After the formation is arranged, we start to move forward. The first section of the cliff did not find any shadow of the eagle Banshee, which made us think that there was a change in the mission, but when we walked about a hundred meters, we suddenly heard an unpleasant scream. So a large shadow leaped towards us. Although the surroundings are pitch black, there is a difference between pitch black and pitch black, especially since I have dark vision, so I can see the silhouette in the darkness.

What Ashford said before was obviously not comprehensive. The eagle-body Banshee that appeared in front of me were not the common eagle-body Banshee. In fact, many people have a misunderstanding, they think that the eagle Banshee is a very ugly, very disgusting creature. But in fact, this is not absolute.

In "Zero", the eagle-body Banshee is divided into many different types, just like tigers are divided into Bengal tigers, South China tigers, and Siberian tigers. Although they are all tigers, the individual differences are actually very large.

The situation of the eagle Banshee is even greater than the difference between the tigers. The ugly eagle-body Banshee that everyone usually thinks is actually called the black eagle Banshee. That kind of thing has gray and black feathers like crows, and their body is also shriveled and ugly, as if malnutrition is still growing. The same as an old woman with skin diseases. The hawk-body Banshee is a branch of the hawk-body Banshee family. The number is quite large and very representative, but it is not all of the species.

In addition to the Wuying Banshee, there are actually at least six branch types in the eagle Banshee family, of which only two are personally familiar to me. One is Rainbow Banshee, and the other is Bird Wing Banshee.

Rainbow Banshee is a hawk-body Banshee with a relatively low body shape. Their bodies are exactly the same as human women, and their skin is white and smooth, and their chests are full. If you don’t look at other parts, but This body is enough to make most men impulsive. However, the legs and wings of the Rainbow Banshee are standard bird structures, which are not similar to humans. However, their wings and legs are not as ugly as Banshee, but are draped with rainbow-colored feathers. The colors of these feathers are not only extremely gorgeous, but also shining seven-color rays of light in the sun, which is definitely a very beautiful thing. In addition, behind these rainbow Banshee, there are three tails that resemble a streamer like a Phoenix tail. This tail is also colorful, and more gorgeous than wings, it is said that under certain angles of sunlight, it will emit beautiful rays of light like flames. In addition to these features, the head of the Rainbow Banshee is a special part. Their heads are not like birds, but humans. They have the shape of a human skull. Their facial features are no different from those of humans, except that their skin is much better than humans. The white ones are like suet jade, and they feel like a pinch that can squeeze out water. feel. However, they don’t have hair on the top of their heads. Instead, a kind of feathers leaning backwards began to grow on the top of their foreheads. These feathers are piled together as if they have a strange crown on the top of their heads, but they don’t look ugly, on the contrary they are very Pretty.

This rainbow Banshee is not only beautiful, but also good at singing. Their vocal cords have a very wide range, except for the male-like bass that is a bit hard to come down, the high-pitched part can easily reach beyond the range of human hearing. In fact, the eagle-body Banshee can be positioned with ultrasound just like bats, so they can emit ultrasound. Using this ability to sing high notes is of course easy. However, what Banshee does best is not solo singing, but harmony. In professional performances, singers usually have special people to sing harmonies. The singing of these people will be a little bit later than the home stage, and then the voices of multiple people will be superimposed to produce the effect of vibrato. If you cooperate well, Even a cappella is very moving.

Rainbow Banshee is very good at doing this, and they also love music very much, and are happy to assist others in singing harmonies. The biggest reason why I know this kind of rainbow Banshee is precisely because these rainbow Banshee are suitable for singing harmony.

Everyone knows that we have a band in the Frost Rose League. Of course, this is not an ordinary band, but a band composed of magic musicians and war dancers. Bingbing is one of them. Her flute is not outstanding for single-handed formidable power, but the battlefield support is a mess.

Because our guild will have special war bands, in order to strengthen their abilities, we later specially found a lot of rainbow Banshee to assist them in their performances. The facts have also proved that the effect is obvious. On the battlefield Can fully play the effect of the entire army brush state. With them, our army's battle strength will increase by at least 50%.

In addition to these rainbow banshees, which sing better than fights, there is also a hawk-body Banshee that I am familiar with is the bird-wing Banshee.

Bird-wing Banshee is a very large hawk-body Banshee, generally about 1.9 meters tall. There are only four places on their bodies that resemble birds, and all other places resemble people. These four places are the head, wings, tail, and claws.

