Attack and defense are just the basic abilities of these trees. They also have two abilities, namely production and guarding.

After the previous battle, Ladamantis had already lost hope for the cultivation of the Queen of Blades, but after seeing these two attributes, he suddenly became excited because of this. The production attribute among the two attributes is the kind of ability we originally hoped to obtain.

From the current situation, these plants still retain the basic ability of the mother's nest, that is, they can produce a large number of accessory creatures, which are the corresponding eagle-body Banshee creatures. It's just... At present, the four plants in front of you seem to have mutated a little bit, and they have completely separated from the eagle Banshee series and become a completely independent new species.

The production attribute in those two attributes now corresponds to a creature called Banshee. The name of this creature has no prefix, which is a special naming rule. In most cases, the names of creatures in "Zero" can express their characteristics to a certain extent, and such names without prefixes are generally either unique special species or representative species. For example, the common devil beast such as demon wolf has no prefix in their names, and the prefixes such as Wind Demon Wolf or frost demon wolf are all varieties of demon wolf in a certain area and belong to a small branch of the demon wolf system. , And the independent name demon wolf is its representative species. This naming method is similar to the naming method of dogs and bears in reality, and representative creatures do not need prefixes or suffixes to be specially labeled.

Banshee series of creatures can be said to be very many in the game, such as the Hanas Banshee that we have only encountered before and many species of the eagle Banshee series, they are all Banshee, and The species classification does not really matter much. The only thing in common is that all creatures called Banshee must have female-like physical characteristics, at least the body must be close, so that they can be called Banshee. But just because these Banshees use external characteristics as the naming rule, there is often no direct connection between their species. So, based on this situation, the name Banshee is obviously not as simple as a representative creature.

According to the naming rules, since Banshee is not a representative creature, it is a unique special species.

The so-called unique special species means that this species does not have branches, and its attributes are generally exaggerated. However, this exaggeration refers to the fact that the attributes or characteristics of a certain aspect or aspects are exaggerated, and it does not mean that this creature must be very strong.

The name of the species like the fairy in the West is a unique species name, and its meaning is different from that of the fairy in China. In the West, goblins refer specifically to creatures like goblins, not a collection of certain types of creatures. Western fairies look a lot like goblins, but from the perspective of race relations, they are actually closer to fairies. Although the physical appearance of the two can almost be said to be two extremes, it can be seen from their shared pointed ears that the two species actually share a common ancestor.

These four trees can produce creatures like Banshee, and now it appears that this Banshee Eight Achievement is a unique species like fairies, and its attributes are estimated to be the same as fairies. Many attributes are exaggerated. However, in any case, being able to produce unique species is itself quite an ability of cattle.

Because Banshee has not been generated yet, we cannot see Banshee's attributes for the time being, but the guard attribute below can be seen.

According to the attributes displayed by the military god, these four trees have another ability called guarding, and its effect is similar to that of production, but the result is different. Production is to produce Banshee, and then Banshee has no affiliation with these trees themselves. The two are two independent individuals. Guarding attributes is also realized by producing combat units, but unlike Banshee produced by producing attributes, which are independent individuals, the creatures produced by guarding attributes are non-independent creatures called guardians.

We don’t know the specific image of the guards for the time being. After all, no guards have been produced now, but we can see the attributes of these guys. According to attributes, the guardian should be a combat unit with super defensive power. The defensive power of these guys may be lower than mine. According to the average attribute of current players, the defensive power of these guys may be higher than the MT defense in most teams, and the lives of these guys are also exaggerated. To the point, it is simply an invincible shield. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are active city walls.

Of course, the Guardians are not a fully developed invincible existence, these guys have obvious flaws. The first is that the attack power of these guys is very average. Although not low, it is the level of ordinary players and does not pose too much threat to high-level personnel. Secondly, the attack methods of these guards seem to be mid-to-short range combat. It should be said that they are mainly close combat and can carry out short-range projection attacks. This method of attack is a bit monotonous, and if fighting independently, this defect can easily be used to restrain their combat units alive and dead. Of course, the guards don't have to worry about this, because they don't need to fight independently. The task of these guys is to protect the matrix, which is the tree. By the way, the system name of this evolutionary tree is actually called the mother tree, but the prefix is ​​called defense, which is connected to the defense mother tree.

As the guards of the defense mother tree, the guards do not charge ahead and cause much damage to the enemy. Their task is to keep the enemy from approaching the 50-meter blind zone of the defense mother tree, so the attack is flawed. Although it is also a defect to them, it is of little significance. As long as they can block the enemy, the defensive mother tree can naturally tap off those enemies one by one like a sniper. After all, the beam attack of the defensive mother tree is really abnormal. I can't get close to such a powerful attribute. I want to know what the general player is like.

