According to the records in the report I got, this kind of mineral that is extremely difficult to mine is called enchanted crystal, which is an over-enchanted crystal. According to the chemical composition analysis, this thing is almost indistinguishable from ordinary crystals, but according to the energy test, it will be found that the internal energy reaction of this thing is extremely high, which can be said to be a very unstable ore.

Although the enchanted crystals are extremely unstable, they are not to the point where they cannot be preserved, so some enchanted crystals can occasionally be found on the ground. However, all the enchanted crystals found on the ground are near the volcano, whether it is an extinct volcano or an active volcano, anyway, the enchanted crystal only appears near the volcano. Generally speaking, this kind of distribution means that the enchanted crystal is actually a substance that only exists deep below, and most of it appears near the volcano because of the transport of lava on the surface during the eruption.

According to the characteristics of the origin of the enchanted crystal, it can be confirmed that the dark council should have this kind of ore. After all, the enchanted crystal on the ground is brought up by lava, and the lava river in Underground World, There are a lot of lava lakes and so on. So it is certain that the Dark Council should have enchanted crystal mines, but I didn't expect the difficulty of mining this thing to be so high.

The enchanted crystal on the ground is said to be mined, but in fact it is basically picking it up. These enchanted crystals brought to the surface by the lava are solidified in the Fire Mountain Cliff after the lava cools. Then with the ebbing of time, the Fire Mountain Cliff is gradually eroded due to weathering, water erosion and other reasons, and finally wrapped in The enchanted crystal will be exposed. These enchanted crystals were discovered by some lucky people, and then they became the enchanted crystal ore that we used. Of course, because everyone now knows that enchanted crystals are brought on the ground by lava, some people will deliberately go to the Fire Mountain Cliff area to dig, but the distribution of enchanted crystals is not uniform and the stock is very low, so basically The output has never been higher.

Fortunately, the enchanted crystal is a special material with a single purpose, so even if it does not, it will not affect everyone's normal use. However, unfortunately, although the purpose of this enchanted crystal is relatively single, but the only few uses include: Enchanting equipment enhancement, Divine Item production, and the conversion core of super-power energy weapons.

The above three things are basically dispensable for ordinary players. Like the enhancement of the enchanted equipment, there may be some high level players who need to use it once or twice, but it will definitely not be too much. As for the remaining two uses, they basically have nothing to do with ordinary players, even So even some medium and large guilds may not be able to use these two purposes. However, the problem is that we are the Frost Rose League and we are the first guild in the world. Not being used by others does not mean that we are not using it. What’s worse is that not only can we use this thing, but also the consumption is quite large, and the main reason for such a large consumption is that the magic crystal can be used to make a device called the magic resonator, and this The equipment is one of the core components of the mobile angel for Divine Race.

The number of mobile angels used by our guild for Divine Race from the very beginning is small, and the cost is surprisingly high. One of the most expensive aspects is this enchanted crystal. Because the production of this thing is extremely unstable and the market is out of stock, we have to spend a lot of money to roll out the acquisition network in advance, as long as it appears as soon as it appears, we can barely maintain our high level weapon use. It can be said that since our guild began to use enchanted crystals, the supply of this thing has never been counted.

Because our demand for enchanted crystals is quite large, and the output of this enchanted crystal is unstable, we are very happy that the Dark Council can provide enchanted crystals. However, what made me didn't expect is that we are almost picking up magic crystals on the ground, but in a completely different situation underground.

According to the mining area information given by the Dark Council, the origin of this enchanted crystal is divided into two types. One is the lava lake and lava river we previously guessed. The enchanted crystals of this kind of origin are much more difficult to mine than on the ground, because the enchanted crystals here are all at the bottom of lava rivers and lava lakes. If you want to mine these enchanted crystals, you have to dive under the lava. In the past, the Dark Council used some devil beasts that survived in lava to collect this thing, but because the distribution of enchanted crystals in lava is almost the same as that on the ground, this method of mining is only more difficult than the ground. Higher, but the output is still minimal, and the only benefit is that it is relatively stable. In any case, mining enchanted crystals in underground lava is still an extremely dangerous and low-return job.

