"I have shown the attributes of the defense mother tree. Where do you think it is appropriate?" Because I am not sure where it needs to be placed, I can only ask other people Comments too.

Radamantis is not a decision-making talent, so he did not participate in the discussion about this matter. In the end, Hades and Vina discussed it and thought it was best to put it outside of China. At present, our country belongs to the ruling guild in the country, so there is no problem of enemy invasion at all. In contrast, our overseas cities are frequently attacked, so relatively speaking, it makes more sense to put this defensive mother tree abroad.

Although Vena and Hades had a relatively consistent opinion, in the end I decided to ask Rose and them. After all, this matter is also an important matter in the guild and cannot be decided casually.

After consultation with Rose and the main management of the guild, everyone's opinions are basically the same, and they all think that there is not too much grand competition in the country to retain such an existence. However, according to Rose and Somi's opinion, it is best to keep a defensive mother tree on Isengard Mobile Fortress.

Although Isinger Mobile Fortress is considered a domestic city, it is not fixed. In the previous guild battles, Isinger Mobile Fortress has traveled abroad many times to fight, so if Isinger Mobile Fortress is equipped with a defensive mother tree, its significance is extraordinary. The most important thing is that any weapon on Isengard Mobile Fortress will have a higher utilization rate than other weapon facilities. Therefore, Soomi and the United States both feel that it is necessary to equip a defense mother tree on Isengard Mobile Fortress.

For their proposal, others also found it reasonable, but there was a slight disagreement on the specific arrangements.

The preliminary goals that everyone got after negotiation were Tianyu City, Fulcrum City, Starting Point City, and Isengard Mobile Fortress.

It goes without saying that Isengard Mobile Fortress, as a mobile fortress, it is necessary to equip it with high-power attack weapons.

Although Tianyu City has always been very peaceful since its establishment, and has hardly been attacked on a large scale, Tianyu City is extraordinary. As the main hub of the Bank’s communication with the European region, Sky City, which has a transnational Transmission Formation, has a strategic significance far greater than the city’s own interests. Therefore, the defense of Tianyu City is very important. However, judging from the previous situation, even if Tianyu City is equipped with a defensive mother tree, it is estimated that it is mostly in an idle state.

The remaining two goals are Fulcrum City and Starting Point City.

The Fulcrum City is the forward base of our Frost Rose League in Japan. As the only stronghold of the Chinese regional forces in Japan, the Fulcrum City is of extraordinary significance in all aspects. According to this situation, it is necessary for Guiding City to build a defensive mother tree, and it is even reasonable to arrange more. However, this is an external situation. Because of Masaka Matsumoto, Japan is actually our puppet. Although Japanese players don't know it, this is a fact after all. If the defense mother tree is built in Japan, although the utilization rate will be very high, considering that the war between us and Japan is almost always acting, so it always feels a bit wasteful to put the defense mother tree in Japan.

The last target starting city is the only city where our guild is located in the United States with territorial rights. Our guild currently owns three cities in the United States, but the other two are leased cities. Although the cities themselves were built by us, we originally wanted to avoid stimulating Americans to cause a stronger backlash. Therefore, the nationalities of these two cities are They have not changed to Chinese cities, but still default to American cities. This kind of city ownership is in our guild, but it will not form a national territory. The country's Divine Race has no right to intervene in the war here, and it will not increase the belief range of the country's Divine Race. Of course, because we have not set up Chinese nationality, the American Free Divine Race cannot attack these two cities. After all, from the system point of view, these two cities are still American cities.

The starting point city is different from the two cities. It is a sovereign city, which means that the territory within and outside the starting point city is regarded as Chinese territory. This is also the reason why the starting point city has been attacked by the Americans almost every day since its establishment, because it has been regarded as a real aggression. Of course, although American players don’t like the existence of Starting Point City very much, and are constantly attacking it, but because I have reached an understanding with the Poseidon Club, Rainbow Alliance, and Divine Spear Alliance, these three major US guilds basically High Level therefore defaulted to the existence of Starting Point City. It is precisely because these three guilds did not participate that several other large American guilds were not very concerned about the deportation war in the starting point. In this way, there is no large guild to take the lead, and only the scattered small guilds and guilds. Individual players can't do much harm to us.

In view of the above situation, on the surface, building a defense mother tree in Starting Point City is a very correct choice. After all, there are constant wars here, and the use rate of the defense mother tree must be very high, so that the ability to defend the mother tree will not be wasted. However, if you think about it comprehensively, you will find that the starting point city is actually the place where the defense mother tree cannot be placed.

