"Have you figured out your identity now?" Seeing the lady congressman return, I asked again.

Ms. Tsundere Senator, who was originally arrogant, did not show any abnormal reaction after my words. She just looked at me calmly, and then suddenly said after a few seconds. "What do you want me to do?"

"We will talk about specific things later. Now we first need you to help us understand what the family is going to get from the Dark Council. sacred relic?"

The other person's eyes flickered after hearing what I said, and she was a little surprised when I could see it. For this reaction, I think part of it is relatively normal, but there is another part that I don’t understand very well. I can understand the reason for her blinking eyes, and I can understand her state of mind, but it is stranger to be surprised. Why is she surprised when I ask about sacred relic? What is she surprised?

Although there was a slight emotional expression, our congressman quickly eliminated all facial expressions, and then calmly asked: "Did you not see sacred relic when you rescued me?" "

Although this is a very common question, and many people have the habit of starting a paragraph with such seemingly useless questions before officially starting the topic. However, our congressman is obviously not such a person. Moreover, I can perceive from her Spiritual Fluctuation that she cares about the answers to the questions. This phenomenon is very abnormal, because if it is just a casual question, normal people will definitely not care about the result. Then, if she cares, it can only show that this is not a simple casual question, but her real doubt. After contacting the previous surprise, it can be roughly confirmed that the content of the question asked is the reason for her surprise. In other words, she was surprised that we did not see sacred relic.

This congresswoman will be surprised because we didn’t see sacred relic, that is, normally sacred relic should be with her, and if we save her, we should sacred by the way. Relic was saved together, and now this sacred relic should be already not in her, and she had always thought that things were with us.

Combining these findings, I began to speculate backwards. What can be included in the things that will inevitably be rescued when saving people? It's definitely not too big. And it cannot be something that can leave the body at will. Then, there are only a few answers left.

Sacred relic is either an item that can be stored next to the body, similar to accessories, or something worn on the body, such as clothes.

Generally speaking, things like accessories have become more probable for sacred relic, but we did not take away any accessories from her when we rescued her before. Then, the answer should not be accessories. . But if accessories are excluded, the only things left are clothes worn on the body.

After such a speculation, the armor that was picked off from her when we rescued her suddenly popped out of my head.

When we rescued this congresswoman from the monster of the rotten cabbage leaf, she was wearing a full body armor, and not only was her gender wrong, she was also not suitable for her profession. The full-body heavy armor is definitely not the clothing that priests should wear, even more how. This is still a weak elf girl. For her, a set of men's armor with a height of more than 1.8 meters is just barely able to wear and move. Something is definitely not her original equipment. After contacting her just now, I understood immediately. The sacred relic is the armor that we took off.

I remember that it took a lot of effort to disassemble the armor, and finally had to use the eternal equipment to strip the attribute to get the thing down. It can be seen that the armor is not Mortal Grade. After all, the armor that can be fixed on the body after the owner is unconscious is definitely not an ordinary thing, at least it should be a high-level magic equipment. Moreover, the battle strength of the rotten leaf monster is actually not weak. The reason why it was easily killed is that the people on our side are too strong. It’s not that the thing is not good. Otherwise, the people of the dark council will not be attacked and the whole army will not be attacked. Annihilated.

This armor can still protect the congressman inside even after the master loses consciousness completely until we find her, which can prove that the attribute of this thing is quite unreasonable. Generally, it’s good if the armor doesn’t fall after the owner is unconscious. You have to resist in the monster's body until you are rescued. This is definitely the ability of Divine Item-level equipment.

At that time, although the armor of the congressman was stripped off, thanks to my habit of picking up tattered pieces, the armor was not thrown away by me, but the phoenix and dragon space was simply thrown away. I often find a mess of various items in my Fenglong space. The reason is my obsessive-compulsive habit of picking up equipment. Although some equipment may be completely worthless to me, I will habitually stuff those things into the Phoenix Dragon Space, and if I didn’t pick it up at that time, I would feel weird in my heart for a long time afterwards. I want to come back again to pick up that thing.