In fact, the job of the guards is not just to protect and defend the mother tree, they also have a job to pick up corpses. The player picking up the corpse is actually picking up equipment, but the guard picking up the corpse is actually picking up the corpse, because the defense mother tree can eat meat. "Zero" no longer refreshes the corpse during the last system update. Now the corpses of players or wild creatures can only be wiped off by relying on natural decay or the help of other players to bury the corpse, otherwise the corpse will not disappear. . When the battlefield is so busy, naturally no one has time to bury the corpse, and it is going to decay or something. The time on the battlefield is obviously not enough. Even if the process is accelerated in the game, the corpse will never be decayed every three to five days. of. Therefore, it is normal to accumulate corpses on the battlefield, and for the defense mother tree, it is all food. As a carnivorous plant, the defense mother tree is not picky. It can eat any kind of meat, and it can restore a lot of health and magic power through eating. Simply speaking, these defensive mother trees use corpses as blood and magic bottles.

Unfortunately, eating corpses is too disgusting, otherwise I want this skill. After a battle, the corpses on the entire battlefield can be used as magic bottles and blood bottles. Most people simply can’t fight with you. I feel that there is not enough blood. Just grab a corpse and eat two bites... Forget it, humans are still not suitable for this kind of blood supply Way.

After reading the general attributes of this guardian, we continued to check down the other attributes of the defense mother tree. The ability to defend the mother tree seems to be much more than that. I was still thinking that this thing has such a high attack power, if it can be transplanted into the city, it can be used as a defensive weapon. But because the height of the defense mother tree itself is a bit scary, I never thought about transplanting this thing before, but didn't expect now actually found an attribute in the attribute saying that the defense mother tree can be moved.

Probably because this defensive mother tree originally evolved from the brood of the eagle Banshee, and the brood of the eagle Banshee is actually a half plant and half animal thing, so the defense mother tree also has many animal characteristics. Like eating meat directly before, this is an animal characteristic, and there are not many plants with this ability. In addition, the production capacity of this defensive mother tree should also be regarded as animal characteristics. After all, Banshee's attributes should not be classified as plants, and the creatures that can produce animals should be regarded as animals, so the defensive mother tree is at least half of it. Plants and semi-animal creatures.

This ability to move is obviously one of the effects of this feature. According to the tree shape, the defense mother tree can extract all its roots from the soil when necessary, and then use its roots to move like a big octopus going ashore. Of course, the defensive mother tree has many plant characteristics after all, so its moving speed is quite slow. But this is not a problem for us, as long as it can guarantee that it will not die from the soil, we have at least dozens of ways to quickly transport it to the place where it is needed. However, this ability is usually used to arrange the garrison position of the defense mother tree. It is unrealistic for you to expect it to become a mobile fortress on the battlefield.

According to the attribute introduction, it takes about ten minutes for the defense mother tree to extract the root system from the soil and enter the mobile state, and the time required to return to the fixed form from the mobile state is longer than this, which takes a full hour. Just work. In addition, when the defensive mother tree is in a deformed and moving state, it has no way to attack, which means that once the defensive mother tree leaves the ground, it will lose its battle strength, so we can only arrange its position in advance and fight. After the start, it must not be allowed to move.

After reading this attribute about mobility, the following is some information about cultivation and upgrade methods.

According to these tips, this defense mother tree is currently only Level 1. What we see at this level is root pain. Have you ever seen a creature that is capable of Divine Race at Level 1? I have seen it now.

According to the prompt, the way to upgrade the defense mother tree is the same as ours. It is upgraded by EXP, but there are more ways to get the EXP of the defense mother tree. The normal way to get EXP first is the kill reward in battle. This is the same as the experience gained by the player from killing the target when fighting. The second way is more alternative, and that is to use production attributes. According to our understanding, this means that you can also take experience when you have a child. Of course, the defensive mother tree gave birth to Banshee, not a small tree. We simply calculated the experience produced by this production and came to a conclusion that the experience gained from the production capacity of the defense mother tree is likely to become its main source of EXP.

In addition to the above two, there is another way to gain EXP for the defense mother tree is to eat. This food includes many kinds. The corpse on the battlefield is one of them. Of course, alive can be eaten, and it is more effective than a corpse. In addition to the corpses of various creatures, magic crystals, various gems, rare materials, magic equipment or props, all of which can be eaten as food, and EXP can be obtained in large quantities.

