"What's the matter?"

"I seem to smell something else."

"What's the matter?"


Bailang said with some uncertainty: "A very peculiar smell, it feels like the secretion of some kind of organism, but there is a lot of chlorophyll in it, which is really strange."

< p>"Perhaps it is a half-plant and half-animal intermediate creature." Polsephone said: "This type of creature is relatively common in Underground World."

"But there are dead bodies among them. The smell!" Bailang said.

"The smell of a dead body?" I asked with some confusion.

White waves took another two steps forward, sniffed again and said: "It is indeed the smell of a dead body, and it has entered a semi-rotted state, a bit like the smell of stitching strange, but it is not completely The same."

"Now our goal is in this direction, no matter what it is, we can only move forward, so it doesn't seem necessary to entangle that?" Kristina asked.

I heard Christina’s words and reacted and said: "Kristina is right, now our goal is in front of this, even if there is a Legion waiting there, we are not in the past. No, so let’s not worry too much. Let’s go ahead and talk about it. The three of us shouldn’t be attacked so easily, right?”

Porsephone is also nodded and said: “It’s said that too , We still have to be a little confident in our own strength."

Since everyone said so, Bailang no longer struggled with the smell problem, but began to take us forward. Because the scent of the target has been successfully confirmed, the white waves can track the speed very fast. At the beginning, it was a stop-and-go search for the scent, and soon afterwards it became a full-fledged rush. Christina, I and Polsephone were originally walking behind, but as the white waves speeded up, we couldn't keep up with the running behind. In the end, I simply rode Yekage Summon out, and Polsephone and Kristina each had their own mounts, and they were not slow.

After walking through the complicated underground pipes for a while, we suddenly entered a huge underground cave. The structure of this cave is very strange, it looks like the inside of a honeycomb. Except that there is only one entrance on the wall we entered, the remaining walls, the ground and the top of the hole we can see are all large and small holes, which look like enlarged sponge tissue.

"What kind of terrain is this?" Kristina couldn't help asking, looking at this strange hole.

I just took a few casual glances and said directly: "It should be a lava tube."

"Aren’t the lava tubes all very smooth? This sponge-like structure is What's the matter?"

"It was caused by the sudden cooling." I dig out a dark green stone the size of an olive from the rock on the ground. Half of this stone has a sense of transparency. The other half is black. Passing the stone to Kristina, I explained, "There are so many malachites. Needless to say, this is a lava river. But for some reason, the lava suddenly condensed and became what it is now. A small amount of gas will be mixed in the hot lava. When it is cold, the rock will quickly condense, and then the gas will expand into bubbles one by one, and finally the gas will dissipate, and the rest will be cavities, and then such an environment will be formed. However, such a large area is instantly cooled. This should not be a pure natural phenomenon."

"There won't be a high level ice attribute monster here, right?" Kristina asked.

"It shouldn't be." I explained: "There are few monsters of cold ice attribute that live underground, and they should look for a cooler place to live. It is impossible to spend so much effort on lava. Live in such a place after freezing."

"That's what I said." After sighing, Kristina asked Bailang: "Bailang, have you confirmed the location of the target?"

"The target should be near here. I can smell a strong smell here, but the location of the other party is still uncertain, so I need to look for it carefully."

"Then you Hurry up." As I said, I released the darts, and then said: "Check all the nearby caves to make sure there is no danger hidden in the dark."

The darts rushed at me nodded, and then It disappeared in the blink of an eye. After that, we saw that there was a light flashing from time to time in the surrounding holes. In fact, it was a dart searching for each channel. It was just because he was too fast, so I could only see On one side, the white streamer flickered there.

Because the speed of the dart is so fast, it seems to us that the surrounding holes are glowing in turn, and then flashed all the way to the past, and finally when the rays of light flashed far away Gradually disappeared. While we were searching for darts and white waves, we were also gradually moving forward, but before we got out of fifty meters, we suddenly saw a white light flashed in front of me, and then the darts came to my shoulder while jumping and pointing to the front yelled "There is a disgusting monster in front!"