Actually, many players have my obsessive-compulsive disorder. After all, the currency in "Zero" can be exchanged for real-life use, so it won’t be thrown away as low-level equipment as ordinary games. , After all, it's all money, even if it's not worth it, few people are really willing to throw it away. Because of the phoenix and dragon, storage space has never been a problem in our guild. Therefore, the obsessive-compulsive disorder of the players in this guild is basically very serious. Seeing that the equipment is not picked up is like a cat scratching the heart.

Although obsessive-compulsive disorder is not a good thing, at least this time it can be said to be a good thing. Because of my obsessive-compulsive disorder, I did not abandon the armor that looked ordinary at the time, but threw it into the Fenglong space. Now if it weren't for this obsessive-compulsive disorder, I would really not go back then. Take care of that thing. After all, that thing was worn on the Senator lady at the time, and she was an NPC, so the equipment player might not be able to use it. In addition, the thing looked gray at the time, the shape was quite satisfactory, and there was no magical fluctuations leaked. Even if it was thrown on the city gate, it is estimated that few people would take a second look.

Since I have guessed that the armor is sacred relic, I no longer go in circles with that person, and directly said: "Your armor is sacred relic, right?"

"You How do you know?" The congressman obviously does not conduct diplomatic activities frequently, at least she is still a little bit behind spies and other personnel, so she is not very concealed of her own emotions, especially in such emergencies. Although she realized that she shouldn't have done this right after she yelled this sentence, she had already done it. At this time, she realized that it was useless, so she stopped struggling and asked in a frustrated manner. : "How did you know?"

I didn't answer her question, but said: "Pay attention to your identity. I am the questioner now, and you only need to cooperate."< /p>

Although I still wanted to say something, but the words were swallowed back to my lips, Miss Senator was nodded in the end.

"Very good, it seems that you have a general understanding of the current situation, then we will slowly discuss the details." After I said goodbye to the elves present, they still have theirs Things need to be discussed. As for the dark elf's affairs, we are now fully responsible for handling them, and I am going to resolve this matter now.

I had already planned to leave, but the leader of Elf Race stopped us and took us to the core area of ​​Tree of Life. This place is located inside the Tree of Life, and it is quite deep in the Core Zone. You can see a lot of high level elven mages here, even these people have not left in the previous battle. For the elves, Tree of Life is an existence that does not allow any loss, so unless it is a crisis of extinction, the guards here will basically not have any transfers.

After patriarch took us into this huge core area, I first observed the surrounding environment. Because this so-called core area is inside the tree trunk, all surrounding areas are made of wood. The room is not very big, it may be the combined area of ​​three or four classrooms, but the height of this room is relatively high, and the top is at least five meters above the ground. In the center of the roof, there is an upside-down cone. This cone is not marked and is not a whole. It is completely formed by the entanglement of seven or eight tapered rattan-like structures.

The surface of this upside-down vertebral body is not a bare shape, but a lot of green leaves spread out, and at the tip of the vertebral body, there is a slight upward curve. A small pink flower is blooming at the tip of the tree.

Although the overall shape of this beautiful flower is not much different from that of ordinary flowers, its surface is shining with rays of light, and at the center of the flower there are seven or eight sticks sticking out golden stamen. Drops of transparent liquid are secreting from the golden stamen, and then dripping into a small pool directly below the inverted cone.

This pool located under the inverted cone is not an artificial product, but a wooden protrusion that grows from the ground, which looks like a goblet with a relatively shallow depth. This one-meter-high pool has been filled with a full pool of transparent liquid. Although the liquid looks no different from water, I know that it must be very precious. After all, this is the liquid secreted by Tree of Life.

Elf Race asked us to wait in this room for a while, then walked to the central pool and closed our eyes and stood for a while, without seeing what she was doing, suddenly the flowers above the pool just The unfathomable mystery fell off. This change shocked me at first, but I was relieved to see the elves around me showing no response.

