"Since you already know that I am a member of the Dark Council, you dare to bring me here by force. Don't you worry about the Dark Council's revenge against you?" The dark congressman who was still a weak little girl stood up from the ground and left and changed her posture. Although the person is still that person, the temperament and so on from the inside to the outside have undergone tremendous changes. Although the man in front of me looks the same and beautiful, the previous weak temperament has disappeared, and what is left is only a powerful aura like a female King-like.

Although the opponent's imposing manner is quite amazing, it is a pity that the young elves who were rescued were the ones who were really affected, and those who could really influence everyone's attitude were not affected in any way. Lord Patriarch of the Elf City itself is a high-level existence, and the few elves who follow her are all high-level personnel in the Elf City, and there are people with aura or something, even if it is not better than her, she will not be affected by it.

Except for the high-levels of the Elf City, the rest is the rescued young elves. They have been affected a bit. Unfortunately, they were originally equivalent to witnesses in the court. Whether it is affected or not is irrelevant to the final decision.

In addition to these elves, the remaining are the three of us. Needless to say, Polsephone. What about the queen's aura? Compared to Goddess, the queen is nothing at all. Kristina is not Goddess, but like me, she participated in the war against Divine Race. We have all killed several Goddess, can you a queen still scare us?

"It looks like you haven't figured out the situation yet." I directly raised a hand, and a Space Crack with a blue light shining on the edge unfolded, and then I saw Brigitte floating out of the crack.

The dark congressman on the opposite side stepped back slightly after seeing Brigitte, and the expression on her face was a bit unsustainable. She glanced at my expression with a weird expression, and then asked: "What are you doing?"

"Nothing, just to help you understand the current situation." As my voice fell, Brigitte suddenly floated directly towards Miss Dark Senator, and then suddenly stretched out her hands at the same time, grabbing the arms of Miss Dark Senator, and then there was a very loud clicking sound, accompanied by a burst of high voices reaching the world level. Soprano singers will feel ashamed of the super treble, even I think this voice may almost become ultrasonic.

The scream only lasted for a second or two, while the strange dance of the Dark Senator was performed for seven or eight seconds. It was not until Brigitte let go of her hands and returned to my side, she was white all over her body. The water vapor poured backwards.


Following my reminder, Kristina directly condensed a water polo with ice scum and threw it on the opponent’s face. As a result, the arrogant Miss Dark Senator bounced off the ground abruptly, but she quickly sat back on the ground, and even the Dark Elf still showed a clear blush on her face. As for the reason... smell Just look at the faint smell in the air.

The human body's control of its own tendons is transmitted through electrical signals, and the creatures in the game basically use this principle. It is precisely because the control signal of the organism is based on the electrical signal, so people will experience muscle tension and uncontrollable conditions after an electric shock. This is why many people feel like they are stuck to the wires and cannot come up and down after being clicked. In fact, the muscles can’t be released because of the muscle cramps caused by the electric current at first. Of course, the adhesion phenomenon still occurs after being shocked by high voltage electric for a period of time, that’s not The muscle cramps, but because the muscles and skin tissues are carbonized and fused with wires to produce real adhesions.

Of course, Miss Dark Senator was not dissolved by the electric shock. My purpose was to give her a warning, and Brigitte’s voltage control was very precise, so she was not fatally injured, but anyway The voltage just now was still relatively high, so Miss Dark Senator also lost control of her muscles. And unfortunately, her out-of-control muscles also include the sphincter of the clonal passage, so our dark councillor has just experienced some very indecent conditions, and this result directly causes her to have a feeling of shame and anger.

"Dear Mrs. Dark Councillor, if you understand your current situation, please leave for a while and tidy it up. Of course, you can also refuse our kindness and continue to stay here and let me come. Help you explain the current situation."

At this time, Miss Dark Senator, of course, understands that even if she doesn’t understand, she must not stay, so she finally rushed out of the room with her head down and very fast small steps. . Chief Elf Race waved his hand to a guard at the door, and the female elf guard immediately turned and followed out.

