Under the divine might of Persephone, the old elves almost confessed us as Goddess of the Moon, so the following things were done very quickly. We were quickly arranged for several young elves to lead a team to a nearby elven city to obtain seeds. In return, I sent an invitation letter to this elven tribe to invite them collectively after the establishment of our city. Immigrants used to be residents of cities.

This invitation is definitely a good thing for these elves, but it is not a bad thing for us. Our elven city must have NPC residents to be established. Instead of collecting them when the time comes, we should pull some of them now. If the residents are fully equipped earlier, the battle strength can also increase a lot. You should know that the reason why the elves do not have a city wall is because almost all free NPCs in the elves city can be transformed into an army during battle, so there will be no city wall settings.

The game system is actually very fair. The cost of the wizard city is high, but the post-maintenance cost is almost zero, and even the hiring of the city garrison can save a lot of money, so it is said that it is in the capital. , The difference between the wizard city and the general city is only one is long-term investment, the other is one-time investment. However, because this one-time investment is too large, most guilds can't afford to play the Elf City, and can only build ordinary cities.

As for defense, the wizard city is also very balanced. Although it does not have a city wall, as long as the members of Elf Race have passed their early childhood, almost all will become Peak archers, and a large part of them are archers. After reaching adulthood, the ratio of high-level Martial Artists to wizards in the elves is also quite exaggerated, and because the elves have a simple mind, they don’t want humans to like to fight in the nest, so once a war occurs, the elves in the entire city will instantly be transferred to urban defense. team. From this you can imagine how difficult it is to conquer an elven city. It’s an exaggeration to know that the average large city garrison can have hundreds of thousands of people, but the elven city can easily pull out hundreds of thousands of archers, plus hundreds of thousands of mages and advanced warriors, how do you think such a city can fight? ?

Send an invitation to the Elf Tribe, and we are even a win-win situation. These elves can get a stable and safe residence, and our guild has solved part of the elves population problem.

Because he had promised to be incorporated into our guild, the old elf was not stingy about anything, and straightforwardly pulled out the unrooted scroll from their village treasury. This is Transmission Scroll, directly connected to the nearby wizard city. Although this thing is not valuable in our opinion, it is already considered a valuable item for this tribe. But I have to say that this thing is indeed of great use to us.

Because there are only five scrolls, the number of people must be reduced. The guide function of the north and south and coal is completely useless in that elven city, so the two of them are left here. We have to go to Polsephone and Kristina as representatives of communication. Old Patriarch assigned a man and a woman two elves to accompany us to the elven city over there.

After the scroll was used, we quickly arrived in this elven city. As soon as we exited the Transmission Formation, we immediately felt a breath of fresh and cool air assaults the senses. To be honest, if the construction costs are too scary and the geographical conditions are demanding, the wizard city is simply a perfectionist's paradise.

For example, the area where we are now should be regarded as a tropical area. If it is an ordinary city, such as the stronghold before our guild and the elven tribe before, it should be typical South America. Climate-humid and sultry. But there is no such feeling here. Although there is plenty of water vapor in the air, it doesn't feel humid at all, and naturally there is a cool feeling in the air, which makes people feel that the whole person's spirit has improved, and even the mind has become sober.

In fact, this phenomenon is quite normal in the wizard city, and it is not only tropical, as long as you have a way to build the wizard city, even if you build a wizard city on the North Pole, its The internal environment is absolutely still like this. It is neither cold nor hot, nor dry or wet. It is always maintained at the most comfortable temperature and humidity for the human body.

This constant temperature and humidity effect comes from Tree of Life’s innate talent skill—natural Formation. Within this range, everyone’s body and mind will be moisturized with energy, and not only feel comfortable on the surface. simple. If you are injured, the speed of health recovery in this Formation will be greatly increased, and it can even be more than doubled. There is also that if you fight within the scope of this natural Formation, the EXP increase will be a little bit more than usual. Although it is not obvious, more is more, and this is an additional benefit and does not require you to consume anything. You must know that the things that add experience in the game are all sky-high prices, and you can imagine how fascinating this large-area formation of blessing experience is. It is a pity that the scope of this thing is limited to the range of the Elf City, and the Elf City itself is forbidden to fight. If it is a player's elven city, of course, you can set your own rules, but the current elven cities are almost system cities, so almost all of them can be said to be absolutely forbidden to fight. If you are fighting in the fairy city, you must be prepared to be set up as a hedgehog by a bunch of elves.

