The sword array of the gold coin roller and the noisy Banshee that fell to the ground immediately produced a very disgusting slice of life, and the crackling of the skeleton. The chi chi sound of cutting the flesh with the sword blade, coupled with the scream of the noisy Banshee itself, mixed into an extremely unpleasant noise, and the listener felt that the stomach and intestines were rushing and just wanted to vomit.

Although the sound of this sword array is not very good, but I have to admit that the effect is good. Once the noisy Banshee in front comes into contact with this sword array roller, they will be cut into sludge and fly around, and Since gold coin controls the rotation speed of the sword array very well, a drop of the flying meat will not be thrown in our direction, all of which are flying forward.

Though some of the noisy Banshee on the ground really fell heavily and lost the ability to fly, in fact, most of the noisy Banshee just stunned for a while, and didn’t really lose their ability. power. As soon as the sword array on our side moved, the noisy Banshee immediately struggled and started trying to take off, but gold coin blew the magic flute again after discovering this situation, and the noisy Banshee on the opposite side all seemed to be drunk. Crawling all over the ground, some noisy Banshee struggled to stand up and flapped his wings in an attempt to forcibly take off. As a result, some flew into the sky like missiles, some flew horizontally against the ground for a short period of time and then fell, and others It slammed into the sword array and was stirred into meat sauce.

Although the noisy scene seems to have suffered a lot from the noisy Banshee, in fact, these dead noisy Banshee are really not worth mentioning under the total amount of noisy Banshee here, and although the frontal battlefield is The sword array completely helped each other, but some of the noisy Banshee that had reacted was pressed up from behind and from both sides. Fortunately, the sound of Bingbing's flute had a great influence on these guys, and the interception of Kristina and Gold Coin was also very thorough, so we did not encounter any actual threats.

"Quickly, quickly, I see the goal."

As we move, the distance between the border of the noisy nest and us quickly disappears, and finally when we succeed After entering the forest made up of the Noisy Nest, I immediately found a split body of the Noisy Nest. Unlike the dying fissures I encountered before, the fissures in front of me were slightly smaller, covered with purple meridians, and covered with a thick mucus like nasal mucus. To be honest, this thing looks disgusting. However, for my Netherworld River Banshee, even if this thing looks like "Xiang", I have to get it back.

Gold coin started to command the sword array to turn under my guidance, and then our assault direction changed, and soon rushed to the side of the split body. Because this thing is alive, the Phoenix Dragon Space cannot contain this. I can only open the door of the earth and ask Qilin warrior to help move this thing in.

The reaction of the Qilin warriors was very quick. The split body itself is not very heavy. It is only a little more than one meter in diameter, and its weight is slightly more important than that of an adult. Two Qilin warriors stood side by side, hugged the thing and lifted it up.

Looking at them sending the split body into the door of the earth, I quickly closed the door of the earth and proceeded to the next target point.

According to our previous assumptions, as we gradually deepen the forest composed of the noisy nest, the pressure on us should be more and more great. However, just as many scientific theories are found to be wrong and outrageous until they are actually applied, our previous assumptions are completely reversed.

According to normal thinking, when we enter each other’s nest, of course, the more we rush in, the greater the pressure. After all, this is the other’s nest. We will definitely be besieged if we rush in. However, when we really came in, we discovered that after entering here, our pressure has dropped a lot, and the reason lies in these noisy nests above our heads.

For us, the Noisy Nest is the Noisy Banshee’s nest, but for the Noisy Banshee this is their home and their parents, so the Noisy Banshee is actually very afraid of hurting these noisy nests. . The so-called refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, noisy Banshee is afraid of hurting the noisy nest, so after we enter here, we dare not press too hard. In fact, even if they don't care about these noisy nests, our pressure will never exceed when we are outside, because the noisy nests above our heads are too dense. The trunk of the huge meat ball on the branches of these things is much thicker, so they form a dense umbrella cover above our heads, leaving only a small gap.

As a flying creature, the noisy Banshee’s offensive route is of course above, and now that there are so many noisy nests above our heads, many offensive routes are virtually closed, making those noisy Banshee completely Unable to develop the attack methods they are good at, they can only slowly descend from the cracks in the Noisy Nest, and then stumbling to attack us from the ground. This kind of unfavorable factors caused Banshee's offensive intensity to plummet, but we can attack unscrupulously, so after entering here, we immediately felt that the pressure on our body was much lighter.

