"How much investment is required?"

"If you just want to achieve the minimum standard of the guild guardian beast, then you need at least a thousand blade queens. Calculating like this...about 1.7 billion to 2 billion will be invested."

"You said Korean won?"

"No, it's Olympus gold coin "

"Olympus gold coin?"

"Oh, sorry, I forgot, now we are not Olympus Divine Race, we should use our own guild The currency system of Olympus. Olympus gold coin is a special gold coin used by us. One Olympus gold coin is equal to the value of two ordinary gold coins."

"Your It means that one thousand blade queens need to invest 340 million crystal coins?"

"No, 3.4 is the minimum investment, and the actual investment should be between 340 million and 400 million crystal coins. "

"A thousand blade queens need three to four hundred million crystal coins? On average, one blade queen needs close to 400,000 crystal coins?"

Radamanti Sis said very seriously: "I said before that the price of the Queen of Blades is very exaggerated. In fact, what we put in is only a tangible cost price, that is, the money we need to spend. Here it is. During this period, we still have to do a lot of things. Although these labor costs and some of the minerals we own are not bought at any cost, they are actually considered input costs. I have not counted these. Moreover, these parts that are not counted are precisely Big head. If all the costs are converted, in fact, the price of a blade queen should be about one million crystal coins, and the total investment of one thousand crystal coins is at least one billion crystal coins."

" One thousand only need one billion crystal coins?" I shook my head directly after hearing this price: "This Queen of Blades is good, but this price really makes people want to say: loving you is not easy!"

< p>"Then do you plan to use the Queen of Blades as one of the guild guardian beasts?" Radamantis asked: "As far as I know, the guild guardian is not unlimited. It requires a certain guild level to open the more There are many guild guardian beasts. Our guild has five kinds of guild guardian beasts. Let the Queen of Blade occupy a place, do we still have a seat?"

"Don't worry about this." I Relaxed a little and said: "Even the creatures like Snowballs that are mainly cute and have almost no battle strength can be accepted as guardians of the guild. You can think that the guardian beasts of our guild do not have a quota. I'm nervous. Although we already have five kinds of guardian beasts, which is considered to be the guild with the most guardian beasts, in fact, our guild has ten guardian beasts. That is, we have just used half of it, and there are still a lot of places left. I'm afraid in the future It is unlikely that we will fill this position, so there is no need to worry about the guardian beast vacancy. The key is the funding issue. "

Radamantis said: "You have to think about this. Once the decision is made, I will collect those materials as soon as possible to start cultivation. Of course, the funds must be in place immediately, and then I have to help a group of people. In addition to the acquired resources, I have to find some of them by myself. In addition, there are many other resources that need to be obtained from the guild. Transported from various mine bases. So, you must first give me the exact number of cultivation. "

I thought about it for a while or let Radamantis wait first, and then directly contacted Rose with the ring of love.

"Wife, are you free now?" "

"Nothing in a hurry. What's wrong? What do I need to do? "Rose asked.

"That's it. I just discovered a very good creature that can be used as a guild guardian beast. The battle strength of this thing is extremely powerful and belongs to the existence of that kind of Peak. However, the investment in this thing is a bit large. On average, it costs one million crystal coins to invest. As a guild guardian, it takes at least a thousand systems to confirm the guild guardian contract, so I want to ask, we Can the guild support such consumption now? If it can be supported, I will start preparing. Of course, if the funds are sufficient, it will be better to get more. After all, if there are a thousand, only the elite players in the guild can be equipped with some, most of the players are Not needed anymore! "

Rose didn’t answer me right away, but asked me to wait. After about a minute, Rose replied: "I just checked and posted it. The basic amount is 1,000 and I have enough funds. , But the thing you said is too expensive. Impossible asks you to equip everyone in the guild with one. Tell me how much you probably want to equip and let me see if I can squeeze out some funds for you. Recently, the guild has a lot of income, but also a lot of expenses! The main thing is the refurbishment of the mobile angels. This project took up more than 18 billion crystal coins. Fortunately, the eliminated mobile angels were sold for more than 30 billion, and we finally made a small profit. "