The starting point city can be preserved to the present because it has the tacit approval of the major guilds in the United States. In my understanding of these guilds, Starting Point City may be closer to an embassy-like existence. It mainly serves as a bridge. Just like the prevailing laws of various countries, the embassy established by a country in another country is regarded as the land of the other country within the scope of the embassy. Because the embassy is considered an overseas country, in order to defend the country, it is understandable to deploy the country's military power in the embassy. Of course, considering the particularity of the embassy, ​​most countries will only symbolically deploy a small number of armed personnel in the embassy, ​​and will not really turn the embassy into a military fortress. This is disrespect for other countries.

Starting Point City is now the embassy of our Frost Rose League in the United States. The only difference is that it has a slightly larger area. For special reasons in the game, we built it into Fortress City, but its defense is only for scattered players. In the eyes of the Rainbow Alliance and the Divine Spear Alliance, this kind of defense is only a limited defense, just like the embassy of a general country collects some guns. This can only be regarded as a self-defense weapon. However, the formidable power of the defensive mother tree is too large and the attack range is wide. If we set up the defensive mother tree in the starting point, it is basically the same as setting up a rocket launcher cluster in the embassy. You tell people that this is for defense, do you think someone can believe?

After Rose raised the issue of Starting Point City, everyone realized that Starting Point City is not suitable for placing defense mother trees, so there are only three remaining four defense mother trees that need to be placed. NS. However, these three cities have to be divided into four trees, which is a bit difficult to divide. First of all, one tree in a city is affirmative, but where the extra tree is placed, everyone has quarreled. However, the quarrel mainly focused on Fulcrum City and Isengard Mobile Fortress. No one wanted to build it in Tianyu City, after all. Relatively speaking, the side is relatively safe. Putting a defensive mother tree is already beyond the standard, and one more is a waste.

Because the number of defense mother trees for Isengard Mobile Fortress and Pointing City has been undecided, in the end everyone had to expand the opinion gathering area to allow slightly higher level players in the guild to participate in the decision-making. Of course, we have no time to explain to you the attributes of the defense mother tree. We just briefly introduced that this is something similar to a fortress cannon and let everyone decide where to place it.

Originally, we meant to let everyone help determine whether it will be placed in Isengard Mobile Fortress or Fulcrum City, but after so many players participated, not only did we cancel any answer for us, but It is to give us another answer.

Everyone knows that because our guild is a multinational guild, and there are forces in all parts of the world, there are more and more complicated things. As guild leaders, we have a lot of work, and naturally it is impossible to take care of everything. Usually the big patriarch should pay attention to the situation of several main War Zones. For some non-main surrounding areas, the agency system is generally adopted, that is, a group of players with leadership skills are assigned to form a small council, and then they themselves Make up your mind, you only need to report when you encounter a particularly large incident, otherwise you don’t need to notify us.

Because of this management system, where exactly our guild’s power has penetrated, sometimes we don’t know ourselves. I just wanted the members to help decide which city to put the defense mother tree in, but a few players in the expanded meeting actually proposed a new idea.

The player who put forward this opinion is the player in charge of South America. As everyone knows, South America is not very developed, and the fighting is not very fierce. Our guild currently has a sovereign city and an affiliated city in South America, but the scale is very small, mainly used as a liaison station. In addition, we are currently developing tourism in South America, so many players will travel to South America. However, as more players go to travel, the players in charge of managing over there gradually find that the location of the city established there is not very good, so they have recently planned to build a super city in the tropical rainforest of South America.

This city is currently only a plan, and construction has not yet begun, but the preliminary survey has been completed. According to the survey report, although this target area has a lot of tourism and other types of resources, once a city is established, it will definitely be the rich Feng Shui Treasure Land. However, this place is very troublesome, that is, the surrounding monsters and monsters. NPC forces are tangled and complicated, and they are all extremely offensive. To put it simply, this place is rich in resources, but wars continue, so to build a city here requires a strong defense force. Considering that this city will be developed as a tourist center in the future, a fortified fortress is not appropriate.

The current plan of those players is to build a spirit city directly there based on the environment here, that is, a city composed entirely of spirit plants. This kind of city looks like a forest from the sky, and it can't be more harmonious when placed in a tropical rain forest.

Because these players plan to build an elven city, they heard that a tree with super offensive and defensive capabilities was needed, and they immediately mentioned the city that was still in the planning stage. come out.

Although this city is only a plan at present, Rose immediately strongly supported the placement of the defense mother tree after seeing the fiscal revenue forecast in the city’s assessment report. Although we were still a bit hesitant, considering that this is also a good plan, we finally settled on it.

"Then, it is finally decided that the four defense mother trees will be placed in Isengard Mobile Fortress, Tianyu City, Fulcrum City, and new cities that have not yet been established."

Confirmed the construction site. Then the next step is to move the positions of the four mother trees. This is simple for us. First, let the military god only pull out the roots of the four defense mother trees from the ground, and then a few Divine Race help to put down the defense mother tree, and then carry it into the gate of the earth. I want to put the defensive mother tree now, as long as I teleport it and get the defensive mother tree out.

