The black elves are only in conflict with the white elves. They are not intended to be hostile to all races in the world, so apart from the confrontation with the white elves with swords drawn and bows bent, they still maintain To communicate with other races normally.

Thanks to the attitude of the black elf, Christina and Porsephone and I simply mixed into Underground World, or we could walk in with a swagger. Anyway, in addition to the white elves, the black elves do not deliberately target any outsiders.

After entering Underground World, I found a place where summon had a white wave, and then started scent tracking. However, things are far from being as simple as imagined.

The entrance to Underground World here is the main entrance, which is equivalent to the main road. Because this is the main entrance, the flow of people is particularly large. When there are more people, the smell will be messed up. Even if Bailang's sense of smell is very developed, it is not a simple matter to find the correct smell among such a complex smell.

"Can you smell it?" Kristina asked anxiously behind the white waves.

White waves sucked his nose vigorously, and then said: "I am not sure now. The smell around here is really messy!"

Porsephone said:" If it doesn’t work, we’ll be a little bit more troublesome and search all the odors of all nearby branch passages. The hostages must have taken a certain passage. As long as they leave the main passage, the odor will be reduced a lot. You should be able to distinguish it."< /p>

"I can only do this at the moment." I reluctantly took Bailanghe Kristina and started searching for the side road. After finding that there was indeed no target we were tracking on the first side road. I had to go back to the main road to continue searching, but the search speed of such a side road was really slow. We were in a hurry but couldn't help at all.

After spending more than two hours, Christina finally couldn’t help but said: "I don’t think we can do it like this!"

Porsephone also agreed. Said: "I don't think it's okay. The confrontation between the white elves and the black elves is impossible. Their war can be said to be on the verge of breaking out. It doesn't matter if we find it slowly now. Once they go to war, our mission will be completely meaningless. , So..."

I nodded and said: "I understand what you said, but what can we do besides this?"

"Aren't you able to summon the undead? See if there is a ghost nearby, find one and ask how?" Kristina suddenly proposed.

I helplessly shook my head and said: "I thought of your method a long time ago. I have seen it all along the way. There is no sleeping undead at all."

"Then we try How about trying prophecy?" Polsephone suddenly asked.

"Do you still understand prophecy?" Kristina looked towards Polsephone in surprise.

"Are you sure you heard what I'm talking about?" Polsephone asked rhetorically: "It's just prophecy, not big prophecy."

Prophecy and Big Prophecy are two completely different magics, regardless of their names. Many people think that Big Prophecy is the advanced magic of Prophecy, similar to Fireball Technique and Big Fireball Technique. But, in fact, these are two completely unconnected magics.

Prediction is a kind of space-time magic that allows you to know what has happened in the future, present and past. Don't think that prophecy is just Forecast Future, in fact, the past can also be read using prophecy. Moreover, compared with the future, prophecy is actually better at reading what is happening in the past or now. After all, the future is something that has not yet been determined, and the past and the present are already determined existences, so the future is not so good. What is predicted, and even if it is predicted, is only a possible future, not necessarily that it will happen.

If we exclude the principle and only look at the result, we can basically regard prophecy as a kind of magic to obtain information. You can use it to know something you didn't know, whether it happened in the past or will happen.

Compared to prophecy, big prophecy is a law-based ability from the beginning to the end. Although the big prophecy itself is a magical skill, this skill is a one law ability that uses a lot of laws.

It is completely opposite to the prophecy of detecting things and transferring information to the sorcerer. The big prophecy is to provide the information by the sorcerer, and then magic makes things look like in the information.

Take a simple example. If you use prophecy on the color of underwear that a classmate will wear tomorrow, then you will know what color underwear he or she will wear tomorrow, and if you use big prophecy, the other party will wear your designated underwear tomorrow Color underwear. This is the difference between the two. The effect is almost a million miles apart, and the function is completely reversed. It is precisely because of the huge gap between the formidable power of the two that Polsephone asked if Kristina listened to her as a big prophecy. After all, big prophecy is a price for Divine Race. Can only be completed spell, and prophecy is relatively simple.

