Chapter 200 is coming late

The information we got is that some private conflicts occurred between the two families of the dark elves and the white elves, and then The two sides made trouble with each other, which led to diplomatic incidents. Then, according to the normal situation, the current situation should be that the captured white elves are being watched by a group of black elves. If the scene is a bit more exciting, there may still be attractive spectacle incidents such as prisoner abuse incidents. However, what I see now has nothing to do with this prediction. Oh, it’s wrong, and I can’t say that there is no relationship at all, at least my prediction is partly correct. Or a small part. A very small part.

"Mammoth goes one."

"Oh, that's not bad boy. Watch me leaping."

"Hey, I didn't even see this step. What a misstep! But don't be proud of you. I still have a back move. Now, it is my caveman who has moved forward."

"No, how did your caveman go there? Are you cheating?"

"This is a tactic, what do you know?"

The above paragraph is a conversation I overheard through the ghost bug, and this conversation is sent out at this time Two people are sitting on both sides of a stone table. On the stone table between them, they are constantly moving some small sculptures. With those conversations, I can basically be sure that the two of them are playing some kind of Underground World pop. Board game. However, the problem is that sitting on both sides of the table is not two leisurely college students, otaku, friends, etc., but two elves who should be in a hostile state.

Yes, the two playing chess happen to be two elves, and they are one black one white. On the left hand side is a dark elf that I have not seen before, and the one on the right hand side is more surprising. Because this guy is actually a white elf in the magical image I have seen before.

The magical video was shown to me by the patriarch of Elf City. It recorded the appearance of the group of young elves caught this time, and now I see this white elves playing chess It was one of those white elves that we should rescue.

"What's going on inside?" Kristina found out that I had sent the ghost worm in and resisted it, and couldn't help but whispered in my ear.

Porsephone was also very curiously asked: "What on earth did you see?"

"The situation has changed." I replied in a low voice.

"What does it mean that the situation has changed?" Kristina asked.

"It's something we didn't expect." I first pulled Kristina and Polsephone to withdraw from the hole over there and moved a little farther, and then dared to zoom in a little Some voices said: "My ghost worm saw two elves playing chess in that door."

"What's so strange about this?" Polsephone asked suspiciously: "They It’s not normal to hide the captives here. The guards feel bored and play chess here. Isn’t it normal?"

"No, it’s not normal at all." I explained, "Because those two are playing chess. One of the elves playing chess is a white elves, and this guy is one of the people we want to rescue."

"Do you think it’s possible that the guards are boring, so let one of the white elves accompany you Is he playing chess?" Kristina asked.

"Probability is not great." I explained: "From their dialogue, you can see that these two people are very familiar, and their status should be equal."

"You The ghost worm hasn't been discovered yet, right?" Polsephone asked.

I nodded looked towards Persephone: "Do you mean let me command the ghost worm to investigate further?"

Porsephone nodded and said: "No matter What's the matter with these two people, at least we need to confirm the exact location of these hostages, and then we can take action."

I thought about it and felt that what Polsephone said was right. Yes, so he focused on manipulating the ghost worm and began to investigate this place in depth.

Behind the door is a small round hall. The walls are very rough. Although there are no sharp edges and corners, it is obviously not a complete artifact. This place should have been originally a cave, but it was renovated later.

After passing this small hall, you can see a Y-shaped fork road. There are doors in both extension directions of the fork road, so you can't see the situation inside. I hesitated for a while and let the ghost worm crawl to the right first. Anyway, I don’t know the situation on both sides, so no matter how guessing it is, it’s just try one's luck, so I just chose a channel.

Not bad, the probability of one in two actually got me right. Going through the door on the right is a short passage. There is still a door at the end of this passage, but it is different from the previous door. It is a metal door, and it is quite heavy. Fortunately, the ability of ghost worms to penetrate walls is not affected by metal, so even thick metal doors are meaningless for my reconnaissance operations.

