"No way, Kristina, preparing for a single breakthrough, I can't retain my strength!" I shouted helplessly.

"How can I give you a breakthrough!" Kristina's response made me stunned for a moment. After taking a glance, I found that Kristina was being caught by six little spiders alone. Fighting around, and she has to take time to take care of the other people around her, there is simply no more energy left.

"Damn, you hold on for a while, I'll help." I said looking towards the side and rolled over and jumped out, avoiding the mother spider’s attacking front, and then jumped from one The little spider who got up slid down, but before I got close to Kristina and them, another little spider stopped me.

There are too many small spiders here. In order to ensure that the big spiders die first, we dare not let go of our hands and feet, so we are very passive. If the enemy's strength is average, it's okay to say, but even those little spiders are now more than 3,000 levels, and we can't do our best here. If we can win, it will be a hell!

"No way, Purple Moon, sooner or later we will die if we continue like this!" Ashford yelled while resisting the attack of a small spider.

"I know it can't, but what can we do?"

The erratic whereabouts of the Night Son is almost a word by word: "Maybe we should solve the little spider first , Although the last big guy is hard to deal with, at least we can focus our firepower and deploy tactics instead of being destroyed by each one?"

I crossed the eternal hook and scrambled and caught one in an attempt to knock me down. The little spider hesitated for a second, helplessly said: "Then change the tactics and clear the mobs first!" After speaking, the hands holding the eternal hook and sickle spun suddenly turned in the opposite direction, twisted gently, accompanied by a click, The eternal hook and sickle spear broke directly from the middle and turned into two parts. Following this, I directly retracted my waist and raised my legs, pressing on the abdomen of the little spider with my feet and suddenly exerting force, kicking it into the air. With the help of the upward kick, the whole person stood up again, and the spear of the eternal hook and sickle gun in the left hand was thrown out by me. The rotating hook sickle deformed in the air into a ring structure with a cross in the middle, and then flew to the little spider that was still in the air with high-speed rotation, and instantly caught up with it and passed through the center of its body. Cut it into two pieces.

Seeing that I have let go of my hands and feet, Kristina did not hesitate anymore. She raised her hand and pressed it on the head of a little spider. Before the other party’s fangs bite, she saw Klee. There was a slight flash in front of Stina's palm, and then the little spider screamed and turned to the ground eight legs and kicked unconsciously. It was obviously a powerful attack.

Two small spiders were killed in the blink of an eye, but our pressure did not disappear, because there were still 17 small spiders and a super big spider around. Seeing that we were entangled by the little spiders, the super big spider actually didn't come to participate in the battle, but the abdomen squirmed and started to lay eggs again.

"Fuck me!" Seeing this situation, how dare I leave Big Spider? The more than three thousand little spiders here are not the kind of little spiders in reality, and they are not to the point where they can be crushed to death. We kill here and it grows there. We kill it not as fast as it grows. Sooner or later it will be consumed. I reluctantly left the little spider beside me and rushed towards the big spider, but the big spider lay an egg before I arrived.

As soon as I saw that egg landed, I immediately wanted to kill the little spider inside before it came out. But Big Spider is not stupid at all, and immediately baring fangs and brandishing claws pounced upon me when I came over. I knew that once I was entangled by this big guy, I would definitely not be able to kill the small one, so at the crucial moment, I dropped my hand and threw out the eternal hook. The reassembled eternal hook and sickle spear flew from under the spider's abdomen like lightning, and the spider hurriedly lowered his body to block it, but it was still a step slower. The eternal hook and sickle gun arrived with a red light electric fire, directly exploding the unborn egg into a piece of debris.

Another mother spider whose child was killed was completely angry and rushed towards me with a roar. I pressed the ground with one hand, and a black hole immediately appeared on the ground. The tail of the Eternal Scythe gun rose from the black hole, I grasped it, and then pulled the Eternal Scythe gun out with a sudden draw. The female spider on the opposite side just rushed in front of me, and I grabbed the eternal hook and smashed it down. The hook of the Eternal Hooker spear pierced into the female spider's head. Although the shell on the female spider's head was very hard, Eternal still cut in without any hindrance.

