The entrance to the Mother Tree of Life is indeed not far away, but the entrance is relatively hidden and generally not easy to notice.

This entrance is actually located on the trunk of an ordinary-looking tree, and the entrance is only wide enough for two people to run side by side. Of course, in the case of tree trunks, being able to make such a large hole in it does not affect the growth of plants, which is already considered to be very big.

According to the introduction of the female elf leading the way, this entrance is not the main passage. The real main passage is located in another place. It is a huge passage where two locomotives can run side by side, which is much wider than this side.

Although it is an auxiliary channel, it is a channel connecting the mother tree of life after all, so there is still a guard here. We just approached this big tree and two elves reached out and blocked our way.

"Here is the passage to the bottom of the lake leading to the mother tree of life, and foreigners are not allowed to enter and leave at will. What do you do?"

The male elves of the two elves who led the way quickly walked away He stepped forward and explained: "We are the elves from the western tribe. We came to see the patriarch here on the order of our patriarch. We hope to get her help. This is our patriarch's token." The male elf said and handed out a leaf. .

An elf in the guard took the leaf and didn't look at it. He just touched it and said nodded and said: "It is the leaf of the mother tree of life here. You can pass by."

After thanking the two guards, we entered the tree hole. Inside the tree cave is a staircase spiraling downwards, not deep, only two stories high. After descending to the bottom, there is a long passage with a slope. This passage is not a passage of human architecture, but a passage formed by a hollow formed by the roots of the mother tree of life. Because the passage is not rectangular, the internal space is closer to a circle, but the direction under the feet is slightly flat.

Because the roots are hollow, the walls of the passage are all wood, but they are not full of wrinkles like the outer bark of the trunk, but rather smooth. After all, this is the pipe inside the root of the tree, not the bark.

Moving forward quickly in the passage, halfway through, I encountered a group of elves coming from the opposite side. Because we also have two elves leading the way, the other party didn't have any doubts, just nodded with us and hurried past, looking like something urgent.

After intersecting with this team of elves, we quickly left this relatively small passage and entered a very wide passage. According to the wizard's explanation, the roots of the mother tree of life are not all directly connected to the central main island. Instead, they converge into some relatively large trunks at the periphery before connecting to the main island. We are now almost entering one of the main trunks. The traffic here is obviously large, and when we came out, we just saw a group of fully armed elves running through the passage in front of us. There were hundreds of people within our line of sight. I don’t know how many elves are in front and behind, the whole passage is full of their neat footsteps.

"What's the matter?" Looking at the army running past, Kristina couldn't help asking the male elf who led the way next to her.

The elf also shook his head in confusion: "I don’t know, it seems that there is a military action. We'd better go over and see patriarch. Once the battle occurs, patriarch will be very busy, when the time Comes may not meet us anymore."

"That's what I said, then let's go quickly." As I said, I urged everyone to run.

Although there are a lot of elven troops in the main tunnel here, they only occupy the central part of the tunnel instead of filling the whole tunnel, so the only trouble for people on both sides to start walking is to It might be a bit troublesome to get to the opposite side road, but we are just going to the main island, so we don't have to cross the marching army.

Actually, when we enter the main pipeline, we are not far from the central island. After running forward, we reached the exit. Originally, the exit position should be checked by someone, but because there are now a large number of elven troops running out, the scene is a bit chaotic. The guards no longer check in order to prevent congestion, just watch the pedestrians and pay a little attention. Are there any abnormal behaviors?

After we came out of the underground passage, the guard just looked at us more and didn't say anything, but the female elf who led us took the initiative to run over and asked about the location of patriarch. The guard reluctantly said that now they don't know where patriarch is, they can only make sure that they haven't left the Mother Tree of Life.

Without a definite goal, we had to go to the reception area of ​​Elf Race first, this place is specially used to receive some visiting guests. Of course, this visit refers to a visit specifically to find the leader of Elf Race, if you just enter the wizard city, you don't need to come here.

