"Now prepare to witness the miracle!"

As the split body was thrown into the pit by Radamantes, we immediately felt it There was a small muffled noise from under the ground, but the ground immediately around it suddenly began to tremble, and from above, I had seen that the split body at the bottom of the pit was rapidly expanding and above it. The huge root system that stretched out a lot like the tentacles of an octopus penetrated into the nearby ground, and the ground vibration originated from this.

The growth rate of that split body is really unusually fast. Although I have heard a little bit about the growth speed of the Noisy Nest, the legendary speed is not as exaggerated as the one in front of me. Besides, the environment of this underworld obviously did not grow with the Noisy Nest, but this Noisy Nest actually maintained such an exaggerated growth rate, which in itself was abnormal.

"Is this the function of the powder you just sprinkled?" I asked in surprise.

Radamantis said quite proudly: "I dare not say other ways. I am an expert in cultivating Netherworld River Banshee."

I watched. The triumphant Radamantis wiped the cold sweat on his head, and muttered in his heart: "Does this wife of Persephone have an innate talent as a teacher? A great Demon King in a region like Radamantis? Can be cultivated as a gardening expert, Hades’s Demon Gods are not all gardeners, right? Of course, Ladamantes is a Demon King after all. Although the gardening skills are good, the plants grown are a bit curious. One point."

I was whispering in my heart. Suddenly I saw that the noisy nest in the pit in front of the split body finally grew out of the ground, but the growth characteristics of this thing are obvious from the normal noisy nest. Different. A normal noisy nest should grow from the ground up to a bare trunk about four to five meters high, and then a huge meat ball with a diameter of two to three meters will grow at the top, and then the meat ball will look like The heart beats and produces noisy Banshee until the amount it can support reaches its limit.

The normal noisy nest should be this long, but this one not only grows very fast, but it also grows very strangely. After this noisy nest grew out of the ground, it turned out not to be a main trunk, but four main trunks, and instead of growing straight up, it bent in four different directions, and finally pierced back again. Four rings of wooden structures formed in the soil exposed on the ground.

"What's this? Is it a normal reaction?" I asked Radamantis next to me.

Radamantis nodded said: "Don’t worry, this is normal, and it grows well. Generally, at this step, three main trunks are successful, and four trunks grow like this. It has grown very well. I have planted it so many times before, and I have encountered it again and again without roots. The Netherworld River Banshee that was bred at that time was completely superb, and I still carry it with me all the time."

I nodded and asked: "Then how long will it take to grow Netherworld River Banshee now?"

"Netherworld River Banshee did not grow from this. This is only the 1st Step. You'll understand later by watching my operation." Ladamantis knew that it was not easy to explain, so let me watch it.

In fact, the development speed of this noisy nest is indeed fast enough. It took about two minutes. The central position of the four main trunks split from this noisy nest suddenly protruded with a fifth branch. Radamantis knew that I would misunderstand, so he said directly: "Don't worry, this is not the backbone, but the flower path."

"The flower path?"

"Well, You can see it."

Following the tip of Radamantes, I found that the branch grew from under the ground until it reached a height of more than one meter and then stopped. A green spore appeared at the tip of the branch. This spore began to expand rapidly like an inflated balloon. It took only ten seconds to grow a huge flower bud with a diameter of nearly half a meter, and then suddenly it seemed to explode. The whole flower bud suddenly bloomed outward, and at the same time sprayed out a large number of golden light particles. These light particles also flew about four or five meters high, with a coverage area of ​​only about five meters in radius, but there were a lot of light particles, and the falling speed was very slow. They looked like stars were landing, very beautiful.

With the full bloom of the flower, we saw a huge scarlet flower hanging on the tip of the branch, and in the center of the flower are a few golden stamens stretched out, which looks unusually beautiful .

"What do you do with this? Do you have to pollinate and let it grow Netherworld River Banshee?" I asked, looking at the flower.

I just said it casually, didn’t expect Radamantis actually nodded and said: "You’re right, it just needs to be pollinated, but it’s not pollen. You still have it there. A lot of noisy nests, right?"

I nodded and asked: "What are you doing? Do you still need it?"

"Yes, get them all out, I want to use them."

I nodded to ask Qilin warrior to quickly move out all the noisy nests and pile them outside. When the Qilin warrior moved out, Radamantis was inspecting one by one, and then instructed the Qilin warrior to open up those noisy nests. Some of them were thrown by the Qilin warrior under his command to the noisy nest where the life force was about to dry up. These seem to be useless. The rest was piled up by his command.