Because it is not as strenuous as it is outside, our advancing speed has increased significantly. It quickly approached the next noisy nest that had just given birth, and on the ground at the bottom was a split body. This thing will be transported away by the noisy Banshee after it is produced, so only the splits that have just been produced are our goals. As for the ones that are transported away, even if I can find them, I don’t want them. After all, they have a period of time. Time is up, and the life force is definitely low, which does not meet my needs.

After successfully capturing the second split body, we started to move again, because we have checked the position distribution of the split body here by darts a long time ago, so we have to collect routes that are not accurate and effective, almost walking It didn't take long to pick up a split body, and there was a place where we picked up three split bodies in one breath. The number of split bodies in the Earth Gate quickly broke through 20, but this number was still not enough, and it was far from it. Fortunately, everyone has adapted to the battle method here, and didn't think it was any hard work, so we started to search all the way forward.

The route surveyed by darts is actually not too long. Along the way, we collected more than forty fissures, but these are not enough. Unfortunately, the route surveyed by darts is just that little. So we still need to find the rest. Fortunately, the split body here is not uncommon. Basically, you can see a newly created split body by just turning around, so our collection work is basically not affected except for the slight decrease in speed.

"Well, this is the one hundred and fifty. It should be almost enough." After nearly an hour of collection, we finally collected one hundred and fifty splits. According to normal circumstances, even if we are unlucky, this batch of splits has a high mortality rate, and it should be possible to save at least one third, that is, fifty samples. Then use Death Qi from the underworld to infect it. In this process, the survival rate is about one-eighth and slightly lower, but if there are fifty split bodies, at least six or seven successful infections can be saved. In fact, we only need three or more successful individuals. Six or seven are already equal to more than double the number of insurances, so I plan to leave here. However, just when I was about to let everyone evacuate, Kristina found something.

"Chairman, look over there."

I followed Kristina’s fingers and looked over, and then I found that there was a clear plant not far from us. The surrounding noisy nests are not the same as noisy nests. Although this noisy nest is also standing on the ground like a lollipop, the size of this noisy nest is more than four times larger than the other noisy nests around it. The main trunks of the other noisy nests are only four or five meters high. This guy is more than ten meters taller than the main trunk below, and the diameter of the sarcoma on the top is also over eight meters, and its color is different from ordinary noisy ones. The dark red of the nest, but black purple.

"What is this? Evolution?" Gold coin and Bingbing also noticed the different noisy nest.

I just thought for a second and immediately pointed to the other side and shouted: "Whether it is an evolutionary entity or not, just get rid of the following split entities."

"Huh, there are so many?" Everyone hadn't paid attention before. After I reminded them, they realized that there were at least 30 fission bodies densely packed under the noisy nest, which was different from the normal noisy nest. Among them, only 2/3/2021 are the splits we have seen before, and the remaining one third, that is, more than a dozen splits are purple black. It can be seen from this color that these purple black split eight achievements are splits of this mutant’s noisy nest. Although it is not known for the time being whether that thing is more powerful than the one before it was not mutated, it is also three. More than a dozen splits, and the straight line distance from us is less than 30 meters. With so many splits at such a close distance, I really couldn't bear to give up, so I ordered everyone to rush over.

Although we don’t know whether the attribute of the Nest of Variation and Noisy is good or bad for the time being, as we approached there, we at least learned that this thing is very important to the Noisy Banshee, because we have been Those noisy Banshee who were afraid of damaging the noisy nest, unexpectedly found our intentions and went away collectively. These noisy Banshee are like crazy, no longer care about those noisy nests, but crazy kings squeeze down, even if some of the noisy nests are on the verge of collapse by them, they don’t care about going on. Undershoot.