After successfully passing through this door, the ghost worm immediately discovered that the environment in this room was just a simple lounge. There were two beds on one side of the room. The beds were all made up of messy animal skins, and on the other side were a table and several chairs.

No one exists in the room, but there is a cup on the table that I don’t know what drink is still steaming, indicating that the people here have left soon.

On the opposite side of this room, there is an iron door. Although it is not as big as the previous one, it is about the same thickness. After the old way passed through this door, there was a scream in front of him, and the more tangled language was actually incomprehensible.

Although I don’t understand what the other party is saying, I at least confirmed the target situation.

Behind this iron door is not a new room, but a corridor. The width of the corridor is only a little more than two meters, and the two sides are all cells separated by metal fences. The guy who yelled there in an incomprehensible language was standing at the end of the corridor, and as the ghost worm climbed to the top of that guy’s head, I immediately saw a dozen white elves in the side cell, and these white elves They were all handcuffed to the wall by huge chains, even without the big iron door outside the cell, they would never escape.

After confirming the target location, I immediately let this ghost worm lurking here, and then I commanded another ghost worm to quickly start to move to the previous fork, and after reaching this fork, I ordered The ghost worm began to move to the left.

Behind the gate on the left side of the fork, there is nothing too complicated. It is a fairly huge room. At this time, the room is actually full of black elves... corpses. That's right, they are all corpses. All the dark elves are dead, and it seems that these guys died of some kind of poison or something like a soul attack, because the corpses in front of them all died peacefully, without any trace of struggle. Obviously all died in dreams. If I hadn't let the ghost worm get closer and sensed it, I really couldn't find that these people were actually dead.

Although these guards died very strangely, but now we finally know why there is no such thing as a secret whistle in this place to watch outside. After all, besides the prisoners, there are only two black elves and one white elves who are temporarily uncertain about their alignment. That is to say, there are a total of three living people outside the cage. Of course, there is an impossible extra in this case. Manually set up the secret whistle.

"Since the other party has only three people, then we are not very polite, right?" Kristina asked.

I nodded and said: "I thought I was going to fight a fierce battle. Didn't expect was so easy to deal with. Now I don’t need any plans. I will count one, two, three, and we will fight together. Go in. Christina, you and Polsephone deal with the two goals of chess at the door. I will go straight to the inner cell to deal with the one who is talking."


After confirming the information, we quickly returned to the front of the wooden door inside the cave, and then after I used the gesture to count down to 321, I suddenly lifted my leg and kicked the inverted wooden door into the air. The two players who were playing chess had no reaction at all, they were smashed on the ground by the wooden door that suddenly flew over, and then before they got up, Kristina and Polsephone were already using their staffs. Withstood their heads. As long as two people move the slightest amount, they will become a corpse in the next second.

The battle here ended in 0.1 second, and I rushed directly into the fork behind, kicked the wall at the corner to counteract the inertia and turned, and then rushed directly to In front of the iron door. The eternity in my hand had long been attached to the claws of my hands. I was still a little away from the door with a few swings, and then hit the door with one head. Just hearing a boom, the iron door that was cut into several pieces directly all split up and in pieces scattered out.

I didn't stop after I walked into the rear room, facing the second iron gate, it burst Fireball. With a thud, the iron door was directly melted halfway, and instead I passed through the door hole still dripping with molten iron and entered the cell behind. Because the speed was too fast, the black elf over there didn't realize what was going on. He didn't realize that there was an invasion until I entered the cell.

Seeing my appearance, the guy on the other side immediately started to feel the dagger hanging on his waist in a panic, but as soon as he touched the hilt, I had directly a Barbaric Dash and took him He slammed into the wall behind.

The white elves locked in the cage only heard a bang, and then they saw a cloud of smoke rising from the wall, and then in their horrified eyes, I looked at the one on the wall Retired from the humanoid pit, and then waited for two seconds to see the dark elf who had just shown off one's military strength in front of them fell from the pit. Of course, this guy was basically invisible at this time. It's almost a meatloaf.