The two elves who led us must have been here before, so the route was very familiar, and they found a mushroom house at the root of the mother tree of life. Although this mushroom house was built inside a huge mushroom, this mushroom is not the same as the mushrooms we usually eat. The color of this mushroom is not only colorful, but also very huge. From below, you can see that the top of this mushroom is at least 15 or 6 meters high, which means that this mushroom is at least the height of the fourth layer. Even if the living tissue on the top cannot be accessed, the space for people below is enough to divide it into a three-story building.

Although the space is very large, the elves are obviously not short of rooms, so the interior of this mushroom is only divided into upper and lower floors, but the height of the floors is very high, the first floor is about four meters. It feels like the height of the roof inside a big shopping mall.

There is no guard outside the reception room. After entering the interior, it is a small room. On the left side of the room, there is a counter similar to the hotel reception desk. Beautiful elves in their early tenths. Of course, the appearance of the elves is usually very unreliable. The six to seven hundred-year-old elves look like unmarried girls, so in Elf Race, human appearance characteristics can never be used to judge the age.

As soon as the two elves who led us came in, they walked to the front desk and handed over the leaf that the guard had touched, and then said: "Hello, we want to ask to see patriarch."


The elf in charge of the reception took the leaf and touched it, then handed it back and said at the same time: "You should have seen it when you came here. There is something wrong with us now, so patriarch may not have time to see it. You guys. If you have any requests, you can tell me directly. I'll see if I can find someone who handles these matters. Of course, if you must meet with patriarch, it's okay, but there is no way to determine the time."

The two elves who led us looked back towards me for advice. After all, it was us who did the work, they just came to help. After thinking for a while, I took Polsephone and walked to the counter. I first signaled Polsephone to release Life Aura a little bit below, and waited for the reception elves over there to notice and then said, "We are I want to build a city of elves, so I want to ask for a seed of the mother tree of life. I don’t know if this kind of thing can be handled by other elves if I don’t see patriarch directly?"

When I was staring at Polsephone, I didn’t bump into me and said to me after I finished speaking: “Everything about the mother tree of life must be executed under patriarch’s orders, so I’m afraid that this matter cannot be bypassed by patriarch. In this state, patriarch is unlikely to see outsiders, but the Life Aura beside you is so rich, I think patriarch might meet you, maybe. You can wait here for a while, I'll go and pass the message to see Is patriarch free?"

"Okay, I’m sorry to trouble you."

Although it was to inform us, the elf who received us did not leave the reception. She started from inside. Called out two elves to greet us to the room inside and wait for a while, then she turned around and entered a room behind the reception desk. It is estimated that there might be magic communication facilities in it.

We followed the two elves who were responsible for greeting us, but before we could enter the reception room, we heard a bang outside, and the door of the reception desk was slammed from the outside. opened. The receptionist elf who had just entered the small room also opened the door to take a look, and then she ran out directly.

A female elf came in by pushing the door. She had shallow golden long hair that was waist-length, and she was at least 1.75 meters tall. She was slender and well-proportioned. She was wearing a silver white all-metal battle. Armor, a gorgeous long sword is hung on the outside of the two hips. This shape arrow is the standard Elf Race two-handed Swordsman shape, which is similar to the poster in the system template. However, according to the appearance of a human, the elf in front of him is about thirty years old, which means he is a mature type. However, in the lifespan of Elf Race, when grown up like this, it should be almost an elf over 700 years old.

"Celia, Celia. Hurry up and follow me. Saswell went to the Sicilian mine and has not returned yet. His Moore Legion has no one to lead the team, please supervise it temporarily."< /p>

"But I am a mage! You asked me to take the Swordsman group, I don't know how to command!"

"Even if you are not good at it, you always know a little bit, it's better than no one to command it. Okay, don’t delay, hurry up and follow me."

The elf who received us was grabbing his wrist by the elf who rushed in and was about to lift his wrist. The elf who received us quickly grabbed the other person and said:" Wait a minute. Here are some guests who are looking for you."

