The so-called penetration is of course more than just a sudden entry. We really broke through and then entered the room. Of course, the other party did not set up a line of defense to allow us to break through. The breakthrough was actually the window, The door also has some walls.

Along with a loud explosion sound, several windows and doors on the first floor of this three-story building privately built by villagers were knocked open at the same time, and there were even a few more holes in the walls. The gang directly swarmed in and entered the room from all directions.

As Dragon Clan, we are of course different from ordinary special police. Special police usually rely on the suddenness and deterrence effect brought about by a sudden attack, and quickly determine the target location and subdue it before the people in the room can react. However, our perception ability is not exactly the same as that of humans. There are many perception abilities that humans don't have, so we have confirmed the specific locations of all personnel here across the wall. Precisely because we know where everyone is, we chose our respective goals before rushing in, and we started to control our goals as soon as we came in.

Seven people in the room were pressed to the ground with a flurry of jerks and various shouts and exclamations, but there was obviously no target we were looking for among these people. But we are not worried about this, because there are still six people upstairs, and the goal should be there.

"mother..." I was directing the subordinates who weren't under pressure to go upstairs, and suddenly I heard a cry. Turning to follow the voice, I found a little girl about thirteen-fourteen years old who was pressed by Lilith on the ground and crying with rustling sound. The tears were mixed with the dust on the ground, and the little girl was now in the coal pile. It came out almost, a face of black mud.

Hearing the cry of her daughter, mother of course exploded with super-long strength, and at that moment the maternal instinct reached its limit. But it is a pity that human beings are human beings after all, even if their potential erupts, it is only this. Jingjing was pressing down on the middle-aged woman, because the woman underneath didn't expect a sudden eruption and was shaken at first, but as Jingjing noticed that the person she controlled was struggling violently, she increased her strength. , The opponent was immediately suppressed, no matter how much crying, it was of no use. We must know that our strength can tear apart tank armor with bare hands. If this woman wants to break free under our control, unless she has the power of the moment when the anti-ship missile explodes, it is basically impossible to shake Jingjing on her body.

Although she could not break free, the woman has been screaming and struggling, and her response is to make Xiaochun, the softest heart on our side, a little bit overwhelmed. "Jingjing, let her go."

After hearing Xiaochun's words, Jingjing first glanced at me, and then Xiaochun realized that she should ask me first, but I didn't wait for her to come. Ask me directly to Jingjing nodded. Jingjing knowingly stood aside and let go of the woman, the woman on the ground immediately struggled to get up and rushed towards Lilith.

Lilith is not the same as my other familiars. Her personality belongs to the more cunning type. This is not to say how smart she is. This is not a question of intelligence, but a question of personality and behavior habits. Lilith naturally likes to take advantage of her, and she observes all kinds of things happening around her carefully, so she can often make the best choice for her. Of course, this is just a little cleverness. She is really passionate about a major event and she can't be counted on. It is the intelligence of Ling and Xiaochun that is the material for doing business and major events.

Because of the quick response, when she saw the woman rushing over, she let go of the girl on the ground without asking me, otherwise the woman rushed over and attacked her first. Of course, even if she is attacked, she will not have any actual damage. After all, we are all wearing armor. Although this thing looks a little fantastic in appearance, it is a real high-tech power armor. Defensive power dare not say invincible. At least conventional land warfare weapons are impossible to hurt us. As for that woman... She is not a superwoman, how could it hurt us in power armor?

"mother!" The girl who was let go immediately rushed out of the room and hugged her with mother at the entrance of the bedroom and the living room. Although Lilith and Jingjing let go of the mother and daughter, they were standing on both sides of them at this time. As long as they had any abnormal behavior, they would definitely be pressed to the ground again in an instant.

The woman started to comfort her daughter in her arms, and didn’t care about asking us anything. Instead, a crushed man on the ground shouted: "Everyone, everybody, what did we offend? Everyone?"

The middle-aged man on the ground just finished asking, and another youngster who was pressed by the small dragon woman on the wall said: "Second uncle, don’t shout, they are law enforcement Department. We didn’t break the law. This is definitely a misunderstanding. We only need to cooperate with the review and we will explain clearly."

I glanced at the youngster a little unexpectedly, then turned my head and stood to the side. Xiaochun and the others pointed upstairs, and then a few people rushed up, but I did not follow. There were only six people above, and we also went up to six people, and two of them were Inverite and Brigitte. No matter how fierce the opponent is, they are also impossible to be their opponents. Of course, fighting is inevitable.

After they rushed up, I immediately turned my gaze to the youngster, and then deliberately asked: "How do you know we are a law enforcement agency?"