Radamantis was picking up here, and suddenly screamed. "Oh my God! Brood! Why do you have this?"

Of course I watched when I heard Radamantes cry, but I saw Radamantis hugging him. Yelling frightened and flustered at one of the noisy nests of purple.

"I found that with the rest of the noise. What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

"Of course there is no problem, but this thing is very precious, and It’s super hard to find. Don’t you know it?"

"I don’t know. Why? Is this thing useful?"

Radamantis said seriously : "It's useful. The first is to wash some points."

"Wash points?"

"Hey, you are an adventurer anyway, don't you know this? The word wash points is You adventurer invented it."

I tentatively asked after hearing what Radamantis said: "You said that all the attribute points that have been allocated on the player are whitewashed and then redistributed. Is that kind of washing?"

"Yes, that's the kind."

"My God!" I was stunned when I heard this answer.

Wash it up! This thing is a special business item that can only be seen in the private servers of some previous online games, and not all games have it.

When players just enter the game, they often do not understand the game, are not familiar with the skills, and do not understand the specific effects of the attribute points, which results in the attribute assignment not being so accurate. Many players like to experience the game before it is officially open, that is, to participate in the game beta or the game public beta, in fact, to get in in advance to get familiar with the matching effects of various professional attributes in the game, so as to facilitate the game. When it is officially opened, you can let your characters directly have the best attribute allocation plan, and plan ahead of time the upgrade and transfer routes, which skills to learn, which skills to give up, and special tasks to brush a piece of equipment. You can figure it out in advance during the internal and public beta.

Although most games will delete all the internal and public beta information after the actual start of operation, that is, the player's account and level in these two tests can not be retained. Although on the surface it seems that the players who participated in the test and the players who did not participate in the test start the game at the same starting line, it is a setting to ensure the fairness of the initial stage of the game to the utmost extent. However, even if players who have participated in the closed beta and public beta reapply for an account, their advantages are still very obvious.

Players who have participated in the test understand the role of attribute points. Even if their points distribution is not the most reasonable, at least it is more reasonable. And they understand a general task flow, so they can level up the most efficiently. In the Early-Stage game, with few open scenes, concentrated player levels, and intensive training points, these players who have participated in the test can first use their knowledge to stand out from many players. Once you leave the mainstream player group, you can occupy a lot of game resources alone at this time, because other players are still squeezing the low-level leveling area, but you can already go to the intermediate level to level-up. Others are busy robbing monsters, they will definitely drag down the upgrade speed, but you can dominate a large leveling area alone. This speed is definitely much faster than others, and when the mainstream player group squeezes into the middle-level area, you can already go. High level area. In this way, one step is to go first, and others will always follow you and eat ashes. You just want to be underdeveloped.

However, even for players who have participated in the test, it is not that the attribute points can be allocated so accurately. Although the internal test of the game is to test the entire game, it usually opens a multiple experience mode that is completely different from the normal mode. That is, at that time, players upgrade very quickly, and you can test the entire game history in a very short period of time.

Although players have mastered the attribute points of the game characters in this process, the problem is that the equipment exploded in the game and the tasks you received, as well as those accidentally encountered Various rewards, these things are often not fixed. The biggest difference between an online game and a stand-alone game is its randomness, especially a super game like "Zero" that is almost equal to an independent world. Even if you play it 10,000 times, I can guarantee that you will never have the same attribute twice. All kinds of unexpected tasks and all kinds of sudden situations will put you on a different path, which will then affect a series of attribute changes.

These different attribute changes, the final result is to interfere with your attribute balance. For example, originally your attribute points are allocated according to the agility setting, which means that your attribute mainly focuses on agility and attack power. However, after you enter the game for a period of time, your character suddenly breaks out and you encounter A hidden job transfer task was created. This task can transfer you to a powerful MT, that is, the team leader. As the main tank of the team, defense and blood volume are the key attributes, and your previous attributes are all added to agility and attack. This is obviously the attribute is not compatible. However, this hidden profession is very powerful. Even if you change your job with your current attributes, your future development will be much higher than your current achievements. At this time, most people must be directly transferred to this more promising career, but the problem is that although you have become more powerful, the attributes in your body have become your eternal pain, because if you ran directly at the beginning Adding attribute to this position of MT is definitely several times stronger than it is now.

