstable, and the consequences of the last swallowing have not been completely stabilized, so it is not suitable for strengthening for the time being. Although luck and plague can use this thing, luck is longer with me after all, and although plague is bigger than luck, its potential does not seem to be as high as luck, so I think it is best to use luck.

We have finished shopping here, and the internal cleaning of the dark elves over there is also completed. Skott took the Qilin warriors back to my side, and Xiaofeng also returned. All the members of the Sisby family were killed, not only their own clan, but also a large number of those who served their family. Only some of them who voluntarily surrendered were taken back. Of course, these people may not be able to survive in the end, but that has nothing to do with me.

I don’t want to stay here any longer after confirming the completion of the task. I originally came here to help the white elves to do nothing. The purpose is to build a good relationship and facilitate future development. Now that it’s done. Of course I don’t want to waste time.

Because the misunderstanding between the dark elves and the white elves has been clarified through the dark council, I will not shy away from it this time, and just and honorable return to the white elves city. After the White Elf City handed over the task, under the enthusiasm of the other party, I left there. The urban construction of our own guild is about to be completed, and now we don't have much thoughts about other things.

"Chairman, you can be regarded as coming back." Seeing me coming back, Jinshan Yinhai greeted me with excitement. As the Chief-In-Charge of our Frost Rose League in South America, he is of course the city manager after the establishment of the city, and he proposed the construction intention of this elven city, so he is more concerned about this matter than us. many.

After seeing Jinshan Yinhai, I was not polite with him, and asked directly: "Is the coordination of the surrounding forces handled?"

Building a city is not that simple , Because the system will divide the city jurisdiction based on the intermediate point between the two cities, so you only need to build a city to reduce the jurisdiction of other nearby cities. It is better if the surrounding area is no man’s land. In areas such as South America, where there are densely populated organisms and mixed with various forces, it is absolutely impossible to build cities casually. If you don’t communicate well with others, you can start building the city rashly. When you turn back to the monster to attack the city, people will follow the monster to attack your city, then it will be troublesome.

Jinshan Yinhai has long arranged a special person to take charge of this matter. When I brought Kristina and the others this time, I also brought a lot of people, so this matter was handled fairly well. . Jinshan Yinhai said with a laugh: "I have been reviewing my favorability for several major forces nearby. This time the president, you brought so many experts from the headquarters to support the venue. Naturally, the other party won't have any objections. However, There seems to be an indigenous tribe that is reluctant to relocate, and the more troublesome thing is that their tribe happens to be within the city limits. It doesn’t matter if they are outside the city, even if they are a little closer, but the other party is actually stuck in the city limits, so they can’t move. . Our people talked to them several times, but the other party just refused to let it."

"What's the situation of this tribe? Is it a player or an NPC?"

"It's an NPC That’s it, at worst. The key is that this is a player’s village, and the other party does not accept any negotiation, and does not discuss this matter with us at all. Even if we want to buy or exchange, the other party will not let us make terms at all. "

"Player village?" I asked with a little surprise: "Didn't you say that you are an aboriginal tribe?"

Jinshan Yinhai nodded and said: "It is indeed an aboriginal The tribe, but was later taken over by a group of players, and now it has become a player tribe. The players of this tribe are gathered from all over the world, most of them are Americans, and there are also many Chinese Americans, but the other party basically If you don’t buy our account, you can’t agree."

"Do you know why they refused to give up positions?"

Jinshan Yinhai shook his head and said: "If I know, I will I find a way to solve it, the problem is that I don’t know!"

Kristina was listening to us and couldn’t help but interject: "If it doesn’t work, just unplug the martial power. Our guild is here. Are there still few enemies outside? It’s not bad these few, right?"

Jinshan Yinhai explained: "Oh my great aunt, don’t make any messes. This is South America and others. The place is different, the jungle is too dense, there are many natural creatures and mysterious forces in each, fish and dragons mixed in together, it is simply a paradise for guerrillas. In this kind of place, you are not afraid of offending large guilds, but you are afraid of offending scattered players. And small guilds. Big guilds have big business, as long as they are not bully intolerably, people generally won’t be troubled with you. After all, they have a family business, and monks who ran away can’t run the temple. For those family business, those who can bear it are also Bear it. But these small guilds are different from individual players. They can say that they have nothing to worry about. Once you provoke them, they will harass you day and night. In such a place, they want to clean up such people. It’s very troublesome, and the effect cannot be guaranteed regardless of the amount of investment. Therefore, we are here for peaceful development. Generally, if we can not sinners, we will try our best to not sin."