I took out the token I had prepared a long time ago and shook it in front of the group of white elves, and then I grabbed the fence door in front of me and pulled it back. With a squeak, the metal door was directly pulled down by me amidst the sound of metal distortion. "I was ordered to rescue you. Are you okay?"

"Thank you for your rescue." An Elf Race beauty who was locked on the wall first responded and thanked us, and then she again Very quickly said: "Please get rid of Xicott over there, and then trouble you to find another white elf. He is a traitor. We can't let him return to our city, otherwise the white elf will have a big Trouble."

"Which guy are you talking about?" I pointed to the passageway, where Kristina was dragging the white elf and another black elf into it. In this way, they have just received certain lessons, because both of them now look like eggplants that have been beaten by frost and are about to die.

"It's him." The surrounding white elves exclaimed excitedly, and then began to denounce this guy by everyone talking at once. Although it is not yet clear what exactly happened, I can roughly guess some of the circumstances from the guy playing chess with the black elves before and the white elves imprisoned here.

While using eternal incision to fix the chains of these white elves, I glanced at Kristina and asked: "What's wrong with them? Why are they broken by the expression?"

"What is a broken cousin. President, you are too evil?" Kristina said, throwing the two guys to the ground, and then said: "These two bastards are trying to resist , Especially this white guy, actually intends to escape by insulting me, really damn it."

"Assaulting you?" I looked at the guy on the ground in surprise, and then turned to the white guy over there. The elves asked: "When did you Elf Race still have a good wolf?"

"This hero who came to save us, this guy is not a purebred elves, he is a mixed blood."


"Mixed blood essence spirit? Oh, are you talking about half-elves?"

"Yes." The fairy Princess said: "This guy has a human bloodline of 1/4/2021 ."

"Oh, this guy can really discredit his race, whether it is elves or humans."

Although only 1/4/2021 bloodline is human, After all, white elves are not purebred elves, and their desires are stronger, so it is very normal to do things that elves would never do. At least in my opinion, the elves rarely show any impoliteness even when facing enemies, and the guy in front of him actually wants to escape from Kristina's control with the help of female instinct. It’s a pity that he met Kristina. In addition to the so-called humanoid fort, Kristina has another ability that is elemental transformation. If necessary, she can convert all her mana into attack power, so she can. Close fight. And Kristina in this mode is actually stronger than the battle strength in the Mage mode, but because she is not good at fighting, she will show that the battle strength drops in melee. But one thing is certain, that is, Kristina's melee ability is definitely very strong.

"Now that you are saved, we'd better return to patriarch immediately. Because of the kidnapping of you people, the outside has been upgraded to a full confrontation between the black elves and the white elves. If you can’t as soon as possible Hurry back, there will probably be a war on both sides. You don't want to become the fuse of the war, do you?" I asked.

The fairy Princess is a Princess after all, and she understands these political things fairly well, so when I said here, she immediately understood the outline of the matter, and immediately asked all to talk to her The captured personnel quickly followed us out of here.

The evacuation work basically went smoothly. Those elves who were caught were only taken into custody and were not abused, so their mobility was basically not affected. After I provided some eliminated equipment for them to use temporarily, these elves immediately became jungle hunters, running wildly in the forest at a speed no less than ours, and soon left the Underground World and returned to the tunnel.

Although we were evacuating quickly, the captives were not thrown away by us. In fact, the prisoners here are not two or four, but three. The dark elf that I crashed into the wall has turned into a pancake, and has no qualifications to become a prisoner. To be a prisoner is at least alive.

The remaining two elves playing chess are our captives, and there is also a dark council member who fainted, so there are three captives in total. Originally, we planned to exchange the white elves hostages with the lady of the dark council, but we didn't expect such a strange event to happen, so our lady of the dark council was useless. And this one doesn’t know if it’s the scare that consumes too much spirit strength, or the nerves have no sense of crisis, and he has been in a coma until now and he has no intention of waking up at all. This is really weird. .

