When we walked to the side of the car, we could see that one of the four people inside had his head tilted on the seat and did not respond. The remaining three people were struggling fiercely trying to get out of the car. I got out of the car, but it was a pity that it was not lightly hit just now, and the body has been severely deformed. It is not easy to figure it out.

The three people who were struggling saw us approaching and immediately twisted twice. After confirming that they could not get out in a short time, one of them suddenly pulled out a pistol from under the seat and stretched out from the window. Then we pulled the trigger.

Bah... accompanied by a clear gunfire, a yellow bullet hovered a foot away in front of me with high-speed rotation, but the bullet did not move forward at all. The meaning of moving.

The sudden change made everyone in the car stunned. It often happens that the shot fails to hit the target, but the bullet stops halfway. This kind of thing is a bit curious. However, the people in the car are obviously ruthless characters. After a moment, the person immediately pulled the trigger and started shooting quickly. Of course, there was no change in the result, except for a bunch of suspended warheads in front of me. Other things happen.

After the opponent emptied a full magazine, the bullets in front of me suddenly oh la la fell to the ground, and then I stepped to the front of the car in two steps and grabbed the back seat of the man who shot the gun. The door of the car was pulled outwards forcefully. With a creak, the deformed door was forcibly pulled from the body. Throwing the car door aside, I stretched out my hand like catching a chicken in a chicken cage and pulled the guy who shot the gun out. This guy was still struggling desperately while pinched by me, and tried to bullet the pistol to continue his attack. I directly grasped the gun body and tried hard, only to hear a squeaking sound of the gun body visibly collapsed, and the guy almost stared out his eyes in surprise.

I moved this guy back, and I lowered my head to grab another guy. At the same time, Ling Weina had already pulled the front door and dragged the driver out. The guy sitting in the passenger seat was in a coma, and the other person in the back seat I was holding was obviously a non-combatant. He barely knew the resistance, so he was simply dragged out.

Ling stood aside and said with some doubts: "Did Nuwa make a mistake? Does the strength of these few people need us to take action? Sending a team of special police can easily handle it, right?"

"Maybe there is some unplanned situation we don't know." As I said, I brought the guy in my hand to the front, and then looked towards Tian He asked: "You took it away What about things?"

The guy seemed to have recovered a bit of his sanity after I was asked, but what surprised me was that this guy was trembling as if he was very scared, but he said it out of his mouth. But it was: "You kill me, I will never tell you."

When I saw this, I threw the guy over to Ling, and reminded: "This guy It may be threatened by someone. Just read the memory."

Ling nodded then caught the guy and pressed it to the ground, and then covered the guy's forehead with one hand.

While Ling was reading the memory, I started to command others to get all the remaining three people into our car, and we simply scanned the other’s car, but we didn’t find us. I just gave up the things I wanted. This team is unexpectedly weak. If I guess right, this should be the bait. If the other person's real transportation personnel have either left the cell we were guarding before using a special method, they are still waiting there.

Sure enough, when I started to doubt this matter, Ling had already completed the four-bit reading. Throwing the guy who was foaming at his mouth and was close to the edge of death into the car, Ling said, "This guy is just an ordinary employee of the Chinese branch of Nikko. His family is controlled by the other party and forced him to come out as bait. In the two cars killed, there were only some unaware bodyguards and two people similar to him. He didn’t know other information."

Since this guy is a bait, he doesn’t know the inside story. Normal. After all, the bait itself is the person most likely to be caught by the other party, and if such a person knows too much, it is obviously a very troublesome thing. Therefore, when a normal person arranges the bait, he will not let him know too much, but the bait itself In other words, the less you know, the safer you are.

Since we have determined that these guys are useless people, we don't plan to stay here anymore. Jump into the car and turn around and leave. As the gunfire stopped in this place, bold people began to come out to watch. I don't want to be watched by people as animals. When we arrived at the gate of the community, several police cars had arrived. Look at the signs. This should be the police car called by Nuwa, because there is a Longyuan logo on the body, indicating that this is the security of the Longyuan Group, not a regular police officer. Although the uniforms, vehicles, and functions of the two are similar, there are actually some differences. At least we can directly command this unit, but the regular police cannot.