"I... you sold three billion of those mobile angels that you spent 1.3 billion to make at the beginning, but you actually told me that it was a small profit? "

"No, no. "Rose explained: "You said that the one that spent 1.3 billion is the fourth generation of mobile angels. I said that the one that sold three billion is the third generation. The fourth-generation machine is still in use, the fifth-generation machine is being built, and because the third-generation machine has sold three billion, the construction cost of the fifth-generation machine is no longer a worry, so you will soon see that our guild is equipped with the fifth-generation maneuver in batches. The angel is out. When we have completed the replacement of the fifth-generation machine, I will sell another one-tenth of the fourth-generation machine, so that the R&D and construction costs of the sixth-generation machine will be covered. "

"Although I am a Boss myself, your sales method is really profiteer. I now want to know how much money you can squeeze out for me. "

"It depends on how valuable you think your guardian beast plan is. If it's about the survival of the guild, I can draw you five to six billion crystal coins right now. However, many industries in our guild must be temporarily closed. After that, the guild’s income will experience a short-term decline, and some industries may suffer irreversible losses. "

"Not so exaggerated. However, this guardian beast is really good, and it can greatly strengthen the battle strength of the guild members, so of course the more the better. "

"If it's just for this reason, I can give you 2 billion, so you can get two thousand guardian creatures. "

"no no no, 2 billion can make more than five thousand. The one billion and one thousand that I told you before was just a full investment, including labor costs and so on. In fact, the project we need to spend money to go out is only 400 million yuan. "

Rose thought for a moment and said: "If you say this, I actually think you can work around it. "

"Work around? How to work around? "

"Each person in the guild middle and high-level managers is equipped with a guild guardian of this kind, and a certain amount of guild contribution is deducted from each person. The same is true for the guild’s main elite fighters. These two parts probably need to consume a thousand guardian beasts. After all, a large part of the high-level managers and elite combatants overlap, so one thousand should be more than enough. For the remaining members, we set two standards based on the level of the guild. Members can exchange guild contribution and money for this guardian beast. After all, you say this is a very powerful creature. Since you even think this is a powerful creature at this level, it must be a very powerful creature. This is equivalent to finding a familiar for the members that does not occupy the quota of the familiar, and the guild guard has much less input than the familiar. Although it cannot be strengthened by means of breeding, it has much lower development potential than magic pets, but it is a powerful combat creature after all, so the actual benefits for members are very large. Since they have such a large benefit income, why can't they pay a certain amount of money to buy this benefit? Anyway, even if they pay, they make a lot of money. "

I nodded and said: "I think your idea is feasible. This kind of creature is called the Queen of Blades. If the price is four hundred thousand one, I think even if you buy it in full, there will be a large group of players rushing to buy it. After all, the monster egg of the same value outside was two or three levels lower than the battle strength of the blade queen. Of course, if you let members pay in full, only some people can really buy it. Four hundred thousand crystal coins are four million renminbi. We don't care, but for ordinary players, this can be considered a huge sum. "

Rose nodded and said: "So we can allow players to pay part of the guild contribution point instead of funds. Moreover, the strength of the members has increased. In the end, the Frost Rose Alliance has gained practical benefits. This is equivalent to helping the guild develop from this starting point. From this starting point, we can directly subsidize a part of the guild’s infrastructure investment, and the remaining Part of it allows players to use their own money and contribution points to pay. "

"So how do you divide this ratio?" "

"My initial plan now is to divide the membership into three different levels. The lowest level is the reserve members. Because these people are still guild investigators and have no formal establishment, they have to pay a little more. We convert contribution to money, and let them use their own money and contribution to decide how to pay. However, the limit is that the proportion of contribution in the payment method cannot exceed half of the total payment amount. Those with a higher level than these people are full members. These members can also be paid with money and contribution, but the total amount they need to pay can be defined as 80% of the reserve members. In addition, these full members are allowed to pay 75% of the total amount with the highest contribution. Finally, Level 1 is an elite member, but it is not the main elite battle strength of the guild, nor are these members of the middle and high-level management. For these members, the total amount of their payment can be limited to half of the reserve members, and then they do not limit the transaction ratio, they can use the contribution to pay in full, or they can use money, as they choose. Do you think this arrangement is feasible? "