Although Underground World is the territory of the dark elves, they don’t know that the captives have been rescued, so there is no chasing soldiers and there is no presence specifically targeting us. All we have to do is to avoid ordinary patrols. That's it. For the team with Christina and I, this is really too simple.

Returned to the ground through the entrance of Underground World without any danger. As soon as they left the guard’s surveillance area, several captured white elves immediately cheered with excitement. Only the son of Princess and patriarch performed Are more worried. These two are destined to become leaders in the future, so their thinking is more complicated than ordinary people. They knew it was not the time to cheer, and if they couldn't rush back before the war broke out, it would be too late.

"Stop screaming." The team leader's son shouted to his excited companion: "It's not the time to cheer. Our top priority now is to return to the clan as soon as possible and not let the two sides fight."

Those elves just vented their emotions in their hearts, they weren't really overwhelmed, so when they heard the words of patriarch's son, they immediately calmed down and started to speed up their journey.

Although our mission was performed very quickly and there was no delay on the way back, to our surprise, we came back a little late.

In fact, before we met Elf Race, we first encountered a large number of dark elf troops that had fallen apart. These dark elves were all ragged and covered with blood. At first glance, they had experienced a tragic fight, and these guys were all downcast, apparently losing the battle.

The rescued elves and I avoided these disintegrated troops in advance because of good reconnaissance, but seeing this scene still made us feel nervous. After all, the outbreak of war is not a good thing for us people. For Christina and Polsephone, me, failing to prevent the outbreak of the war, it means that the mission has failed, and for these white elves, this is a loss of vital interests.

Because we don't want war to break out, we are all nervous seeing this situation. However, compared to ours, the emotions of the white elves are obviously slightly better, at least they have seen the miserable model of the black elves, so it is estimated that they should have won the battle, so the burden on their hearts is a little lighter. However, this good mood did not last long. When we passed through the defeated troops to catch up with the retreating White Elf troops, we soon discovered that things were far from being as simple as we thought.

Originally, we saw the black elves who almost lost their helmets and armors. We thought that the white elves had won a big battle, but now it seems that things are far from the case. Although the order of the white elves is much better than the black elf's chaotic retreat like a broken army, the state of wounded almost everywhere in the team is not at all reassuring. You know that Elf Race is very good at life magic, which means that they are very good at healing. But in this case, there are still so many wounded people who need to be carried back, which only shows that the magic of the treatment staff has bottomed out.

Generally speaking, it should be normal for the healing staff to bottom out after a large-scale battle, but it is not normal for the elves to occur in this normal phenomenon. Because the elves are in the moonwell, they can hoard the moonwell water. This moon well water itself is the best magic recovery potion. It not only recovers instantly, but also has no side effects. Frequent use can increase the upper limit of magic and the speed of magic recovery.

Because of the existence of the moon well water that returns to the devil, the legal staff of Elf Race should not have the magical weakness in theory. However, it now seems that the person in charge of the treatment is obviously not only out of magic power, but may even have used up the moon well water it brought out.

Looking at the miserable retreat team, we quickly passed through the troops behind, and then caught up with the Elf Race leader who was walking in the middle.

"Mother, what's wrong? Could it be that the war broke out?" The son of Elf Race ran over and asked when he saw Patriarch.

The leader of Elf Race was first excited when he saw his son, then sad. But in the end she didn't say anything, just hugged her son, and then turned to me and looked over.

Seeing the long gaze of Elf Race moving over, I quickly apologized for sorry. "Sorry, we still failed to complete your entrustment!"

I thought I would get a lot of criticism, at least it was a complaint. Of course, there would be no verbal abuse. The elves can't do that kind of thing. However, the result was different from what I expected. The head of Elf Race just shook the head to me and said, "It’s not your fault. In fact, it’s already a great help for us to rescue them. Although you still haven’t caught up to stop the war from breaking out, this is Because our battle broke out too fast. You are absolutely impossible to come back before the war breaks out, so this is not to blame you. I promised your Tree of Life seeds I will ask Tree of Life to help you breed one, but this process is probably It takes a day, so you still have to wait a little bit."