After the flower fell off, the location where the flower originally grew suddenly began to bulge, and then it took only a few minutes to become a seed slightly smaller than a football.

The seed itself is emerald green, and its appearance is the same as the previous flowers with white flashing points, and strong energy fluctuations can be sensed from it.

After the seed grew, Elf Race stretched out his hand to make a picking motion, and then the fruit fell off naturally and fell into the hands of patriarch. After catching the fruit, Elf Race head turned to us and walked back, and handed over the seed in his hand.

"This is the seed of Tree of Life. Once you have selected the planting location, place it in that place, and then you need four wizards with the ability to cast sub-forbidden spell level spells to target it at the same time. Release the single forbidden spell-level spell."

"Huh?" I was taken aback when I heard this request. The forbidden spell itself is enough to terrifying, but it is actually a single attack, and it is four at a time. This formidable power is all concentrated on one point, even if it is Divine Race, whether it can survive is a problem, but Elf Race leader actually let me use this magic to bombard this seed. Is this going to plant trees or make popcorn?

Elf Race knows why I have this expression, so I started to explain: "Don’t be surprised. The seeds of Tree of Life are extraordinary. Because there are a lot of life energy sequels inside, they are likely to be Higher devil beasts are used as food. In order to protect its seeds, Tree of Life adds a protective shell on the outside of the seeds. The defensive power of this shell is so strong that the seeds themselves cannot break the shell and germinate, so they need external help to destroy this Shell. Of course, because you only need to destroy the shell, the second forbidden spell you release must be of the energy-shaping system, and the mind system is useless."

I nodded and said: "There are others Are there any precautions?"

Elf Race thought for a while and said: "There is not much to pay attention to. Tree of Life is actually a kind of super tenacious existence of life force, basically as long as the seeds are broken , There is nothing to stop it from growing. Therefore, there is a side effect, that is, people in the growth range need to be evacuated before it initially matures. Although Tree of Life itself has high intelligence, it is in a developmental state. Consciousness is in a sealed state, so it will grow wildly like an unconscious monster. In the process, no matter what it touches, it will be crushed and absorbed by her directly. Unless you have Divine Grade defense, it can't stop it at all. The only solution is to leave the scene as soon as the seeds germinate. As long as they avoid a three-kilometer radius, there will be no problem."

I nodded and put away the seeds and said: "Okay, I understand, then we are now Just go and deal with the problem on the dark elf side."

"No, wait a moment." Polsephone interrupted us suddenly, and then said to Elf Race: "I heard that the condensed seed pair Tree of Life is a kind of damage. Is this damage caused by the drop of that flower?"

Elf Race looked back at the bald cone tip and said: "That is life The flower is always in an open state. It can absorb the elements in the space and transform it into life force to nourish the Tree of Life itself, and the condensed liquid is Life Essence, and Tree of Life can nurture different functions by consuming these Life Essences Seed. But unfortunately, once the flower falls off, it will take about a week to grow again. During this period, it will not only fail to produce Life Essence, but also consume a lot of Life Essence to allow the flower of life. This is also what our elves don’t. without The reason for providing seeds is that it has too much influence on Tree of Life. "

Porsephone asked again: "Can I touch that...where the flower of life grows?" "

Elf Race glanced at Polsephone with a slightly surprised look, and then thought for a while before saying: "If you just touch it, it should be no problem. Although this is the core of Tree of Life, But it is also a regenerable organization, so even if it is completely destroyed, it will only affect the growth of Tree of Life and cause it to be unable to provide shelter for us for a long time, and will not lead to the death of Tree of Life. Besides, the place where the flower of life grows is not very fragile, as long as it is not deliberately destroyed, there will be no problems. "

Porsephone said quickly: "I don't want to destroy, but just want to see the life form of Tree of Life, maybe I can help her. As you know, I am Goddess of Spring, and taking care of flowers and plants is something I am good at. "

Hearing the expressions of Elf Race and the elves around here, he immediately eased, and many people became excited. It may be because Polsephone hasn’t spoken much, and the expression is very Low-key, so many people forget that she is actually a Goddess.

