Chapter 172 Forced Advance

It took more than an hour for Kristina and others to get to the place, and during this time the group Noisy Banshee has basically exhausted his energy and entered a period of sluggishness. After all, noisy Banshee creatures are fundamentally different from real birds. Their weight is too large to guarantee a long continuous flight. Flying in this way for an hour is like an ordinary person running a 1,000-meter armed cross-country. It will not be exhausted, but it is definitely not easy.


"Purple Moon big brother."


The three beauties shouted separately I yelled, and then realized that I was still in a daze attentively, so gold coin stepped up and gave me a push. "Boss? What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I'm directing the darts to seduce those noisy Banshee to play in circles."

"You won't be so long Are you doing this?" Kristina asked, looking at me in surprise.

I smiled triumphantly, and then said, "It's okay anyway, it's better to drain their energy first. Noisy Banshee's explosive power is good, but the endurance is not so good. There is at least half the noise over there now. Banshee can't fly anymore."

"Isn't putting it that way easier?" Gold coin asked.

"It is not easy to say that it is easy, there is too much noisy Banshee over there, even if most of them are exhausted, but there is still too much left. I am This can only relieve a little stress." After I finished speaking, I said to Bingbing: "These noisy Banshees are very noisy. Is your soul-saling song useful in this situation?"

Bingbing listen When it came to me, I was nodded, and then explained: "The music of our magic musicians is only a joint effect, and the real effect is magic, so unless the other party is the same as the Black Dragon, it is magic immunity physique, and my magic is covered by noise alone. It's useless."

I nodded and said: "That's fine. It will be like this for a while. After we push over there, I will stand at the forefront of the team, and then you will follow me behind. Christie Na, you and gold coin are standing on both sides of Bingbing, and then you two are responsible for the defense above us. I can take care of the parts on the ground."

Noisy Banshee is a flying creature after all. The latter battle strength can't even reach the third in the air, so I can handle all the noisy Banshee on the ground alone.

"Boss, if we advance like this, should we plan the route first?" Gold coin asked.

Christina said: "The president must have planned for such a long time. Isn't it the president?"

I nodded and said: "The terrain inside I I’ve researched it all, and you’ll just follow me for a while. I’ve already planned all the routes."

"Then how to arrange the evacuation after the task is completed? Back to the original way?" gold coin again Asked.

I directly shook my head and said, "When retreating, I will use Transmission Scroll directly. Bingbing will go first, Kristina and Gold Coin, you two will retreat with me, and wait until Kristina leaves the dense den. Just leave the team and evacuate here. I broke off with gold coin. After Kristina leaves safely, you will withdraw gold coin first, and I will leave last."

The three MMs are nodded, they all know this The arrangement is the most suitable, because I am the strongest here. It is not easy to eliminate the noisy Banshee. It is quite simple to run.

After the plan was made, we formed a team directly, and then I took the lead and started to move forward.

I didn't ride the night shadow, but walked with everyone on foot. After all, I could get closer to each other. Anyway, the battle method of the three MMs does not require much physical activity, so even if they are close together, they will not affect the battle.

From my previous hiding place, we began to walk along the canyon. After a short section of the road, the canyon in front of us suddenly became wide, and when we walked around a boulder blocking the way, we finally saw the peripheral zone of the noisy nest. I saw a huge object like a lollipop standing on the ground not far away. Below these things is a straight trunk, with a dry appearance, almost like a tree trunk, and generally between three and five meters in height. Above these backbones is a huge sphere, but this sphere is not a solid form, but more like a huge sarcoma. That thing was not only covered with large and small holes on the surface, but it was also squirming, stretching out and shrinking, and from time to time a cloud of high-temperature gas was ejected from the hole in a certain direction.

This kind of disgusting lollipop structure is the noisy nest, of course this is an adult. The split body of the Noisy Nest, that is, the seedling is not as big as the adult body, and there is only a fleshy ball, without the support like the trunk on the ground. However, even though it is much smaller than the adult body, the split body of the Noisy Nest still has a diameter of more than one meter, which is not too small.

After we bypassed the boulder, we were directly exposed to the noisy Banshee's sight, but the noisy Banshee did not immediately notice us because of the darts scurrying around on the edge of the opposite lair. Because this super big light bulb has been attracting the attention of the noisy Banshee, when we came out from here, the noisy Banshee turned their backs to us, and no noisy Banshee noticed that someone was approaching their lair here.

Although the noisy Banshee did not notice us, we are also impossible to enter each other’s lair safely, so we need to seize this rare opportunity and run forward quickly.