"When is it all, I have no time to meet outsiders. Let them wait first." Swordsman who just rushed in immediately pulled If you live in this receptionist, you will drag it out.

We noticed this when the Swordsman sprite came in, and now after listening to their conversation, I still don’t understand that this is patriarch. I quickly ran over with other people, and at the same time fully expanded my magic field. The Elf Race leader on the opposite side was pulling the reception elves out, and suddenly felt a powerful and bloody magic wave assaults the senses, but then she felt a more pure Life Aura. These two breaths made her stunned for a moment.

Through this stupefied time, I have reached them, and then took the initiative to say: "Hello, listening to your conversation just now, you should be the Elf Race of this wizard city, right? We are a group Outsider, the purpose of coming here is to request a seed of the mother tree of life to be used to build a new elven city. We know that the seed produced by the mother tree of life is very burdensome for the mother tree, and it seems that you have encountered some trouble here. To be honest, We are still quite good at fighting, so if you don’t object, can you let us participate in your actions to compensate for part of the reward?"

Because the other party was froze before, I have already said something. It's over, and she understands what I mean when she reacts. After thinking a little for two seconds, the patriarch immediately made a decision. "Although I don't know the specifics of your battle strength for the time being, I can feel your strength is very strong. Since you can get here, someone should introduce you, so as long as you pay the price, you can give you a seed. I think your proposal is good, but how much compensation your action can cover will be after this event is over, I will make an assessment based on your role in the action, no matter what my assessment is, you can’t propose it. Objection. Of course, I will not deliberately erase your credit. As an elf, I think my credibility should still be trusted."

I nodded: "The liar is the same as the non-liar human It’s rare, so I believe in your credibility. Then, please assign us tasks."

"Well, you guys come with me first, we will walk as we go."

Because our problem was solved, the person in charge of the reception did not delay any more, but went out with patriarch. When we got outside, we discovered that there were more than a dozen fully armed Swordsman elves standing outside, and each of these Swordsman had a long battle staff obliquely inserted behind their backs, indicating that these elves were all from Magic and Martial Dual Cultivation. high level personnel.

After leaving the reception, we walked to the main pipeline from Dejima to the patriarch and asked: "Can you introduce your abilities and specialties first? I will get to know about it for you Arrange the task."

Because we are now doing the task, the two elves who led us did not follow. Let us see patriarch and their mission has been completed, so now only the three of us are following this Elf Race leader. I first gestured to Kristina, and then said: "This is Kristina, an element mage, and specialization in shaping. She is called mobile fort in our place. She is especially good at large-scale magic suppression and forbidden spell. Class-level magic guide, a wizard who pays attention to offensive power."

After listening, Elf Race turned to Kristina and asked: "May I feel the strength of your magic?"


Kristina nodded stretched out a hand, and then suddenly a white ball of light lit up on the palm of her hand without seeing her doing anything. When the ball of light first appeared, it was only as big as a glass marble, but immediately after it appeared, the ball of light started high-speed rotation, and as it rotated, its volume also increased rapidly, and it took only more than two seconds. Expanded from a glass marble to the size of a basketball. After the bright white light ball appeared, ten light balls of cyan, red, light blue, dark blue, green, brown, purple, gold, black, and white suddenly appeared around it, and these light balls all surrounded the central one. The big ball of light forms a circle, and then it starts to move around the big ball of light together, which looks messy, but in fact it is very regular. From the outside, it looks like an enlarged model of the atom. The big ball of light in the center is Protons, those outside high-speed rotation are electrons.

Those who don’t know how to see this thing think it’s pretty at best, but those who know how to do it can see the terrifying part of this thing.