The youngster did not answer My question, on the contrary, is: "Can you let me go first? My hand hurts so much!"

I signaled to the small dragon female to let go, and the youngster was first after being free. I moved my wrists and neck, then tidyed up my clothes, and then said, "Actually, this is very simple. You can tell at a glance. First of all, you didn’t shout and scream after you rushed in, but directly subdued all of us. This is clearly the standard procedure for the police to catch criminals. If people in society must have been shouting out long ago, how could it be as quiet as you?" I nodded and said: "Yes, then, except What else did you find about this?"

Hearing my question, the other party immediately said proudly: "There are many more. For example, everyone here has a gun. Although the model has not been seen, but It looks like this is not something that people in society can get. You have to hold a few small pistols or homemade weapons. I might think you are from some evil organization, but these weapons are so big, and Obviously it is standard equipment. Apart from the country, private persons are impossible to have this thing." At this point, he stared at us for a few more times, and then said: "There is another thing like yours. Although it looks very similar at first glance. It is a prop costume for the COSPLAY game, but you can see that the weight of this thing is not light when you look at it. Obviously it is not comparable to the prop costume made of plastic shells. And just now I found out that your joints can be easily changed. Mechanical joints deformed by physical activity. I’ve only seen some technical discussions on military forums before. It’s definitely a very high-end thing. So, I boldly guess that these on you look gorgeous. It’s actually a power armor, right?"

I didn’t have nodded or shook my head, but not answering at this time is tantamount to acquiescence. But speaking of which I am quite interested in this youngster. The things he said are actually not complicated. If they were presented to others for analysis, almost most people would be able to find these things. However, if you, as an ordinary person, are watching TV at home one day, suddenly there is such a group of fully armed people wearing power armor, carrying a long spear with heavy weapons on their backs, slamming through the walls, doors and windows, and rushing into the room. Press down on the ground, can you still keep such a calm mind to analyze these things? Therefore, what is strong about this youngster is not his intelligence, but his resilience and courage.

"Are you still a college student? Which school? Are you good at adaptability."

"I am from Longxing Academy." Youngster replied neither humble nor humble.

I nodded and said: "Then we are still alumni, but unfortunately I dropped out of school!"

"Huh?" The other party was obviously surprised by this, after all, Longxing Academy However, it has never been reported that students have dropped out of school.

I didn't give any explanation for his surprise, because the Xiaochun who went upstairs had already come down, and they still had six people in their hands. Unfortunately, none of them were our goal. "What's the situation?" Seeing the six guys who were obviously college students at first glance, I was going crazy.

Since I met Nuwa until now, I have never encountered such continuous errors as Nuwa. Nuwa used to feel like an all-knowing and omnipotent god, but today she will make mistakes continuously. First, we chased a team of decoy teams, and now we are all out. This is an incomprehensible situation. If it weren't for Nuwa to be a biological SmartBrain, I would have thought she was infected with the virus.

"Nuwa, what's the situation now? The other party is not here at all!"

Nuwa's voice paused for a few seconds before it rang. "The other party is in this residential area. Look for it. Someone on my side is attacking the group's network port. There are just a few large-scale operations on the laboratory side that have not been completed. My current computing resources are less than 1 in 1 million. You Try to figure it out by yourself, I may not be able to provide you with too much intelligence support in a short time."

"Damn, are you so irresponsible? Leave us alone?"< /p>

"I can't do anything about it. The experimental subject is very important and cannot be terminated. The base network defense cannot be given up either. Only your side is not very urgent for the time being."

"Okay, well, I know, you are busy with you yourself, you can't let the military god quit the game and help you. Anyway, he is also a supercomputer!"

Nuwa seemed to be reminded: "Yes. , How can I forget him? Then, I will hand all of you to the military god and I will concentrate on my affairs."

I haven't had time after Nuwa finished talking over there. When I expressed my opinion, I heard that the voice in the wireless communication became the voice of the military god: "The military god tactical command system is online, all units pay attention to it, and it is now included in the temporary data link. The data reading is complete. Chairman, I have received the preliminary task Information, now I’m taking over the intelligence assistance work."

When I heard the voice of the military god, I couldn’t help but complain: "Nuwa is almost as if she didn’t wake up today. Fortunately, now you are taking over. Now we The information needs to be re-organized. Could you please give us a feasible tactical suggestion in the current state."

After a few tenths of a second, the military god began to say: "I need a tactical reconnaissance satellite, but I don’t have one. Permission."