I also agree with Jinshan Yinhai’s words. . I knew a little bit before this. For example, in South America, guilds from various countries almost have agencies here, but so many guild forces gather here, but they are strangely quiet. Everyone rarely fights very much. Although there are frictions, few have evolved into armed conflicts. Everyone exercises extraordinary restraint.

People are not stupid these days. Everyone is here to make money. Although everyone squeezed together will reduce the share, if you completely squeeze people away, and they will play an unlimited harassment war with you, it will be completely troublesome. Originally they were just grabbing a small share of each other, but now they have to vomit out if they can't get a single cent. Everyone will calculate this account, so everyone will keep quiet, make a fortune in silence, and ignore everyone.

However, although there are many smart people nowadays, the problem is that there are also people with cramps. This group of people occupying this small tribe is probably such a group of people. In line with the original intention of making a fortune, in South America, everyone can negotiate whatever they have. It is nothing more than an exchange of interests, and no one suffers anyway. But this group of people didn't talk to us at all, which just made it clear that they didn't want to reconcile. If they find any high-level minerals here or have other special benefits, it's okay to say that the point is that Jinshan Yinhai has already sent people to explore the place, and there is no special minerals. After all, once a city is established, you will definitely not be able to mine in the city, so it is basic common sense to make sure that there are no precious minerals under the city before building a city. Otherwise, one day after the city is built, it is suddenly discovered that there are gem mines under the city. Do you think you are digging or not? If you dig, you will demolish the city. If you don’t dig, your heart will be itchy. Therefore, in order to avoid such embarrassing things, everyone will conduct mining exploration in advance on the urban construction sites, and only after confirming that there are no valuable minerals will the construction of the city begin.

The place where this tribe is located is within the limits of our city. As long as Tree of Life is planted, it will be covered by tree trunks and rattan, so this is a real urban area, and it is also a central area. We naturally explored such places in great detail to confirm that there are no minerals worthy of nostalgia. For such a place, the other party is determined to nail it here, which is obviously not a normal situation.

"Chairman, we have talked with the surrounding forces now. Some tribes that are too close have decided to move away, and some want to merge into our city. Only this tribe Life and death is not moving. We are now getting big heads."

"Apart from this tribe, is there any trouble?"

"Trouble or There are some.” Jinshan Yinhai continued: “First of all, the number of monsters in the surrounding monster area is larger than we originally expected, so the cleaning progress is a bit behind, and now only half of it has been completed. In addition, there are nearby monsters. The river may need to be treated a little bit."

"The river?"

"Well, that river is near the city. Usually it’s nothing, but there will be a rainy season every year. At this time, the river will spread to the direction of the city, and then turn this side into a vast ocean. Although the ability of the Elf City to resist floods is very strong, it is not a problem to be soaked in the water!"

< p>"Have you found someone to see the river? Are there any specific arrangements?"

"We have asked players who study hydraulics to see the problem of the river. Just build a dam upstream Raise the water level, and then build a short section of artificial river to introduce the water into another river, so it’s no problem."

"Building a dam?" I was a little worried when I heard this. Although the dam can divert water, the problem is that we are in a battle-based game world. Dams in a state of war are time bombs. As long as others destroy the dam, basically the downstream area is destined to be extremely unlucky. We are now facing the possibility of demolishing a village. The other party will most likely cause trouble with us, but we have left a dam outside. Although we will definitely send people to garrison, if this dam is destroyed, the elven city downstream is destined to become a vast ocean. Although the wizard city itself will not be washed away by the flood, there will certainly be economic losses.

Jinshan Yinhai probably also knows what I am worrying about, so it quickly added: "In fact, there is another method that is safer, but it is a little more troublesome."

"Talk about it. Look."