Although mining enchanted crystals in the lava river is quite difficult, and the output is not high, this is not the main reason that drives me crazy. The main reason that really drives me crazy is the real high-yield mining area of ​​the enchanted crystal-the black hole in the center of the earth.

A black hole in the center of the earth is not a black hole in the true sense, it is actually just a hollow sphere. The outermost layer of Earth is the crust. This part is a solidified crust dominated by rocks, and the mantle below it. The mantle is not a solid, but a liquefied lava layer. Because the mantle is made of liquid, theoretically there should be no voids in its interior. However, in fact the mantle is not without voids. Just as there are bubbles in water, there are also such cavitations in the mantle, but its outer shell is not a water film but a dense layer of crystalline silicon. This layer of crystalline silicon itself has no value, but because of its deep underground, it absorbs a lot of geothermal energy and forms a large number of magic crystals under ultra-high temperature and ultra-high pressure. This kind of sphere, protected by a crystalline silicon shell and almost full of various crystals, with a hollow in the center, is a black hole in the center of the earth. Because the temperature of the lava in the mantle is very high, it emits light, and the black hole in the center of the earth is only crystalline silicon, and its heat is much lower than that of the lava itself. Therefore, compared with the surrounding lava, it is like a black hole. The black hole in the center of the earth is Hence the name.

Anyway, it is certainly true that there are a lot of magic crystals in the black hole in the center of the earth. The outer shell of a geocentric black hole is generally only one more than a hundred meters thick. As long as it penetrates this outer shell, the inside is a mixed mineral layer composed of various crystals nearly 30 meters thick. The inside of this mineral layer is full of crystals and rare metals that exist in a simple state, which can be said to be basically money. Taking into account that the diameter of these geocentric black holes are basically more than three kilometers, if a geocentric black hole can be successfully captured, it will be a huge income even for our guild. And as long as we can capture three or five black holes in the center of the earth, that would be a big deal even by our standards.

With such a huge profit, who do you say is not tempted? However, because of the heartbeat, I was crazy.

Although the game "Zero" aims to increase the map area that players can enter, it deliberately reduces the impact of the pressure in the sea on the organism, and most of the equipment in the game has super resistance. In particular, the Knight helmet also has the function of a deep-sea respirator. these all are to allow players to enter the underwater map game. However, although the pressure effect in the seawater weakened by the game, it has not changed the effects of other pressures, such as the various effects of air pressure on the human body.

Unfortunately, the pressure in the mantle, like the air pressure, belongs to the unmodified part. In other words, in the game, the pressure in the mantle will be close to the real data in reality.

According to the mineral mining evaluation report given by the Dark Council, the black hole in the center of the earth with enchanted crystals generally resides in the shallow mantle layer. The pressure in this area is about 120GPa (Pa is the pressure unit Pascal, G is the unit G of the capacity of a computer hard disk, but it is not a 1024 carry, but a 1000 carry, which means that 1 GPa is equal to 1 billion Pa).

What is the concept of 120GPa? The air pressure around us when we are on the ground can be roughly regarded as 100,000 pascals, and the pressure under water can also be roughly calculated as 100 meters of water depth corresponds to 10 atmospheres, which is 1 million pascals. According to this calculation, the seabed water pressure at a depth of 10,000 meters is only 10 GPa, and the pressure of 120 GPa is equivalent to a water pressure at a depth of 120,000 meters. Of course, there is not such a deep sea on Earth.

In reality, the deepest water in Earth Shanghai is at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. The depth here is only eleven thousand meters out of nodded, but even at this depth, there are only so few submarines that can go down. It's just a ship, all of which are dedicated deep-sea exploration submarines. Conventional military submarines even have a depth of one kilometer, and the maximum safety depth is five-six hundred meters to the end. In other words, if the impact of water pressure on organisms is not reduced in the game, it is possible that the depth of the sea water we can move in the game is only within 100 meters. But now, we can easily run to a seabed that is several kilometers deep in the game. Of course, in places like Mariana Trench, ordinary players still can't go down, not because of the water pressure, but by the monster. According to the settings in the game, every time the monster in the sea drops 100 meters, the monster's size doubles. Therefore, the depth of the Mariana Trench basically belongs to the sea monster paradise, and the player is purely giving away food.

