After the recycling of the parts was completed, the rest of the matter would naturally be dealt with. After we confirmed that the prisoners were under control, we decisively evacuated the scene. While we were leaving, a large number of police and engineering convoys drove to the scene, and then demolished the house while conducting confidentiality and persuasion to the people on the scene.

This place was originally a village in the city. Sooner or later, it was going to be rebuilt. We broke out a large-scale battle here. All the bullets and missile shrapnel were basically impossible to recover, so the easiest way is to put all of them here. Raze and then rebuild a residential area so that no one can find any traces of fighting. As for the explosion sound in the previous battle, this can be explained by the explosion of the liquefied gas tank. By the way, it can also be used as an excuse to emphasize the safety hazards caused by the illegal use of the liquefied gas tank by the residents of the village in the city, so that it is convenient to explain why the sudden reconstruction was carried out. . As for the sealing problems of the residents of Growing Village, this is also very simple.

In the previous battle, I let Xiaochun use EMP impact to destroy all the electrical equipment in this village in the city, so the opponent won't have any video or image data. Nowadays, there is a popular saying on the Internet called "no picture, no truth", so it is impossible to rely on these people's empty words. In addition, although there are many residents in the villages in the city, most of the people living in this place are foreign workers. In fact, these people work much harder than the locals every day. Their work is generally not a construction site worker or a milk delivery person or a courier. work. Because of the special needs of these jobs, most of the residents in the villages in the city go out very early. Perhaps most white-collar office workers think that they are already working hard when they get up at 5 or 6 o'clock. They don't know that many of these foreign workers have already left the house at 3 or 4 in the morning.

Because of the special nature of this area, there were not many residents here when we were fighting, and not all of these people saw what happened. Most of them just heard the gunshots exactly, and most of them didn't see them fully even if they witnessed the battle. Most of these people stopped talking about this matter because of the password closure. Even if a few people say it, because there is no definite evidence and no more testimony, it is impossible to cause much concern.

We don’t need to take care of the aftermath, but the prisoners must be taken away. These people have had direct contact with us, some of them may have discovered the difference between us and humans, so they must all be taken away. They are different from the residents of their own country. These people themselves are spies. Of course, they cannot be treated in the same way as the residents of their own country.

Although many prisoners were caught this time, most of them have been killed. Of course, the corpses do not need to be taken away. We only took away only a dozen lucky people, and at least one of them Most of them are injured.

The security forces who arrived later were planning to lend us a car, but after thinking about it, I refused. The group of prisoners were directly thrown into several cars by us. Although a little crowded, it did not affect the driving.

It was almost noon when we returned to the base. Someone was waiting for us on the base. Throwing all the prisoners to the security in the base, and then handing the core parts to a team of researchers, and after saying hello to Nuwa, I hurried back to the armory to unload the equipment and return to my room. I couldn't wait to log in to the game.

Actually, I was so anxious mainly because I wanted to see how the Queen of Blades was nurtured by Radamantis. According to Radamantis's previous statement, the breeding speed of the Queen of Blades is actually very fast, and the real limit to their number is the consumption of materials rather than the speed of reproduction. It's been half a day since we performed tasks outside, and if Ladamantis was fast enough, this might have been cultivated by the Queen of Blades.

As soon as I went online, I went straight to the place where I opened up a training base with Ladamantis before, and this will be our guild’s Queen of Blade cultivation base in the future. As for the Netherworld River Banshee...Who needs the Netherworld River Banshee if there is the Queen of Blades?

"Ladamantes, what is this?" As soon as I saw Ladamantes, I immediately noticed that there were four lush and green trees beside him. It can be said that there is almost no obvious difference between this tree and ordinary trees. The straight trunks and luxuriant foliage, apart from the height is a bit scary, seemingly nothing special. However, the more it is, the more weird it is, because if I remember correctly, the kind of Queen of Blade Lair that Radamantis mentioned before should not be like this!

Radamantis, who was discussing something with the gods there, heard my voice and immediately turned around. When I walked to him, he said with a gloomy expression: "I I don’t know what’s going on! I have done everything in accordance with the previous records, and I have checked every added material in detail. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it, but the things that grow out are actually the same as what I have planted before. That kind of brood is completely different."

"Do you mean that these four big trees are actually our four broods?"

Radamantis is difficult Nodded, and then said: "I really cultivated the four brood splits, but I don’t know what exactly is growing now. From the outside, this thing is a very normal tree. Except for the super high internal energy density and the exaggerated height, it is no different from common trees."

"You said this thing has super high energy density?"

Lada Mantis nodded and said: "I checked before that the energy density inside this thing has surpassed the energy density in my own body. Considering the size of this thing, if it is an active creature, it is estimated that I will fight it. When you get up, you have to be shot on the ground."

"Have you found that this thing is offensive?"

"So far, I haven't found it, and this thing seems to be a A normal tree basically has no structure that can move, so I think it’s unlikely that this thing has such an ability even if it wants to attack anyone."

"Then you have observed this Do things have the ability to reproduce? This thing is reproduced with brood splits. There should always be some basic functions?"

The brood is a biological incubator. Extracting energy and substances from the environment, on the other hand, producing corresponding appendages and replicating itself are the basic characteristics of the brood. No matter how much the thing that looks like a tree mutates, shouldn't this most basic function still exist?

Although my wishes are good, it is a pity that many things cannot be determined by human wishes. Ladamantis directly shook his head and said: "At present, I haven't found any signs of reproduction of this thing anyway. The creatures of the eagle-body Banshee series rely on nests to reproduce. However, there is nothing on this big tree that looks like a breeding cavity. Therefore, it is preliminarily judged that this thing may not have the ability to produce affiliated individuals. However, it is not certain for the time being, because this thing is still growing, and there is no intention to stop it. I estimate that there should be some changes after it is fully mature Yes."

Radamantis was talking here, and suddenly someone screamed over there. "Ladamantis, look now, that thing is blooming!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is My biggest motivation.)

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