After getting this done, Hades and the others left first. Anyway, nothing happened to them afterwards, but Ladamantes still followed me, because afterwards, he defended the mother tree to produce Banshee. He needs his assistance.

Leaving the underworld with Radamantis, we first returned to Isengard, and then went directly to Isengard Mobile Fortress. Considering that the central part of Isinger Mobile Fortress was occupied by the temple and the command center, we finally placed the defense mother tree in the center of the central square on Isinger Mobile Fortress. This so-called central square is actually not the center of the city, but the opposite of the port area leaning toward Isengard's mobile fortress. If Isengard Mobile Fortress moves, this direction should be considered to be in front of Isengard Mobile Fortress, and the port side belongs to the back.

After placing the defensive mother tree on the central square, the defensive mother tree immediately pierced its roots into the ground. Although the defense mother tree is under the command of the military god at this time, there are not many things controlled by the army's divine ability to take root. Therefore, after the defense mother tree is rooted, the entire central square is messed up by the defense mother tree, and the surrounding ground is a lot of things. It was lifted, and several buildings were collapsed, and the root system below actually penetrated the isolation board on the ground floor and entered the lower urban area. For these root systems, we have nothing to do. Fortunately, after the roots are completed, they will not move anymore, so we only need to repair the damaged parts.

Finish the defensive mother tree of Isengard Mobile Fortress, and the next one is the one in Tianyu City. Compared with Isengard Mobile Fortress, it is relatively easy here. After all, Tianyu City is a ground city, and there are not many buildings inside the city, so the rooting work is just to make the surrounding ground no longer level. No additional damage was caused.

The two defense mother trees are placed, and the next target is the pivot city. Regarding the location of the defensive mother tree here, we decided not to be too close to the city wall after a little consideration. Originally, the defensive power of the mother tree is the most appropriate to be placed on the front line. However, considering the peculiarities of the Fulcrum City environment, I am worried that there may be a need to play with Masaga Matsumoto in the future, and then let Japanese players break through the probability of outer defense, so it is not appropriate to put the defense mother tree on the front line. Finally, we decided to place the defense mother tree 100 meters behind the 3rd city wall of Guiding City. This is the 3rd city wall. Even if we want to play with Masaka Matsumoto, it should not be enough for Japanese players to break through this position on a large scale, and if we really need to do that, it basically means that we have given up on Fulcrum City. Since we are all planning to abandon the Fulcrum City, we will naturally remove the defense mother tree in advance, so it's safer to put it in this position.

Although this planting site is behind the 3rd city wall of Fulcrum City, in fact, in front of the defense mother tree is the Yimapingchuan, and there is no city wall at all.

In fact, I'm not sure whether the current pivot city is the tenth or tens of pivot cities. Don't think that Baqi Orochi hasn't been to Isengard during this period of time, and that he has slept here. That guy is not the master of peace. Recently, Fulcrum City was destroyed several times by Japanese players under the strong intervention of Baqi Orochi, but our guild can use the broken city protection provided by the system to snatch it back and rebuild the city's foundation every time. In this situation, the Japanese players are also very helpless, but because of the command of the Yaqi Orochi, those hot Japanese players have been continuously attacking Fulcrum City like injected with chicken blood during this period of time, so we must continue to do so. Rebuild the city.

Because of the repeated loss of cities recently, now the pivot city will become like the Ancient Ruins. Although the position where we are standing used to be behind the third city wall, now we can only see the pedestal of the city wall besides the large pieces of rubble. As for the surrounding houses...Anyway, I glanced at it. Except for a few functional buildings that the system requires to maintain the existence of the city, all the other houses are just a pile of ruins. This is the current fulcrum city, almost a city on ruins.

"Before I thought it was a bit wasteful to put the defense mother tree here, but now it seems that it really needs it!" Looking at the ruins full of eyes, I now have a lot of species to catch the eight-headed snake and ravage it. Some impulse. Of course, if the Baqi Orochi would really come out to attack Fulcrum City, I would probably be the one who was ravaged! But this does not prevent me from resenting the eight-pointed snake. Finally, now Masaga Matsumoto controls the hearts of most Japanese players. Seeing that the situation is going well, didn't expect the eight-headed snake, a dung-stirring stick, was born very vacant. It was so clear that the situation in Japan was mixed into one. The mud in the pond has made us not only unable to extract a large amount of profit from the Japanese region, but we have to continue to put money into it to strengthen our defense. It's all because of that damn eight-pointed snake, can't you say I don't hate him? It's a pity that Baqi Orochi is holding a divine force core in his hand. I can't beat him for the time being, so now I can only bear it! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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