"Your words made me feel extremely ashamed. In the end, I didn’t help much but I had to receive rewards. This behavior made me feel Very sad, but we really need these seeds, so I won’t be polite to you. However, our Frost Rose League is not a rogue taking other people’s benefits in vain. We will repay you for your help. Please tell me what I can do. For you, our Frost Rose League will never back down."

The leader of Elf Race just said to me that it was unnecessary, but I still expressed my persistence, and I insisted very seriously. Seeing that we were really unwilling to take things for nothing, the other party was finally nodded. However, this matter still needs to be discussed and a conclusion can be made next time.

It takes time for the battallion elves to return. Elf Race finally took us away from the team and returned to the elves city. After praying for the Mother Tree of Life to begin to allow a seed for us, Chief Elf Race gathered the three of us, the group of young elves who were rescued this time, and the three captives we brought back together.

After some explanations of the rescued elves, we finally figured out the outline of the matter.

When we went to rescue these white elves, according to the news from the head of Elf Race, there should be some kind of conflict between the white elves and the black elves. Steps expanded, and eventually became what it is now. However, according to the introduction of these rescued elves, things are far from the case.

According to their introduction, the two families that everyone thinks are contradictory simply do not have any contradiction. On the contrary, these two families should be said to be intimate. This time the incident was completely self-directed and acted by them.

The cause of the incident was that there was some friction between the Dark Council and the Black Spirit Spirit Emperor Kingdom. The Black Spirit Spirit Emperor Kingdom was over-unified, so the power of the Dark Council was somewhat weak in the Black Spirit Spirit Emperor Kingdom. For this reason, some senior members of the Dark Council feel that the Dark Elves are a threat to the Dark Council, and such a large group that exists within the organization is not suitable for the development of the organization.

Because of this idea, the Dark Council decided to make trouble for the Black Spirit Spirit Emperor Kingdom, and then used this as an excuse to ask the Black Spirit Spirit Emperor Kingdom to open part of the power to the Dark Council, and no longer Free from the organization as before.

The so-called trouble-seeking method of the Dark Council is actually very simple. It is to send a sacred relic from the Dark Council to the Spirit Emperor Kingdom of the Black Spirit for exhibition, and then take the opportunity to engage in trouble.

This was originally the plot against of the Dark Council, but they didn't expect that they have their abacus, and others have other people's abacus. After the black spirit Spirit Emperor's domestic family knew about this, they took the initiative to undertake this transportation task, and then planned to come to a guard to steal and claim the sacred relic as their own.

In order to complete this plan, the Black Crystal Spirit Emperor family colluded with the White Spirit Spirit Emperor family to start troubles, and then destroyed the transportation task in the name of the White Spirit. The purpose was to make The sacred relic is "lost", and then they can quietly "find" the sacred relic and take it as their own.

In this plan, although the family itself will suffer a certain blow due to the loss of sacred relic, they are only undertaking transportation tasks. To put it bluntly, it is a commercial activity, and there is no serious political interest. Moreover, this family actually knew the intentions of the Dark Council, and they themselves took this into consideration. Although the loss of creatures is their responsibility, they can distort this matter, and then say that the dark council deliberately leaked the news and let the white elves snatch the sacred relic. The real purpose of the dark council is to find excuses against the black spirits. The Spirit Emperor country just started.

Because half of this lie is true, it is easy to be recognized by the Black Spirit Spirit Emperor. After all, the Black Spirit also has its own intelligence power, so under the condition of clear goals, comparative analysis You can know the outline of the matter.

Because of the deceptive nature of this matter, this family can be sure that it can get rid of the Black Spirit Spirit Emperor’s accountability, and because the Black Spirit Spirit Emperor believes this is a conspiracy by the Dark Council , So it will naturally help their family to block the sanctions from the Dark Council. In fact, they can get the sacred relic.