The painful mother spider did not dodge this time, but continued to rush forward. I didn’t expect this guy to be able to bear the pain and rush forward, obviously unable to hold so much power with one hand. , I had to hold the gun god with both hands and desperately to withstand the mother spider's charge, the whole person was pushed by the mother spider to slide backwards on the ground, and my feet pulled out two big ditches on the hard pebble river bed.

"His grandfather, have you taken stimulants?" Looking at the crazy mother spider in front of me, I suddenly held the end of the eternal hook and scythe gun and twisted it, tearing it down. Then press the gun body down and step it into the river bed. After the top of the gun is on the riverbed, there is still a lot of resistance, preventing the mother spider from advancing quickly, and I just stepped on the barrel of the eternal hooker with the force of stepping the tail of the eternal hooker into the riverbed with just one foot. Ran up and rushed all the way to the head of the mother spider.

Aware of my intention, the mother spider no longer desperately pushes forward, suddenly pulls back and tries to get rid of my attack, but its brain is still not smart enough. The hook of the eternal hook is not a normal spear, this thing is barbed, it is not so easy to pull out when inserted. So although it retreated but failed to shake the gun body, I ran all the way up to its head, and then leaped forward. The tail of the gun that had been unscrewed in my hand was inserted into one of the eyes of the mother spider.

It feels like it pierced a thick rubber ball filled with water, and a large amount of green liquid splashed out, but fortunately it was not corrosive. The mother spider in pain became completely crazy, and she raised her head violently and threw me out. Not only did I get rid of the eternal hook and sickle spear, I was also thrown out together.

Although the person was thrown out, I did not intend to fall to the ground, even if there is a river buffer below. I just rolled over in the air, spread my wings, and slid for a while, and then hit a little spider. The eternal hook and the tail of the gun in my hand directly penetrated the little spider’s head, but the life of this thing The force was very tenacious, and it was still struggling after being pierced. I had to pull out the tail of the gun and quickly in and out to stab the front of this guy's head to make this guy completely quiet.

"Purple Moon, this still won't work! We can't stand it anymore!" My side was just getting better, and there was something wrong with Ashford. A little spider fell to the ground, although she broke free almost instantly, but because she was threw down, she failed to take care of the other people behind. As a result, Al was cut by a little spider that rushed past. I hurt my thigh. When the tank saw his wife injured, he wanted to go and help. Who knows that he was suddenly pushed down by a group of spiders on the way. When Kristina reacted and rescued him, this guy had already been gnawed on his body. I don’t know how many mouthfuls, if it weren’t for his defense. Gao has died this time. But even if it is still alive, the current tank has basically lost its battle strength.

Although I heard Ashford’s call here, I really can’t separate from God to deal with the matter over there. Not only do I have to drag this big guy, but I also have to deal with several little fellows. Although they have to deal with more than mine, in fact, the most pressure is on my side.

Ashford did not hear my answer after yelling. He was about to speak again, but unexpectedly saw a spike flying towards him, and he quickly leaned back with an iron bridge. He flung away the spike, but he was depressed as soon as he slammed it, because he heard Alice's exclamation.

As soon as Ashford looked back, he saw Alice with a spike stuck in her thigh, falling into the water, holding a sword in one hand to block the spider from approaching, and the tip on her leg The thorn has penetrated her thigh, and the pointed ends have emerged from the other side of the thigh.

Seeing this situation, Ashford wanted to help in the past, but unfortunately people heard me shout from behind before they could move, "Be careful, Ashford!"

It was almost instinctive. As soon as he heard my reminder, Ashford rolled forward, and then he felt something flying over his back, but as soon as he reacted, he regretted it because he In front is Alice. In a panic, Ashford hurriedly lifts the head didn't expect but saw that Alice had fallen into the water. The blood floated out a large part of the water along the underground river, while Alice’s neck was worn horizontally. Most of a spike has passed through, almost passing through it all.

Up to now, it’s the first time someone died, and it was Alice. Ashford couldn’t accept it a little bit, but this is a game. Death only drops Level 1, not really. Therefore, Ashford was only a little sad and immediately turned back and prepared to fight, but it was a pity that this moment of slowness caused him to pay the price. Ashford, who hurriedly got up, felt a dark shadow covering himself before he could figure out the surrounding situation. Unfortunately, his reaction was still a little slow, but just when he thought he was going to die, Oresia, who had been hiding in the distance, didn't know when she rushed over and suddenly jumped up and knocked the little spider away in the air.