If the game does not reduce the impact of water pressure, the depth of one hundred meters will be the player's diving limit, and the pressure in the mantle is completely unchanged. To obtain a black hole in the Earth's core, it is necessary to descend into the mantle with a pressure of 120 GPa, which is equivalent to a pressure of 1.2 million kg per square centimeter. How big is one square centimeter? A two or three-year-old child's palm has more than one square centimeter spread out. With a pressure of 1.2 million kg on such a small area, this pressure has exceeded the formidable power that any weapon in the world can generate. In other words, if you can withstand this pressure, even if you are directly hit by a nuclear weapon, you will be able to survive without taking into account the high temperature and nuclear radiation.

How about? Is this defensive power awesome?

In fact, the troublesome problem is far more than that. In addition to the pressure of 1.2 million kg per square centimeter, there is another problem that is the average high temperature of 3000+.

Don't think that the lava spraying out of the ground is very hot. Compared with the ones in the mantle, the ones that flow to the ground are actually already cooled. Therefore, the temperature in the mantle is definitely a huge trouble. My armor can indeed withstand the high temperature of more than 3,000 degrees, but the problem is that the mining equipment is not my armor. You must know that even my Dragon Soul suit is already Peak in the Divine Item. Are we going to make a Divine Item-class mining machine to mine? This input cost is probably greater than the value of the ore. Besides, whether mining machines are allowed to be converted into Divine Items in the system setting is unknown. After all, I have never heard of anyone enchanting mining equipment before, which means that even attribute equipment-level mining equipment did not exist before this.

Although ultra-high temperature and ultra-high pressure are troublesome, they are still dead, and there is always a way to overcome them. But there are still some problems that cannot be solved.

First of all, the mantle is not a fixed lump, it is a viscous liquid that can flow. This causes positioning problems. Geocentric black holes are not at the junction of the earth's crust and the ground. They are actually located a little bit above the middle layer of the mantle. On the Earth profile, this place is actually quite close to the crust, but that is the Earth profile. In fact, this place is very far away from the crust. Being able to stay in the mantle is already a big problem for us, and positioning is also a matter of life. Even on the sea, you can still rely on the sun and stars to locate, but in the mantle, all around is opaque lava, visibility is basically zero, although it is not very dark, but it is still out of reach, although the lava will It emits light, but it does not transmit light, which is definitely a very annoying problem. Of course, using teleportation to return to the ground is also a good method, but there is still a small problem, that is... how do you take out the scroll in the lava and unfold it? Anyway, the Transmission Scroll I know so far is made of wood and devil beast leather, and it can be burned with a fire. There is basically no need to think about it in the lava, and it will become ashes when touched.

Even if the positioning problem is solved, there is still a problem with detection. Geocentric black holes are not everywhere in the mantle. Although there are a lot of them, it is not easy to find them. This geocentric black hole drifts around like bubbles in the water in the mantle, so their location is uncertain, and it is very difficult to find them.

Even if we solve the problems of high temperature and pressure, return and search, there is a fifth problem-carrying.

A black hole in the center of the earth is a hollow sphere over three kilometers. Its shell is unusually strong, and in order to ensure that the enchanted crystals and other ores wrapped in it will not be lost, we cannot break it in the ground. it. Once its compressive structure is destroyed, these things will collapse, and the minerals inside will quickly dissolve in the lava, so that we can get nothing. However, if the shell is not destroyed, we will not have any kind of space equipment to put it in. Even though the Fenglong space has such a large volume, the entrance is not that large, and it is really impossible to put such a huge monster into it. So, if it can't fit into the space equipment, it can only be dragged as a whole. To drag a sphere with a diameter of more than three kilometers in the lava to move, the difficulty is not to mention everyone knows, anyway, it sounds like something human does.

None of the above five questions sound like impossible tasks, but they are not all of them.