Christina really got her name wrong, and she suddenly realized when Polsephone said this: "It turns out that I heard it wrong. Frightened me! But prophecy is not a simple spell. Although you are a Divine Race, it’s a cross-regional event now. It seems that your divine force cannot be fully utilized, right?"

Porsephone was able to leave this time because of the guild action order. The guild territory came out for activities, but due to the system’s consistent restrictions on Divine Race’s behavior to leave the place of residence, Polsephone’s ability was still partially restricted. Of course, compared to the local Divine Race, Polsephone was the guild Divine Race’s Pol Sephone’s restrictions are much smaller. Moreover, it was a major event when the local Divine Race came out. Relatively speaking, the guild Divine Race left the guild station as long as the main god of the Divine Race issued a pass. The procedures were too simple.

Porsephone said to us: "Don't worry. Although the ability is partially suppressed, the ratio is very low, and I only predict what has happened, not Forecast Future, so the difficulty is much lower. ."

I thought for a while and said: "In this way, the success rate will indeed be much higher, but we don’t need to be so desperate this time. You can lower the difficulty a little bit and don’t directly predict where the opponent is now. , As long as you predict in which direction a small group of white elves will gather."

Although prophecy and big prophecy are two completely unrelated spells, these two spells do have one thing in common. That is, the more obscure the information involved, the larger the scope, the lower the difficulty of completing the spell. Conversely, the more precise your requirements, the higher the difficulty of the spell and the easier it is to fail.

If you directly predict the location of the target person, the difficulty is definitely higher than predicting the general direction of the elves, so I decided to let Polsephone just predict the direction.

Porsephone finally listened to our suggestion and made a simple prediction. Because the prediction was originally what has happened, and the requirements were not precise, the difficulty dropped a lot, and only ten The magic was completed in a few seconds, and the result was pretty good.

The information given by prophecy shows that there are two groups of white elves nearby, in different directions, but one of them is fixed, and the other is moving at high speed.

According to the information we got before, the white wizard Princess and other captured white wizards have been hidden somewhere, which means that they are impossible to move, and another signal is moving, 80% It's a team of Elf Rescue Team.

Although the former Elf Race leader told us that the dark elves have strengthened their defense against them to save people, she only said that the place has strengthened their defenses, and did not say that they did not continue to send people, so there is another one here. The probability of the rescue team is very high. As for the probability that it's just a group of unrelated white elves, I don't think it exists. After all, the atmosphere on both sides is so tense now, it should be impossible to have any brain-dead elves roaming around on the dark elves's territory at this time, right?

"It seems that the one that doesn't move should be our goal." Polsephone said.

"But there is only a direction, no distance or anything, right?" Kristina asked.

White waves suddenly interrupted us and said: "As long as there is a direction. Follow this direction, and then the smell of other people around will become less and less, so that I can gradually determine the location of the target Now."

"Then let's go over quickly."

The direction we just predicted is our left front, but now we are in the main road, so we can’t go there. The direction is going forward. The Underground World is not like the above-ground world. On the ground, if you have strong athleticism, you can theoretically move forward in a straight line, even if there are mountains and rivers in the way, there is still a way to get past. But under the ground, unless you plan to make a hole yourself, you can only proceed along the already formed underground passage. Only in that kind of particularly large underground cavity can you go straight for a small section of the road like on the ground, and then you still have to take the natural passage.

Originally, I could summon the pioneers to dig a hole and move forward, but because of a hurry, we can only take the ready-made channel.

After running along the main road for a while, a left side passage appeared in front of it, but because the direction angle of this passage was too large, we decisively gave up this passage. We continued forward until we encountered the second left passage before turning up. After walking along this passage for less than fifty steps, the white waves suddenly screamed. "I found the goal."

"Did you find it? Are you sure it is the person we are looking for?"

"It must be. It seems that there are not many people on this road , The smell information is very clear. I can smell the sap of the white elves."

"It seems that our mission is promising. Everyone speeds up."

I just finished shouting, didn't expect Bailang actually shouted again: "Wait a minute. There is a situation!"

"What's the matter?" (To be continued. If you like this work , You are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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