Seeing that the other party is so crazy, we actually determined that we must get the goal of those purple splits. After all, the other party is so crazy to protect, those things must be very important. However, just when we were only a few meters away from the fissures of those noisy nests, a group of noisy Banshees, which were obviously larger than the surrounding noisy Banshee several times, suddenly swooped down from above their heads. However, they didn't come to attack us, but went directly to the schizophrenia of those purple noisy nests. These giant noisy Banshees flew directly above the split bodies, and then stretched out their claws to grab the split bodies on the ground and began to flap their wings vigorously in an attempt to take away the split bodies on the ground.

Everyone knows that the energy consumption of flying units during takeoff is the highest. Although these noisy Banshees are much larger than ordinary noisy Banshees, they must carry a split body with a diameter of more than one meter. It is still quite difficult to fly. Seeing those guys struggling to flap their wings and swaying to take off, of course I was impossible to make them do what they wanted. Those purple splits are my goal, how can I let them take them away?

"Kristina, protect Bingbing, I will stop those big guys."

"Leave it to us." After Kristina finished speaking, I rushed Go out, and then directly open the door of the earth and stand it on a gap in the middle of the split body. Although I am mainly going to get those purple fissures, since they are all here, there is no reason not to use the ordinary fissures around me.

The Qilin warrior inside the door of the earth ran out quickly as soon as it opened, and then quickly moved the outer split body in, and I had already rushed to the nearest one with a purple Behind Banshee, the clamor of the split body.

This noisy Banshee is clutching the huge split body and is desperately flapping its wings, but even so, she is only half a meter high from the ground, and the ascent speed is extremely slow, obviously because of insufficient lift. Looking at the noisy Banshee, I jumped up without saying a word, rushed to the back of the noisy Banshee from behind and hugged her head and twisted hard. With just a click, the noisy Banshee died before it landed.

After landing with the corpse of the noisy Banshee and the purple split body, I immediately threw the purple split body here moved towards Qilin warrior. Two Qilin warriors accurately caught the split and carried it into the gate of the earth.

As I guessed before, this noisy nest of purple must be very important, and even the split body it produces is just as important. We robbed more than a hundred divisions before, and the noisy Banshee still fights and fights, not in a hurry. But now, I just grabbed a purple split, and those noisy Banshee rushed towards the gate of the earth like a collective mad.

Because of the divine might of the Mother of the Earth, no Divine Race or high level creatures have dared to enter the Gate of Earth. Very weak, coupled with the stimulation of the purple fission body, these noisy Banshee started to rush into the gate of the earth madly, trying to snatch the fission body back.

Although the gate of the earth is quite large, the problem is that in the face of thousands of noisy Banshee, this entrance still appears a little smaller. All of a sudden, I saw a cycle of noisy Banshee forming a huge black torrent, like a thick black tentacles rushing into the gate of the earth madly, the density was so dense that my Qilin warrior was blocked on both sides of the gate. , The Qilin warrior inside cannot get out, and the outside cannot go back.

Originally, seeing this situation, I had given up to grab other purple splits and prepared to go back to the rescue. After all, inside the gate of the earth is the back garden of the mother of the earth, and as far as I know about the mother of the earth, she seems to be a quiet existence, and the problem is that a noisy Banshee is basically like a big speaker, and it is still The sound quality is particularly unpleasant. If you accidentally get one or two in, it's okay to say, it's thousands of people in this breath, this noise is absolutely intolerable by the mother of the earth. I use the gate of the earth to train soldiers only to borrow the back garden of the gate of the earth. The place does not belong to me, so as a guest, I must know how to measure it. Now this situation is definitely a huge disrespect to the owner, so I don't care about anything now, and I hope to get out of the noisy Banshee as soon as possible.

Although my response has been very fast, it is a pity that Mother Earth’s tolerance for noise is really very, very low, so that I was just about to start, and I saw the The door of the door of the earth flashed suddenly, and a light green shock wave suddenly spread out from the door and formed a green light film thinking about all directions and spread out.

The diffusion speed of this light film is very fast. It takes almost a second to charge ahead several hundred meters. The striker left my line of sight in the blink of an eye, and the light film swept across the sky. Banshee's noisy Banshee are all crackle and fall like rain. A layer of noisy Banshee was piled up around us in an instant.

"What's the matter with you? Who told you to get this disgusting thing in?" The Mother of the Earth angrily appeared at the door of the Earth Gate, then glared at me and asked.