When the community security saw us appear again, he immediately pointed to what we were saying to the security guard Longyuan around him. It should prove that we were the murderers. Of course, the security guard Longyuan recognized that we had license plates. Seriously, besides, they were transferred by Nuwa to deal with the aftermath. They should also know some general information. So after seeing us, the security guard waved the car behind to make way for us.

I thought about it or stopped the car with one foot, and then let Inverrit throw the four people down, and at the same time opened the window and shouted to the security guard of Longyuan outside: "These four It’s a perimeter criminal. Let’s help check it out first. We still have a task and it’s inconvenient!"

"Yes, there is a greeting on it. Just leave it to us." The other party was ordered by Nuwa as expected. Directly ordered, and responded very quickly. A few security guards ran back, held the four guys on the ground, put on handcuffs and dragged them into the police car on the side, and we quickly left here and looked at the ambushing community.

This time we are certainly impossible to wait outside the community. Nuwa should also know our purpose. We only arrived at the gate of the community. Before the security guard in the guard booth had time to respond, the gate railing of the community rose by itself. . We drove directly into the community at an unabated speed, and drove directly to the downstairs of the building where the other party was hiding, and then quickly jumped out of the car and ran in, but unfortunately we were blocked as soon as we reached the gate.

The entrance of the residential unit building is blocked by a door. After we got to the door, we found that the door was locked, and the door was not electronic and could not be invaded. In desperation, I had to leave the door completely Pulled off the wall. Originally, the door could be opened with electromagnetic control, but it was necessary to use electromagnetic induction to figure out the structure of the door lock. At that time, we had already opened seven or eight doors, so I simply used the most stupid method to open the door directly.

Although the door was demolished with brute force, the noise was not loud because it was not hit with a hammer or the like, but simply pulled down. Putting the gate aside, we immediately started running upstairs. It was already 6:50 in the morning, and when we reached the fifth floor, a young couple came down from the upper floor. Although we should avoid some people in theory, I am eager to know what the situation is, so I don't care about them, rushing to the door of the fifth floor, and kicking the door to the ground. The young couple who was going downstairs were so scared that they stopped there immediately and dared not go down.

We didn't have time to watch them at all, so we rushed in from the door.

As soon as we entered the living room, we found that the room was very quiet. With our Dragon Clan’s hearing, if someone in the room can't hide our ears, after all, you can be silent, but your heart can’t. Stop beating, and we can hear the sound of heartbeat, the sound of breathing, and the electromagnetic field of the human body, so unless in a strong magnetic noise environment, it is meaningless to play hide and seek with us.

"No one in the room?" Vina asked after following up.

I nodded, and then signaled everyone to search separately, so Ling and the others immediately searched for each room separately, and found that this is a very ordinary residential house, and there is no special thing that can be used as a clue. However, when we returned to the living room, Brigitte suddenly turned and walked over to the coffee table in front of the sofa in the living room. He buckled the edge of the coffee table and lifted it up, and the coffee table flew out with a boom.

This is a very heavy marble coffee table. The bottom of the table is a cabinet, so the bottom is attached to the ground, and the legs of the coffee table are not visible. Because of this design, the coffee table can fully conceal the situation below it, and when Brigitte lifted the coffee table, we immediately discovered that there was a big hole in the ground, leading directly to the floor below.

"Damn!" I didn't have time to ask how Brigitte found the hole, so I jumped into it. Ling and Weina immediately jumped down, and Ivorite and Brigitte were too big and had to go around and down the stairs.

I heard a very faint heartbeat sound in the living room just after landing on this floor. I twisted and slammed open the bedroom door on the side. After I rushed in, I immediately sensed the top of the closet next to me. There is a child hiding there. Although electromagnetic induction is not like vision that can clearly determine the appearance of the target, it can determine the body size and body contour of the other party, so adults and children can still be distinguished.

I stood directly on the bedside table next to the closet and opened the door on the top of the closet. Then I saw a boy about seven or eight years old curled up in a square of the closet that was only sixty centimeters wide. middle. Thanks to the fact that this child is still small, he probably won't be able to get in if he gets a little older.