"Huh? Monster?" I grabbed the darts and asked, "What kind of monster did you run into? What's the specific size?"


"A very strange monster, it feels like a large group of rotten vegetable leaves piled together, there are many people's hands and feet on it, it smells so smelly, and there is a strange light spot surrounding it. The monster spins, I just looked at it and ran back. The thing hasn’t found me yet. But if we move forward, we will soon run into it."

"Now that thing is far away from us. How far is it?"

"About ten kilometers."

"How far is it?" Polsephone asked slightly surprised.

Christina Bibersephone wanted to know something about me, so she explained: "The president’s demon is an auroral arc, which can move at the speed of light. It's just a blink of an eye, so you might think it's quite far, but it's not very far to him."

Porsephone nodded expressed his understanding, but he was still quite surprised. The shortcoming of the Olympus Divine Race is its slow speed. In the past, because there were few flying ones, when our guild attacked the Olympus Divine Race, almost all of them were playing guerrilla warfare. In contrast, the Olympus Divine Race can only be passively defensively beaten everywhere, because the speed is too slow to keep up with our rhythm.

After getting the information that the darts discovered, I sent the darts out to let him go over the location of the monster and continue to explore, and we moved towards that side. The darts are very good at crossing the enemy's line of defense, because no one can keep up with him, so even if the opponent finds him, they can't intercept him at all. After the dart passed the monster's location, the monster began to move in the direction of the dart. It is estimated that the dart was discovered, but at the speed of that thing, trying to catch up with the dart is basically a delusion.

"I think the next section of the road is best for you to walk by yourself." Bailang said suddenly after searching forward a section of the road.

I asked him with some doubts: "Why do you say that?"

Bai Lang very helpfully said: "The thing I found before the dart might be the target I smelled at first. The smell of this thing is really stinky. I now feel that its smell has completely covered my sense of smell. Now I can almost smell nothing but the smell. Now we are so far away from that thing This is already the case. Once I get close to the monster, I suspect that I will faint."

Kristina nodded said: "Don't talk about you, I can smell the more obvious smell now. It smells."

Porsephone also followed: "This smell is still quite heavy. I have noticed it before, but it has become more serious now."

I thought for a while and agreed that Bailang disappeared for a while, and let him come back after we solved the monster. Bai Lang got permission and immediately went back to the training space. The outside air was simply torture for his keen creature.

After the white waves left, we continued to advance not too far, and then we began to find that the smell in the surrounding air was rising sharply. Now I have to put down the mask to let the armor filter system help I filtered the air, otherwise the smell would definitely kill me. Both Polsephone and Kristina don’t have visors this thing, but Polsephone uses a kind of magic called Air Formation, which can act like a gas mask. Although there is no defensive power, it is in isolation. In terms of smell, it is definitely Level 1 great.

After using the protective measures, we moved on for a short distance and just encountered a small turn. After turning this turn, we saw the monster almost immediately.

Just like the description of a dart, the monster in front of you is like a garbage pile composed of a lot of rotten vegetable leaves. The gray-green and huge yellow leaves were stacked from the top of this thing, and then formed a huge triangular structure on the ground. Among the huge leaves, I can see the stumps of many creatures exposed. The owners of these stumps are very messy, and there are humanoid creatures that are non-human. It feels like you can see all the creatures you can find in Underground World. Of course, none of these creatures are alive.

"What kind of monster is this?" Kristina couldn't help asking after seeing this thing. I have encountered so many monsters before, but anyway, those monsters can always find their shadows in reality. Whether it is an animal or a plant, there is always some morphological basis. But this thing in front of me was completely out of touch with creatures, at least in Kristina's experiment, there was no such creature in reality.

Actually, this thing is not really missing in reality, but Kristina doesn't know it. At least I know that there is a kind of sea anemone that resembles this thing. However, although the tentacles on that kind of anemone are also in the shape of vegetable leaves, the leaves of others are pink. This thing really looks like a rotten vegetable leaf, with yellowish green and a little burnt. a feeling of.

