Once we are determined to move forward quickly, the eagle-body Banshee at the back becomes a display. As Ashford said before, the level of these eagle Banshees is very low, and even the most primary level magic missile used by Kristina is a bit wasteful when used on them, which made Kristina later. I simply used my own special casting skills to turn the primary level magic missile into a magic shotgun. This technique can shoot a dozen or so smaller magic bullets when releasing a single magic missile. Although the total cast amount will increase slightly, and the formidable power of a small magic bullet is not as good as a single magic bullet, this method can be used at one time. Hit more than a dozen small missiles, and the formidable power of these small missiles is only slightly lower than that of a primary level magic missile.

Kristina’s magic missile itself is an advanced spell. Unlike most magic missiles launched by magicians, Kristina’s magic missile is not launched by one by one, but in pieces. , And there is no interval in this way of launching. Basically, as long as Kristina decides to launch a magic missile, unless she is attacked by the enemy and the magic is interrupted, or she actively ends the output, or her magic power is exhausted, the magic missile will not stop.

Originally, under this magic missile launching technique called rainbow jet, Kristina’s attack was already terrifying enough. Now, every single magic missile launched will be After launching, it quickly burst into dozens of small missiles. As a result, for a while, Kristina turned into hundreds of near-defense guns gathered together, and what was shot out was not bullets but magic missiles. These Although the weakened version of the magic missile is not very good in a single formidable power, it is at least the top half of the grenade. Now she sprayed out hundreds of magic missiles in one second like a metal storm, and even a group of missiles on the opposite side were all shot down. What's more, only the eagle Banshee came?

"I knew that bringing Kristina was the right choice." Looking at the Banshee group of eagles falling down like rain outside the cliff, Ashford felt very happy. They had been to this position once or twice before, and they were covered in dirt by numerous eagle-body Banshees each time. Although the eagle-body Banshee is not good for a single battle strength, under this special terrain, most players cannot use all their battle strength. More importantly, the eagle-body Banshee will not tell you any rules. If they lined up to find players one by one, it would be useless to come over billions, but they just swarmed up completely unruly, and the players seemed to be a martial arts expert. A large group of hooligans, one person is under the pressure of a group of people, no matter how good the technique is, it can't be used.

Because the rainbow magic bullet is a primary level skill after all, Kristina still looks back to talk to us while maintaining the magic bullet.

"Ashford, how come there are so many hawk Banshees in this place? Have you seen where their nests are before?"

"If you can see When we got to the lair, we had already knocked down that thing. Unfortunately, we never saw it."

I turned my head and asked Ashford: "Have your previous mission been carried out after this place?"

Ashford shook his head and said: "The smoothest time our mission was completed before was to get to a little bit below this level, and then all died."

"Then how far do you have to go this level?"

"Not too far, continue forward 200 meters, and then turn a turn and you will see a cave. After you go in, you don't have to Worried about the Eagle Banshee, they dare not go in."

"What is the next level?"

"I don't know." Ashford answered simply. .

"Didn't you play the next level before?" Kristina asked.

I also looked at Ashford and waited for his explanation, but Ashford said depressedly: "After this place has passed, we will enter the cave, and then we will enter a comparison. In the open underground world. But at that time, I and the tank were left alone. The result seemed to be a dark shadow flashing in the trance, and then I died. The tank persisted for a while longer than me, but it was also It took only a few minutes, and he didn’t even see what attacked him at the end. He only knew that the thing was very big and very fast."

"High-speed giant creature? What a weird creature."

Because the attributes of our people are very high, and Kristina is completely isolated from the interference of the eagle Banshee outside, so we move very fast on the mountain. , I heard Ashford yell before we finished talking: "Look, the pass is here. After passing over there, we will be out of Banshee's territory."

"Everyone Speed ​​up and go over quickly." After seeing the cave, I didn't hesitate, and led everyone to climb over quickly.