Although there are many ways to obtain this EXP, after reading the total amount of EXP of this guy, we have roughly thought that this thing is unlikely to be upgraded by how many levels, and the reason is because of the amount of EXP required for this guy to upgrade Too big. But on the other hand, this defense mother tree Level 1 is so awesome. If you can go out and practice for a few hours just like a player, you can go from Level 1 to Level 20. Then in a few weeks, it will not become a star-killing weapon? When the moon comes to you, when the time comes, how dare we use it. What should I do if I hit the enemy casually and accidentally blasted Earth off halfway? Therefore, it is normal for this defense mother tree to be difficult to upgrade.

After understanding the basic characteristics of this defense mother tree, we focused on the reason for the mutation of this defense mother tree, but there is no explanation about this in the attribute. Experience seems to be useless. In the end, analysis and analysis can only be attributed to water and soil problems.

Ladamantis used to experiment in the underworld of Greece, but now it is in the underworld of China. Although according to the setting of "Zero", the underworld of various countries is actually in the underworld. In the same world, it is only blocked by the sea of ​​silence, but just as the characteristics of plants in reality change to a certain degree after they change their growth place, this defense mother tree should also have a special growth state for this reason. , As for the specific factors that caused this variation, we can't confirm it. Moreover, there is a problem here, that is, the defense mother tree is an independent species, and there is uniqueness, which means that no matter what method we use in the future, we will never be able to plant a fifth defense mother tree. This thing is only four in the world. You can never expect to see the fifth defensive mother tree unless you use the anti-treasure that can change the law of cause and effect like the wishing fruit.

After we studied the attributes and mutations of the defense mother tree, I asked the army god to turn off the attribute display, and the army god immediately asked me: "Should I move the defense mother tree now? "

Although we have not discussed this issue before, since the defensive mother tree has the same ability as a fortress gun, and it has the ability to move, it is obviously not appropriate to leave it here. This place is located behind the Netherworld, and there are simply no enemies here, so leaving the defense mother tree here is a waste of resources. The army god asked me if I wanted to move the defensive mother tree, but actually he also asked me where to put the defensive mother tree.

I also hesitated a bit about this question. If a player from the layman's guild is asked this kind of question, he must think it should be placed on Isinger, because all the players think that the main city of our guild is Isinger, except for the senior members of the guild. But in fact, after the completion of the City of Commandments, the main guild city of our guild has become the City of Commandments instead of Isengard. Although Isengard is now the military, political, and economic center of our guild, the guild main city recognized by the system is the city we applied for and not based on our actual usage.

For most guilds, they have acquired powerful defense facilities such as the defensive mother tree. Of course, they are immediately installed in their main city, but now I feel that whether it is in Isengard or the City of Commandment It is necessary and wasteful.

The City of Discipline is the main city of our guild. It is of great significance. Among them, there are important facilities such as the Ring of Discipline that need to be protected. Therefore, it is certain that the City of Commandment needs to defend the mother tree. In addition, it is possible to attack the City of Discipline only Divine Race, and the defense mother tree happens to have the ability to kill Divine Race, which determines that the defense mother tree can give full play to its role in the City of Discipline.

Those above are the reasons why I want to put the defense mother tree in the city of commandments, but I also don't want to put the defense mother tree in the city of commandments. The reason for this is that the City of Discipline doesn't seem to need defensive power at all, and putting too much stuff is basically a waste.

As a device to support and manage the laws of the world, the Ring of Discipline itself is the strongest weapon. Although this thing is still a bit problematic to use, almost no one can actually threaten it. Besides, the City of Discipline now has elite units from different Divine Races stationed in the city to be responsible for defense tasks. Any Divine Race who wants to attack the City of Discipline will be besieged by all other Divine Races. This determines that the City of Discipline is simply a city. No one dared to touch the dynamite barrel. After all, no Divine Race dares to boast that it can fight all other Divine Race joint attacks on Earth.

Because of the excessive defense power of the City of Commandment, the defense mother tree is almost useless here, which makes me not want to put the defense mother tree here.

Isinger's situation is similar. The reason for wanting to be in Isinger is obvious. As the representative city of the guild, here is where our core interests lie, so it is important to strengthen defense. Moreover, Isinger has not only been attacked, but there are still many people staring at it so far, so Isinger is in great need of defense. As for the reason why I didn't want to put the defense mother tree in Isengard, it was actually the same as I didn't want to put it in the City of Commandments. Although Isinger has been stared at, with the gradual growth of our guild, it is now difficult for Isinger to be directly threatened. This determines that the utilization rate of the defensive mother tree here is still very low.

Should the defense mother tree be placed in another city? This needs to be considered carefully. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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