There are many flowering trees. For example, the famous Japanese cherry blossom is a kind of flower that blooms on the tree. There is nothing strange about it. However, what is strange now is that what we planted is a brood, and the original body of this thing evolved from the noisy Banshee's nest in the Banshee classification of eagles. But the problem is, whether it is a normal brood nest or a noisy nest, or even any of the eagle-body Banshee series creatures, they have never heard that their nests will bloom. This is totally incompatible with what we planted.

Of course, although the blooming of the mother nest that shouldn’t be blooming is a very strange thing, but also not something unacceptable, the only problem is when we see the blooming mother nest Only then did I find that the flowers blooming in this thing are very weird.

Although there are many flowering trees, have you ever seen a way to bloom a huge flower on the tip of a tree? The plants generated after the mother nest mutated resemble metasequoias, with straight trunks and extremely tall trees. Although the extension of the branches is not large, the height is very exaggerated. If it weren't for the lack of horizontal branches, this thing could almost be compared with the Tree of Life of the elves. But now, just at the top of this big tree, a huge flower with a diameter of more than one meter blooms, and the flower is still growing, and it is not completely shaped.

"When did that thing appear?" We immediately asked Radamantis as soon as we arrived at the scene.

A Pluto who helped to observe said: "Just before one minute. This thing grows very fast, it will grow to this size, and it is still growing."

< p>"Do you know what it is?" I turned my head and asked Radamantis.

Radamantis looked at the flowers on the tip of the tree and shook his head and said: "If it was before, I would know a little bit, but now I have no idea. This thing has been compared with the original mother. The nest has no similarities. I really can’t be sure what will happen to it."

"Then don’t worry. I don’t know what this thing will become anyway, just let it Let it grow naturally. When it blooms, you will know the result."

Although the method of doing it is just waiting, but now it seems that there is no other way. I don't know what that flower is, what do you think we are going to do with it?

Fortunately, that flower hasn't been growing forever. After about two minutes, the flower finally stopped growing completely, but at this time the diameter of the flower bone has reached more than four meters and five, which is definitely a giant flower.

With the formation of the flower bones, Ladamantes and I, who had been looking up at the buds on the tip of the tree, as well as the surrounding gods who helped me, suddenly lowered their heads at the same time and looked towards the roots of the tree. Although there is no sign from the outside, there are no ordinary creatures in the field. Except for me, a player who is better than most Divine Races, the rest are Divine Races, which are very sensitive to energy. Although there is no change in appearance at the root of the tree at this time, all of us present feel that there is a large amount of energy gathering at the root of the tree, and the density is getting higher and higher, and the gathering speed is also very fast. Normally, in just a few seconds, this energy intensity has surpassed most of the Divine Races present, reaching the energy level of Ladamantis, and this energy does not mean to stop expanding, but it is still increasing.

"Are we going to hide a little bit?" Staring at the increasing energy, I asked Radamantis with some worry.

Ladamantis didn’t care much at first, but the energy intensity of this thing surpassed his own energy intensity in only ten seconds, and now even he dare not stay in place. At the same time, nodded quickly agreed, and at the same time ordered all the surrounding gods to retreat.

Those gods have already felt that powerful energy fluctuations and want to run away, but because Ladamantes and I have not moved here, they dare not run first, and now they are given orders. Of course, he turned and ran right away.

The place originally chosen by us as the breeding base for the Queen of Blades is located behind the Yama Palace that is under construction. The linear distance between its location and the closest base point of the Yama Palace is about seven or eight kilometers. Ordinarily, this distance is not too close, so we all retreated to the Yama Palace here and waited for the follow-up changes. Anyway, this place is far enough, and because the mutated brood over there is very tall, you can clearly see the flowers on the tip of the tree even if it is seven or eight kilometers apart, and you can feel the crazy condensed energy at the roots. .

"Damn it, what is this thing going to do?" Ladamantes, who was not very nervous before, would be really anxious, but the things in front of him are completely unknown, so even if he is anxious We can only wait and don't know what to do. Besides, we are sure that the thing is impossible to accumulate energy in this way. It must be saturated. I just hope that it will never play self-destruct with me when it reaches the peak of energy. With the energy level of this thing, if we self-destruct here, we must not die, but the problem is that the new Yama Palace that is about to be completed must be rebuilt, which is not the result we hope to see. Besides, this thing is really going to explode, Pluto and I are definitely not afraid, but those ghosts can't withstand such formidable power. To put it bluntly, this place is still the site of Celestial Court, we are just contracting it. Normally, it’s nothing to consume hundreds of dead souls, but if this is to get hundreds of thousands of dead souls the soul flew away and scattered, then Celestial Court must be investigated. Even for the sake of my face, it is estimated that this matter is not easy to solve.