The ball of light in the center is a simple collection of elements without attributes. The speed of its production is the speed at which Kristina is showing her magic power. Although the ball of light looks only the size of a basketball, it is The internal energy is highly compressed, and the power fluctuations it emits are simply thrilling. As long as someone who is a little aware of magical induction can judge from it how strong Kristina's magical power is. As for the small balls of light outside the big balls of light, this is Kristina's demonstrating her full magical control ability against the sky. Not only can she control multiple elements, but also make them appear at the same time. This is the element interference phenomenon that the teachers have the most trouble with, which is meaningless to her. In addition, those small balls of light surround the high-speed rotation of the large balls of light in the center without interfering with each other, which is a manifestation of magical control. The circulation path of these light balls have nothing common with each other, and their speeds are not exactly the same, and they run at such high speeds without colliding together, which requires the wizard to have super elemental control. In other words, this can no longer be called control, but an instinct. It’s as if centipede has so many legs, but it won’t cause the left foot to stumble on the right foot. This is a kind of instinctive control. It is always inevitable to step on yourself.

Kristina was able to control those light balls like an arm instructed to say that her quota for her control of the elements has entered an instinctive state. Such a mage doesn't need to remember magic incantion, element arrangement or something in the battle, almost think of some magic, magic has already taken shape. This is a really powerful mage, because she can use magic like moving her fingers do as one pleases.

Elf Race's jaw is almost falling off when he sees here. Previously, Polsephone and I had released our own power fluctuations, so Elf Race knew that we were strong, but Kristina did not enter the elemental spirit state, and now she still maintains her basic form, so the magical power fluctuations on her body have not It's not an exaggeration, this caused Elf Race to misjudge her strength.

"You are such a powerful mage? It seems that our affairs are much simpler this time!" Elf Race said and looked towards me and asked: "You two have the same strength. Is it?"

I shook my head and said: "Porsephone is a Divine Race, you should have noticed this. Although it is not the Divine Race here, it is not the Goddess of the Moon you believe in. , But she is a genuine Goddess of Spring, so her ability is closer to your Elf Race plant mage, and can manipulate and spawn plants to fight. But I think it would be wasteful to let her fight. Persephone is the most The suitable position should be treatment. With her in, your casualties can be reduced by at least 80%."

"You really are Divine Race. It was really rude before." Elf Race stopped for a long time to Poor Sephone apologized. Although Polsephone is not the Divine Race they believe in, they are genuine Divine Race after all, and they still need to maintain a certain amount of awe for this identity. Besides, Porsephone is the Goddess of Spring. This position and Elf Race can be said to be very right. Therefore, Porsephone is easy to get the favor of the elves.

After introducing them, Elf Race looked towards me and asked: "It looks like you are their leader. I am curious to be the leader of a Divine Race and such a powerful wizard. What kind of existence should you be?"

"My existence may be a bit out of sync with your Elf Race attributes. I have always been treated as a Demon King before!"


Elf Race chief nodded said: "I sensed the powerful Slaughter Qi and the strong Dark Aura from your power. I even smelled the undead. But it’s very strange. The existence of such a generally speaking We are absolutely unwelcome here, but you have an aura in you that makes us feel peaceful, even with a feeling of being close to you. This contrast is quite strange! We have never encountered this before. The existence of."

"I said, I was called the Demon King before. My attribute is completely biased towards the Dark Element, and my relationship with most dark creatures has been repaid. Go. The reason why you feel my affinity is because I am a two-in-one existence. I have an independent soul and two bodies with completely opposite attributes. What you see now is the existence of Dark Element. If so , You may not have any doubts.” I said and switched the body image directly.

Although the attributes of my two accounts are fully integrated, I can actually switch appearances, and there will be a certain bias in the abilities in different forms. When I switched to the silver moon form, the Elf Race leader on the opposite side immediately cry out in surprise: "Are you a water and light dual system?"

I nodded and said: "In fact, I also brought some Fire Elements. And Life Element, but generally speaking, Water Element and Light Element are the main ones. However, once you enter the attack mode, it will be completely converted to Fire Element."