I thought about it for a moment and nodded and said: "It's very good, but the specific ratio may need to be considered in detail. You can let the staff member take charge of this matter. "

Rose followed: "According to this standard, I think you can equip more than 80% of the players in the guild with the kind of blade queen you said. I guess except for those who really have no money. Most branch members will find a way to buy one. "

"Actually, I think even one for everyone in the guild should be enough. "I said: "I think the players in our guild should still be quite rich. "

My guess is not a random guess, but the result of my own reasoning. You must know that the game "Zero" has invaded almost all places in the world, and there are at least 20% of players The world in the game has been regarded as its main world, while the real world has become an optional auxiliary world. Of course, this phenomenon is mainly caused by the joint promotion of governments of various countries. After all, Earth resources are now being used Focusing on building immigration ships, all countries are unable to support a large number of people consume various resources as before. In this case, the best way is to send all of them into the game. A player is entering "Zero" In the world, you only need a comfortable bed and consume a small amount of electricity. But if this person is active in reality, his consumption is at least tens or even hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of times in the game.

Because of this ability of "Zero", governments of all countries are actively promoting the gamification process of the whole people, sending people into the game, so that they can concentrate on building immigration ships. After all, what is to be built is space immigration Ships, and the number is so large, its consumption is very scary. The resources on Earth are just that, if you don’t stay in the game, you will definitely find that social resources are abnormal immediately, and then all kinds of inflation and economic recession. Such things happen one after another. Of course, there will be a series of problems such as high unemployment and social turmoil. These problems will inevitably evolve into riots and demonstrations. Once the country falls into chaos, the immigration ship It’s inevitable when the news of the leaked, and then everyone will know that the end of the world has entered the countdown stage, and then the whole world loses hope and begins to be completely chaotic. In the end, let alone saving most people, several immigrant ships can fly. It’s a problem.

This series of consequences are all foreseeable, so politicians of all countries understand very well that this is a consequence that governments and even all mankind cannot bear. Therefore, they cannot let this happen, so When the game "Zero" was proposed, it was able to cover the global network with lightning speed, and governments of various countries would force banks to guarantee the currency physique of the game "Zero". There is no doomsday crisis. The deterrence of this sword of Damocles exists. Banks in various countries will be stupid to let you exchange game currency for real currency? Even if a banker’s head is really so dry, there is no real government to use force. Means to guide ordinary people into the game, it is estimated that the bank will go bankrupt in two days, and even the currency system in the game will also have problems.

Because the current environment is full of many players The world of "Zero" is regarded as the main world, so these people put almost all of their money The production is transferred to the game world. In reality, they may only have a set of snail dwellings. They usually only eat some food that can survive, but in the game they live in super luxury houses and enjoy the delicacies that cannot be eaten in reality. Although the food eaten in the game is fake, because the delicious information is directly transmitted to the brain, as long as you don’t quit the game, human beings will not feel the slightest fake feeling at all. Even after the game time is long, many people Instead, they think that the real world is a false world.

This kind of phenomenon that reverses the game and reality is actually a very common psychological problem. When a person lives in two identities, he will gradually recognize the better life as real. For example, an extremely poor, lonely and helpless person was suddenly asked one day to play the long-lost son of a tycoon who was about to die. Because this person has to play the role of Young Master Qian during this period of time, he suddenly became rich, and everyone around him was enthusiastic and respectful. Gradually, he would forget that he was just a poor creature and thought that he was the rich young man. . This is a kind of psychological escape of human beings, which belongs to the normal reaction of everyone. The only difference is that some people can suppress this situation with reason, while others will gradually forget their true self and regard their role as their true self.

Currently, the 20% of the world of "Zero" who regard the game world as the main world are basically this kind of people. If it was before, of course the government would come forward to stop this deep game addiction. But the special significance of "Zero" is that it allows people to be trapped in it and unable to extricate themselves. Not only will the government not force these people to quit game addiction, it even hopes that more people will fall into it.