Different from the Rainbow Banshee, the head of the Bird Wing Banshee is a bird's head, and not necessarily the head of a bird. There are eagles and sparrows, anyway. From the head down, from the neck, the bird-wing Banshee is completely human female, and like the rainbow Banshee, the bird-wing Banshee's body and skin are quite good, and it can even be said to be imaginative. However, they do not have arms like Rainbow Banshee. Their entire upper limbs are just a pair of wide wings, and the shape of this pair of wings is also based on their heads. What kind of bird is the head and what kind of bird the wings are, including the tail and claws. of.

The tail is not available to humans. Of course, the bird's wing Banshee has a bird's tail, and it is generally not too small. After all, this thing is needed in flight.

The last is the claws. The thighs and calves of the bird wing Banshee are all human-shaped, and they are not touched by birds at all, and they are unusually white, and very slender. Not to mention the beautiful lines, they are full of strength and do not appear thin. However, their ankles will quickly become bird claws instead of human feet. This is their characteristic.

Whether it is a bird's wing Banshee or a rainbow Banshee, it is a hawk-body Banshee, and these two branches are relatively mild types. You don't provoke them, they rarely take the initiative to attack people, and Governance is also good and can communicate normally. However, most of the remaining hawk Banshee are actually low in intelligence and very violent.

The so-called eagle-body Banshee that has just appeared by Ashford is also a branch of the eagle-body Banshee, and Ashford is obviously not very knowledgeable. He actually said it is an ordinary eagle-body Banshee. As a result, I But found that these are actually noisy Banshee.

Noisy Banshee itself is not a noteworthy creature. The overall strength is very rubbish. It is almost useless except for flying. Moreover, these guys have low intelligence and like to bark. Their gathering place is even more than the duck shed. Noisy, and there is a non-birth odor, it is definitely a very unwelcome creature. However, few people know that the noisy Banshee is not an independent and simple species. Some of them will mutate after absorbing the breath of the underworld, and the product of their mutation is the famous Netherworld River Banshee. Some of them will even undergo secondary evolution to become the Netherworld River Guardian. It is a super creature with a strong battle strength and a halo. It is an absolute weapon in team fighting and a group fight expert.

"Really didn't expect, it will be these things."

"Do you know?" Ashford asked suspiciously.

Christina yelled below: "Don’t talk to you two. Climb forward quickly. It will be troublesome if you are surrounded for a while. Although I can deal with these things easily, my magic is also great. It’s not endless!"

When I heard this, Ashford began to crawl forward, but I said to them: "You go first, I want to see if I can catch a few straps. Go back."

"What are you doing with such a disgusting thing?" Kristina asked.

"Don't look at them looking ugly now, that's because they haven't evolved completely. You are beautiful, and when you were just born, you were not as wrinkled as Little Old Man?"

Human beings are actually very ugly when they are first born. Their skin is as wrinkled as Little Old Man, and their eyes are very big, just like ET. They have to pass half a month to one month. After eating, I get fatter, at this time the little baby looks very cute. This noisy Banshee is actually the same as the newborn baby who hasn't grown up. As long as it evolves, the top one is beautiful, not uglier than the angels. Of course, I'm talking about the angels of Light God Palace, and the defective products around Jehovah are not counted.

"I said Purple Moon, can you help me complete the task? At least concentrate on it? These eagle-body Banshees will not suddenly migrate in groups. Can you wait for the task to be completed and then come back to catch it?"

I heard it right. Now due to mission restrictions, the space door cannot be opened, and there is no place to put it when caught. Although these eagle-body Banshees are smaller than humans, they are as big as twelve or thirteen-year-old children. If you bring one or two, it's okay to say that you can't bring them with more. Moreover, the process of the noisy Banshee evolving into the Netherworld River Banshee requires them to contact Yin Qi in the underworld first. Yin Qi is actually a killing effect on living beings. It's just cold at first, then the body will freeze gradually, and then it will die completely. Although the noisy Banshee is more able to adapt to this cold atmosphere because of physique, but also not a 100% evolution rate, in fact, this evolution rate is less than one-eighth. As for the Netherworld River Guardian, it is in ten-thousand does not have one, which is absolutely rare.

Because of this evolution rate problem, if I want to make sure to get a few Netherworld River Banshee, then I have to bring dozens of noisy Banshees back, otherwise it is very likely that Yin Qi will die. Light, the result is a waste of work.

Ashford is right. These guys are here anyway, they won’t move easily, so I can catch them whenever I want, at least until I can open the space. Only after the door.

"That's all right, I know, I will come back to finish the task, let's get out of here first. Kristina's defense is up to you. Everyone speed up." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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