"No wonder I think there is such a strong affinity for you. All of the attributes are the most affinity attributes for our elves, and the most rare thing is that the four elements attribute on your body is actually a balanced cycle system, which is simply the most perfect existence. It is so exciting! "

The attribute of Elf Race itself should actually be regarded as a composite attribute of Wood Element and Life Element, and the Water Element and Light Element on my body all have nourishing and soothing effects, which can be described as both Wood Element and Life Element. The most needed attribute. And let alone the energy of the life element, it is directly one of the basic energy of the elven element. Only this Fire Element is not very useful for the elves, but it is an indispensable system, because if the Wood Element continues to grow, it will not be able to form a resource cycle, because this fire system can destroy and regenerate the Wood Element. The meaning exists, and Fire Element is the basis for maintaining temperature. Whether it is Wood Element or Life System, it needs temperature in the final analysis, so although more Fire Element will harm the elves, but it will not work if there are less Fire Element elements and others in my body. The three lines are just in a balanced state, so there will be no side effects, and the cycle of the other three lines can be maintained. In this way, a stable cycle is formed, which can be said to be endless.

After Elf Race finished speaking, I asked: "Well, I don’t know what trouble you guys are having this time? My two physical attributes are a bit different, so I have to decide which body to use according to the situation. Mission."

"In fact, this is what happened this time..."

Elf Race introduced a lot of content, and she gave us the entire process of development of this matter. Introduce it, after she finished speaking, we have reached the army refusal point outside the city.

According to Elf Race's introduction, I probably know what the situation is this time. Although the matter of speaking of which is complicated, it is more complicated because of the internal hidden information, and the superficial incident is quite simple. For our mission, a simple description is that a group of young elves in Elf Race have been captured, and our mission is to find them and rescue them.

This task sounds like a search task, but it is actually a combat task, because the opponent is not sending a small team to arrest people, but a rather large army. As for the identity of the other party... Actually, it is also an elf.

The group on our side is the forest elves among the natural elves, and the enemy on the opposite side is the dark elves from Underground World.

A common name for natural elves is white elves, and black elves and white elves are just two opposite existences. However, there may be some discrepancies with most people's guesses. The white elves and the black elves are actually not deadly enemies. The relationship between the two should be said to be limited cooperation. If the relationship between them is to be quantified, it should actually be regarded as a state of neutrality towards friendliness. In other words, not only are the two not enemies, they may be relatively close.

Before I said that the internal secrets of this mission are more complicated, because the relationship between the white elves and the black elves is not actually hostile. However, because of conflicts between certain individuals within the two groups, this incident occurred. But a more serious problem is that there are two special existences among the captured white elves. One of them is the son of the elder Elf Race next to us, and it is likely that he will become the next patriarch. The other one is even more terrible. She is the Princess of the Spirit Emperor country in South America.

The one we are here this time is only the spirit city, not the spirit king. The elves use the city-state system for state management. The highest leader in the city is called patriarch, but in fact it can be the City Lord, the Grand Duke, or the King. Spirit Kings all have the right to rule these spirit cities, but they cannot directly control them. The Princess who was caught was the daughter of the Elf Queen in the upper capital of the Elf City, and that one was also likely to become the next queen.

Such two existences were captured by the black elves. This matter immediately escalated from a personal conflict to a diplomatic event, and now the two sides have become with swords drawn and bows bent. In fact, there is one point that Elf Race hasn't made clear to us, and that is that the two sides have not actually started a battle. The reason why so many troops are drawn is because neither side wants to fight. Everyone is desperately trying to pile people up, hoping to use their own strength to overwhelm the other party and make the other party softer. Unfortunately, this confrontation eventually made the atmosphere on both sides more tense, and the original skirmish has now evolved into a full-scale war. probability.

"So this is what happened?" After listening to Elf Race's long explanation, I have changed back to the Purple Moon form. This time 80% of the mission requires cutting-edge battle strength, so the Silver Moon image is useless. There are only three things that the silver moon form is most suitable for: brushing favorability, healing, and massacre. It is obvious that these three are not very useful now.

Christina asked: "Now that both sides don’t want to fight, but they have created such a situation, can high-end martial power like ours really solve the problem? If the other party has a mental breakdown, Didn’t the battle just break out?"

