"She is a high level member of the Dark Council."

"What is the Dark Council?" Kristina asked suspiciously.

"The Dark Council is a religious organization shared by the Underground World and the world above ground. Its main body is a cluster of various creatures from the Underground World, mainly black elves. The original Dark Council should be regarded as Dark Part of the God Palace, but just as the European Light God Palace is divided into the Light God Palace Orthodox and the new Light God Palace, the Dark God Palace had a similar split a long time ago, but it is different from the Light God Palace It’s true that Dark God Palace divides people, not gods."

"You mean that the Dark Council is actually just another branch of the faith organization of the Dark God." Polsephone asked .

"At first, it was, but after the classification was separated from the Lord of Darkness, coupled with the addition of a large number of new races after being forced to go underground, the organizational structure and even the doctrine of the Dark Council took place. The current dark council can no longer be said to be a purely religious organization. She is more like a military organization with religion as a bond. In fact, it no longer believes in any actual gods. It’s changed to believe in a certain power. According to the Dark God Palace’s investigation of the Dark Council, the current Dark Council is actually a political organization under the banner of faith, and it’s okay to understand it as a loose alliance of religious nations.”

"If the Dark Council is a religious country, what is the matter with the Dark Elf country?" Kristina asked.

"The country of the black elves is an independent country. This is not a problem. But as I said just now, the Dark Council is equivalent to a loose alliance of religious nations, and its essence is still a kind of A large-scale military alliance is just covered in a religious skin. The dark elf country is an important part of it. The one we saved is likely to have a special identity in the dark spirit Spirit Emperor country, so he became A high level member of the Dark Council, her status as a member should be a fixed seat from the Black Spirit Spirit Emperor. However, her ability to obtain such a seat shows her power in the Black Spirit Spirit Emperor. It is a pity just now. There is no information about her identity in the empire in my memory. If you need me, I can try to read some content."

I nodded and said: "Go ahead. I want to know her This is very useful to us."

Ling nodded then continued to read the information. As a result, just as Ling’s finger touched the black elf’s forehead, the other party suddenly jumped from the ground. At the same time yelled: "Don't come...Everyone, run..."

The dark elf who woke up first shouted in panic, and then suddenly discovered that the surrounding situation was not what she was before, but suddenly After sniffing her nose, she suddenly smelled the smell, so she jumped up and shouted: "Run, the rotten monster is coming!"

"Don't worry, it looks like a bunch of rotten vegetable leaves The same monster has been killed by us." Polsephone stopped the dark elf in front of him and said.

The blocked black elf first glanced at Polsephone in horror, then turned around and saw us people, and then he closed his eyes and fainted.

"Damn, what kind of situation is this?" Kristina couldn't help but ask: "What shall we do now?"

"Take her forward for the time being, we The first task cannot be delayed. The status of this dark elf is not ordinary. If necessary, it can be used as a bargaining chip to challenge the other's exchanging people."

"It makes sense." Kristina said: "We It’s better to find the Princess of the White Elf first."

"In this case, let's continue searching."

For the time being, let Ling return to the training space and re-summon Bailang and At the same time, Ye Ying was also released. Throwing the Dark Elf Princess on the back of Night Shadow, and then we continued to search.

After walking for a few kilometers along this tunnel full of holes like a honeycomb, we turned out of a fork, and then walked about five or six kilometers in a mess of tunnels. . After the front passage is over, we finally enter a wide Underground World.

Although it is Underground World, the environment here is not much different from that on the ground. There is a large red luminous cloud cluster entrenched on the top of the cave, just like the sun, but because the cloud cluster almost covers the entire ceiling of this huge Underground World, there will be basically no shadows here. This thing, after all, the light source If the area is too large, the effect is the same as the shadowless lamp on the hospital operating table, and there is no shadow area.

Because there is a suitable light source above the head, there will naturally be plants on the ground. And the plants here not only grow as luxuriantly as on the ground, they are also very dense. The entrance we entered into the Underground World was much higher than the ground, so we were lucky enough to see the general situation around here, but when we got down to the ground, it was completely swallowed up by the jungle. There are huge and dense plants everywhere, even if there is such a large area of ​​light source above the head, there is almost no direct light projected on the ground below, and only a glimmer of light can barely be guaranteed by the light projected by the plant leaves. That's it.