There is a saying that where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. The game system obviously uses this sentence flexibly. The system setting for players is: where there are players, there are monsters. No matter how many places where birds don't lay eggs, no life forbidden zone, biological desert, that can't stop the monster's footsteps. As long as the player can reach, the monster must have a way to settle there. It's like the Mariana Trench that players rarely go down. Not only is it not a restricted area of ​​life, but it's a rare beast paradise.

Considering that I have seen devil beasts inhabiting lava many times, the fact that there are devil beasts in the mantle is basically a certainty. Moreover, according to the consistent rules of the system, the more difficult the player to reach, the stronger the monster.

In fact, this setting is also normal. The hard-to-reach area indicates that the environment here is bad, and those who can reach that place are definitely high level players. In an area that only high level players can reach, you put a pile of trash monsters there, and what would the players who get there after exhausting suffering untold hardships think? Therefore, in order to implement the system's purpose of tailoring a corresponding monster for each player, any special area that can be reached by high level players will inevitably have powerful monsters that only high level players can handle. Of course, there are many monsters that can reverse high level players.

Combined with the above situation, it is necessary to mine the black hole in the center of the earth. It is necessary to withstand the pressure of 1.2 million kg per square centimeter. In the lava of more than 3000 degrees, it will encounter a land with god-like luck. The heart black hole then drags this huge object of more than three kilometers to the middle of the mantle for dozens of hundreds of kilometers and accurately returns to the boundary between the crust and the mantle. Finally, it has to seal the entry channel, and then break this thing into pieces. Sort out the useful ore and load it into the Phoenix Dragon Space, which is considered to be the completion of the task. Of course, during this whole process, you have to face super monsters that may appear at any time. Not only will you not be killed by the monster, you must also be careful not to let the monster destroy the black hole in the center of the earth, otherwise everything you did before will be wasted.

After reading this series of requirements, I almost went crazy. Don't talk about machinery and equipment in such an environment. In our guild, apart from me, it seems that Kristina can go on and around. Moreover, it is limited to going down and around. As for how to find and bring back the black hole in the center of the earth, it seems that we can't do this.

"President." After reading this report, the player in charge of machine design said: "We really can't produce such equipment! The environmental requirements are too harsh. Mining minerals directly in the mantle is simply unacceptable!"

I thought about it for a while and said: "You should design other equipment first. I will find someone to see this thing. You don’t need to make it. At worst, we only need those in the lava river. If there are few, then it’s better than nothing!"

"In this case, let's design other equipment first."< /p>

Send the Chief-In-Charge here, and I took this thing to find Woma. As the technical director of the guild, Woma knows a lot of things. If she can't figure out a solution, then we can basically say goodbye to these minerals.

Because of the help of the communicator, I quickly found Voma, who was supervising the installation of the guild in Steel City.

"Hey. President, why are you here? Want to see the progress of the aircraft carrier?"

"No, I have some technical difficulties, and I need your help to figure out a solution ."

"What kind of problem? Let me take a look at it first." Woma is engaged in research, of course, with rigor as the main quality. She will never mess without knowing the situation. Pack the ticket.

I directly took out the mining requirements for the geocentric black hole, and I also analyzed the major problems mentioned before.

Woma is almost the same as me, frowning at this information. "This geocentric black hole is of great value, but this mining is too difficult, right?" Woma said while handing back the data to me: "Mining a geocentric black hole in the mantle is almost equivalent to doing it. Planetary drilling. Thanks to this game, in reality, this is basically a technology of the cosmic development level. You know, in reality, we haven’t even been able to launch probes into the mantle so far, but you It's a dream to go in and mine such a large mineral!"

"Is it really impossible?" I asked disappointedly.

Woma shook the head, which made me very disappointed, but she didn’t expect what she said: "Is not that absolutely does not have the method, but it is purely by machine mining. It must not work."

"Oh? Tell me what is the specific situation?"

"I can't tell you clearly here, come with me."

Under the leadership of Woma, I went directly to Cambridge on this air carrier, where there is a magic projector exactly the same as Isinger’s conference hall. You must know that this three-dimensional imaging technology is very troublesome even if it is based on magic, otherwise we will not only set up in Isinger. I didn't expect it was also installed on this ship. But considering that this thing is so big, it will definitely be the flagship of the fleet in the future, and installing such a three-dimensional display system is indeed helpful for the commander's command decision. After all, this is an airship, and the battle must be three-dimensional. The plan using sea icons is obviously not very suitable for the command needs of this kind of battleship.