The little child did not overreact because he saw me, because he was already in a semi-conscious state. I carefully pulled it out and hugged it to the ground. Ling told me through wireless communication that the parents who had found the child next door had been dead for some time. The body had been completely stiff, and the cause of death was being twisted off. neck.

This family shouldn’t be involved in this incident. They just lived downstairs in the spy’s hideout, but the person is dead. We have no choice but to inform Nuwa to send it as soon as possible. People come to take over.

The anesthesia needle from the fingertips popped out, and a little bit of anesthetic was injected into the boy to enter deep sleep, and then I put it on the bed. We have to track down the whereabouts of the spies, this child cannot be brought with him. But in order to prevent him from seeing his parents’ bodies, I think it’s better to let him go to sleep.

After dealing with the child’s problem, I contacted Nuwa again and said, “Nuwa, the other party broke the floor and entered the room of the tenant on the lower floor and killed the two homeowners. The child didn’t know. For what reason was not killed."

"The one downstairs?" Nuwa paused for a while and then suddenly said, "I just checked the morning surveillance. The family of three should leave after you chase the bait and leave. After leaving this building, the surveillance camera showed the couple leaving. At that time, the woman was still holding the sleeping child."

"In the early morning, how could a seven or eight-year-old child sleep like this? Shen? That should be a dummy. What we are looking for must be in the belly of the dummy held by the woman. The couple also pretended to be each other."

"Your judgment should be good. I just Checked the surveillance video of the nearby neighborhood. The other party drove the couple's private car to the north from Highway 6, but it is now beyond the surveillance range!"

"I knew it was not that simple. You Has the road card been set up in front?"

"The road card has been set up, but the target vehicle was not found. Now I am mobilizing the general police to help search for that car."

" The other party is so cautious, is it possible to abandon the car halfway?"

"It's all possible."

"Then it will be troublesome. Now I don't even know the other party's physical characteristics. , How are we going to find someone?"

"Sniff with our nose!"

"Well, it seems that this is the only way to go." Although tracking by smell has always been a police dog Live, but our Dragon Clan has very good noses, so we can also take a cameo in this job. Of course, the premise is to find the car first, otherwise there won't even be a tracking target, and we can't chase it if we want to!

Reluctantly inspected the house again, and then we planned to leave here first, but we walked to the door and thought about it. I suddenly stopped, and then knocked on the opposite door.

"Who?" The person on the other side was obviously planning to go out. I just knocked on the door and opened it.

"Hello, did you see a man and a woman coming out from the opposite door this morning, dressed like the couple opposite, with a child in his hands."

"Excuse me, are you...?" The other side glanced at the people behind me. Vina is obviously a white person who is not mixed or pure. The characteristics of the white race are obvious. Although the appearance is more delicate, the approximate skeleton frame of the white person is placed there. Ling and Yeyue Dao is a standard Asian model, but this appearance is a bit exaggerated. It is not the kind that affects the city appearance, but is too beautiful. Of course, even if I brought a row of beauties, the other party would have nothing to worry about. What really made him hesitate was Inverite and Brigitte at the end. The two of them stood in the corridor with their heads almost reaching the roof, and the shadows formed by the hoods completely covered their faces, which was shocking at first glance. But fortunately, my appearance is not bad, so this one didn't close the door immediately.

Fortunately, I brought my ID when I came out. I directly took out a small book and handed it to the other party to have a look. The other party actually didn't understand the positions written in this book at all, but he knew that we were officials anyway. Since you are not a criminal, you can certainly answer truthfully if you ask something.

The other party handed back my credentials and said, "Zhang Yun’s family doesn’t know what’s going on. I’ve been tossing ding ding dong dong since last night. I heard the corridor when I got up in the morning. It was very noisy, so I looked at it from the cat’s eye and found that several people came out of their house, and many people came downstairs. They seemed to know each other. After meeting, I went downstairs. When those people left, I went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, but when I finished brushing my teeth and opened the door to throw trash, I saw a man and a woman coming out of their house. At that time, I did not pay attention to throwing the trash with my head down. I thought it was Zhang Yun and his wife. In the end, I asked hello. I didn’t know when I looked up and found that it was not the two of them, but I remember that Zhang Yun and his wife wore the clothes. The other party probably didn’t expect that I would say hello to them. I froze for a while and responded, but I was embarrassed to death. ."