We stared at this monster for a long time. Except for the rotten vegetable leaves and the biological stumps exposed between the leaves, we didn't seem to notice the existence of such structures as eyes and legs on this thing. Although this thing has been moving since our appearance until now, in my opinion, this thing may be moved entirely by squirming. However, I have to say that this thing squirmed very fast, and it was almost the same as a normal person trotting. Of course, considering the diameter of this thing more than ten meters and the height of seven or eight meters, this speed is actually not fast. After all, if the average devil beast grows to this size, the speed is definitely much faster than this guy.

"What do we do now? Just kill that thing?" Polsephone asked.

I thought about it for a while and said to Kristina: "You can get an elemental creature to test it out."

Kristina nodded directly snaps her fingers, and then Seeing the surrounding walls squirming, then a stone man stood up from the ground. This stone man is not the same as most of the stone people of the mage summon. In fact, the real stone man, which is the summon used by the common mage, can only be said to have the general structure of a human. You can see the limbs, torso and head, but the proportions of the body are messy, and the limbs And the head does not have an accurate human shape. Therefore, the stone man only has a human form and does not have the appearance of a human being.

However, the stone man of Kristina Summon seems to be an exception. The stone man who just got up from the ground is more than five meters tall, and this guy is neatly draped with a full set of armor. It even has features that are almost impossible to find on a normal stone man, such as his face and fingers. Moreover, it can be counted as vivid. If this stone figure stood there and put on a pose without moving, others would definitely think it was a human sculpture.

After this stone man stood up from the ground, he turned around and hit the side wall with a punch. As a result, he punched half of his arm into the wall with his fist, and then followed it. With his arm pulled back, he actually pulled out a wolf fang club made up of rocks from the wall. Although this wolf fang club itself does not have anything special, it is just like a softball stick before and after the show, but looking at the size, you can imagine that if this thing is waved and knocked on people, the formidable power is absolutely fear.

In fact, when the stone man was about to get up from the ground, the monster in front had already noticed the changes on our side. The three of us are just this big. Compared to the monster, it can be said to be ant-like things, so it is understandable that the other party can't find it, but the stone man in front of us is five meters tall, only a little shorter than him. Although it is not as big in size because of its size, it still exists at least of the same magnitude anyway. Because of this, the stone man was discovered when he stood up.

The monster in front. The stone man here turned his body completely when he took out the wolf fang club, and he also did a very disgusting thing. I saw that guy suddenly spread out the "rotten leaves" on his body a little bit, and then there are many snake-like tentacles stretched out from it, and as these tentacles stretched out, we found out that the original ones The animal remains sandwiched between the leaves are not hung on the leaves, but are held by these snake-like tentacles.

The tips of these yellow-green tentacles all have a three-petaled mouth-like organ that can be split. After this organ grows open, you can see densely packed tiny spikes, just like teeth. Moreover, there seem to be a dozen smaller tentacles in the middle of the mouth at this stage, which can stick out of the outer mouthparts like a tongue. These tiny tongue-like little tentacles also have mouthparts like big tentacles at the tips. It is estimated that the stumps we saw before were the process of the big tentacles biting the prey, and the little tentacles continuously biting and devouring the prey. The reason why I can see the prey is because I haven't finished eating it yet.

Probably because of the need to concentrate attention completely during the battle, in order to avoid the influence of the battle strength, this rotten leaf monster has stretched out all the tentacles, and those tentacles have released the corpses that were held in the grip. And while facing the stone man, he made a rustling sound, like a warning threat from an animal.

"It's a strange creature." Persephone exclaimed.

I urge Kristina: "Let your rockman go up and try the battle strength of this thing. If it's not too dangerous, we can just rush over."