Do you think you are depressed in this situation? And if someone suddenly tells you at this time that there is a way to wash out all the attribute points you have so far, and then let you redistribute it once, do you say you are happy or not?

So the ability to wash some points is absolutely against the sky. Of course, the above is just a more extreme example, but most players actually have more or less attribute distribution problems. This kind of problem is often caused by the later equipment attributes or some rewards obtained by accident. Although these problems are not very serious, and do not affect the continued game, but they are very depressing. Many times everyone will think, if I had added something like that in the first place, it would be great!

Because everyone has similar ideas, it is definitely a super happy thing to be able to wash some points. Moreover, the more the washing point goes to the later stage, the more obvious the effect will be. Because as the player's level increases, the attributes of the character will gradually become fixed. It's like a person who has been in Great Accomplishment for years, hobby and everything will be fixed. The attribute points and skills of high level players are basically fixed. If attributes can be redistributed at this time, on the basis of the same total attribute points, their battle strength can be increased by at least 20%. This is an incredible addition.

"Radamantis, you said that this purple noisy lair can be washed. Is it true that any player can wash it? Will the previously obtained attributes be lost? All rewards Will all the attributes be retained? I won’t lose the attribute points, right?"

"Normally, of course I won’t lose them, but also not sure. At least I know there is a way to deliberately cause some people to lose attribute points. . But as long as there is no external interference, it is very safe in itself. The transformation process itself will not produce accidents, and accidents are caused by outsiders."

"Tell me about the specifics. How to change the law, and what happened to the accident?"

"This kind of purple thing is called a brood. After it is planted, it will not grow a noisy nest, but will grow. A low, large sarcoma. This large sarcoma is called the evolutionary capsule, and it will actively swallow the first lifeform that is close to it. If you want to wash some points, just take the initiative to get close to it and let it eat you down. But you can rest assured, you Will not die, and will not be downgraded. This meat sac will decompose you and then synthesize. During this process, you will be prompted to redistribute your attributes, and you can even modify your appearance without limiting the scope. Modification. Even if you want to change yourself into a monster that no one has seen before, it’s okay. Of course, your own volume will not change before and after the modification. After that, it will take about five or six hours to reorganize, and then the meat sac will be Withered quickly, you can come out of it."

"Speaking of which, this brood can only be used once, right?"

"Yes." Radamantis said: "The brood is actually a kind of parasite, and the outer meat sac is just an eggshell. It reorganizes your body just to make you have stronger self-protection ability, so that it can live with you. After that, it means that it has a stronger guarantee of survival. But don’t worry, the brood itself is a plant-based creature. Although it is symbiotic with you, the dominant thought is entirely your own. For this kind of For plant-based creatures, as long as they can survive. It doesn’t want to control anything."

"Then what happened to the accident you mentioned?"

"The accident is Accidental interference. Because you need to be reorganized after being decomposed, if the meat sac is attacked before it is completely decomposed, you will die once, but you will not lose the attribute points, but simply die once. However, once the brood begins to let go You have allocated points. From this time on to your complete reorganization and breaking out of the shell, during this process, if the brood is attacked, you will not only die once, but also the attribute points will be reduced. The specific reduction depends on the amount of The point at which the brood was attacked. If it is attacked before you finish assigning the attributes After you come out, you will become a super useless person with all the basic attributes left. If it is after this, then the longer the elapsed time, the less attribute points you lose. "

"I see. What you mean is that after the brood decomposes you, your attributes are all gone, and then the brood will instill in you back after you have completed your selection, and if the synthesis is not completed, it means that all the attribute points have not been instilled back. The sooner you are attacked, the less you will absorb it. Does that mean? "

"Yes, that's it. So accidents also exist, but the problem is not big, as long as some reliable people are called to guard the brood during the reorganization process. Anyway, the whole process is only four or five hours, not very long. "

After listening to Radamantes’ explanation, I thought about it a bit. There are only twelve such broods of purple. Twelve human use. If this is the case, it can only be used by the stronger guild main force. The higher this opportunity is, the more high-level players use it, the more obvious the effect. After all, people like Kristina can increase it by 20%. The strength is the same as that of an ordinary player by 20%, but the effect is the same as the difference between Heaven and Earth! Of course, how to use it depends on the other abilities of this brood. Radamantis said, this mother There are several uses for the nest, and helping people to wash the spots is just one of them.

"You just said that this is just one use for the nest, but what about the others? "I asked Radamantis again. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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