This narrow mountain road attached to the cliff is definitely a death channel for most people, but we are all monsters here, and it is easy to complete the whole journey. The entrance to the cave on the opposite side was not very big. Finally, Ashford and I got in first, and then Kristina patted with both hands in front of her, with a buzzing sound, a light blue halo burst out from the middle of her palm. , Spread out in just one second, and instantly shot down all the eagle Banshees within a radius of 200 meters. Before the follow-up Banshee had time to fill the gap, Ye Yue held Kristina directly into the hole. Mira finally turned into a human form and got in. Banshee, the eagle-body, only hovered outside after chasing the entrance of the cave, but he did not dare to come in. It can be seen that you, the monster who ended Ashford and the others, might even have the eagle-body. Banshee didn't let it go.

Without chasing soldiers behind, we can naturally slow down and step into the cave carefully. The cave here has only a short passage, and then suddenly it enters a very vast Underground World. Of course, this Underground World is not the kind of Underground World described in "Journey to the Center of the Earth" with a large number of creatures gathering, looking like a hidden land of peace and prosperity. This place is a normal underground karst cave. If there is something special, it may be a little bigger. Eh...maybe more than just a bit bigger.

As soon as we stepped into this place, I didn't even have time to take a look at the surroundings, and suddenly felt the strong wind blowing in front of me. My reaction was very fast. I lifted Eternity up the moment I felt the change in the air flow, and the cutting edge rushed out, quickly blocking.

Ding. There was a sound of metal collision, and the fire star produced by the metal collision could be clearly seen in the dark passing by. Almost instinctively, I waved a sword glow backhand while blocking the attack, followed by an unpleasant scream three meters away, which should have been a hit.

"What was it just now?" Although Ashford did not have dark vision like me, he knew that this place was under the ground and darkness must be normal, so he brought a lot of special potions. , Is used specifically for this situation. Thanks to these special potions, he and Kristina also temporarily had darkvision, but their eyesight was not as good as mine. Although he saw that I successfully blocked the attack just now, he didn't see exactly what attacked us.

I shook my head and said that I didn't see the other person clearly, then turned my eyes to Ye Yue. Ye Yue didn't look at me, but looked around. Although Yeyue usually keeps her eyes closed, and she wears a special crystal goggles in front of her eyes, her eyesight is actually very good, and Yeyue has the same infrared imaging ability as a rattlesnake, that is to say, For creatures with body temperature, even if you hide behind a wall, it is useless. Infrared radiation will expose your position, and the wall cannot completely block the scattering of infrared rays.

After looking around for a few times, Ye Yue suddenly pointed to a stalactite not far above our heads. It was obvious that he was telling me that the other party was behind that thing.

When I got the prompt, I looked back and winked at Mira, and Mira quickly transformed into a giant dragon form. The previous passage was too narrow for her to get through, but the cave here was very spacious, enough for her to use it.

The transformation itself does not make any sound, so the opposite target did not react, and the guy hid behind the stalactites thinking that we could not see him.

After completing the transformation, Mila stretched her limbs, and then slowly opened her mouth, we can see her mouth started to turn red, and dots of red light began to appear in the surrounding space. Gathered in her mouth. This process only took less than two seconds, during which there was only a faint electric current. However, after two seconds, the red light suddenly turned into a direct ray, which instantly penetrated the stalactite. The creature hiding behind didn't expect to be attacked suddenly, and the formidable power of the destruction ray was too large, instantly piercing him and the stalactite through a large hole. The guy just made a scream and planted with half of the stalactite from the top of the cave tens of meters high.

"Let's take a look." Ashford yelled as he ran.

Yeyue’s big tail curled up Ashford and prevented him from passing, and I also said: "This is not the one that just attacked us, that one is bigger than this."

"More?" Ashford heard me say that there are other monsters nearby, and immediately became cautious.

Yeyue continued to turn her head and watched for a while, and then suddenly resisted one direction, and then used her spiritual contact to inform me: "Behind that big rock."

Infrared Although it can penetrate walls, there are limitations. The ground here is not as level as those open to tourist cave grounds, the ground is full of large and small gravel. Yeyue pointed to a huge boulder weighing several hundred tons, which looked like a small house. Just now that guy was hiding behind this, so he escaped from Ye Yue's prying eyes.

After discovering the target, I used my touch to ask Mira if he could penetrate such a big stone. After all, the volume of this stone was indeed too big.

Mila is also quite uncertain about such a big goal. She just answered me and she tried her best, but the creature on the opposite side obviously has a very high IQ. Mira had a brief period of energy gathering before launching the rays, and there was a faint sound at that time. As a result, this time Mira just started to gather energy and the object on the opposite side immediately jumped out from behind the stone.