"We found a completely condensed lava pipe underground in the vicinity. This lava pipe leads to the vicinity of a large Underground City. There was an underground river there. Moreover, the river bed is very wide, but the water flow is not large. If we make a hole in the mountain side of the lava pipe, then we can introduce the river water into the ground to form an underground river, so as long as we reach an agreement with the Underground City State, it will be on their side. Make a little modification to the lava pipeline to connect it directly to the existing underground river, so that we don’t have to worry about the flow of water. Moreover, if there is such an underground river to connect the city-state, we can still connect with that city-state. They establish trade relations, which is equivalent to more money."

"This method is good, but you said that this method is very troublesome. Is it difficult to excavate underground rivers?"

"It is not only difficult, it should be said that it is extremely difficult. This underground river is quite deep, with a vertical depth of more than two kilometers. If we build an oblique passage, the length will only be longer, and once the underground river is connected, it will have to Considering whether the erosion of the river water will hollow out the nearby underground soil layer, it is a trouble if it causes a large area to collapse. These things are too complicated, even in reality, a lot of professional equipment and exploratory team demonstration are needed, but we There is no supporting equipment in the game. Although there are people who understand geology and hydraulics, it is difficult to find a professional team. Therefore, this project looks simple, but it is actually quite troublesome."

"That is Said that the current problem is mainly these three, right?"

Jinshan Yinhai counted with his fingers: "An underground river needs to be diverted, the cleaning speed of a monster area is too slow, and there is a nail household village. Just After these three problems are solved, we can start building the city immediately."

"There are so many problems!" I helplessly said: "These problems can be solved in the monster district, anyway. If the two are not resolved, it will be useless if the monster area is cleaned up. As for those two issues...Let me go back and discuss with other people."

Jinshan Yinhai also knows that this issue is not immediate If it can be solved, they will solve it themselves if they really handle it so well, and they won't wait for me to come back.

Let Jinshan Yinhai take care of him first, and I found Polsephone again. She is now in South America in charge of the Tree of Life seed. According to her words, she is using her divine force to maintain the seed, and with her conservation, the seed will become stronger and healthier. After another day, she can complete the conservation, after which the seed will show more powerful abilities than other Tree of Life. Of course, the premise is that I have to solve the two problems mentioned by Jinshan Yinhai first, otherwise, even if the seeds are well maintained, I can't plant them.

After a brief exchange with Polsephone, I found the large crystal communicator at the guild headquarters in South America and had a video conference with Isinger. Several questions were told to Rose and the guild think tank. Since our guild has a full-time think tank, it can't be wasted. Of course, they have to deal with this kind of brainstorming problem.

Though the people in the think tank are very clever, but they are not computers. Although they are open-minded, it takes time to think about problems, so I don’t urge them, just let them think slowly. But this group of think tanks are really awesome. I planned to leave after I talked to them. Who knew that the full-time communication staff called back after just two steps out of the communication room.

"Have you found a way?" Calling me back so suddenly, of course I was the first to think of this.

Sure enough, Somei said on behalf of the think tank: "We did think of a solution."

"Come and listen."

Sumi took it directly Out of the guild map. This is the general map of the guild based on the simultaneous increase of the guild player's detection range, so this area of ​​the city we want to build is also a lighted area. Su Mei explained to me according to the map: "Our suggestion is to move the center of the city 15 kilometers in the direction of the river, and build the city directly on the river."

"Ah. Isn’t that completely a piece of Zeguo?"

"Listen to me!" So Mi explained, "Look. There are two problems now. The first is that the village refuses to move. , You don’t want to be hard. So, in that case, let’s just let the question go. After 15 kilometers away from the direction of the river, the village moved from the city center to the edge of the city, just outside the city limits. Closer, the other party can’t do anything to us. If they take the initiative to make trouble, of course we didn’t discuss it."

I nodded and said: "In this way, the village’s problems are indeed solved, but other What's the problem?"

Sumi continued: "Fifteen kilometers is actually not very far. After this move, the city's location has not changed much, and it will not have much impact on us. Moreover, if the city is moved Right above the river, we can dig an underground river down from here to introduce the river water into the lava pipe. You didn’t dare to do so before because you were worried that the erosion of the river water would hollow out the ground and form a cavity. But if we take the city center Put it here, the roo

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