Actually, Auresia and Old Hill at first descended into this space just like us, which means that the combatants here are not limited to us. However, the battle strengths of Auresia and Daddy Hill are flawed. If those spider monsters target them, these two will definitely be killed immediately. Think about it, even Ashford and others, who are numbered in the whole world, can barely protect themselves in such a place. How can they two such little-known a nobody can stop it?

However, one thing is fortunate, that is, Auresia and Papa Hill are not personnel in the mission establishment, and according to the system setting, Ashford’s mission is not the most difficult Monster, but the resistance caused by other players' troubles, that is to say, by default, all personnel in the system except the task personnel are with the system. Because of this setting, the system monster will not actively attack Daddy Hill and Auresia until all of us are dead. However, this preferential treatment is limited to not actively attacking, not to say that it will not counterattack.

Oresia, who had been hiding aside because of her lack of strength, saw that Ashford was about to die, so she rushed to help, but in the end, she could only change her life. . Just after knocking out the little spider, Auresia was attacked by another little spider. Although both Kristina and El were trying to rescue them, it was a pity that they were a step slower, Auresia’s The level was too low, the equipment was too bad, and he was killed before he could make any resistance.

Although Auresia died, Ashford at least survived. From the perspective of the task, this exchange does not suffer. Auresia was originally a non-staff person, she did not exist within the range of seven people designated by the mission, which meant that her loss was not a loss for the team. Moreover, even if Alessia is a member of the team, it is worthwhile to exchange her for Ashford. After all, the battle strength of the two is disproportionate, and it is obviously more meaningful to keep Ashford than Oresia. Of course, Auresia’s sacrifice will not be wasted. Afterwards, Ashford, this guy must pack a red envelope to others. After all, he is helping him with the task, or for saving him before he died, and this Gang Lord is so critical that it is impossible to justify not giving a reward.

Looking at Oresia's death, we didn't have time to organize a counterattack, so Daddy Hill was killed immediately afterwards. It seems that system believes that Daddy Hill and Auresia are a team, and because Auresia took the initiative to launch an attack on the monster, the system also defaults Daddy Hill to a hostile state. As a result, he thinks he is neutral. Old Hill was killed unsuspectingly.

The non-staff personnel died, and one of the team members died. This is really a big problem, but we are all in a hard fight now, and the monster is getting more and more powerful. It is really difficult.

"Ah..." Less than two minutes after the death of Old Hill, the doctor on the tank snorted again, and we saw the rays of light flash on the tank. It's already dead. Because of the rescue of the tank, Hill missed the opportunity to deal with the monster around him, and was killed after the tank. There are only four people left on our side, and there are eight small spiders left over there, and the big spider is still alive. , What’s more terrible is that among the eight people on our side, it seems that only Christina and I are not a big problem. Ashford has already won the prize, but the injury is not serious. Although the Night Son is not injured, his ability It doesn't seem to be very useful here, so I can only brush my status everywhere and occasionally interfere with the attacks of the little spiders.

"Purple Moon, it seems that our mission is about to fail!" Taking advantage of a short match, Ashford and I each killed a little spider, and the remaining four of us finally They gathered together again, but the big, six and seven spider monsters on the opposite side also gathered together to form a simple formation.

I looked at Ashford next to him, how miserable and miserable this guy looks now. One eye was pierced by a spider’s leg and his face was covered with blood. There was a deep incision on the side and thigh, and the blood continuously flowed into the river water along the surface of the armor. In addition, the posture of this guy's left hand was also very strange, it seemed that the bone was broken.

After watching Ashford’s miserable look, I can only sigh weakly: "This ghost place restricts us too much, and the monster level opposite is too high. I don’t want to do anything. , If you continue like this, you will definitely fail!"

Axiu Fude could not help but shook his head when he heard what I said: "It seems that we can only work hard. If it doesn't work, we will also I can only give up. After doing so many times, every time I have such a problem, I really doubt whether this task is at first and I have no intention of being completed."

I shook my head and said, "Don't Worry, if you can’t do it this time, I’ll help you arrange the task next time and make sure it can be completed. This time it’s because I’m not familiar with the task process. Let him stand full, and other guilds can’t even insert a pin, so we can do this very quickly. This time, it’s really because of too much time wasted before. As a result, the monster level here is so high. Faster, as long as we can guarantee the time record of your guild last time, we can easily pass it."