Klee Sina nodded looked towards the monster over there, and didn't see what she was doing, the stone man suddenly lifted up the wolf fang club and waved towards the monster over there. Although we didn't find organs such as eyes in the monster on the opposite side, this thing should have eyesight, because when the stone man moved, it suddenly moved. Although its moving speed is very slow, the speed of those tentacles is very fast, and the length of these tentacles is quite amazing. The two changes were still more than 20 meters apart, and the tentacles had all wrapped around the stone man's body.

Under the command of Kristina, the stone man violently waved the wolf fang club in his hand horizontally. The few flying tentacles were immediately flew away by a stick, hit the wall and then softened. Paralyzed, but more tentacles climbed onto the stone man's body with the help of this space.

Probably I have never seen an elemental creature like a stone man before. The monster's tentacles even wanted to bite the stone man after touching the stone man. Of course, it was completely ineffective. It's not that you can't bite. On the contrary, the bite force of the tentacles is quite good, and every bite can bite a large stone from the stone man. But the problem is that the mage Kristina is still standing next to him. This stone man is not a natural wild elemental creature. He has a master, and there are stones everywhere nearby. This is simply his home ground. Before Christina's magic power was exhausted, he was simply Immortal Body. The gaps that were bitten out start to heal as soon as they appear, and they will recover in the blink of an eye, as if they had never been bitten before. If you look closely at the feet of the stone man, you can see the stone on the ground. Just like sticky sugar syrup, it flows little by little from the ground into the soles of the stone man's feet, and then is passed up through the stone man's legs, and finally replenished to the missing parts of the body.

Although the monster over there doesn't seem to have very high intelligence, he still has his fighting instinct. After biting a few bites, I found that there was no way to cause damage. On the contrary, his tentacles were knocked down several times by the opponent. The monster suddenly changed his tactics. While pulling closer, he quickly wrapped his tentacles on the stone man's body. Just wrapped the stone man with a bandage made up of tentacles like a mummy. However, the physical stamina of the stone man seems to be far beyond the scope of ordinary creatures, so even if so many tentacles are entangled, the rotten leaf monster can only limit the range and speed of the stone man’s movement, and there is no way to completely let the stone. The man stopped, and he seemed to be unable to help this stone man.

If it is a normal creature, this rotten leaf monster can gradually shrink the tentacles and strangle the target like a python's strangulation skills, or rely on the powerful strength of the tentacles to simply strangle the opponent into several segments, or suffocate the opponent. What. But the stone man doesn't need to breathe, and his body is incredibly hard. The entanglement skills of this tentacle are too low for its lethality.

Seeing two monsters entangled and fighting a rogue there, I turned my head and asked Kristina: "How about the battle strength of this thing?"

Klee Stina shrugged and compared it forward and said: "You have seen it too, that's all, it's just a summon stone element, and it turns out to be like this. If I have two more summons, this monster will be certain. It's over. According to my estimation, this thing is a 1,500-level monster. As long as the number is small, there is no threat."

I nodded and said: "If this is the case, then you don't need to follow it. After playing, let’s kill quickly, and we will continue the mission." Kristina nodded snapped her fingers again, and then saw a large number of bangs from the stone man who was entangled in front of him. At the same time, the rotten vegetable leaf monster also made a sharp neighing sound, and the stone man violently tore away the burning tentacles and waved the wolf fang club in his hand and slammed at the monster. The top of the head was knocked down with a stick.

Slap. With a very real sound of beating, the top of the monster was squeezed by a large chunk, but the tentacles on its body did not flinch, and they were still desperately entwining the stone man and the stick in his hand. It's a pity that it is now. The stone man has obviously evolved into a lava monster. The lava and flames of this body, the monster with obvious plant characteristics, can’t get close at all. Any tentacles that touch the stone man’s body will catch fire within three seconds and then be burned. A piece of scorched black fell to the ground.

Although the Rotten Leaf Monster desperately resisted, but he was helpless to run into a nemesis, and was knocked into a pile of real rotten leaves by the Lava Monster in three or two. After dying completely, a large amount of emerald green liquid flowed out of this monster's body, and this liquid would actually glow. I originally planned to open the mask to see what the liquid is, but I forgot the smell of this thing, and I almost lost my breath as soon as I opened the mask. The surrounding smell is really too terrifying, not only smelly, but also has a sour taste. You can smell this smell once for three days without eating. It is definitely a good news for people who want to lose weight. Of course, it is not clear whether it will become anorexia patients because of the strong effect.

