Seeing the other person rushing into the community, I immediately rushed in with the steering wheel.

After this chase, it is now early in the morning. Many early risers have already gotten up, and some office workers who travel far away have even begun to go out. As soon as I turned into the community, I saw a red mini-car approaching oncomingly. I was so frightened that I hurriedly wiped the opponent’s body and drove over. Unfortunately, although I avoided the opponent’s car, it was because of our car. The size is too large and the road in the community is relatively narrow, so I wiped off the other side's mirror.

"It's really bad!" Yeyue sighed from behind.

I helplessly said: "The car is in my blind spot. If there is information from Nuwa here, it would be nice if I can avoid it."

"I didn’t mean that A car."

"Then you are..." I just wanted to ask what Yeyue was talking about. I suddenly realized what I was talking about. I turned my head and looked at it, and I immediately understood it. "Damn, why is this guy still hanging in the car?" Vina said on the side: "You know that the physique of human beings is very weak. When they have emotions such as fear, anxiety, etc. It secretes a lot of adrenaline. This special compound can comprehensively strengthen the operation of all body functions in the human body, but unfortunately, because the human body’s endurance is limited, so if this substance is excessively secreted, there will be some bad things. Circumstances, such as the one outside the window. His current situation should be the local bioelectric disorder caused by the excessive contraction of the muscle fibers caused by the excessive adrenaline. Commonly known as-the hand is numb."

"Although I am very grateful Your science, but I think, apart from sitting there and watching me driving, do you think of a way to slow down the car in front?"

Although our car is completely out of front in most of its performance The broken car, but the problem is that this is a community road with many people, narrow roads, and many obstacles, and the most terrible thing is that the residential buildings here are built from earlier, and at that time there was no concept of a construction contractor. The houses at that time were built by various companies and enterprises themselves. Therefore, the entire community was completely built by dozens of different units. There is no negotiation and communication between these enterprises, so the arrangement of the arrows of the buildings can be described as a mess. Some buildings are horizontal and some are vertical. Some houses appear in rows, while others appear randomly. The final result of this chaotic arrangement of buildings is that the roads in the community are all the same as the maze, with a right-angle bend almost every 50 meters, and from time to time it will be accompanied by a short up and down ramp, and there is even a place. There was a small bridge, and the other party actually drove over in a daze, so I had to run one more building to bypass the small bridge over the artificial river. After all, it’s a wooden bridge. It looks like a small bridge in the south of the Yangtze River. But for us, the ten-ton big guy, this thing is basically like a horse trap. If you drive it up, it’s absolutely Will be planted head-on.

Because of the bad road problem, our speed is really not up. Even though I have used the vehicle performance to the limit, we have not exceeded 30 kilometers. This has caused complaints all the way. Sound, after all, a ten-ton car can still maintain a speed of 30 kilometers even in such a situation of constant sharp cornering. This is entirely possible by relying on that powerful engine. Of course, the price is the deafening roar of this thing now, as if we were riding a locomotive under us instead of a car.

The other party probably realized that we were afraid to cross that kind of wooden bridge, and rushed out from the other side of the community very decisively, and then crossed a section of the road directly to the opposite community. We only rushed out of the community with a slight gap of one second and followed each other across the road, causing a traffic accident in the middle. Fortunately, it was just a scratching accident, which was not serious.

Although the community on the opposite side is only one street away from the community on this side, the community over there is a pure villa area. Although it is quite old, the conditions of this community are definitely better than That neighborhood was so much better just now. At the very least, there are concealed roadblocks at the gate of this community.

The so-called hidden pile roadblocks are actually several metal piles with telescopic function buried in the ground. Each of these metal piles is as thick as a person's thigh. When stowed, the top remains level with the ground, allowing cars to pass freely, but after unfolding, these hidden piles will rise out of the ground, exposing a metal column about one meter high. The gaps between these metal pillars are not narrow, bicycles and motorcycles can pass freely, but cars are absolutely insurmountable.

Originally, there was this thing to stop the opponent, but they walked the lucky dog ​​excrement, and just as they drove past, a car happened to come out of the community. The car just drove out of the community, and before it completely cleared the road, the car we were chasing flashed past it, and rushed into the community after hanging up the other side’s rear bumper. Although the hidden pile started to rise in the end, because the opponent was fast enough, in the end only the rear wheel was lifted up a little, and the car jumped and passed.