"Did they hold a child at the time?"

"Yes. But I didn't see the face. The child seemed to be asleep, motionless on the woman . May I ask what happened to Zhang Yun and his wife?"

"No, they were killed."

"What?" This person was obviously startled.

I patted him on the shoulder and said: "You are the only person who has seen the opposite side now, so can you help us describe the other person's looks?"

"Yes Yes, but there are so many of them..."

"Others don't care, as long as the last man and woman look like."

"This is fine." There was a pause. After a while, the man asked again: "That... are Zhang Yun and his wife really dead?"

I nodded and said: "Their son doesn't know why it is hidden in the door on the top of the closet. It was discovered that except for him, two adults were dead. You are now the only witness, and the other is a very vicious gangster who is now avoiding tracking. Once they get out of the police tracking, they are likely to come back and look for you. So you’d better help us draw their looks, so that you can help us catch them to ensure your own safety. Secondly, even if we don’t catch them, because their looks have been leaked, they won’t I will definitely risk coming back to kill you again."

My intimidation method is actually not brilliant, but once the vital interests are involved, how many people can really calm down and evaluate their own life and death? The man became nervous as soon as he heard that he might be targeted by the murderer, and finally eased after I comforted him. Next we began to ask him to help us describe the appearance of the prisoner.

"Is it really all you need to do?" A few minutes later, in the living room of the other party's house, I stood aside, Ling and the guy sat on the sofa face to face, Ling's left hand pressed on him On his temple, the right hand holds a pencil and draws two strokes on a piece of white paper from time to time.

I said to the guy next to me: "You have seen my ID, you should know that we are not ordinary police. This is our special talent, she has the same ability as telepathy. Although listening It looks very mysterious, but in fact, you can only read what other people are thinking. So now you have to focus on remembering the appearance of those two people. The clearer the picture you think, the more accurate the look we will get."

"Didn't expect that the country really has a superpower department, I thought it was just an online legend." The guy was a little surprised, but he didn't act too exaggerated. After all, the modern people's knowledge lies there. , It is unlikely that you will be particularly surprised because of something.

"Please don't divert attention." Ling reminded.

The other party quickly apologized, then began to remember seriously, and finally closed his eyes altogether. When he closed his eyes, Ling's pen-holding hand immediately moved at high speed.

When this man saw the two spies, it was about five o’clock in the morning, and now it’s only six o’clock. It’s just an hour later. His memory is still very clear, not to mention Ling’s ability. Not as weak as I told him. Ling Ke can forcibly read the existence of the memory without the other party's cooperation at all. If the other party actively cooperates, it is naturally very easy. As the guy's attention was concentrated, Ling's manual operation was fast, and then a picture gradually appeared on the white paper. This picture is the scene of the corridor outside, and the two target characters are in the middle of the picture.

"Okay." Ling directly let go of his hand and looked towards the sketch picture he drew.

Heard that the man next to him opened his eyes and looked over, then he was stunned. Because the thing in Ling's hand is basically not a sketch anymore. This thing is simply a black-and-white photo, and the scenery in it is unimaginable, and it has a bit of three-dimensionality. The effect is simply amazing.

"You read this from my head?" The man asked in surprise looking at the sketch.

Ling was just nodded and then stood up and connected to Nuwa's communication, and then said: "The image came out, did you receive it?"

Nuwa responded: "I have received it. , Is comparing information. I’m currently monitoring all the networked cameras in the city. Once they stay in front of any camera for more than two seconds, I will know immediately."

"Very good, so the speed is fast That’s too much."

I thanked the homeowner and took Ling out of the room. At this time, there happened to be a large group of police officers coming up. Edge security. The other party just got out of the way just nodded with me, but I still told him about the situation in the room, and at the same time told him to take care of the child, and then took Vina and the others down.