"That...I’m so sorry. I just wanted to bring these fissures back. I didn’t expect those noisy Banshees to chase the fissures and rush in. I thought they would be with other creatures. The divine might who are afraid of you dare not come in!"

"hmph, such a disgusting low-level creature simply doesn’t know what divine might is. You thought they would be afraid of divine might. It’s so stupid. .Okay, please pay attention to me now. I won’t care about you this time, but no next time. I don’t like noise, please pay attention to me. Nothing that makes noise is allowed. Get into my back garden."

"Yes, yes, I promise that there won't be another time!" I apologized hurriedly, after all, it was my fault first. Those who clearly make mistakes and quarrel with others are idiots, especially when they are better than you.

"Huh, I'm scared to death!" Gold coin dared to open his mouth after seeing the mother of the earth angrily returning to the door of the earth.

Kristina is also nodded and said: "The magical power of the really strong fluctuates, and I feel that the surrounding magic nets are out of my sensing range for an instant. By her side, the magical powers simply cannot be used! "

"People are High God, and of course we are the difference between Heaven and Earth. But don’t worry, the Mother of the Earth is pretty good to me."

gold coin Looked at the noisy Banshee paved all around and said: "Thanks to her being nice to you, look at these noisy Banshee. It seems that people just used a random trick, right?"

In fact, the whole valley is now It was a dead silence. It is estimated that since the first noisy Banshee settled here, it has never been so quiet here. Although I didn't see how much the green light film spread, I can be sure that the thing definitely swept the whole noisy Banshee's lair, otherwise it would never be quiet like this. You know that noisy Banshee is synonymous with noise. If all the noisy Banshee here fainted, how could it be so quiet?

After a little sigh for the terrifying power of Mother Earth, I urged Qilin warrior to work quickly. Remove all the noisy Banshee on the surrounding ground, and then the broken bodies buried by Dad quickly came out and stuffed them into the gate of the earth. After doing all of this, we simply summon their respective guardian long spears and left this place from the air. Anyway, all the noisy Banshees are lying on the ground, and the air has become very safe. Of course, this is only temporary.

As a High God, unless the other party actively provokes herself, Mother Earth will generally not attack other creatures. Just now, she took the shot because Banshee was too noisy, but in accordance with High God's consistent style, she didn't hit the killer, but used her ability to temporarily faint those noisy Banshee. Don't look at the noisy Banshee lying here now. But after a while, they will definitely get up again and fly around looking for us.

While the noisy Banshee was still awake, we left this ghost place as quickly as possible. After leaving the mission area, directly use the Transmission Formation of the nearby city to return to Tianyu City, and then teleport back to Isengard.

When I arrived at Isengard, there was no need to protect them. Besides, I couldn't take them down where I was going to go, so I let Kristina and Gold Coin leave first.

After dismissing the temporary team, I asked the god of war to contact Auresia for me. She had been sent back by Christina before, and is now receiving guild benefits under the leadership of a member. Explained that she would wait for me in the Interior Hall after receiving the guild benefits, and then I cut off the communication and went to the Underground City of Isengard.

Go directly to the underworld through the gate of the underworld located in Underground City. After reaching the Weak River, it happened that Radamantis commanded a group of people to build something here, but because it was not completed yet, So I can't tell what this is for now.

"Purple Moon President?" Radamantis immediately said hello when he saw me, and then asked: "Is there anything going on with you down?"

Netherworld is also the Netherworld, this place is now all hosted by Hades in charge, so I generally will not come down. But as long as I get down, there is probably something going on.

I nodded and said: "I just made some noisy Banshee's nests, I want to see if I can evolve the nests, and then make some Netherworld River Banshees."

"The nests Evolution?" Radhamantis looked at me in surprise and asked: "Don’t you know?"

"Ah? What should I know?"

Radaman Tess looked at me again, and after confirming that I really didn’t know, he said, "Noisy Banshee can indeed evolve into Netherworld River Banshee, but noisy Banshee’s nest cannot withstand the erosion of Death Power in the underworld, so if If you put the Noisy Nest here, it will wither and die within a long time. It is impossible to produce the Netherworld River Banshee."

