Of course, it takes a little time to travel through such a big city. What's more terrible is that due to the huge natural formation above the head, it is impossible to arrange Transmission in the city. Formation. In fact, the reason why the teleportation hall of the wizard city is so far away from the Tree of Life is to avoid the influence of natural formation. This natural Formation will have a special effect on everything inside. This effect is a bit similar to the Forbidden Domain, but not exactly the same. Its main feature is that it will interfere with the fluctuation of magic power, so as to achieve the effect of breaking the magic release.

This kind of interference will only reduce the magic power for the wizards, but it is fatal to the space spell. After all, the space spell needs not the strength but the accuracy. If it can’t be done accurately , Then the teleportation magic is likely to become a big space blade that will be teleported in half or worse.

Although Isengard is much larger than this elven city, because there is no such kind of influence of Formation, we also set up a lot of small Transmission Formation inside the city to divert traffic, so that if the player wants From one area in the city to another area, you can consider sending it directly to the Transmission Formation in that area, so that the distance will be much shorter. But there is no such Transmission Formation in the wizard city, so no matter how far away you are, you can only walk past it. Of course, it is faster to pass through the air, but the problem is that we are outsiders, not the Elf Race staff here. Just as impossible over Beijing allows foreign planes to fly indiscriminately, Elf City certainly does not allow outsiders to fly around above them, so if we don’t want to have a war with the elves here, the only choice is to go over the ground.

It’s relatively lucky, because the elves themselves know that if they can’t fly or teleport, if the ground speed is restricted, then others can hardly move long distances in their cities. So the wizard city is different from most cities, that is, they allow the use of mounts in the city. You should know that in most cities, this is the privilege of only city guards or city owners. In some cities, although you can ride, but the speed is limited, you can't ride a horse in the city anyway.

However, Elf City can allow you to run wildly, and as long as your mount can run, you can run as fast as you like. Of course, the elves who dare to open up the use of mount restrictions like this also have their hardware conditions.

The wizard city is different from the general city. It is a three-dimensional city. The ground is only a component of its internal traffic, not all. Above the ground, there are air corridors composed of entangled roots and branches of various tall plants. These corridors form several layers of three-dimensional traffic networks above the city. Although these traffic networks are narrower than the ground, they It's just an aid to ground transportation. If you want to move for a long distance, you can go down to the ground and ride the mount to fly, wait for the approximate location and then use the three-dimensional transportation to reach the specific location you want to go.

Thanks to this special traffic regulation, although we have been delayed for a while in the city, it is not as long as we imagined. Running all the way, we soon arrived near the lake where the huge Tree of Life is located.

Looking closer, we finally realized that Tree of Life is much larger than what we saw before. When I look at it from a distance, I just think Tree of Life is a big giant plant, but when I get closer, I realize that this guy’s arrow is a mountain, and it’s not the kind of small mountain, but similar to the famous mountains and rivers. Super big mountain. Of course, compared with the real mountain, its base is relatively small, but the area covered by the canopy on top of it is quite terrifying. Although we are still on the periphery of the lake, the Tree of Life canopy above our heads actually covers the top of our heads. Looking up from here, you can see a green dome covering the entire sky, which is really shocking.

Although this area is already under the canopy, it is not dark here. Tree of Life is not like ordinary plants that only block the sun. In fact, Tree of Life itself also emits light, and it is the emerald green rays of light. During the period, you can see some shining flashes. It feels like It's like the stars in the sky.

Although the rays of light emitted by the Tree of Life are not as strong as the sunlight, the lighting is definitely sufficient, and the light is very soft, which makes the eyes very comfortable.

In fact, these lights are not just as simple as lighting. Just like the natural Formation that comes with Tree of Life, this green rays of light is also a skill. It is called the light of life. It can perform health, magic and endurance on any lifeform within the range of all rays of light. The comprehensive recovery of, and the speed is quite fast, almost equal to the treatment effect of the low-level healing technique, and this effect can be superimposed with any other healing skills, without interference, and does not cause the effect to be reduced.

"It's really a Tree of Life, it's pure life energy." Polsephone stretched out his arm to support the green rays of light scattered from the top of the socket, and then closed his eyes and felt it. The energy contained in it.

"Our Elf Race is best at life magic, the power of nature is our instinct, and Tree of Life is to give us life and protect our existence, she is better at using the power of life than we are "The female elf who led us looked at Tree of Life like a pilgrimage and said.

We nodded agreed with her point of view, and then Kristina asked: "We are here now, how can we see the patriarch here? I think there are no boats or no boats on the lake. Bridges, and the branches of Tree of Life don’t create air corridors with the surrounding city buildings. How are we going to get there?"

I heard the female elf said with a smile: "In fact, just walk over there. Okay."

"Go over?"

The female elf smiled and pointed to her feet, and then said: "The Tree of Life is a bit different from the surrounding plants. Her root system The interior is hollow, and there are some root systems extending from the island to the outer area. If we want to pass, we can walk through these root systems."

"There are actually lake tunnels?" Klee Stina looked at the lake over there in surprise and asked: "Where is the entrance? I'm going to see. This fairy city is really amazing!"

"Come with me, just ahead Not far away." The female elf said as she greeted Kristina to follow. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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