"Wait a minute." I directly applied for the support of a tactical satellite with my own permissions in my electronic brain, and then transferred the control permissions to the military god. "Okay."

"The satellite has been taken over, the target area has been locked, and the tactical guidance plan is now released. The recommendations are as follows." The military god directly sent a campaign information to each of us, and we instantly Understand what to do next.

Don’t want me to command, everyone let go of the people in the room and started running out. Before I left the house, I said to the youngster, “I’m sorry today. We were misled by the enemy. Here you are. There will be someone to deal with the aftermath compensation issue." I rushed out without waiting for the other party to answer, leaving only a room of scared stupid people.

After rushing out of the room, Ivorite acted first, shaking off his military coat, Ivorite directly raised his hand to the sky, and then folded and rolled his arms, stretching out a strong Then I listened to peng sound. A black shadow was shot into the sky, followed by a loud explosion sound. The sound can almost be described as deafening. The windows of all houses in the entire residential area are a rustling sound. The loud noise, the window glass of several houses directly below the explosion point even burst open.

Following the airburst of the large shock bomb, a flat map of the village in the city popped up in our sight, and a big red circle appeared at one of the locations. We Everyone almost immediately started rushing in this direction.

Actually, the tactics used by the military god are very simple, nothing more than a change of beat the grass to scare the snake. The formidable power of the shock bomb just now is very large, and the whole community can feel loud noises and obvious vibrations. According to normal conditions, the residents in the room will run out to see what is going on. However, there is a group of people who will not leave the house to see the situation. They are the spies. Nuwa said that they are in this city village, we just don't know where they are now. Now that this shocking bullet rang, they had become the most conspicuous group of people hiding in this way. Of course, no one will come out in some houses where no one is there, but that will not have any confusing effect on us, because the military god has been using infrared spectroscopy to see the village in the city. Although the infrared spectroscopy equipment on the satellite cannot distinguish who is a spy through infrared rays, this thing can accurately see the location of everyone in the village in the city. Therefore, after the explosion, the person who did not leave the house is the target. . Moreover, when the explosion occurred, people in other houses ran out to check what had happened, and not only did the spies not come out to check the situation, even a few people in the house didn't even move. How can a normal person be so stable as Mount Tai under such a big movement?

It is precisely because these spies were afraid that they would be exposed and did not come out to check the sound of the explosion. Instead, they exposed their location. As soon as we received the coordinates given by the military god, we immediately started to run there, and halfway through the road, the route was allocated according to the military god's configuration.

Because of the previous explosion, there were many people coming out to check the situation on the road of the city village at this time. At this time, we were all surprised to see us flying there and did not know what to say. Of course, many people have already taken out their mobile phones and started video recording, but unfortunately, as we passed by, all those camera equipment became unfathomable mystery and became hot and hot in a few seconds, so There were constant occurrences of people dropping their mobile phones on the ground. If someone is not afraid of getting hot at this time and opens the casing of these mobile phones or digital cameras, they will find that the inside of these electronic devices has actually been safely melted into one piece.

In fact, if these people take an old-fashioned film camera, we really need to work hard in the past to grab the evidence of destruction. Unfortunately, it is now in the digital age. All devices with video and camera functions are all electronic media. For us, any electronic device is paper.

The location where the spies were hiding was not very far from the house we rushed into before. We sprinted with all our strength and soon arrived near the house. At this time, I and Vina, who were running in the front, began to move to both sides of the road, and Ivorite and Brigitte, who followed us, had already lifted off their military coats and put on a dive posture. Running forward, at the same time, some of the armor plates behind them spread out like shutters, exposing a row of shiny exhaust vents, and if you get closer, you can hear the roar of exhaust.

As the thrusters started, the running speed of Ivorite and Brigitte suddenly began to increase, and the two of them blitzed past me and Vina and hit the side of the small building. Above the wall. Only hearing a loud explosion sound, the two of them ran into the room directly. The thin brick wall did not serve any interception effect at all.

Although Vina and I were surpassed, they were not far apart. They rushed into the room after almost a few tenths of a second. At this time, Ivorite and Brigitte had actually begun to meet The enemy is engaged.

Because the target has been allocated, we did not hesitate at all. Ivorite, who rushed in first, rushed directly at the guy standing on the stairs on the second floor. This person wore a very ordinary casual outfit, and looked like a wage earner, but the reaction speed was amazing. In this case, he jumped up to the Level 4 step with a single leap, and as a result, Ivorite's long-standing punch directly knocked the wall behind the stairs into a hole the size of a TV.