As the most important part of this plan, one of the key points is that the Black Spirit Spirit Emperor cannot be allowed to discover that the Dark Council’s original conspiracy was not what this family said. Therefore, this family The white elves that colluded with the family planned the capture incident frantically, and then started the war with this. Once the two tribes start a war, all the intelligence forces of the empire will be concentrated on the battlefield. When the war is over, this matter has basically been concluded, so they planned the war to cover up the entire incident.

Part of the above information is the information that the captured elves know themselves, and the other part comes from the confession of the two elves captives. Of course, they at first refused to answer the question, but after I let Ling shot, the two fell apart completely. You must know that before Ling was the real dark Goddess, no one can compare to the Dark God Palace in terms of torture. Besides, there are so many elves here. After being repeatedly healed and then injured, this kind of torture can't be withstood by ordinary people. Moreover, it seemed that the two captives were not iron-blooded men, and they gave in quite readily.

"This is the way things are now, so what we need to consider now is what to do next?" After hearing all the information, the elves fell silent, and I had to stand up and take the lead. NS. "Dear Elf Race Chief, I would like to ask, do you plan to retaliate against the dark elves for this, or take further action to get any benefits from it. In other words, you plan to inform the dark elves of the truth about the Spirit Emperor country, and then reconcile?"

My question has actually listed all the choices. It is obviously easier to do multiple-choice questions than to find a way by myself. The elves only hesitated for a while and then began to whisper to each other to discuss the matter, and within five minutes they agreed.

"Purple Moon President." Elf Race said: "Our opinion is to try to settle with each other. This war itself is a conspiracy. The cooperation between us and the dark elves before this is not bad. Yes, this war has caused a lot of unnecessary losses to both of us. I don’t want to see more casualties among our people. Therefore, we hope that this incident can be resolved peacefully. Of course, for provoking The two families of the incident must not be let go."

After listening to patriarch's words, I nodded and said: "Very well, since you have a clear goal, it will be easy to handle." I said first. After pondering for a while, he asked, "Whether we can leave this matter to us. Of course, this will be your reward for providing us with seeds, and there will be no extra charge."

< p>"No, as long as you can help us solve this matter, our elves will give you some extra rewards. Please don't refuse, the elves are not a race that treats friends."

I thought about it. Just think about it and cut into the whole saying: "Based on the situation this time, to end this unnecessary war, we first need to let the senior officials of the Black Spirit Spirit Emperor understand what is in front of us, and then we can sit down and calmly deal with this matter. . If the black elves always carry hatred, then unilateral peace is unlikely to be achieved."

"Then what do we need to do?" Patriarch asked.

I smiled and turned my head and looked towards Miss Dark Council Member who has been in a "coma" state, and then said: "Dear Dark Council Member, when are you going to sleep until? Hear us In the conversation just now, I think you should already know the truth of the matter. Don’t you want to make a statement about it?"

My words made the elves present were all taken aback, and just When they were puzzled, the dark council member on the ground suddenly opened his eyes and slowly stood up from the ground.

"How did you find that I was awake?"

"No no no, please don't lie in front of our spiritual Master." I pointed to Ling and said, "This She is a high-level demon who is proficient in the three elements of soul, mind and spirit. As long as her strength is not surpassed, any careful thought of you will be completely undefended to her."

"No wonder, it turns out. It's a high-level demon." The dark council member suddenly looked towards the white Elf Race over there and said: "Aren't you the white elves who hate the existence of profanity? Why? Now they are starting to mix with the devil. What about your arrogance? What about your honor? What about your self-esteem?"

When I heard this, I suddenly walked over, and then jerked around the neck of the dark council member from behind. , And then pulled it down in front of me, followed by the claw of the right hand, a blade popped out and hit the opponent's face. "It seems that our lady of the Dark Council is already a member of the Dark Council, and she has completely given up her identity as a black elf. What benefit does the Dark Council give you?" Continue. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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