After entering Cambridge, Woma asked the workers who saluted us to continue their work, and then turned on the imager, and let the military god connect the imager.

The reason why this kind of imager is not popular is actually because the operation is very troublesome. Players rarely use it. It is also a big problem to be flexible, so no one uses it. But because our march will have such a god-defying existence, this is not a problem for us.

After the military god said that the connection was completed, Woma immediately said: "Give me a three-dimensional model to build."


After the military god confirms Woma began to stretch out her hand and pinch on a light spot displayed in the air, and then both hands pulled to the sides, the false light spot formed by the projection was immediately pulled away and turned into a straight line, and then Woma was here again quickly. Pinch there and pull it, and soon a pillar-shaped object with a hexagonal bottom surface is made. In this interval, the military god always made the virtual parts change with Vomar's gestures, as if Vomar was holding a real object.

This kind of 3D modeling auxiliary system has already existed, but this is the first time I have seen it in the game.

The shape of the columnar body made by Woma is quite beautiful. Although its bottom surface is hexagonal, it is not a regular hexagon. This bottom surface looks more like a triangle, because it has three unconnected sides that are very long, and the other three unconnected sides are only one-tenth the length of the three long sides, so if you don’t look at it, you feel that this columnar body is very long. It looks like a triangular prism, but in fact it is a hexagonal prism.

After finishing this object, Woma started to demonstrate to me. She first pointed to this thing and said: "This is the mining machine you want. Of course, this is a miniature image. The actual object should be much larger than this. The diameter of the circular surface on the bottom surface may be about five meters, and the length should be close to 20 meters."

"But how do you mine such a pillar-like thing?"

When Woma pulls the front of the thing directly, a gate opens automatically, and Woma Followed by introduced: "There is a movable door that can be opened at the front end of the mining equipment, and an ultra-high frequency oscillator is hidden in the door. The equipment itself is close to the triangular external structure to help increase the structural strength. The surface of the shell is not flat, and It is slightly arched outwards, so that an absolute pressure-resistant structure can be formed to keep it stable under pressure. Of course, stability is not enough. To deal with pressure, in addition to stability, it needs to be firm. My idea is to use magic technology. This The outside of the device will be covered with Fire Element to absorb the array, and use the high temperature of more than 3,000 degrees in the mantle as energy to form a stable supporting force field. This force field will support the entire device against pressure."

"Is it possible to do it?"

Woma raised his head and shouted: "Military God, do the energy conversion."

Military God responded instantly: "Three thousand degrees high temperature The energy generated is converted enough to support the pressure of 120G Pascals, but the energy flow of the conversion device will be very huge, we need a very efficient energy conversion device, ordinary equipment will not be able to withstand this high temperature. At the same time, because deep in the mantle , It’s unable to dissipate heat. It also has harsh requirements for the equipment itself."

Woma nodded and said: "I have already thought about this. The support force field is formed by thermal energy conversion, and then with The magic crystal stored inside and the energy converted from excess heat are used as the power source for internal cooling, but this also requires a small Water Element circulation system. The Water Element cannot be absorbed in the mantle, so it must be used. Element absorbs it back, otherwise it will not be able to complete the energy cycle. We will have a dedicated element energy separation device, which can become a Water Element constraint array with a little modification, and then the internal equipment can be stably cooled."

"But this only solves the problem of the existence of the equipment. How to mine the geocentric black hole? Do you want to use an oscillator to break the geocentric black hole? There are more than three thousand degrees there, your oscillation The device can only last for three to five seconds to melt, and the black hole in the center of the earth will be completely broken after crushing, and the ore inside will quickly dissolve in the lava. When the time comes, how do we collect it?"