The Elf Race leader also said hesitantly: "I also know that it’s not right, but it’s already like this. Don’t continue to pile up. Once the balance breaks, we In the end, war will break out."

Porsephone suddenly asked: "Is it possible to use special means to rescue people before talking?"

"We also have this. I thought about it, but it's not realistic to realize it."

"Why?" Kristina asked suspiciously.

Elf Race chief helplessly said: "We are also to blame. Because we have actually done this once before, so the other party has taken all the hostages to Underground World and hid them. We don’t know at all now. Where is the other party hiding people. It is difficult to find them if you act quietly, but aggressive attacks are not what we want. This is really embarrassing!"

"Actually, I think we are quite suitable for this. Yes." Kristina said suddenly.

Elf Race looked at us in surprise and asked: "Are you good at finding people?"

I nodded and said: "Tracking and penetration are our specialties, and we still have Some small tricks can deal with those guards without hurting others. This should be easier to deal with diplomatically later. But before that, I think you'd better tell us specifically why they want to arrest your people?"

"This speaking of which is just a personal grievance. I didn’t quite clear how the grievances came about. Anyway, there is a conflict between a family on the dark elf side and a family on our side, and then we The child of a family here knows recently that the opposite family has taken on an important task, to transport some things from outside to the capital of the dark elf. The child of this family here knows this Then I called my son and some of their playmates to sabotage the transportation, and then put the Fang Family to shame and be punished."

"Then they were arrested?" Kristina asked.

Elf Race shook his head long and said: "They succeeded, but what they didn't expect is that those materials are not simple things. Among them, there are some very important strategic materials that are related to the life and death of the dark elves. The point is."

"So this time they have offended the Dark Elves miserably." I interfaced.

Elf Race chief nodded continued: "Indeed, for this reason, the dark elf family of the other party was severely punished, and the people of their family therefore planned to retaliate against those who participated in the attack. It just didn't. t expect Our Princess happened to come to play in the city during their attack. At the time, my son accompanied her and some playmates of the same age to play outside, but was robbed by the other party. Afterwards, because Princess was robbed, the matter It has become serious."

Porsephone asked suspiciously: "The other party at first did not intend to hijack Princess. If you made a diplomatic application at that time, it is said that they should release Princess. Huh?"

"This was originally the case, but unfortunately, the family on our side is responsible for diplomacy. The family members have been at odds with each other for a long time, so we sent a notice in the past. The paper is a bit bad in tone. As you know, the diplomatic attitude is very important. Of course, the other party can't lose face when seeing such papers, so they refuse to return Princess, and ask us to apologize, and things get worse."

"It's really an oolong incident!" I sighed. Then he said: "We are probably clear about the matter. If you don't mind patriarch, I think we'd better not take part in your positive actions. We plan to bypass the opposing army and try to rescue Princess and the other people who were captured."

"But our relationship is very tense now. If you are discovered again..."

"What if we are discovered?" Kristina laughed Then he asked the other person: "Can the black elves start a war against the white elves because a group of humans attacked them?"

Elf Race was stunned for a long time, and then I wanted to understand. "Yeah. You are not elves. As long as you don’t tell yourself, who knows what you do? I’m really confused."

After getting the consent of Elf Race, we decided Start the rescue plan. Of course, there is still some preparation before the plan starts. The first is that you must have a map. The dark elves live in Underground World, which is Naturally Formed Maze. Without a map, our mission time will be at least doubled. Fortunately, the previous relationship between the two races is still improvised, so there are maps and so on here, and they are quite detailed.

After the map was completed, we got some personal items of the abducted people from here. Of course, these things were used as a basis for smell. I said that the main way to find the opponent is to rely on the white cap's nose, so you must know the opponent's scent before you can track it.

After everything was ready, we decisively left the elves team, and now we have to clear up the relationship with the white elves, otherwise the action will become more difficult, or it will lead to war. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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