I don’t know if it was because we got the breath too close, or the sound of our footsteps aroused those guys. Just when we just moved to a place seven or eight meters away from the noisy nest at the extreme edge, several of the noisy Banshees turned their heads and looked at us at the same time. Because these guys still have a certain amount of intelligence, they were stunned when they saw us, but just hesitated for a second or two, one of the noisy Banshee suddenly opened his mouth and let out a harsh and crow-like cry gu gu sound. This huge sound immediately alarmed the surrounding noisy Banshee, followed by the sound of shuaa~'s flapping wings. The noisy Banshee standing on top of the surrounding noisy nests all flew up, and for a while, our sight All you can see in the area are gray and black feathers. Of course, this color is mainly what I see. Kristina and Gold Coin use their own dark auxiliary vision spells, and the colors of things they see are different from mine.

Because the coping strategy had been planned in advance, Bingbing put the jade flute in his hand to his mouth without hesitation, and then played it gently.

"Woo..." A melodious and long short tone is immediately followed by a long tone. All the noisy Banshee around in the sky is like a collective hammer, and a colleague appears. After tens of thousands of air crashes, large groups of noisy Banshee collided with each other, and then entangled with each other and fell to the ground. For a while, we were all around us and half of the crackle was raining. All the noisy Banshees were falling down.

"Fuck me, what's the situation?" Gold coin hurriedly sacked the sword bag as soon as it saw this situation, dozens of Flying Swords sprang out, and then formed two layers of sword wheels on top of our heads. And it spun quickly. All the noisy Banshee that fell directly above us were turned into flesh by the sword wheel, and then thrown to all around with the help of centrifugal force, while we below were like a big umbrella above our head and talked about all the noise that fell. Banshee was all blocked outside.

Kristina clung to us to prevent herself from falling outside the protection range, and said: "These noisy Banshees rely on sound to distinguish their directions. Bingbing's magical sound may just restrain these guys. Now It seems that our previous plan was a bit wrong. Bingbing can handle these noisy Banshee alone!"

"In fact, it's not as powerful as you think." Bingbing stopped directly after a flute sound. At this time, I stood among us and explained: "I just used magic sounds to disrupt their hearing and make their sense of direction disappear. As for the reason they fell, it was because they had too many themselves and the team was too dense. That’s why they collided with each other after losing their sense of direction, causing them to fall in groups. If it’s just a few noisy Banshees, my flute will only make them spin in the air at best."

"That's also very difficult to deal with." Kristina said: "We are not going to kill all these noisy Banshees, as long as you can prevent them from flying, it will save us a lot of things!"

Noisy Banshee is a flying unit after all, it will all hit the ground with rustling sound, and it no longer poses any threat to us.

I looked at the noisy Banshee that no longer fell above my head, and immediately reminded me: "Gold coin, open the way."

Gold coin first looked up at the top of my head, then Nodded and said: "Understand." Then the Heavenly Venerable sword in her hand danced a sword flower and pointed forward. "Sword array-change."

Following the command of gold coin, the Flying Swords that were flying above us suddenly all flew in front of us, and then there was a crash-bang sound like lightning. Formed a horizontal line in front of us.

These Flying Swords are all suspended in front of us four or five meters away. All Flying Swords are located on the same straight line, so they are lined up in front of us. Each sword is pointed upwards. , The blade forward. After this formation change was completed, I saw gold coin pinched another handprint, but did not speak, but the sword array over there moved. The Flying Swords at the two ends of the row of Flying Swords suddenly fell forward at the same time with the end of the hilt as the center point. After the two outermost Flying Swords fell forward fifteen degrees, the two outer swords on the left and right sides also fell suddenly, but instead of falling forward, they fell backward. With the movement of these two swords, the Flying Sword at the back began to move in groups of two, and it was a group of front and back.

These Flying Swords don’t just fall down and finish the work. They are like the hilt of the sword being fixed on a rotating shaft, and then the sword body starts to rotate around this shaft, but it’s just next to each other. Both of his swords rotate in opposite directions.

This large row of Flying Swords turns into a horizontal sword array roller. From the outside, you can only see the cold light flashing of the silver sword blade, and you can hear it. The howling wind.

Looking at the completion of the sword array like this roller, gold coin immediately pointed the Heavenly Venerable sword forward again, and said roundly: "Move." So, the sword wheel roller immediately began to move forward against the ground. stand up.

This sword wheel drum is operating in high-speed rotation, and the silver outside is full of blades. This movement is like a meat grinder, but at this time the ground in front of it is densely packed and full The noisy Banshee that fell just now. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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