Because there are such a large number of players who treat the game as a reality, even if other players can recognize that the game is a game, they don’t think it is silly to throw money into the game like normal games. Moreover, because everyone is throwing money into the game, if anyone thinks out, the money he throws in the game can easily be exchanged for real currency. This situation will not only cause people to exchange things in the game for real money, but will make more people throw a larger amount of money into the game. This is actually a social effect, just like those in reality. Real estate speculation and gold speculation are the same behavior, because some people buy, and all more people follow to buy, and then the rest of the people find that everyone is buying, so they also desperately to buy, this is human beings. Behavioral characteristics of social species. On the surface, it seems that humans have a higher level than animals. In fact, many behaviors are based on instinct.

In the past, if you expect someone to buy a game equipment worth millions of renminbi, it is actually quite difficult, except for some super rich, big money, and nowhere to spend. In addition to the possibility of buying, 99.99% of players will just think it is a joke. But as the status of the game world and the real world gradually blurred, this kind of thing has gradually become very common.

Think about the private cars parked in the residential area around you in reality. Although most of them are tens of thousands of economic cars, millions of luxury cars are not rare. I can see a few cars somewhere from time to time.

Why do you buy a luxury car in reality? Isn't it for identity or face? If it is to be used as a means of transportation, is there really such a big difference between a few million luxury cars and tens of thousands of pieces of bread? In addition to safety, luxury cars are indeed better than low-end cars, but are they really so much stronger in other aspects? Luxury cars do sit comfortably, run faster, and have better safety, but once the car reaches 200,000, the gap in these aspects is not very big. Those high-priced cars are really expensive not because of their performance, but because they are expensive. What grade of car you buy shows what grade of person you are. Just look at your car to get a rough idea of ​​your income level. This is the real meaning of luxury cars.

So, when the game is confused with reality?

Although the world is upside down, people are still people. We still need to show our identity, we need to compare ourselves, and we need to save face. Therefore, even if the high level equipment and high level familiars in the game are very expensive, there are still a lot of people rushing to buy them. People who can afford a car in reality can spend tens of thousands of thousands to buy a high level weapon in the game. This is actually the same reason.

Although the players of our Frost Rose League are better than ordinary players due to strict screening, they are still human, and there are still some in comparison. And because the welfare of our guild is so good, there are not many places to spend money, but there are a lot of things to make money, and the result is that everyone has a lot of spare money. The money piled there is a pile of numbers, what is spent is money, and what is saved is nothing but paper. Since the players in our guild are rich, don't let them pile up there to get moldy, and directly contribute to the guild. Also let them show off in multiple things by the way.

Although Radamantis does not dare to compliment the special hobby of the Banshee series of Hawks, one thing is true, that is, a high-level creature like the Queen of Blades that looks very seductive and super able to fight. Anyone who takes it around will be like driving a luxury car out for a drive, even if you don’t do anything, just go out and wander around for a few laps and enjoy the envy, envy and hatred of others, and it will be refreshing.

In view of the expected purchasing power in the guild, I finally turned around and said to Radamantis: "Let’s customize it according to 60% of our guild’s population. If it is not enough, we will next Let me add it later."

"Sixty percent?" Ladamantis was taken aback by me. "President, are you sure you are not mistaken? There are close to 250,000 people in our guild? Sixty percent is 150,000! Even if the intangible cost is not calculated, the investment that can be seen is 60 billion. Ah! Are you really sure that our guild can afford to pay that much?"

I was very sure, but I was shocked when I heard this number, and finally said, "That is still Let’s follow 50% first."

"Fifty%?" Radamantis said, "That’s too much! Don’t say you plan to subsidize each player. One point, even if it’s all paid by the player, but you still receive a contribution point. In this case, the expenditure is more scary. We don’t have that much money at all!"

"Not much." I explained "I plan to let members pay according to total consumption, not capital consumption. Those guild resources are not windy, and it is reasonable to pay a certain amount of money if they use it. So what they need to pay is each blade queen. One million crystal coins. Then our guild will subsidize a little bit, so that each blade queen becomes about 800,000 crystal coins. Even if the members pay 50% of the contribution point according to the highest ratio, they will at least pay We have to pay another 400,000 in cash. In this case, our actual expenses are actually not large, that is, the guild resources may be consumed more exaggerated."