When the target is moving, Mira no longer gathers energy. Before energy gathering was to ensure one strike certain kill, so energy gathering was carried out. In fact, Mira’s destructive ray emits very fast, and there is almost no interval. Now that the target was moving, Mira immediately gave up the energy gathering and started attacking directly. We only saw a bright red line in the darkness shoot out instantly, and then chased the movement of the black shadow across the trajectory. The stalagmites that were blocked by the guy along the way looked like tofu blocks that were slid by a sharp paper knife. They were half short, and the moving speed of that creature was finally still not faster than Mira's turning his head.

Because of the long distance, Mira’s side only needs to rotate a degree angle, the ray will actually move a long distance, so although the creature on the opposite side moves fast, it still doesn’t go faster than the beam. It's a pity that the beam was almost over when it hit it, and it went out just when it hit one of its legs.

Yeyue and I were already rushing forward before the beam was over here. As soon as the light beam extinguished, a magic bullet passed between me and Ye Yue, and then suddenly exploded above the monster's head. However, this magic missile did not produce much formidable power, instead it sprayed a lot of orange red liquid. These liquids were like rain, oh la la, covering a large area nearby. Although the monster below reacted quickly, it could not avoid such a wide range of attacks. It was poured transparently. When it jumped out from behind the rock again, it had become a huge red luminous body.

The magic bullet fired by Kristina is simply a disguise. This thing is actually a kind of tracking magic. You can spray fluorescent agent on the target area. The other party only needs to touch it, unless the piece of meat is dug out. Or wait until the aging of the fluorescent agent has passed, otherwise it will keep emitting light.

If it is on the ground, this kind of fluorescent agent may not be very useful, but here is Underground World, all around it is pitch black. The fluorescent agent of that thing is as bright as a light bulb, and it is impossible to hide it now, because even if it hides behind an obstacle, it will illuminate everything nearby. Such obvious features can't be hidden at all.

The monster sprayed with fluorescent agent is now completely dominant, but the physical characteristics of this thing make us a little puzzled, because this thing looks like a human. Although he can't see his face, the figure of this guy is characteristic of human beings, he doesn't have any parts that humans don't have, such as a tail, and the proportions of his limbs are normal. Except for a slightly humpback and four-legged walking, the only difference between this guy and the ordinary person is that he is slightly thinner. Even its weight loss is only a slight weight loss. Compared with those African refugees, this guy is actually relatively lean.

The creature obviously has eyesight. After jumping out of the hiding place, he even looked at his hands, then glanced back at us and immediately ran forward with his hands and feet. Obviously this thing doesn't like frontal combat, and the first reaction after being discovered is to run away.

Seeing that the guy actually wanted to run, I stepped directly on a rock protruding from the ground, and then took a vertical leap and opened my wings to fly. That guy's speed is mainly agility speed, that is, his movements are fast, but the straight line speed is not very exaggerated. Although they are much faster than Ashford, they are still far behind my wings. .

I just slapped my wings twice and chased me behind the guy. Then, as soon as the wings were closed, I threw myself down from the air and hugged this guy's neck. Suddenly there were many people on his back, and the guy could no longer maintain his balance. He made a mistake with his hands and missed the rock in front of him. As a result, he fell to the ground and rolled forward.

Because our speed direction is the same, and the speed is very fast, so this inertia is also quite large, we both rolled out along the ground for five or six meters and hit a stick out of the ground. The stalagmite is considered to stop.

Compared to my armor, the guy was obviously naked, but this time he fell hard, and the guy got up with support, just shaking like drunk. I didn’t wait for it to stand firmly, and slammed a knee on his front door. The guy who hit him leaned back and stood up at once, but I didn’t wait for it to react and immediately kicked it out with a roundabout side kick. Six meter away. This time the guy was completely quiet, lying in a pile of rocks and nothing happened.

I jumped on a rock in front of me and planned to check the situation of that guy. I didn’t expect to hear Ye Yue yell: "Be careful, master."

As soon as I shouted, I turned to one side, and a silhouette flew past me. It was not Ye Yue who reminded me that I was rushed. However, even if one attack was avoided, there were more behind. As soon as I turned my head, I saw a large group of gray silhouettes moving towards me in the nearby darkness.