I turned to Elf Race after waiting for the lady of Darkness to leave and said, "I think things went smoothly. After the lady of Darkness comes back, we can pass her to let the Darkness comment. We will understand the truth of the matter, and then the Dark Council will put pressure on the Spirit Emperor Kingdom of the Black Spirit, and we can take the opportunity to make a settlement with the Dark Spirit."

"Could the Dark Council be because of the Dark Council Agreed to reconcile under pressure?" a rescued young elf interrupted.

"The pressure of the Dark Council is just to give the Black Spirit Spirit Emperor a little motivation. What we need is actually to tell the Dark Elves through the mouth of the Dark Council. This time the matter is because of these two It’s caused by this family, and both of us are victims. And the pressure of the Dark Council will not only make the dark elves understand the truth, but also make them realize that they cannot enter a hostile state with the white elves of the ground world, otherwise they Under the pressure of the Dark Council, it is simply difficult to support. We only need to propose a reconciliation at this time and give the Black Spirit Spirit Emperor a step. I believe that as long as the other party does not get water in his head, he will definitely agree to the reconciliation."

< p>Elf Race Nodded and said after hearing my words for a long time: "It makes sense. The complementarity between the white elves and the black elves is more than conflict, and without the black elves, we just have a slight decline in the quality of life, and there is no white elves. The spirit, the spirit Emperor of the Black Spirit cannot even guarantee independence, so they need to reconcile more than us. In this case, even if they are angry, the senior officials of the Spirit Emperor of the Black Spirit can only temporarily suppress their anger and agree. Reconciliation. Besides, as long as they know that both of us are being plotted against, then their hatred should not be concentrated on us. The current dark elf queen is a very capable guy, I believe she still has this kind of mind. ."

After confirming how to deal with this matter, the leader of Elf Race began to arrange manpower to clean up the portal. This incident involved not only the Black Elf family, but also a scum family in the White Elf family, so this must be cleaned up. Of course, because confidentiality measures are in place, the family does not know that their behavior has been exposed for the time being.

Although this family of elves is not small, if it is raided without knowing it, this family will definitely die in an instant. Of course, the plan to deal with this family can be worked out now, but the action cannot start right away, but needs to wait and wait for the black spirit Spirit Emperor country to start simultaneously.

When the other party discussed this matter, I gave advice, because if we do this first, then the family on the side of the Black Spirit Spirit Emperor will definitely know that their behavior has been exposed. When the time comes, it may be a little troublesome to deal with that family, and it may not be able to capture all their personnel. Such a family can be said to be the chief culprit who directly caused the huge losses of the Black Spirit Spirit Emperor Kingdom, the White Spirit City, and the Dark Council. For such an existence, I believe no one would want to see them at ease.

Because of this reminder of mine, the white elves also agreed not to deal with this matter for the time being. On the one hand, they will monitor the white elves family first, and on the other hand, they will wait for the black elves to learn about the information at the same time. .

Regarding the actions on the dark elf side, I finally decided to join Kristina and the others to return to the Dark Council with the congressman. The excuse for this action on the surface is to confirm that the Dark Council understands the details, and then go to the Dark Spirit Spirit Emperor through the Dark Council channel to contact the dark elves, and participate in the formulation of matters to deal with the dark elves family. Finally, after both sides have formulated an action plan, they can start at the same time to ensure that there is nothing wrong.

Of course, the above is the purpose of on the surface. Secretly, I actually have another purpose, and that is to get in touch with the Dark Council and the Black Spirit Spirit Emperor Kingdom.

The Dark Council and the Black Spirit Spirit Emperor Kingdom can be said to be the main forces of the Underground World. Of course, the Black Spirit Spirit Emperor Kingdom is not limited to this one. In fact, Underground World has many Black Spirit Spirit Emperor Kingdoms. However, considering that we are going to build a city in South America, it is also necessary to have a good relationship with the local Underground World. As for the Dark Council, this organization needs to be a little more cautious.