"Damn, this thing is simply a biological nemesis. It tastes...comparable to a biochemical weapon!" I said as I put my mask back down, trying to endure the feeling of vomiting.

Kristina and Polsephone both smiled and watched my jokes. Kristina also said: "You all know that this thing tastes great and you dare to open the mask. Isn't this courting death? Speaking of which this monster is not my opponent of Stoneman, but I think this thing is actually quite powerful if it encounters a general devil beast."

I nodded and said: "The so-called everything has its nemesis. The smell of this thing can make most creatures walk around him. But it’s a tragedy when it encounters creatures like elemental creatures that have no sense of smell and are not afraid of physical damage.” I was talking and suddenly found Polsefort. Nirvana actually walked to the monster's corpse over there and used a stalagmite growing from the ground to fiddle with that fellow's corpse. So I asked her in surprise: "Porsephone, what are you doing?"

"I just seemed to see something moving underneath."

" Something is moving?" I snapped my fingers directly, and Brigitte and Inverite appeared beside me. Then I pointed to them and said to them: "Do me a favor and open that piece."

Brigins and Inverite are both constructed creatures, and they have no sense of smell. , So they don’t have to worry about each other’s bio-weapon-grade odor at all. After receiving the order, one person flew over and grabbed the rotten leaf of the monster and lifted it upwards. Sure enough, we saw a pair of feet wearing metal armor moving underneath.

"It's really alive." Needless to say this time, Ivorite and Brigitte directly grabbed the feet and pulled out the creature underneath.

After dragging this creature out, we discovered that this creature is actually an elf, and it is a dark elf. Looking at the equipment on his body, this dark elf is not an ordinary soldier, because the armor on his body looks very high level. Moreover, this guy hasn't died so far, and it is likely to have something to do with this beautiful armor. Although this full-covered armor had been pressed by the monster for so long, there was no mucus on its surface. This is not the special ability that ordinary equipment should have. This ability to get out of silt without being stained usually only appears on Holy Spirit-level or Divine Item-level equipment. Of course, low-level equipment is not absolutely absent, but it is very rare. It's as if no one would spread hundreds of thousands of Persian carpets on an economic car with tens of thousands of dollars, and there would be no artisans to install a self-cleaning array for low-level armors.

Although we were dragged out, this guy has been wiggling slightly on the ground, and it seems that he has not completely returned to normal. I thought about it or let Ifrit and Brigitte help carry this guy out of the area where the monster is with us, and wait a little bit farther away, it feels almost done, I opened the mask and tried it, sure The smell was already within a tolerable range, and then I asked Inverite and Brigitte to put the guy down.

I reached out and grabbed his helmet visor, I tried to push it up, but it didn't respond at all. This design is indeed a feature that only the Holy Spirit or Divine Item level equipment will have. I couldn't open the mask, I tried to pull the helmet again, but the result was still the same. All parts of the armor were blocked, and it was impossible to twist it off. No way, I had to turn Eternity into a spherical shape and tap it on the opponent's helmet like an egg, and then grab the opponent's helmet and pull it upward. This time, there were no more problems, and it was easily pulled down. It's just...As soon as the helmet was taken off, my sight was immediately covered by a shining silver light.


Although the gender cannot be seen in armor, because the high level armor itself in the game is gender-specific, it is hard to say that the low-level warrior. The high level equipment can tell whether a man is a woman or not at a glance, regardless of whether the other party covers his head or not. However, the armor on the man in front of him was obviously a men's armor, but after removing the helmet, he found that the opponent was a female, which was strange.