They probably thought I couldn't see in the dark, so the speed is very slow, try not to make a sound and plan to sneak attack. But because of their slow speed, I can see clearly what these creatures look like. I have to say that these guys are really like humans, and I even suspect that they are humans. Their body structure is almost indistinguishable from humans, and there are males and females, and their physical characteristics are very obvious. Their faces are slightly different from humans, but they are not much different. Their noses are slightly smaller than that of humans, and they collapse inward, making them feel a bit like some kinds of demons. Their cheekbones are somewhat high, but it may be due to their thin face, which makes them appear high. There are their eyes. This pair of eyes is the only thing that is particularly distinct from humans. Their eyes are at least twice larger than humans. Such big eyes may have evolved to adapt to the low light underground environment.

Except for these small features, these guys are almost indistinguishable from humans. Body weight loss is not a racial distinction. After all, there are many human beings who are thinner than these guys. In addition, these guys seem to have more or less hunched backs, which may have something to do with their posture on all fours. Also, the nails of these guys are slightly different from humans, because their nails are not flat and non-lethal like human nails, but are similar to animal claws, very sharp. As for the teeth of these guys, it's hard to judge because they haven't seen them.

These ghost-like humanoid creatures are approaching me quietly, while they are moving and ready to strike at any time, and I shouted from behind: "Christina, bright bullet , The others closed their eyes."

Kristina's reaction was super fast, and the echo of my shouts hadn't disappeared before the glare flew out. This magic is basically a zero-order magic, without any lethality, but it can be blinded for a short time just like a flash bomb. The specific time depends on the level of the sorcerer and who is being attacked.

Of course, Kristina's level does not need to be said, and the eyes of these creatures in front of them are so big, it is clear that they have a super ability to receive light. The brightness of bright light bombs even those of us who are accustomed to sunlight can't stand them, let alone them. Almost as soon as the strong light bullet appeared, a scream sounded around, and all those things were really hit.

At the moment this strong light bomb erupts, people who are close will even feel a burning sensation on their skin. How can something so fragile with eyes bear such damage? If you face the location where the strong light bomb bursts and are within one kilometer away, even if you close your eyes, you will still experience short-term blindness. Unless you cover your eyes with your hand, your eyelids simply cannot block this strong light. Zero-level magic is also magic, and this thing was originally designed to hurt people.

The burst time of the strong light bomb is five seconds. I closed my eyes and turned my back to Kristina's direction. The moment the strong light bomb broke out, I could see that my eyes lit up, but because my back was facing The light source, and my helmet and goggles have automatic anti-glare function, so it will not affect vision at all. Feeling the rays of light in front of me suddenly go out, I immediately opened my eyes and jumped up. When people are in the air, I have already seen the surrounding situation. Eternity was thrown directly out by me, and it was broken down into twelve double-headed swords in the air, and then the high-speed rotation became twelve rotating sword wheels facing the monster in all directions. swept away.

Those monsters who were flashed into their eyes simply couldn’t see things, and they were killed in an instant without the slightest precaution. The remaining ones who were not dead were unable to recover their eyesight in a short time and could only stumble. Feeling the stone and ran away, it seemed that he was planning to evacuate.

I didn't intend to let go of these escaping, but instead of doing it myself, I handed it all over to Kristina. Her ranged skills are just right for this.

Ashford held a lighting magic wand and looked at the corpse in the same place and exclaimed: "Sure enough, this kind of place is still the most suitable for you. Last time we were killed without even knowing what was attacked. That’s it, you killed all these things like cutting melons and vegetables. It’s really constantly comparing oneself to others will only make one angry!"

"Now is not the time to lament this. We How do I go now?" Because I didn't have to chase the escaping monster, I asked Ashford's next route.

Axiuford pointed to the direction of the monster’s escape and said: "The task scroll says to go down from here, and then there should be an underground river, from there we can walk to the next level. , But I’ve never been there since here, and I don’t know what the specific situation is."

"No matter how difficult it is, it shouldn’t be more troublesome than that spider den." Christie, who has cleaned up the monster Na walked over and looked at us and asked: "Now let's move on?"