"Can our guild's resources withstand that much consumption? "Radamantis asked with some worry.

I nodded and said: "Divine Race, your guild, doesn’t know much about the operation of our guild. In fact, the main funds of our Frost Rose League are in fixed assets. Before, Rose was talking about working capital. Inferred proportionally, if our guild has 5 billion working capital, then the disposable resources should be at least 500 billion."

"It still feels scary." Radamanti Si shook his head and said: "I used to think that Olympus Divine Race is already rich. After all, it is Divine Race. Enjoy worship and don’t need to spend much. As a result, compared with our guild, I suddenly felt that the Olympus The Olympus Divine Race is just a bunch of beggars!"

"Who made you stand on such a bad god like Zeus, if my wife is in charge of finances with you, the Olympus Divine Race will be released early Well, let’s talk about business now. How long does it take for these Queen of Blades to train? If the amount of one-time production can’t keep up, I think we’ll get a thousand of them first, first determine the guild guard, and then we will have the rest. Slowly distribute it to members for purchase. If you spread too much at a time, it will be worthless. If the supply exceeds supply, everyone will be happier."

Radamantis looked at my brood and said: "The brood nest here has the same life force as the normal noisy nest. I just checked it and only four can be used."

"So few?"

"Four are not bad." Ladamantis said: "Although the brood itself is very slow to split, but the speed at which the Queen of Blades is produced is very fast. The limit to it is resource consumption. If you open up the supply, these The speed of the guy laying eggs is not slower than that of some insects."

"How long does it take for the number of one thousand?"

"The four broods are started together, and the resources are sufficient. Two or three days is almost the same."

"So fast?"

"So I said this thing does not lay eggs slower than the insect. But the newly born Queen of Blades can't immediately put in Put it into use. The newly born Blade Queens are all little loli. It takes about a week to grow into a full body. However, they can be recruited directly as guardian beasts when they are born, but they can’t be played immediately after being assigned to players. The adult body’s battle strength."

"The growth time in a week is not too slow." I nodded and said: "Then you can quickly write me a list of the materials you need, I It’s so good for people to collect it."

Radamantis touched the notebook directly from his body and handed it to me: "There are detailed records on page 162. Look."

"Damn, do you still have research notes?" I opened this book and found out that this stuff is not printed Brush body, but manually copied records. To be honest, if it weren’t for Radamantis to hand it to me, I would definitely think it was a Necromancer’s magical note if I found it somewhere, because besides various incantations, there are a lot of Dissection diagrams. Analyzing the structure of the Hemo array, the content above is complicated with the alchemy notes.

Ladamantis saw that I was flipping through the notes and said somewhat sorry: "A smart creature is always a little interested in hobby, right? You are not those low-level creatures, and you don’t think we are all in Divine Race. It’s the existence of desirelessness, right?”

I nodded and said: “It’s really pitiful to become that kind of desirelessness. But your hobby is also strange enough. ." As soon as Ladamantis heard what I said, he immediately planned to reveal something about the unknown hobby of the Great God so-and-so, and as a result, I held it down as soon as he opened his mouth. "Stop. I'm in a bit of a hurry. I have notified the military god to send someone to pick it up. If you need anything, you can find the military god or rose, eagle, or Hong Yue."

Hurry up and say hello. I went offline without waiting for Radamantis to respond, because the call was ringing in reality. At this time, the ringing of the call can only represent one situation, that is, the target we are staring at is moving.

"What's the matter?" I asked as soon as I regained consciousness. I wanted Nuwa who was in charge of the operation to give us the latest information. Didn't expect Nuwa's answer was a bit unexpected.

"Look out the window." This is Nuwa's answer.

"Huh?" I turned my head suspiciously, and then I found a red-haired young man holding a long slender metal product to stab the car door lock. Because we and Nuwa were connected by wireless signals, we didn’t speak after we woke up, and the person outside naturally didn’t know that there was someone inside, so he was still there seriously stabbing the door lock, completely ignorant of the car. Someone. "Damn, you wake us up just because of this? Is it possible that our Longyuan electronic car lock has fallen to the point where it can be opened with a wire?" Seeing this, I couldn't help but complain. .