"So beautiful!" Kristina exclaimed as soon as she walked out of the Transmission Formation, and the people around didn't look at her. Although there are many players swaying in this city, everyone is accustomed to such exclaims. Almost everyone who comes here at first will have such a reaction. I’ve been to the Elf City before, so it’s okay. Polsephone is because it is a Divine Race and has better concentration. Although Kristina is not the first time to come to the Elf City, she has always been Not the kind of quiet person, her natural reaction is more exaggerated if her personality is more like a child. Of course, Kristina can also be said to be a small child. After all, at her age, even marriage is an illegal age group!

In fact, not only Kristina, but the two elves beside me were also fascinated by the scenery in front of us. Although we are elves, the two who came with us are elves from small tribes. According to the actual situation, they came out of the ravine. And this wizard city is basically equivalent to first-tier cities like Beijing and Shanghai. Therefore, even these two elves are a bit dumbfounded now.

The designers of this wizard city should be specialized in garden decoration, and they are very skilled. For example, the teleportation hall where we are now is a very special structure. The teleportation hall in an ordinary city is a ground-based building, which is a bit more ornate at best. For example, Isinger's teleportation hall is a completely transparent structure. The ground and walls are all crystal, and various guidance messages can be displayed on the ground. The roads are not straight lines, but arch bridges and promenades of various arcs are intertwined in this way, and the overall look is very gorgeous.

The teleportation hall of this elven city is completely different from Isengard’s teleportation hall. Isengard’s teleportation hall is exquisite and gorgeous, but here it is as gorgeous as a flower. . In fact, the entire teleportation hall seems to be a huge flower-like plant. There is a vertical main stem in the center of this plant, and around this main stem are huge leaves that stretch out like petals. Of course, this leaf is not something soft like leaves or petals, but rather sturdy. After all, this is the teleportation hall, which is just like the airport terminal. The flow of people is very large. What if it is not strong enough?

The color of each leaf of this huge flower-like plant is different from bottom to top. When it stretches out, it forms areas. These areas are different transmission coordinate areas, just like the airport terminal. The domestic route is divided into several areas like foreign routes, and the central trunk is a hollow connecting passage with a spiral staircase under the mountain, which allows people to move up and down.

In front of this huge flower teleportation hall is a large group of buildings composed of colorful plants. At first glance, it looks like a large garden. If you look closely, you will find that those plants are actually buildings. The building is a plant, some are flowers and some are mushrooms. Of course, they are all big, but the interior is basically hollow. There are a lot of people flowing in and out, which is very lively.

Cross over the construction areas that are lower than the teleportation hall in front, and then there are some taller plants. Most of those plants are mainly emerald green, but their functions are completely unclear. Behind those buildings, you can see a large blue lake. In the middle of the lake, there is a small island, and the entire island has only one huge Divine Tree that seems to be connected to the world, and that is the Tree of the wizard city. Life is also the foundation of the wizard city. Where there is Tree of Life, it is an elven city. If there is no Tree of Life, even if other conditions are met, it can only be called an elven tribe.

Now the huge Divine Tree stands in front of us, it looks like it’s right in front of us, but compare it with the rainbow beside the Divine Tree and the ant-like crowds below, you can know that the Divine Tree It's still far away from us.

The so-called goes towards the mountain but runs to death the horse. For those big things, you can’t just think it’s close and you really think it’s not far from you. I guess that Tree of Life is away from us The teleportation hall here is at least twenty to thirty kilometers away, which shows how huge the city is.

"It's so beautiful!" After being quiet for a while, Polsephone suddenly exclaimed.

I turned my head and looked towards Polsephone and asked: "If we get enough elven seeds, can you also spawn such a city?"

Polsephone Sephone thought for a while before he said: "If it is completely dependent on my ability, it is okay to spawn, but this time may be very long."

"How long will it take?"

"Originally, with my ability, I might not be able to get such a big city in several decades, but because our guild has a lot of Power of Faith, I can use the Burning Power of Faith. This extravagant way to build this city. In this case, I think it’s about three to five months."

"Three to five months? It takes such a long time?" Chris Dina asked in surprise when she heard our conversation.

Porsephone explained: "I just said that if we completely rely on my ability to give birth. We are not really planning to rely on my ability to give birth. Don’t forget my mother. She is also in our guild now. She used to harvest Goddess. With her help, the speed can definitely be more than doubled. Also, although I haven’t come into contact with the fairy city before, I don’t think I need to independently spawn each tree. Plants."