Although the armor is divided into men and women, this can be modified, and modifying the gender of the equipment is not as troublesome as adding attributes. There is no problem of failure, that is, it only costs a little money. Therefore, generally speaking, there is no case that someone is wearing armor with the wrong gender. Even if you find that you want to wear high-level equipment, you can find a blacksmith to help modify the gender. There is no need to wear armor of the opposite sex. It should be understood that according to the system setting, if the original gender of the wearer and the armor do not match, the attributes of the armor cannot be fully utilized, and a large part of the attributes will not be realized. Therefore, there is no case of deliberately not changing gender in order to save money.

Although it is very strange why this female Dark Elf wears a set of men's armor, it is not the time to think about it now. After opening the helmet, I used Eternity to tap the other armor zones on the opponent's body in turn, and then with the assistance of Inverite and Brigitte, we quickly removed all the armor on her body.

After removing all the armor, we finally understood a little bit why the other party was wearing armor of the correct gender, thinking that this one was obviously not a warrior.

The height of this female elf is about 1.75 meters, which is not very tall among elves, but it is quite tall for humans. The slender figure is fully in line with the characteristics of the elves, but some female characteristics are obviously more than the average of the elves. We must know that the airport in the front of the elven women accounts for more than half, but this one is more exaggerated than the women of some orc races. This figure... if it weren't for thinner, it would have almost caught up with the succubus.

In addition to this perfect figure, this person’s skin is typical of dark elves. The dark brown skin looks quite healthy, although from an Asian aesthetic, it’s not very good for this skin tone. I have a cold, but because this guy's skin is very smooth, it's not unsightly. Moreover, because her face is so exquisite, plus her long silver white hair, it is simply a work of art.

Although we removed the armor on this person, she is still covered tightly now, because she is still wearing a robe. I didn't know how she got into the armor wearing this thing before.

This robe is very cumbersome, obviously not a battle outfit, which is why we finally understand why she wears men's armor. Looking at this robe, this one should obviously belong to the existence of a servant of God, that is, a priest or something, anyway, a clergyman who serves Spiritual God. Although the clergy also had a Knight wearing armor, this robes obviously belonged to the category of priests, which should be of the law system, or simply a pure servant who didn't take part in the battle. This armor is definitely not hers, it should be someone who stuffed her in after discovering the danger, and it is almost certain that she didn't wear it by herself, because she is absolutely not able to wear the suit just now without help. Armored.

"Porsephone, help see what's wrong with her?"

Porsephone crouched down and put his palm on her forehead, and then closed it. My upper eyes sensed it, and after a few seconds, he said: "It's just too scared, it shouldn't be a big problem."

"Too scared?"

"It looks like she may not be Combatants." After Polsephone finished speaking, a green spot of light fell directly on the opponent's body, and the twisted body of the female dark elf immediately calmed down, even the frowns that had been tightly tight. Also loosened a lot.

"Is this asleep now?" I asked.

Porsephone nodded and said: "The best way to cure excessive shock is to sleep quietly. Sleeping is good."

"But we need to know what happened to her What's the matter!" Kristina asked.

After being reminded like this, Polsephone remembered that he had forgotten this, and quickly apologized: "Ah, I forgot this. Otherwise, shall we wake her up again?"< /p>

"Forget it." I stopped Polsephone, then I took back Iverite and Brigitte and gave Ling to Summon. "Ling, help look at her memory."

As soon as Ling appeared, he directly put his palm on the black elf's forehead, and then asked me: "Which section do you want to see? Or find What specific information?"

"It should be the most recent memory, the content is the process of her being attacked and caught."

"Okay, it shouldn't be difficult to find it." Ling began to search the dark elf's memory with his eyes closed.

After a few seconds, Ling opened his eyes and said, "I have seen her memory. She was attacked by a very strange creature before, and her The guard stuffed her into a set of seemingly precious armor to protect her. But she seemed to be bad at escape, and then was caught by the monster. However, it seemed that the armor was very high-level, so the monster caught her After that, I couldn’t bite, and then I was rescued by you."

"It really is the same as we guessed." Kristina asked: "Then what is her identity? Are you there?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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