At this time, the downstairs is already three floors inside and outside three floors surrounded by people watching the excitement, because police cars parked around the corridor to isolate the place, but this has attracted more Many people watched.

As soon as the few of us got down from the upper floor, we immediately caused a noise from the crowd, but all of us suddenly became collectively frowned and turned our eyes to one direction in a unified manner. The crowd we stared at was immediately taken aback, and one of them was backing away trying to leave the crowd, but we had already strode in this direction.

The other party saw us moving to him quickly, and immediately began to accelerate back, but this guy obviously underestimated the number of people watching the excitement, and even though it took a lot of effort, he still couldn’t get out. At that time, our side was obviously in a trotting state.

Just when the other party was preparing to jump the wall in a hurry, I drew his gun from the waist of an orderly policeman next to him, and then shot directly at that side. It wasn't until the gun body and the screams rang that the crowd over there began to scream and prepare to escape, but at this time the crowd in the other direction behind us suddenly yelled: "The police killed someone!"

When I heard the sound, I turned my head and looked over, and Ling reacted faster than me. He pulled out another police officer’s gun and turned his head back. The yelling guy’s eyebrows suddenly became too large. Hole, the whole person fell straight back, this result immediately caused a chaos, but the screaming and chaotic crowd soon all squatted on the ground, because a series of dense and deafening machine guns frightened everyone I have to dare not move.

Under my sign, Ivorite slowly put down the rotating multi-barrel cannon that he was holding in one hand. It was this thing that quieted the surrounding crowd just now. Of course, Ivorite shot into the sky, otherwise the penetrating power of this thing can penetrate at least two buildings without stopping.

"Everyone is squatting on the ground, not allowed to move, not allowed to speak, and not allowed to stand up. Now they are all looking at me." As I said, I walked to the person I shot first. This person is not dead, and is still wailing on the ground. This is also the only voice on the scene.

I walked over and dragged the man to the middle of the field so that everyone could see him, then squatted down and took out a pistol from his waist and held it up to show the people around. "You might think I attacked an ordinary person just now, but as ordinary persons, do you think that ordinary persons will put a pistol in their waist by the way when they go out early in the morning to buy breakfast?"

I Knowing that today’s failure to explain clearly will definitely cause public opinion pressure, so it didn’t end there. Instead, he walked over and dragged the guy who was later killed by Ling to him. Then he flipped a pistol on him and found it. Three passports and various foreign currencies divided into several volumes.

"As you can see, this guy calling the police to kill is not an ordinary person. Even if he is a gun hobby, possession of guns is not a capital crime, but normal people may carry them with them. Three passports with different identities and foreign currencies of so many different countries?" After a short pause, I made the people around me think about it for a while before I continued: "A vicious case happened in this building last night. A family of three. Two adults were killed, and an eight-year-old child became an orphan since then. The people who killed them just wanted to borrow their clothes and identities to disguise themselves, because they were a bunch of vicious foreign terrorists. They mixed in the crowd. The purpose of creating chaos in China is to prevent us from searching for them. Therefore, for your own safety and for the safety of others, please don’t disturb everyone at the scene now. We will check your identities one after another, and there will be no problem soon. If you can leave, don’t create chaos to help those terrorists escape."

After I finished speaking, I handed over the search task to the police around me. In fact, I knew that there were no accomplices at the scene. So this is to facilitate the control of public opinion. After all, if I don't explain the matter clearly, there will definitely be a lot of noise tomorrow.

Returning the pistol to the police officer next to me, I directly took Ling and the others out of here. After the car left the complex, I was about to ask Nuwa whether we should find a place to wait for the news or return first. Instead, didn't expect Nuwa contacted us first.

"The target appears."


"I marked it for you on the map."

I Quickly unfolding the surrounding navigation map in the electronic brain, it turns out that the straight line distance between the target and us is not more than one kilometer.

"Damn, these guys are so courageous, right?"

"That's why I let you go. Although the bait you chase in the morning is rubbish, but those are only peripheral Chess pieces, the opponent's real personnel are very strong, and ordinary special police can't solve these guys."