The Dark Council is not a local organization. It is actually a world-wide organization, just like the two temples of light and dark on the ground. But the ability of this organization is not the same as the two temples of light and dark. First of all, in terms of specific strength, the Dark Council is definitely not comparable to the two temples of light and dark. After all, Underground World is a world with extremely uneven resource distribution. The mineral resources in it can be said to be N times more than that on the ground, but the problem It is food and the like that have always been the urgently needed supplies in Underground World.

Because Underground World lacks supplies, the number of creatures in Underground World cannot be compared to the ground. Of course, considering the actual number of creatures on the ground in the game, the absolute number of creatures in Underground World is not a lot, but not as many on the ground.

In addition to food restrictions on population, the area of ​​Underground World is not comparable to that of the ground world. The Underground World in the game is mostly underground cavities, which are connected by underground pipes. These areas are actually not very large. Although they exist three-dimensionally, the total area is still not as large as on the ground. Moreover, the areas of these Underground Worlds are not completely connected together. Some Underground Worlds are not connected to each other. Sometimes the two sides need to use the ground to communicate.

This structure makes the population and wealth of Underground World far lower than that of the ground world, and as the upper-level power of Underground World, the power of the Dark Council will naturally be weaker than that of light and dark. The Great Temple.

However, although the Dark Council is not as lucky as the two temples in terms of natural environment, it may also be due to the harsh living environment of Underground World. The unity of the Dark Council is much higher than the two temples of light and dark. Although there are also divisions and intrigues within the Dark Council, this situation is much more relaxed than the two major temples on the ground. From the light and dark on the ground, the two temples are unified except for the European area, and the independence of the temples in the world can be seen to what extent the internal struggle between the two temples is, and no matter how intriguing the dark council is, At least they are still a whole, a real world organization.

Because of the relative unity, the actual ability of the Dark Council is stronger than the two temples or weaker than the two temples. We have no legal opinion for the time being. After all, both sides have their own advantages. But one thing is certain, that is, the Dark Council is a very good organization, so I want to establish a certain relationship with it, and it is best to develop some cooperation on this basis.

Be aware that the Dark Council is the boss of Underground World, and Underground World and the ground world are just two highly complementary worlds. They are rich in all kinds of minerals and scarce food, while the ground world is rich in food but lacks minerals. The combination of the two is definitely beneficial.

Because the Dark Council may be a potential partner for us, I will take some necessary measures against the lady of the congressman before. Some people may be surprised that since we want to build a good relationship, shouldn't it be right to please the other party?

In fact, to please the other party is only a general method, very commonly used, and a wide range of applications, but the effect may not be the best. Teachers must learn to teach according to their aptitude, and to be profiteers must also learn to look at others. To put it bluntly, they must be targeted.

The lady of the council is obviously a arrogant girl who thinks she is very smart. To put it simply, this kind of woman’s behavior is to arm herself with arrogance because of her shyness. The behavior feels as if it is a desperate need for face. She was saved by us before, which was originally a kindness. But she is a tsundere character, so she feels ashamed. She could thank us once, but her character is absolutely unable to say the word "thank you". Moreover, because of this character, she would deliberately not express gratitude, or even, because she wanted to avoid the intention of expressing gratitude, she would in turn cheat us and treat us as enemies, so that there is no element of gratitude in it.

Although this behavior sounds like a mental disorder, it has to be said that this kind of person is real. The congressman obviously has this kind of personality, and Ling noticed this when reading her memory before, so she specifically reminded me to pay attention.

For a person with this kind of personality, you must never make the other person appreciate you, otherwise it will be the same as letting the ordinary person hate you. Therefore, I plan to respond to her before letting her return to the Dark Council She does a small range of training, at least to ensure that she will not harm us. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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