"Ah...I hope so."

A Xiufu Just after De’s sigh, the Son of Night suddenly exclaimed: "Huh? How come the equipment space is suddenly available?"

"Ah?" I summoned Fenglong as soon as I heard the words of the Son of Night. Space, didn't expect a black hole opened up beside him. "Damn it, it really works! Haha, it seems we can be saved!" As I said, I reached out and fetched the crystal bubble from the Phoenix Dragon space, and then moved towards the female spider on the opposite side and threw it over.

Because it happened suddenly, the little spider in front didn't even realize what happened. The crystal bubble flew past, and hit the mother spider directly.

The mother spider doesn't know what it is, but it knows that it is definitely not a good thing, so it immediately wants to run. It's a pity that even though the two front legs I severed had regenerated, it couldn't run away. The crystal bubble turned into a huge crystal bubble the moment it touched the mother spider, and immediately wrapped the mother spider inside.

The female spider enclosed in the bubble immediately began to struggle desperately, and the small spiders around were also struggling to attack the crystal bubble to save the female spider, but it turned out that this crystal bubble was like a soap bubble. Although the bubble poked a pit softly, it was surprisingly tough. No matter how it was attacked, it wouldn't break, and the mother spider inside couldn't get out at all.

I haven’t been idle after throwing the crystal bubble. Although the crystal bubble can temporarily seal a target, this thing has a maximum carrying capacity. It can only be held for a short period of time, and the female spider will still Come out, so what we need to do now is to seize this rare opportunity and quickly clean up the little spiders, otherwise we will be trapped in a monster's circle again.

Although there are only four people left on our side, there are only six small spiders over there, so each of us caught one at once, and finally looked at the remaining two Nobody cares about the little spider, I have a brainstorm and tried summoning the familiar, only to hear a beating, Yeyue suddenly appeared next to me and slammed into the water.

"Haha, even the demon pet can be used!"

As soon as Ye Yue appeared, the crystal eyepiece in front of his eyes flashed, and one of the small spiders’ eyes flashed in the next second. The four legs turned into stone directly, and petrification was still spreading to its body, but unfortunately it only stopped spreading to one third.

As the number drops, the level of these little spiders has been rising. Now the only six little spiders left are all 3800-level monsters. The level is too high, even Yeyue The petrified pupil is already considered as Law Power, but facing such a High Rank creature, it still cannot achieve normal formidable power.

Although I couldn’t get it done at once, because the one third of the body was petrified, and the four legs on one side were turned into rocks and could not move, this little spider basically lost its ability to move. Ye Yue himself quickly rushed to the last little spider and fought with it.

As soon as Ashford saw the situation, he immediately shouted excitedly: "Purple Moon, hurry up, release all your familiars and kill these guys. Christina, you should have a familiar too. Huh? Let them all help!"

"Wait a minute!" Before Kristina had time for summon, I hurriedly called to stop.

"What's the matter?" Kristina asked while fighting the spider in front of her.

"I suspect that this space is temporarily open to restrictions!"

"Huh? Restrictions?" Ashford asked in surprise.

While fighting, I took the time to answer: "The opening of the space may be related to the death of the team members. We have killed three people. Maybe the system allows us to add three familiars, or three things. I took it before. A crystal bubble came out, and Yeyue was summoned again. Maybe there is only one chance left."

Yezhizi suddenly said next to him: "Definitely not. When I found out that the space could be used. Just because I took out a few medicines, the number has long been more than three."

Kristina said at this time: "That can't mess up summon, the boss said it makes sense, it may limit it. Not for items, only for creatures. I think we should let the boss summon first, and we will come again if we confirm that there are no restrictions. Boss, don’t mess with summon, start with the most useful ones, summon may be closed again at any time."

I also nodded that Kristina’s explanation is more reliable, so I decided to be more cautious. With a thought in my mind, Space Gate opened again, and then I saw a fiery red silhouette rushing out of the space gate.

This time the summon is Mira. Her attack and defense attributes are very strong, and she can switch between the human form and the dragon form at will, and can adapt to any combat environment. This is a very important ability.

Facts have proved that my choice is extremely correct. Mira’s battle strength is indeed super strong. As soon as he appeared on the stage, he rushed to the little spider who couldn’t move half of his body, and then had double swords in his hands. More than a hundred holes were opened in the little spider like lightning, and the little spider was killed with almost no reaction.