After getting permission, Polsephone walked to the side of the pool and put his hand on the flower of life in full bloom. Location. The height of this place is just over one meter, and Polsephone extends the hand just to be able to reach.

As the finger of Polsephone touches the place where the flower of life grows, We all saw a circle of naked eye visible green rays of light suddenly rippling from the tip of the pointed cone, and then like a shock wave, a circle of green light curtains rippling outwards layer by layer in a spherical manner. .

At first, when the rays of light flashed out, we were shocked, but when the First Layer light film flashed, everyone was only surprised, because everyone felt the rays. The powerful Life Power contained in of light. In fact, the rays of light are not only transmitted in this room. After the rippling light film spreads, it will ignore any obstacles, whether it is a human body or a building. There is no blocking effect at all, and all areas swept by the light film are like Time Acceleration. The turf on the ground begins to grow wildly, and all kinds of plants twist their bodies as if they are alive. , The speed is fast, many people even got somersaults because of the plants that broke out of the ground under their feet.

Of course, the rays of light are not only effective for plants, but also animals are affected, and they feel the most The intuitive thing is that the group of wounded soldiers in the Elf Race who have just withdrawn. Just after the battle, there are still many wounded soldiers in the Elf Race. Because the magical power of the healing mage is not enough, these people can only endure the pain temporarily and use ordinary medicine to treat them. However, as the circles of light film brushed their bodies, those who were slightly injured actually recovered completely, while those who were seriously injured and dying did not have any pain immediately after the first time the light film was brushed, and so on. After the second light film was brushed, the seriously injured person was able to do it, and after the third 4th light film passed, the person recovered completely, and he didn’t even feel exhausted, and he was in a very good spirit. There was even some feeling. The keen life system mage unexpectedly discovered that his body is recovering one's youthful vigor, and the aging body structure is transforming in the direction of the youngster.

"What are you kidding me?" my body……! "Compared to the people outside, the elves in the core area feel more obvious. This light film seems to gradually weaken with distance, so the elves in this room feel particularly strong. They can almost see that their physical features are changing. Rejuvenating quickly, this is really amazing.

Fortunately, the green rays of light rippled for more than a dozen times and then suddenly stopped, and then I saw the flower of life growing up suddenly. A small piece, then quickly grew and expanded, and within a few seconds, it became a flower bud, and then after a dozen seconds, the flower bud became the size of the previous flower of life, and then suddenly bloomed and recovered to the previous one. Of course, in the process, the Life Essence in the small pool below the Flower of Life has dropped by more than half as crazy as the leak. If I hadn’t known in advance that the condensation of the Flower of Life would require a large amount of Life Essence, I Maybe it stopped.

As the flower of life was in full bloom, Polsephone did not take his hand back, but we found that the flower of life suddenly lit up. There was a circle of blue light, the blue aperture suddenly expanded to more than one meter in diameter, and then suddenly contracted, and then suddenly a large amount of blue light film appeared around, just like the green light film that was rippling away before, these light films Appeared throughout the city, and then gathered here at extreme speed, and the speed was very fast, but the direction was completely opposite. At the same time as the light film gathered, everyone in the room was surprised to find that their magic power was drastically reduced, Kristina I was so frightened that I quickly applied a protective shield to myself. As a result, I could only barely offset a part of the suction power. The magic power was still slowly losing, but the speed slowed down a lot.

In fact, the magic power is not only reduced. We, in fact, all magical things in the entire city, whether they are lifeform or non-lifeform, as long as they have magical powers, their magical power values ​​are dropping rapidly. Of course, energy is always conserved, and our magical power decline is not in vain It’s been a while, because we all saw that the flower of life was spraying Life Essence out of the crash-bang like an opened faucet. It was really spraying, because the flow rate was too fast, and a lot of Life Essence sprayed down. There were still a lot of splashes in the pool, but even so, it took only 20 seconds to completely fill the pool, and even a lot of overflow on the ground.