Woma calmly said: "Pay attention to the gate I just opened. This gate is only in the equipment The front end does not turn on until it resists the black hole in the center of the earth, and then the high-frequency oscillator starts. However, this oscillator uses a special structure that will not completely crush the black hole in the center of the earth. According to data, the outer shell of a black hole in the center of the Earth is a crystal, so the destructive effect of the oscillator on it is very obvious. Although our oscillator will dissolve in only three to five seconds, it can penetrate the outer shell of a black hole in the center of the earth in just one second. Note that it's just breakdown, not crushing. According to the principle of pressure balance in the mantle, even if the interior of a black hole is hollow, it is impossible to have the same pressure as the ground. So I judged that its internal pressure should be consistent with the average pressure in the mantle, so that it can stably exist in the mantle. "

"But so what? "

"How? Don't you understand this? "Woma asked me back.

I just froze for a moment, and then suddenly understood. "Are you going to use vacuum pressure to suck out everything on your side?" "

"That's right. "Woma said excitedly:" After the shock wave emitted by the oscillator penetrates the shell, it will lose the power to penetrate the opposite shell again due to the change in frequency, but the shock wave will not disappear, but will be reflected multiple times inside the black hole in the center of the earth. Until the energy is exhausted. This reflection process will produce resonance, enough to destroy the fragile crystal structure. Because the minerals inside the black hole in the center of the earth and the enchanted crystals we need and the outer shell are not a substance, the adhesion must be weak, and the fracture must occur at these connection points. After that, the useful ores inside will be completely separated from the outer shell. At this time, there is only one atmosphere inside our device, and the pressure inside the geocentric black hole is as high as 120G Pascals. At this time, the geocentric black hole will be like a volcanic eruption. All the air and the ore that has escaped from the outer wall are all sprayed out, and then sucked into our equipment. Although this eruption method cannot completely absorb all the ore, it can suck out at least 80% of the ore. The remaining part will be completely melted in the mantle because the shell loses pressure and disintegrates. "

I nodded and said: "It sounds like a lot of problems have been solved. But the diameter of each black hole in the center of the Earth is more than three kilometers, and the thing you designed is only so big, which may be quite large for us, but for that black hole, it is estimated that it is even a black hole in the center of the Earth. If the ore can't be loaded, it will be full, right? "

"no no no. You made a mistake. "Woma explained: "We just need a device that can withstand the pressure, and then you can completely let your Phoenix Dragon open a channel entrance inside the device, and all the ore will enter your Phoenix Dragon after entering the inside of the device. space. At the same time, when the equipment is closed, the gas in the Fenglong space will make the increased pressure in the equipment return to normal pressure. At the same time, you can let your Fenglong reach the front of the equipment to repair the dissolved oscillator. Although oscillators also have costs, they are too cheap relative to the value of these ores. In this way, before your oscillator runs out, you can mine the black hole in the center of the earth unlimitedly. Moreover, when you are ready to return, you can ask Fenglong to open the space channel outside the device. The pressure in the mantle will naturally push the equipment into the Fenglong space. As long as you pay attention to the closing time, you can avoid the problem of lava entering. "

I nodded and said: "This will solve most of our problems, but it seems that there are still some small problems that can't be solved. First of all, when the device is down, it seems that only people like Kristina and I who can resist the environment in the mantle can move with the device. There is also the problem of the monster that has not been solved. Oh, the problem of searching for these black holes in the center of the earth and returning is still unresolved. Although the equipment can be stuffed into the Fenglong space, how are we going to get it back? "

"As for you, only you and Kristina can go down. I think there is no way to solve this problem. After all, the equipment always needs people to operate, so even if you two are not used, at least people who can withstand the high temperature and pressure are needed to go down. Fortunately, the ore in the black hole in the center of the earth is mined one by one. You can go down and find three or five in one breath, and you won't need it for a long time after the collection. As for the problem of finding a black hole in the center of the earth, I think I can try to install a sonar detector on the device. The inner part of the black hole in the center of the earth is empty, and the outer shell is a crystal. The echo signal must be very special. Although the density of the mantle is too high, such a detection range will not be too far, but I think at least it can greatly increase your detection range. There is also the question of return, I think this is the simplest. "

"Simple? "

"Yes. You only need to leave a familiar on it, and then follow it back telepathically. "

"Oh, forget this! "

Woma saw that I passed this point of view and then went on to say: "There is also a question about monsters. I reall

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