"Understood, we will deal with it immediately. But I think we may need weapons. Ivorite's body The firepower of things is so fierce that they can’t be used in close combat!"

I really don’t know what Nuwa thinks. I actually equipped Iverit with a six-barreled cannon. It’s a good thing for helicopters. On the ground, the firepower would be too fierce. The key is that the bullet penetrating power is too strong, the enemy will definitely die, but after the bullet penetrates the enemy, it will injure the crowd behind, so we dare not use it in our own city.

"The weapons have been sent to you. I underestimated the opponent's cunning level before. If this continues, the situation will only get worse, so now change the strategy and no longer pay attention to concealment. Directly It’s all you need to be fully armed and run over."

"I just love to hear this." Weina interrupted.

"Hey, boss, your express is here." I just finished talking with Nuwa, and suddenly I heard Lingling's voice from our own team call. I turned my head and saw that three vehicles of the same model as ours were catching up from behind. It was obvious that Lingling and the others had come for reinforcements. I could clearly see from my wireless signal that Jingjing, Lingling, Xiaochun and Chili were sitting in the first car I came. In the second car were Emiennes, Shuangxue, Amina, and the small dragon girl, and it seemed that Xiaobai was also in that car. The last car was obviously different from our model. It was supposed to be a weighing truck. There were twenty-one of them, Skott, and Xiao Budian was also in the car.

"Oh, this time the lineup is really strong." Wei Na sighed.

"Boss, your things are on our side, do you need to put them on now?" Lingling is obviously in charge of the posture of the second car and is asking us at this time.

I thought about it and decided to find a place halfway down and change the equipment before going on the road again.

Three sedan trucks plus one heavy truck, this fleet is already quite attractive. The key is that although our car is a civilian version, it is too bulky and all in one style. How do you look at it? They are still military vehicles.

The two opponents obviously have excellent anti-reconnaissance capabilities. They deliberately avoided all surveillance probes, so they were able to escape from our search before, but they were unfortunately bought at a small shop just now. Order something, and what they didn't know was that this commissary installed a hidden camera to prevent theft, and the camera was connected to the Internet.

Because the other party did not find the camera, they were photographed, and Nuwa locked their position two seconds later. Because they have an exact goal, they can no longer deceive the recognition software by using some tricks to hide the face or pass the camera from the back. It used to be a needle in a haystack. After all, the recognition software has limited intelligence. As long as they don't miss their faces, they can't confirm the tracking. Now it's Nuwa who is staring at it personally, so they can't hide it at all.

We chased the other side's location all the way according to the signal, but this place is worse than the old-fashioned community before, because this place is a village in the city. It was originally a village and town on the outskirts of the city. Later, it was wrapped in by the city because of the expansion of the city. The village is full of houses built by the residents themselves, the structure is not neat, and the roads are so narrow that cars can't get in at all.

"Everyone get out of the car. Scot, you take people to block the intersection, and others follow me in. Don’t be a little bit, you and Bailang stay in the car first and don’t get out. I will call you when I need you. ."

After issuing the order quickly, all of us acted immediately. Because the village in the city is not too big, and because of illegal construction, the road has been basically blocked, and there are only two entrances and exits that can enter and exit freely. Of course, the place can also go over those buildings, but they are certainly not faster than us.

"Boss, we are already in place." After we lurked into the village in the city, Skye, who was in charge of blocking the road, sent me a notice telling me that they had laid ambush on both sides of the road, as long as those two If the guy leaves from here, he will definitely suffer a big loss. Of course, I guess there may be more than two people on the other side. Those two people had just moved things out before, and there should be people who respond to them here, but they don't know the number for the time being.

"Okay, the road has been blocked, everyone pay attention, activate the combat mode, approach the target point."

Hearing my order, Vina and the others put down their helmets one after another. The mask, and then picked up the long spear that he carried and began to approach the target carefully in a tactical formation. The passers-by who just went out along the way were knocked out and thrown back into the room by us, so as not to startle the target. We don't want to have another city chase. It's too big, Nuwa, it's not easy to deal with the aftermath!

"Everyone, be careful, prepare to break in." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my greatest Power.)

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