It took less than a second to solve the petrified little spider, Mira immediately flashed a circle of red lightning, and the whole person began to grow bigger, and it turned into a flash in the blink of an eye. Beautiful gem dragon. After the transformation, Mira directly shouted to Ye Yue: "Ye Yue, throw it here!"

Ye Yue heard the shout, and immediately it was a six-handed snake sword dancing. The little spider has eight eyes and was dazzled with a formation eye. Following the corner of the chaotic little spider’s eyes, he noticed a black shadow in front of him, but unfortunately because the previous sword light blocked his vision, It was too late to find out. With a sound of Ping's little spider, Ye Yue's big tail was directly kicked up and flew towards Mira with somersaults in the air.

Mila watched the little spider flying over open her mouth and bit the little spider with one bite. After chewing twice, she slammed her head on the cave wall with a bang, and followed her. He suddenly lowered his head to face the little spider embedded in the wall and rushed over. With the loud bang of The earth shook and the mountain quivered, the little spider was like an egg squashed by a hammer, bursting out a circle of green juice in an instant. When Mila retreated, the guy was already Only a layer of skin is left.

The two spiders were cleared out in the blink of an eye, and the two familiars changed their targets again. Mira turned her head and rushed towards Kristina. While the little spider was trying her best to avoid Kristina's attack, she lifted her paw and slapped the little spider directly on the wall with a slap. Opening the mouth is a ray of destruction, and with a bang it blasted a large hole with a diameter of more than two meters and a depth of one meter in the wall. Before the smoke and dust dispersed, Kristina shot into the big hole with a series of magic missiles, and directly blasted the big hole into a tunnel. As for the small spiders inside, of course there was no scum left.

While Mila cooperated with Kristina to fix the little spider on her side, Yeyue also rushed to my side, taking the opportunity of the little spider to be driven to desperation by me, a petrified eye The two legs of this guy were petrified. Because the leg was attacked on one side, the body suddenly slowed down. I took advantage of the dull opportunity of the opponent and cut the little spider directly into two pieces.

Four little spiders died, leaving only Ashford and Nightborne in front of the spiders, but the people who were free from our side immediately surrounded them. Although the two little spiders had reached level 5,000 at this time, they could only be beaten by our side because of the lack of companions. A higher level does not mean that the battle strength can be fully displayed. This state of being beaten by many people, even a 5,000-level monster can't resist, except for insisting on one minute, the performance is even worse than the three of them. Thousands of time.

Resolve these two little spiders, and there is only the last target left on the scene, which is the female spider sealed in the crystal bubble. Because of absorbing the power of all the dead little spiders, the mother spider at this time has become an evolutionary body, and her level has risen all the way to six thousand five hundred. This kind of horror-level strength, let alone my lack of familiars, even if there are no restrictions, I can't say that it can be done. Moreover, our strength is not complete now, and it is impossible to defeat such a monster.

The crystal bubble is about to reach its limit and will burst soon. Ashford asked me anxiously: "How much is this thing now?"

"Six thousand Five hundred levels."

"So many? Then how can we win?"

Kristina exclaimed: "If the magic output is not limited here, let me prepare A big move, first blast it, and then the president should be able to handle it, but unfortunately your damn mission limits the output of magic power, and I can't chew monsters of this level with little skills alone!"

They In the discussion of everyone talking at once, I proudly stretched out a finger and said: "Did you forget what I said before? In the end, just leave it to me."

" Huh?" Ashford looked at me suspiciously and asked: "Can you handle this 6,000-500 level monster?"

I shook my head and said, "It may be possible in the heyday, but now for sure No."

"Then you said you can handle it?"

"Yes, I really can't handle a level six thousand five hundred monster, but I can make three thousand five hundred. Grade."

"Three thousand five hundred? But this guy..."

As soon as I was halfway through Ashford’s words, I suddenly pointed my finger The monster was cleared, and then the crystal bubble was completely destroyed in an instant and a shining light spot was emitted at the same time. This light spot is very bright, just like the kind of strong light emitted by an electric welder during spot welding, but its volume is small, only the third size of a fingernail, which may be even smaller. This light spot is not only bright and small, but also fast. It was shot into the body of the female spider on the opposite side almost the moment it appeared, but nothing appeared afterwards. Only I knew that the monster in front of me had become a level three thousand five hundred.