I nodded and greeted everyone to move forward, but this time I didn't walk on the ground. Christina and I took off directly into the air, while Yeyue and Ashford were held by Mira, one by one, and then flew forward.

This cave is relatively wide and the ground is uneven. If we walk over it, it will take at least a few hours. Anyway, there are no monsters here anymore, so we might as well fly over it faster.

It only took ten minutes to fly to the opposite position of the cave. After landing again, we got into a small hole on the ground. Mira had to change back into a human form in this place, because the hole was too small for the size of a dragon to penetrate anyway.

The hole on the ground is sloping downward, and the slope is very large, fortunately there are steps, and it is not long. After walking less than ten meters, I heard the rumbling sound faintly in front, and the surrounding temperature gradually increased. After continuing for a distance, the road became horizontal and much wider. We trot all the way to the end of the same, and then we were directly stunned by the sight in front of us.

The end of the passage here is a huge vertical well. I don’t know how high it is, because the top is not visible, but the bottom is not far away from us. Just below the hole where we are, less than fifty meters away is a red lava filling the bottom of the entire vertical well. It is unclear how deep below it is. However, a simple vertical well filled with lava at the bottom is not amazing. What is amazing is that there is a hole on the opposite side of us, slightly higher than ours. At this time, there was a rush of water pouring down at the entrance of the cave to form a huge waterfall, which fell directly into the lava below.

The result of water injection into the lava can be imagined, so there is constant explosion-like loud noise in the lava below us, and the fog is transpiring throughout the cave, although it does not affect the line of sight. But it can be regarded as Yunshan Mist.

"This place is really spectacular!" Kristina said after stretching her head and looking at the lava lake below.

I looked at the entrance of the waterfall opposite, and then asked Ashford, "Isn’t that the river you said?"

So is Ashford With a look of surprise, he said: "I didn't expect this kind of river! This place is my first time!"

"No way, since the task is arranged like this, we only I can pass." I looked at the following situation and turned to Mira and said: "This is the trouble you can go and try the temperature first, I don't want to go out and become a steamed person soon!"

Although the water will boil at 100 degrees, the water vapor is not necessarily 100 degrees. Normally, the steam produced by our gas stove is enough to burn a human body or steam something. I wouldn’t be surprised if the steam evaporates from the lava lake even if the temperature reaches thousands of degrees. Therefore, rushing into this vertical well is purely foolish, and the safest way is to let Mira test the temperature. Normal giant dragons can take a bath in lava. Mira is a material dragon, and its high temperature resistance is much better than giant dragons. Even if the outside is full of high temperature water vapor, at best, it is just a sauna for her.

Mila also understood that the people on our side were not heat-resistant, so she walked directly to the front and turned into a giant dragon and jumped into the vertical well outside.

As soon as he entered the vertical well, Mira spread her wings and glide to the opposite cave wall, in order to test the temperature from directly above the lava lake, and wait until she successfully landed on the opposite side. He climbed back, and fixed himself at the entrance of the cave with his paws. He stretched his head in and said to us: "No, at least a thousand degrees outside. The temperature exceeds Ashford’s upper limit one meter away from the cave. Now."

"What is my tolerance limit?" Ashford asked.

Christina explained: "The Purple Moon boss’s armor can withstand high temperatures up to 10,000 degrees, and it’s okay to stay in the lava for a few hours. I can elementize myself as long as I become a Fire Element. This kind of partner is equivalent to the treatment room for me, and it is even more impossible to hurt me, so now the only trouble is you."

"Yeyue is also afraid of high temperatures?" Shuford said.

Yeyue shook her head and said: "I am a descendant of Nuwa, and I have a high tolerance for the environment. As long as the temperature stays for a short period of time, there will be no problem."

"Then what should I do?"

"Isn't I just thinking of a way?" As I said this, I suddenly asked Kristina: "How is your freezing technique?"

"Huh?" Ashford interrupted us: "You don't want to freeze me and take me there, right?"

"I do have this plan, but I don't know the freezing effect. How long can you last at this temperature!"

Mila said: "It’s enough to last for ten seconds. I can take him to fly over, and then shove him directly into the opposite passage. Here, as long as the ten seconds I have flew past, don’t dissolve it."