Although the person jumped up the stairs, he didn’t expect Iverite to start so cruelly. It’s a pity that people like him have received too much training. The body reaction is faster than the brain reaction, and the line flashes. After attacking, he jumped down and prepared to fight back. It turned out that after discovering the formidable power of Ivorite's punch, it was too late to run, thinking that he had already jumped down.

Seeing that the man jumped off instead of running, Ivorite immediately turned around and swung his arms. The guy put his hands in front of him and caught Ivorite’s arm. Unfortunately, Ivory Te's strength was too great, his hands only played a very weak cushioning effect, the whole person was blown out, and then a dining table was smashed with a bang, and then it was embedded in the back wall, look like this Fractures are considered mild.

At the same time that Ivorite succeeded, Brigitte had already gotten her opponent first. That guy is just an ordinary person, maybe a peripheral person, and there is no battle strength. Besides, Brigitte is Thor. Even if you are a martial arts expert, when you encounter this kind of mobile high-voltage power supply, do you dare to go up and kick it with your feet? This step can be familiar.

When Ivorite and Brigitte, who entered first, succeeded, Vina and I were a little behind and followed in. I don't know about Vina, but I didn't expect a hard stubble on my side. This guy was originally sitting on a sofa with his back facing us, and there was a long strip on his lap. When I rushed in, he immediately rolled forward and avoided my first kick. The sofa he was sitting on before was kicked to pieces by me, but he was not affected at all. After turning over and turning around. Blocking the wreckage of the flying sofa with the long object in his hand, he directly held the thing diagonally across his waist, and then rushed up.

Looking at his movements, I immediately thought of Ninja and Blade Drawing Technique, but I didn't plan to meet force with force with him at all. This is a capture action, not a competition. No one stipulates that must compete with the opponent, right? Therefore, when the guy rushed up, I raised the muzzle a little bit very don't give face, and at the same time I mumbled: "Idiot." Then I pulled the trigger.

No surprises. The opponent flew back at a faster speed than when he rushed, of course, there were three more holes in his body. The three shots just now made all the hits, no waste at all.

I looked towards Vina after I got the goal here, but I saw Vina kicking the guy's body away from her sword. Vina was originally a creature in the game. Although she obtained her body earlier, she was still not used to using guns. The first thing that came to mind in normal battles was cold weapons. After all, according to the original smart settings, Vina has thousands of years of memory, and it has only been a year since she arrived in reality, and most of her time is spent in games, so compared to the gun A weapon in reality, she still prefers a cold weapon like a sword.

On the first floor of the room, there are only four targets, but we just finished the suppression. Before we went upstairs, we heard a cracking window from above, and then we saw that we hadn’t entered yet. Ling and Xiaochun in the house turned in the other direction. Obviously, the target jumped the window and ran away.

Vina, Ivorite, Brigitte and I turned around and made a few more holes in the wall and rushed out. As soon as we got outside, we saw five people jumping up and down on the top of the vicinity in the vicinity. The speed was actually quite fast. The buildings in this village in the city are all privately constructed, so there is no planning. Many houses are only spaced apart by a thin person who can pass sideways, and a little fat can't make it. Jumping from the roof of such a narrow building is certainly not a problem, but the roof of this kind of building is often the same as a grocery store, piles of tattered piles are full, these people can be under such complex terrain Running so fast is quite capable.

Looking at those guys running away, I immediately instructed everyone to follow, and at the same time notified the ring tone Knight on the periphery to shrink the encirclement quickly and enclose it.

The other party didn't know if they found something, but the five people split into two groups and ran in two directions. When I saw the situation, I decisively ordered the grouping. Ling was responsible for taking a few demons to chase the two-person team, while I took Vina, Ivorite, and Xiaochun to chase the other three.

Of the three people we locked, there are two women and one man. One of the women is the female of the two who pretended to be the couple before, and the other man and one woman are faces that have never been seen before. These people have obviously received professional patrols, and they run very fast. It took a little time for our physical strength to catch up.

The three people rushed to the edge of a house with a large interval, and jumped down without even thinking about it. The house has only three floors, and trained people can land safely. However, just after the three people jumped out from the roof, a white shadow flashed past them, and when the other two landed, they found that one person was missing. When I looked up again, I saw a giant white dog two meters high with one of their companions standing on the opposite roof glare like a tiger watching his prey, watching them.

It was one of the women who was held by Xiaobai, but not the one who played the team of husband and wife. At this time, the woman was still alive, but she couldn't do any struggle, because her hands and body were in Xiao Bai's mouth, as long as Xiao Bai applied a little bit of force, she would instantly break into three pieces.