In fact, what I just used just now was the newly acquired rule skill-Time Rewind. When this female spider first appeared, it was a level three thousand five hundred monster, and it has been less than an hour since it appeared. Time Rewind can be used not only for myself, but also for the enemy, so I directly rewind the female spider to the state it was an hour ago, which is the state of three thousand and five hundred. The power it absorbs the little spiders becomes stronger, it is all after this, the energy absorbed by me doing it in this way is equivalent to all the energy absorbed, and it instantly changes back to the state of three thousand five hundred. Although this level of monster is already very difficult to deal with, I can still deal with it, not to mention that there is Kristina here as a helper.

"This is the end?" Ashford didn't know that the mother spider had changed back to level 3,500, after all, there was no change in appearance.

I didn’t answer Ashford, but smiled and said to Kristina: "Bump it and try it."

Kristina looked at me suspiciously At a glance, but he still fired a powerful explosive bomb, and it hit the mother spider who was stupefied because her strength suddenly disappeared in half, and the effect was amazing. Accompanied by a loud explosion sound, the mother spider was directly blown out, and she was also blown off a leg, and her body was even more bloody.

Kristina was surprised to see what she had caused. She didn't understand what was going on. After that, she looked at her hand stupidly, thinking that something was wrong with her. However, even though Christina did not react, Ashford did. "This thing has become weaker? How did you do it?"

"Just leave it alone. Let's go together. Kill this monster and this level will pass."

Although the three thousand five hundred level female spiders are not too weak, we are all strong men and gang fights. In addition, this guy has just been injured by Kristina, and there is almost nothing under these disadvantages. Fight back and be killed.

Originally, I thought this was a mission monster, and if you die, it will die. Who knew that after this thing died, there was a big explosion. It was not an explosion of equipment, but an explosion. Because he had never dealt with such a high level female spider before, Ashford didn't know that this thing would explode, and as a result, everyone was unprepared. I am fine because of my strong defense. Both Mira and Yeyue are not the type that is easy to hang, so they are also okay. Although Kristina is a mage, but the defensive equipment attribute is too good, successfully blocked the explosion. Ashford himself is a melee type, and his plate armor is not for good looks.

Only one unlucky person is the Son of the Night, here is his low level, plus a mage, defensive power is not good, and he was killed without any preparation. Counting the accident of the Night's Son, our battle can be described as losing more than half. The seven-man team has become a three-person team. Fortunately, Summon now has some familiars, at least make up the number of people.

"Okay, this thing is solved, what is our next task?"

"Come with me."

A Xiufu De led us along the river, then found a crystal at the fork of the sepak takraw sculpture and placed it in the center of the sepak takraw sculpture. Before, at the wrong time, I wondered why this thing was not used when it was standing there, but now it is not that it is useless, but that the thing is not for me to use.

As the crystal cup was placed in the center of the sepak takraw sculpture, the ground under the takraw sculpture suddenly vibrated, and then Ashford pulled us back for a while, and The sculpture began to rise with the surrounding ground, and finally turned into a stone pillar more than three meters above the ground. Ashford pulled us around behind the stone pillar and found that there is a door behind this thing. When you enter from here, you will find that the stone pillar is hollow and there is a circle of downward steps. Although it is very narrow, it is not easy to walk. difficulty.

After going down this passage to the bottom, there is a horizontal tunnel, but this tunnel is only more than three meters long. After walking down the tunnel, you will find that your eyes suddenly open up.

Outside this tunnel is an underground canyon. Our location is somewhere in the middle of one of the cliffs. Because we can't see the bottom up and down, we don't know how high this location is. We just know that the bottom is deep and the top is far away.

The cliff on this side of our side is almost vertical, and only at this position where we are along the cliff is a protrusion that can barely be regarded as a road. In fact, this part is not the real road, but there is a fault about one foot wide on the cliff here. Although the fault itself is intermittent, it can barely stand up.

The cliff on the opposite side of the underground canyon is about a kilometer or more from our place. Even if I have perfect dark vision, I can only see a rough picture. The only thing I can be sure of is that the cliff over there is more than this. The side is even worse, because the cliff over there is upside down, that is, the upper part is more protruding than the bottom, let alone standing people, even if th

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