Porsephone said that the female elf next to here suddenly inserted in and said: "President Purple Moon, you haven’t seen the birth of the elf city, so you don’t know. When the elf city grows, It is to plant the seeds of the Tree of Life first, and then pour some life spring water and magic spring water, and then all the life mages in the clan will work together to give birth to the mother tree of life. As the mother tree of life grows, she will have a continuous life formation Nourish the nearby plants and grow with her, so only the mother tree needs to be spawned to build the Elf City. Moreover, the scope of the Elf City is not fixed. The size of the city depends entirely on the size of the Mother Tree of Life."

"The living city is truly extraordinary." Kristina said: "What do we do now? Where can we get the seeds?"

"Elves seeds, this thing is very important to every elven tribe. Important, but Tree of Life does not grow seeds on its own. Only when the elves ask for the mother tree when needed, then the mother tree will grow seeds.” The other male elves replied.

"So, we need to build a wizard city, do we need a plant to ask for the seeds?" I asked.

The male elf said with a smile: "How could it be. In that case, would we be exhausted? In fact, you don’t need a lot of seeds to build an elf city, just a mother tree seed and a The seeds of the moonwell will do."

"Just two?"

"Of course." The male elf replied: "The mother tree is actually the core of the elf city, with all functions The buildings are all her offspring. So as long as the mother tree grows, you can request the mother tree to grow the required functional buildings as needed. Of course, this process is not as long as you want. There are specific conditions for growing a specific building. After being satisfied, the seeds of the corresponding functional building can be grown, and in the process, the mother tree needs to be supplemented with the magic fountain and the spring of Spring of Life."

After I heard it, I just thought about it for a while. The reason for this. In the final analysis, the elven city is still a city. Although the types are different, system impossible gives you an unlimited city. The mother tree of the elven city may be the limiter, and then it is the same as how many guild points or war value is needed to build a functional building during the construction of a human city. The elven city probably has similar restrictions, but I don’t know whether it consumes guild points. Or something else, it won't be a very simple thing anyway.

"Okay, let's ask for the seed of the mother tree first. Two of you, the task of leading the way is left to you. This is the first time we have come here, and we don't know anything at all!"< /p>

"Don’t worry. We have been here a few times, and we have a special relationship that allows you to see the patriarch here. However, the opponent will definitely not hand over the race easily, after all, we split up. The mother tree seed also has a great influence on the mother tree of life itself, so the other party may have any requirements."

"It's okay." I took Polsephone and counted: "I Even Goddess has brought it, no matter what task he can do."

"Okay, let's go over quickly."

Because I was watching the scenery just now, so We all walked to the edge of the petals of the Teleportation Hall, and now we have to go to the center if we want to go down. After reaching the connection point between the petals and the main trunk, we saw a huge entrance, and after entering, we found that the main trunk was not only a spiral staircase, but divided into five passages. Four of them are stairs, but all of them are one-way streets, only allowed to climb up, not down. The last remaining rotating passage is down, but this one is not a staircase, but a slide. Those who want to go down can just go to the slide and slide down. The speed is very fast and it is very exciting. However, the only drawback is that the sliding speed is too fast. People who react slowly may miss the exit. If you are not planning to leave the teleportation hall, but just think of the next layer of petals, you must prepare in advance, otherwise accidentally miss the exit and you will have to restart. Came up the stairs.

We are all leaving, so don't worry about this, just rush all the way to the end. speaking of which this slide is really exciting, the slope is quite big, said it is a slide, I feel almost like a roller coaster. If this is a bad heart, I don’t know what to do. Anyway, few elderly people would dare to play with this thing.

Probably noticing my doubts, the female elf pointed again after we left the teleportation hall, and then I found that there were still a lot of huge caterpillars under the teleportation hall. Each of these fat insects looks like a small locomotive. They are equipped with a row of seats and people can ride on them. There is an elf in front of them to control the insects. The passengers behind are mostly old people and women. I also saw them next to them. There is an insect carrying hundreds of people climbing the trunk of the plant. It seems that this is a living elevator.

"Unexpectedly there is such a design!"

"There are many magical things in the wizard city. If you are interested, we can introduce it to you." The male elf said.

I thought for a while or shook my head and said, "I'll try to find this after our own city is completed. Let's forget it here. We are in a hurry now!"

"Okay, then let's not delay. Let's go to the mother tree of life over there. The patriarch here must be over there." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian. com) Voting referral votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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