"Huh? Is that true? I didn't really know it before. Why? It sounds like you know it well?"

Radamantis was a little blushing when he said that, but he adjusted it quickly, and then came up whispered with a smile: "That, In fact, I have raised a lot of Netherworld River Banshee myself."

I glanced at Radamantis in surprise, and then said with a clear expression: "Oh, I understand, I understand. Everyone is a man, understandable."

I usually look at the guy Radamantis who is reserved with a stern look. I really think this guy is like a robot. But now it seems that it is not the case at all. Radamantis just takes his work seriously, and as one of the Big Three in Hell, his identity is relatively transcendent existence on Hades's side. Except for Hades himself and his wife, only Pandora's status is slightly higher than him. The other people are his subordinates, and Ladamantis is under the direct jurisdiction here, so they usually have to show A lieutenant's arrogance, otherwise there is no way to convince people. Besides, this place is an underworld, he is in charge of the dead, and it is a very strange thing to be frivolous all day long.

Because of these reasons, Radamantis usually behaves like a robot, but in fact, he is also a normal person, and he also has those male hobby. Regardless of the noisy Banshee before evolution, all of them are very abstract, but Netherworld River Banshee is a recognized beauty. Except for the succubus and a few high-level demons, they are almost the Peak beauties in the Dark Element creature. You have to know that those movie stars and graphic models are also ordinary person, who were just apes before evolution. Therefore, the relationship between the appearance of this evolutionary body and its ancestors is not very direct. The ugly appearance of the noisy Banshee does not mean that the Netherworld River Banshee is also ugly. Therefore, as a normal person, it is understandable that Radamantis usually raises some Netherworld River Banshee at home. On the one hand, it can be used as a maid, and on the other hand, can it also meet some special needs?

"Then what...I won't accept this matter for now." Ladamantis turned the subject away: "You want to convert more of the Netherworld River Banshee, don't you?"

I nodded and said: "I want to turn the Netherworld River Banshee into the guild guardian beast of our guild, but the guild guard is not just a few Netherworld River Banshee. It needs a certain amount of foundation, and To allow this group to form a stable reproduction cycle, at least to ensure the normal continuation of the population. Netherworld River Banshee itself is asexual reproduction, so to ensure the reproduction of the population, there must be a nest of Netherworld River Banshee, but the problem is that you just said noisy The nest can’t be transformed, so how did the Netherworld River Banshee I saw before come from? I remember that I did see the Netherworld River Banshee’s lair. Isn’t it the Netherworld River Banshee’s lair, but the noise Nest?"

"You have misunderstood this." Ladamantis said: "Let's do it. Come with me and I will help you fix this."

"Oh, that's very good. Let's go."

Ladamantis turned around and handed over his work for a while and took me through the Bridge of Helplessness to the opposite side of the weak water river. Not far forward, we saw the new Yama Palace that was about to be completed.

This Yama Palace is the official establishment of Celestial Court, which is the 11th Yama Palace, which is officially registered in Celestial Court. However, ours is basically a private contract, so unlike the previous ten public Yama Palaces, our Yama Palace can be modified at will. In addition, our guild recruited Hades and the other original gods, so this building complex was built directly with reference to the Western architectural style. Of course, another purpose of this design is to conveniently hide those Power of Faith collectors and storage conversion equipment. According to the general Yama Palace standards, there is no place to put those equipment, so the Yama Palace can only be built in a Western style, so that it can be made taller. And the most important thing is that the Divine Immortal of Celestial Court is not like government officials. They are restricted by the system and cannot do without the borders of China. Therefore, it is not too much to say that the Divine Immortal of Celestial Court are all country bumpkins.

Because those Divine Immortal in Celestial Court are all country bumpkins, they don’t understand the style of Western architecture at all. So even if they come to inspect on a whim, we will definitely be able to get confused. Otherwise, if we follow the original structure, where there should be something and let people read it at a glance, we can't hide it at all.