The security guard in the community saw a car rushing in. Just after chasing it out of the guard box, he wanted to chase the car when he heard a horn sound like a siren on a ship. He turned around and saw us moved towards and he rushed over.

The security guard was relatively young and reacted quickly. When I saw that I didn’t slow down, instead one of the wheels rode on the roadside flower garden outside the community. I immediately understood my intentions and ran to the middle of the road. .

The metal piles sticking out from under the ground have thick legs. I don't know if the community is equipped with solid metal columns or hollow. Although many properties now use hollow ones to save costs, I don't dare to bet! Although our car is strong enough, we can't hit that thing either. Metal rods with thick human legs are buried one meter and five meters deep into the ground. If it hits one head, the tank will also get stuck. Therefore, instead of rushing to the telescopic pile, I rushed directly at the community guard box on the side of the road.

This sentry box actually only has two concrete pillars and a wall, and the remaining three sides are all tempered glass. This thing is really strong for people. Maybe small-caliber guns use this stuff. no way. But our car weighs ten tons, and this glass will definitely not stop us.

Along with a loud explosion sound, I only felt the body vibrate slightly, and then I rushed through the police box of the community and rushed into the community. The smoke and dust around us accompany us before it disperses. A pile of masonry and rubble and a large number of glass shards rushed out, and then crashed into a private car parked behind the sentry box with a bang. That pretty good private car just flew up like a toy. After over a dozen laps in the air, it buckled on the roof of another car five or six meters away, and we were already. Rushed into the community.

"It's so exciting!" As soon as I rushed out of the sentry box, Vina, who was sitting on my side, exclaimed in excitement.

"Are you prone to violence?" I turned my head and glanced at Vina, then shouted to the back: "Ifrit, help me give a little warning to the bastards in front."

"Understood." Ivorite pushed the roof sunroof directly, and then stood up from the back seat. Only the front two rows of seats are horizontal in this car. The rear seats are actually two long boards fixed on both sides of the car, so the middle area of ​​the car is actually very empty.

After opening the sunroof on the roof of the car, Ifolite stretched his head out, he raised a hand to the car in front of him. No obvious changes were seen, and there was no gunshots. A row of white smoke suddenly appeared on the ground in front, and then the left rear wheel of the car suddenly burst.

"Damn, you have a laser weapon?" I asked in surprise.

Iverit directly retracted his arm and got back into the car, then said: "It's just a low-power laser. It hits exposed personnel and civilian vehicles at most, and the range is only 200 meters. But this thing There is no sound, and it uses a band outside the range of human vision. Even at night, you can’t see the flash at all. The concealment is very good."

"It's really good. Okay, sit down, I want Force the car in front to stop."

Speaking of which The guy in front is really awesome, and he is still driving without a tire. Of course, this is mainly because he is driving an economical civilian private car, so this car is front-wheel drive, and the rear wheel is actually just being dragged by the front wheel, so even if the tire punctures, it is just not stable. Will completely lose mobility. Of course, the normal car owner feels bad about the car, and of course it will stop if the tire blows out, but the guy in front is obviously not a normal owner. I'm not sure if this car was stolen. Of course, such people don't care about the loss of the vehicle, they are still running while dragging a steel rim, but the speed is obviously much slower, and the body is always twisting.

"Let’s see where you are going this time." As soon as the opponent slowed down, I immediately chased up, and I pushed the opponent’s rear lightly with the front of the car, and the car immediately began to run. Sideways, and then crooked to the side of the road.

Although the road in this community is relatively wide, there are a lot of cars parked on both sides. As soon as this guy ran off the road, he hung up on a car on the side of the road. As a result, he was wiped and turned a hundred. Eighty degrees, and I kicked the accelerator, and hit the side of the opponent's body. Although our speed is not fast now, it is so big after all, and the front of the car has a wrecker specially used to hit obstacles. It is very easy to dent the side of the car in a large area, and The tire on the other side of the car also burst. Eventually, when I stepped on the brakes to death, the car was completely scrapped.

When the car stopped, we opened the door and jumped down. When I got out of the car, I looked outside the door. The second-hand young man who stole the car was still hanging there, thanks to the sentry box in this community on the right side of the road, otherwise he would have to be crumpled up just now.

I looked at the guy and confirmed that I was just shocked, then I ignored him and got out of the car and walked forward. The four people in the car had obviously not given up resistance. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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