Kristina obviously dislikes this kind of environment where the vegetation is too lush, so she took the initiative to open the way, and it is a destructive way of opening, that is, directly in front of a Fire The Element shield moved forward, and all plants that touched the shield were burned to ashes.

Although the method is a bit violent, thanks to this violent way of opening the road, our movement speed is much faster. After all, the entire front is burned into a passage. There is a problem with it.

After moving some distance in the woods, we found that this piece of Underground World was strange, that is, we walked so far, and we didn't even see an animal. Not only there are no large animals, but even some small creatures, including Insect, have not seen one. This phenomenon is very abnormal. With such a large woodland, you can't even see an insect. How can this be justified?

Although it is very strange why there are only plants and no other organisms in this place, it was not dangerous anyway, so we went to investigate and just tracked the odor signals all the way forward. After almost three or four kilometers deep into the woodland, Bailang suddenly listened to it, and then said to me: "Master, I think we are very close to the goal."

Kristina was hearing Bailang's words After that, she immediately put away the previous Fire Element shield. Although she didn't like the environment where the vegetation was too lush, she was also an elite player anyway, and she knew something about this environment. It’s okay if the distance was far before, but now it’s close to the target, of course it must remain hidden. Of course it is best not to use magic or something.

Without Christina’s Fire Shield, our advancing speed naturally slowed down, and because of the close distance, we didn’t dare to go too fast. We were very careful in each step. Of course, our care is only to avoid making too much movement, not to be afraid of hitting the enemy suddenly. In fact, after the white waves reminded us to approach the target, I already sprinkled a large group of ghost insects and sent the white waves and darts to the front to find the way for us. With so many reconnaissance units, of course we don’t have to worry about running into an enemy suddenly.

In this way, I proceeded carefully for about two kilometers, and the white waves and darts in charge of the investigation in front suddenly reported to me that they had found the target at the same time. I quickly switched to the visual signal of the white waves, and then through the eyes of the white waves, I saw that it was not far ahead, located in the peripheral zone of the Underground World. There was a small hole on the wall of the cave. Although there are many plants covering the entrance of this cave, there are still clear road marks on the ground, which means that there are often people coming and going in and out of this place, so a road was stepped on the ground.

After confirming the exact location of the target, I let the ghost worms scatter out and search the environment near the cave entrance, and it turns out that there is no such thing as a secret whistle near the cave entrance. Since the other party did not set up a secret whistle, it means that they didn't expect someone to come here to rescue the hostages. This saves us a lot of trouble.

Since there are no guards around, we no longer need to proceed cautiously, and quickly rush to the entrance of the cave to meet the white waves, and then begin to direct the ghost worms to infiltrate the cave. According to the information obtained by Bailang’s nose, all the hostages we are looking for should be in this hole, and this hole should not be deep.

As the first reconnaissance unit, the Ghost Worm quickly crawled into the tunnel along the top of the cave. Because I was worried about being discovered by the other party, I only sent two ghost worms and put away the others.

By sharing vision, I can clearly see what the ghost worm sees. The original entrance part is nothing special, and there are some vine roots on the wall. After about five meters deep into it, there was a small curve, and immediately after turning it, a door appeared in the vision of the ghost worm.

This door is not made of high level materials, it is just a simple wooden door, but it looks pretty thick. Of course, no matter how thick the wood is, it is scum in front of our destructive power. But now it's reconnaissance, and we can't use violence to sabotage. After all, we are performing a rescue mission. If the other party threatens us with hostages, it will be difficult to handle.

Although this door cannot be destroyed, ghost worms can transform themselves into ghost forms, which means they can pass through walls. It's just a door, it can't stop my ghost worm at all.

Since there is a door in this place, it means there are people inside, so I dare not let the ghost worm infiltrate with fanfare. Instead, I only sent a ghost worm along the top of the passage through the wooden door and entered the room. As the ghost worm penetrated the door to regain vision, I was stunned by the situation inside. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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