After the pool was full. Polsephone finally let go, and the blue rays of light disappeared immediately, but the Life Essence flowing out of the flower of life did not stop immediately, but gradually became smaller. Elf Race The long reaction step jumped over, and then I didn’t know where to get a bottle to drink the liquid inside, then put the bottle under the flower of life and begin to accept the flow out of it. Life Essence. Seeing her move, the other elves also reacted, and quickly took out the bottle they were carrying, first took a few sips, and then suddenly remembered something, they gave us two bottles and each of them asked us to drink them quickly. Then he took the empty bottle and rushed over to pick up the overflowing Life Essence with their patriarch.

I looked at the bottle in my hand, opened it and smelled it, thinking about it, I didn’t drink it, but put it away, but I didn’t embezzle the bottle, but took out a water tank. The big metal can ran over and shouted: "Get out of the way, use me."

The elves looked back and were shocked by me, but they just didn’t want to waste Life Essence, so directly The open position allows me to hold the metal can and aim the opening at Life Essence, which is still flowing downward. The elves who vacated their hands were not idle, but first put away the Life Essence that they had caught before, and then borrowed some empty bottles from Kristina to overflow the ground. Life Essence was also careful. All of them were collected, and in order to prevent wastage, they also installed a part of the Life Essence in the pool that had been completely overflowed to the point where one drop entered and one drop would overflow. At least it will not overflow now.

After the elves got all this done, I also removed the metal can here, because Life Essence in the Flower of Life has basically returned to its normal flow rate, and now it’s just drop by drop faster. It has not yet reached the point where it is connected. However, in just such a short while, my super-large jar was already filled in more than one-eighth. You know, my tank is two hundred liters, which is larger than the tank below. This shows how scary this output is.

Probably I am used to it. Suddenly so many Life Essences popped up, causing the elves to behave a little bit abnormally, and they were nervous about holding the bottle and singing and dancing.

I’m not good at interfering with this kind of behavior. I can only wait for them to recover. Fortunately, these elves recover quickly. They quickly recovered from their ecstasy and realized that it’s causing us to Help people hang out here for a long time. Chief Elf Race hurried over to apologize, and then I took the opportunity to put the jar in front of her and said, "I'll give this to you. It is one-eighth already. But you have to find a container to transfer the Life Essence inside as soon as possible. Mine is a special container for liquefied magic crystal steam. The internal structure is very complicated and the cost is exaggerated, so it needs to be recycled."

"Oh, this is for sure." Elf Race chief immediately recruited a few guards I took the cylinder away, and in less than two minutes I sent the empty cylinder back to me, and Elf Race leader also held two extra-large crystal bottles that looked like an elf and handed them over. "There is Life Essence. It's a little thank you. After all, you are responsible for producing so many Life Essences. If someone is injured, it can be recovered instantly with just one drop. If it is fatal, it will be two to three drops depending on the situation. But. Even if it is a dead person, as long as the dead time is not long, the body has not deteriorated, and the soul is still there, ten to twenty drops can usually be saved."

"So powerful?" Kristina was excited. He walked over and looked at the two extra-large crystal bottles in my hand and said: "Doesn't these two bottles resurrect tens of thousands of people? You Elf Race are really generous!"

Elf Race said somewhat sorry: "In fact, we don’t usually get much of Life Essence. Most of the Tree of Life’s production will be consumed by itself, and we can only occasionally get a few drops under special circumstances. I don’t dare to use it much. If it weren’t for this time because you made so many, our own warrior would generally not be willing to use it!"

I nodded put away the two bottles of Life Essence and said: "Thank you then Your Life Essence is here. I will help you solve the problem on the dark elf side first. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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