The two people below saw this situation but hesitated for a while, then suddenly turned around and rushed to a Dao Academy wall on the side, and then when they reached the wall, they jumped slightly and turned over. , The speed is amazing. However, they heard a few gunshots just as they jumped out, and when we crossed the courtyard wall, we saw the man among them was rolling all over the floor with a leg, and the woman lost a lot of muscle on the waist. All the internal organs were scattered outside, but she was not dead yet, and she was constantly spraying blood in her mouth, which she licked while lying there.

I was about to check the situation. Ling suddenly reported that he was asking for support, which made me stunned for a moment. Then I reacted and left two ringtones. Knight watched these two people. All of the people moved towards Ling and ran over.

We were still far away, and suddenly we heard a loud explosion sound, followed by a burst of gunfire like explosions. Our own gunshots are of course very familiar, but this gunshot is obviously not our gun, which means that someone is attacking them on this matter.

As I speeded up and ran over there, I connected the little bit who was hiding in the car and ordered him to go over for reinforcements. He immediately jumped out of the car and rushed up excitedly.

In fact, it is not only us who are depressed at this time, but the Japanese on the opposite side are also depressed. They had prepared so many suspicious formations, and thought that they could not use the last resort. After all, it is not easy to lurch such a force in China. It is a pity that it is easily ruined here. But just just now, they finally realized that they were impossible to complete the task without letting the last force shot, so these guys decisively called for reinforcements, and only then did we hear the gunshots. However, even after these reinforcements appeared, the other party still did not feel any sense of security, thinking that just a moment ago, a little monster suddenly jumped off the roof of a house and landed on the opposite side of their position.

Because this little monster is very scary, the Japanese on the opposite immediately targeted it, but the armor-piercing bullets specially prepared to deal with the body armor hit this guy with sparks flying in all directions, but this guy has nothing to do. He even wants to rush forward with such firepower. Fortunately, there is a bazooka in their team, so they are not too worried for the time being.

After Xiao Budian was ordered to rush to the front line, he was immediately caught fire by the opponent, but these steel-core bullets had almost no effect on him. Although he was only a young dragon, he was Dragon Clan after all, and the scales on his body were enough to withstand the continuous burst of heavy machine guns. The armor-piercing bullets fired by this mini submachine gun are still a bit worse than the bullets of the heavy machine gun, which is not dangerous for him. However, just as he endured the numbness and pain on the scales and walked forward, he suddenly found that the fire flashed on the other side, and then saw something flying towards him.

Xiaobudian also received combat education. Of course, he knew that the thing was a rocket launcher. For him, the formidable power was very big, so Xiaobudian immediately jumped to the side, and finally passed it dangerously and dangerously. .

As soon as he landed on the ground, Xiao Budian was about to continue his charge when he discovered that the opponent had actually loaded another rocket. Now he knew that he would definitely not be able to rush through. So he suddenly leaned forward, and suddenly two long small doors were opened on both sides of the weapon backpack on his back, and then two six-tube Vulcan cannons protruded from the small doors on both sides. As soon as the two Vulcan guns were unfolded, they began to accelerate and spin in the sound of a motor starting. The Japanese on the opposite side immediately fell to the ground in terror when they saw this posture, and the deafening sound of the machine guns was also heard. Sounded at the same time.

I saw the two Vulcan cannons on Xiao Budian’s back ejected two red lines of fire, and then swept back and forth on the opposite line of defense. The corners, stone pillars, and cars hidden by those armed men all seemed to be In the same way, in front of the terrifying Vulcan Cannon, these bunkers became a joke, and people were constantly shot and killed behind the bunkers.

Discovered that they couldn’t hide at all, those people began to jump up and turn to escape, but Xiao Budian stopped shooting at this time. First, two small missiles popped out of the backpack and came to the densest place. Send, and then put away the weapon system and rushed up.

The burst of fire just now directly reduced the armed personnel of the other side by 1/4/2021, and the rest began to flee, but after a while, everyone on our side has already surrounded us. .

The next step is a simple massacre. We stood on high and shot these people one by one. Although those guys were fully armed, they could stand in a stalemate for a long time even in the face of the domestic SWAT team, but they were not able to fight back at all. The most powerful weapon they are equipped with is the rocket launcher, and the number is very small. Except for this thing, their other weapons can't penetrate our armor, so these people are considered to be blood mold when they meet us, and they have no room to play.

"Boss, I found something." A few minutes later, Skeet ran over with a metal can like a thermos.

"This is the missing important component?" I looked at the jar in my hand and couldn't think that this thing was actually the core processor of that computer. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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