"Get rid of it, don't self-destruct!" I muttered and looked at the energy intensity displayed at the corner of my eye with concern. This is the special ability attached to the equipment, which can accurately read the energy intensity of the target. Of course, the premise is that the other party has no shielding measures.

Radamantis also knew that I had this ability, so he looked at the energy group over there and asked: "How many readings did you get there?"

"Seven One and a half million."

"Standard units?"

"No, Divine Race units."


The so-called standard unit is the standard energy intensity, this thing is common to magic, because magic is also a kind of energy. A standard energy unit is the energy corresponding to a magic point. The Divine Race unit is similar to the standard unit, but this is the standard established by Divine Race. A unit of Divine Race unit is a divine force point, and because the equivalent divine force point is equal to ten times the strength of the magic power, a divine force unit is ten. A unit of magic power, which means that the energy intensity of this thing is already equal to the energy intensity of 75 million points of magic power.

How huge might 75 million points of magic power be? One reference that is easier to understand is my self-destruct skill. I have a self-destruct skill called'Absolute Order', which allows me to instantly release all the magic power in my body for self-destruct. The formidable power of this skill was fixed at first, but later as my ability was upgraded, this skill became to determine the formidable power based on my own magic power and health points. To put it simply, the lethality generated when this skill is activated is equal to the total amount of magic points and health in my whole body. This value is not my remaining mana and life value, but calculated according to my life and mana upper limit. After all, this is a self-destruct skill, an ability to overdraw life and magic, so I can directly output my magic and life limit instead of the existing magic and health.

According to the introduction in this skill, the conversion unit is like this. One point of health can be exchanged for three points of mana, and finally, after all the health is exchanged for mana, plus the upper limit of my mana, the value obtained is the energy value. The relationship between this energy value and explosive power is that one thousand units of energy is equal to an absolute kill radius of one meter. My health value and magic power value are both close to ten million. When converted, my own energy value should be around 50 million. According to this method, if I self-destruct now, my radius should be 50 kilometers. Everything inside was flattened.

Calculated according to the above relationship, the energy point of this unknown plant has reached 75 million units, so if it is self-destruct, its kill radius should be at least 75 kilometers. This formidable power is already at the level of nuclear weapons. How can you say that we are not worried?

We were worrying about it, and suddenly we heard someone shouting: "Look, Lord Ladamantis. The other three trees have also grown buds!"

< p>"What?"

Only one tree had buds growing on it before, but now the other three trees have started to grow together. If their development directions are the same, it means that three other super plants with an energy level of more than 75 million units will soon appear. When the time comes four trees in case of self-destruct, I can basically say goodbye to Jifu. Celestial Court impossible allows me to continue to control this underworld, and this will inevitably affect the development of our chaotic and order Divine Race. Don’t forget that we have been using the Power of Faith collector in the underworld to provide Power of Faith for the divine force core of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order. Once the Celestial Court takes back my underworld jurisdiction, then the Power of Faith in our guild Faith's income is completely cut off. I can't bear this kind of thing anyhow.

"Hey, Radamantis, think of a way! In case that thing really explodes, we are really done! Don’t forget that I contracted this place from Celestial Court , If this is taken back, our Power of Faith will be gone!"

As soon as I heard Power of Faith, the ears of the surrounding Divine Race immediately stood up. Ladamantis also looked towards me in surprise, and then reacted to the surrounding Divine Race ordered: "Whoever ran quickly to inform Lord Hades and Lord Vina, the others will immediately interact with those plants in the Yama Palace. Construct a divine force barrier in between, such as how to prevent the explosion from destroying the Yama Palace here and the dead souls in front!"


Look at the formation there Underworld gods, I feel a little relieved now. The guy Zeus finally did a good thing back then, at least his suppression of the Underworld family has cultivated a lot of battle strength for the Underworld family. Almost all of the Pluto gods in front of us have been fought on the battlefield. Every living Pluto can be said to have crawled out of the dead. Although the absolute value of the divine force of such a guy is not very exaggerated, it is not very exaggerated. The fighting will definitely explode those pampered Divine Race.

"God, please bless those trees don't really play self-destruct for me!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start ( Voting for recommended votes and monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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