Nuwa said quite helplessly: "Of course the wire can't open the electronic lock, but unfortunately, only the most basic mechanical lock is installed on your car. You know that your car is specially modified. It was originally a military vehicle, and it was pulled from the experimental warehouse of the base. Because it was originally a target for experimentation in other laboratories, it was later temporarily refitted for you as a car, so the door locks were not available in time. , I just got a mechanical lock to make do with it. I didn’t expect someone to steal a heavy car card this year!"

The so-called heavy car card is a kind between SUV and truck. Gadgets. This thing is the general truck chassis, the carrying capacity and off-road performance are much stronger than ordinary off-road vehicles, and the body is much larger than the general civilian off-road. After all, this thing is a truck. Although this type of car is more aggressive, it is not easy to handle because of its size, so few people buy it in the private sector. Because it is so rare, no one steals it. After all, it is too glaring. They say that if you want to hide a tree, the best way is to hide it in the woods. But this heavy sedan stuck in the car jungle is like hiding a thousand-year-old metasequoia in a maple forest. At first glance, it is more than twice as tall as the surrounding trees. Is this a hidden ass?

Because it is not easy to sell stolen goods, no one will steal it. Besides, it is not the government unit or the army that buys this thing. Even the civilian version is mostly high-level bodyguards of some special security companies. use. To put it simply, it is not easy to drive this car. Taking into account the probability of life and money, generally even car thieves do not consider this type of car.

However, the human species is too complicated. Although Nuwa, according to normal logical reasoning, believes that we will never be disturbed by unrelated people when driving this car, and in the event of a road chase, this car needs speed, speed, weight and weight, and is strong enough. However, even though Nuwa has calculated all the logical factors, you can't hold back someone who doesn't follow the logic!

In the legend, there is a kind of people called Erhuo, also known as 2B youth. The characteristic of their behavior is to play cards out of common sense, and sometimes people can't wait to pry their heads open to see what's inside. The one who was busy picking the lock in front of him was obviously one of the young men of the second cargo, and he even dared to steal this almost civilian armored car. Who do you steal back from grandfather and sell it to? Who dares to ask for it?

We were watching the guy picking the lock, and suddenly we heard Nuwa's voice change, and then said: "Attention, the target has action."

Following this prompt, A small video window suddenly opened within our sight. In the video, a group of people can be seen walking out of a residential building. The position of the picture is very high. Obviously, the picture we see should be the picture of a camera in a certain community. With Nuwa, the basic High Level of the firewall does not exist. What we see should be the real-time image captured by the community camera.

The other party had a total of sixteen people in three cars. There is a large SUV in the front, a regular family car in the middle, and a commercial car at the end. Both are civilian cars. Although they are all big-brand cars, they are not eye-catching. After all, there are many such cars on the market.

After those people got on the car, the three cars started quickly and then moved towards the gate of the community, and they drove over at a very fast speed. Seeing this situation, I couldn't wait anymore. I just pressed a button to start it. As soon as I stepped on the accelerator, the whole car burst out suddenly with a roar.

As soon as we got on the road, we had to make a sharp turn and dash forward along the road. It is early in the morning, and the sky is just getting bright. There is almost nothing on the road except those who exercise in the morning. vehicle. But just as I charged ahead, I felt someone knocking on my neck from behind. I took the time to look back at Yeyue behind, and then asked: "What?"

"Look out the window."

I turned my head suspiciously, and then froze for a while. "Damn!" I saw the person who just opened the lock and was trembling outside the car door, and his face turned pale.

Heavy sedan cards are not the same as ordinary SUVs. There are wide pedals outside the door, and there is nothing to do with people standing on them. If you are not too dirty, you are barely enough to sleep on it. Moreover, because the height of this car is exaggerated, there is a thick steel pipe beside the door. This thing is used when people get on the car, but now this one is holding this one with both hands and feet. The steel pipe stood on the pedal and didn't let go. He was obviously frightened.

"Do you want to push this guy down?" Ye Yue asked me from behind.

I wanted to come, but it was a pity that I saw three cars rushing out of the gate of the front complex at this time, and they were very fast. Since the gate of the community and the

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