Go around the Yama Palace which is about to be completed, and then arrive at the Underworld Garden, which is known as the most beautiful place in the Underworld. This thing is completely the masterpiece of Hades and his wife. Who said that he was originally the Goddess of Spring? Of course, the garden here is not yet fully completed. The most visible one is the Resurrection Lily. This thing is originally a plant of the underworld. It almost grows wildly in this place. Other plants need divine force protection to grow in the underworld. Otherwise, they will wither. But even with the protection of divine force, they still grow very slowly. The gardens are basically bare, with only some young crops and the like.

Go through the garden here, and then we enter the open area behind. The underworld is different from the human world. This place has less people and more land, and there are large expanses of air everywhere, so it is easy to expand anything.

Radamantis helped me find a location a little farther away from the Yama Palace, and then used his divine force to draw a large area here. After marking this area, Radamantis said to me: "This will be used as a special breeding ground for the Netherworld River Banshee in the future. What do you think?"

I nodded and said: "OK, This place is very good."

Radamantis listened to my promise and continued: "Then let's get the Netherworld River Banshee ready for the start. Well, you will grow up. You have a noisy Banshee lair. Really?"

I nodded and said: "There are yes, but don’t you say you can’t take it out? Whenever you touch the breath of the underworld, it will wither!"

"Yes It will wither, but it will take a while, not so fast. You will come out first, and I will use divine force to protect it, so it will be fine."

"Huh? You will also protect Plants are not corroded by the breath of the underworld? Isn’t this the ability of Persephone?"

"Although the power of the queen of the underworld is the power of spring, if it only protects one or two plants, any Divine Race can It can be done. However, unlike the Queen of Pluto, our ability is relatively bad and we can only maintain it like this. As long as I stop, it will be invalidated immediately, but Master Persephone only needs to release a protection technique. , Unless she takes the initiative to remove the protection, or someone else destroys the protection curse, otherwise this power will continue."

"Professionals are really different. But if you protect yourself. , Do you want to maintain the growth space of this noisy nest like this?"

"That's not necessary." Ladamantis explained, "Although I am not as good as Master Persephone, But we just need this noisy nest to produce a noisy Banshee. It won’t take too long."

"So? Then you go on." I just took a split body as I said. Come out, and then hand it over to Radamantis.

Radamantis took a closer look at the split body, and then shook his head directly: "This is useless, there is not much vitality."

Because I already knew that these splits were going to die at least 2/3/2021, so I was not surprised at all, and asked Radamantis to throw away the splits, and then asked Qilin warrior to move out a few more. Radamantis checked one by one, and then selected one and took it to the side of the open space.

"Take it for me first, don't let it fall to the ground." Ladamantis handed me the split body and said.

I nodded to take the split, and then see what Radamantis is going to do. I saw that this time Ladamantis first used divine force to dig a large vertical downward hole on the ground with a depth of at least ten meters, and then threw a lot of what he took out of his portable storage equipment into it. A kind of red powder. I looked at the things he sprinkled curiously and asked: "What kind of powder is this? Why does it smell sweet?"

Radamantes said with a smile: "I advise you Still don’t ask. It’s better if you don’t know the origin of this thing."

"I know, it must be something disgusting. But if you don’t tell me the origin, at least tell me the purpose of this thing. "

Radamantis suddenly laughed wretchedly when he said this. To be honest, this expression is really indistinguishable from his usual image. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, others would tell me that I would never believe that Radamantes could laugh so sordidly and so lewdly.

"hehe, when it comes to effects, that's great. This thing can not only isolate the underworld from the soil of the underworld from eroding plants, but also promote the evolution of the Netherworld River Banshee. But the above are all auxiliary. It works. In fact, the most powerful ability of this thing is to make Netherworld River Banshee's figure more popular and her face more beautiful. This is what I discovered when I raised Netherworld River Banshee. No one else knows except me."

"Eh...what did you guys study when you had nothing to do before?" I used to hear all kinds of strange gossip in Olympus Divine Race, now I want to come, maybe Olympus Zeus is not the only veteran on Si's side. Maybe other Olympus Divine Races have more or less problems in this regard. At least Radamantis can obviously be counted as one, but he pays more attention to the image than the scum of Zeus, and generally does not show it outside.

"Okay. The following is the most important part." Ladamantis was so excited that he snatched the Noisy Nest Fragmentation in my hand and threw it underneath. In the hole. "Now prepare to witness the miracle!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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