"No, Purple Moon, don’t you have a crystal bubble that can temporarily seal a target?" Kristina reminded. : "Is it enough to seal Ashford in first?"

"No, no." I vetoed: "The crystal bubble is too big to enter this hole. I want to put Ashford in. Fude has to get him out before putting it in, and then seal him up, but he will be steamed as soon as he goes out!"

"I think it is still frozen." Kristina said: "Even if there are thousands of degrees outside, it won't take less than ten seconds to completely melt the ice. At worst, let's freeze it thicker."

"Is there any other way?" De asked with a sad face.

"Originally there is, but I am worried that using it will make my magic pet summon ability again lost. If you are not afraid of failing the mission because of this, I can let you pass comfortably."< /p>

When I said that, Ashford immediately compromised. Compared to being frozen, mission failure is the major event, so he can only compromise.

It didn't take long to freeze Ashford, after all, as long as he didn't struggle, the ice would freeze quickly. Kristina brushed the fourth layer ice shell on him in one breath, and after confirming that the ice was quite firm, she placed him in the hole.

According to the plan, Yeyue and I will go there first, otherwise it would be bad if Ashford comes over and no one answers. But there was a rushing river over there, and Ashford was frozen, and no one would care about it over there, or it would be washed down again.

I have a dragon soul suit. After putting on the mask, I am not afraid of lava. This steam is nothing difficult. Yeyue was posted on Mila's back and was sent over, with Mila blocking a little bit underneath, she just felt a little bit hot, and it took more than ten seconds to hold on to it.

After the two of us passed, it was Ashford's turn. During this time, Kristina had been helping him reinforce the ice, fearing that it would be troublesome if the road was destroyed. Mira was ready at the hole here, counting one, two, three, Kristina suddenly stopped the frozen output, and then Mira grabbed the big ice tuft of Ashford with a paw and slammed on the wall and turned towards us. Rushed quickly.

I have to say that the temperature of over a thousand degrees is indeed too high for the ice. The ice layer on Ashford’s body melted quickly at a speed visible to naked eye, and it was only halfway through the ice. The block was obviously smaller. Fortunately, Mira was fast enough, and at the moment when the last layer of ice was completely melted, Ashford was finally squeezed into the hole on our side.

I knocked off the last thin layer of ice on Ashford’s body, and then pulled him over, but at this time Ashford’s face was blue, not falling, but Frozen. Although the ice layer melted on the last side, the temperature inside the ice remained below zero. Ashford's armor was not very resistant to cold, but it was frozen all the way through. But fortunately for him, the underground river here is itself hot. After all, there is a lava lake below, and the temperature nearby is not low. The river itself is a hot spring, so Ashford recovered after soaking in it for a while. come over.

Pulling up the wet Ashford, we began to plan the following journey. According to the task scroll, walk one kilometer along the underground river to enter an Underground Palace, and that place is the destination of this trip.

"The flow of the river is very high. It is probably more difficult to go upstream. I think we are starting to climb along the cave wall to be more reliable." I said my opinion.

Christina and Ashford both thought the method I mentioned was more feasible, so we started hanging upside down on the top of the passage and climbing forward, but this plan was quickly abandoned by myself, because The channel becomes wider as it goes forward, and the result of the widening of the channel is that the flow rate of the water slows down. Since the river is no longer turbulent, we don't have to hang upside down like bats and crawl, even if the physical strength is good, climbing up is very strenuous.

Because the river bed here widened, not only did the flow rate of the river drop, but also the depth became much shallower. In the end, we all climbed onto Mira’s back and asked her to wade us forward. Imila's height can walk on a river bed, the water just reached under her abdomen.

This section of the underground river is very safe. We did not encounter any resistance. Soon there was a rocky beach on the side of the river, and behind the rocky beach was inlaid on the rock wall. The stone gate. When we saw this, we knew we were finally there.

"Well, your task is basically completed here, right?" I said to Ashford.

Axiu Fude was also excited nodded and said: "Well, just go in and get the reward."

Axiu Fude just finished talking here, suddenly We saw the front door opened by itself, and then we saw a group of players coming out talking and laughing. Ashford looked at the group of people for a moment, and then exclaimed: "I rely on, my mission reward is in their hands!"

"Huh?" (To be continued. If you Like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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