After listening to all the features of this monster, I started planning how to fight. It's not impossible to kill this guy, but it will be very troublesome, so I need to make the most of the cheating effect of that computer. Finally, after a brief discussion, we finally came up with a set of combat ideas for maximizing effectiveness.

First of all, there are a total of twenty gates around the Colosseum. One of them was the door I came in, and this one was a normal size door. There is also a door to leave here, which is also a normal-sized door. Behind the remaining eighteen doors are the same compartments, and each compartment is closed with a monster.

According to the normal situation, after the players who received the task arrive here, they need to open the gates to release the monsters inside, because according to the task prompt, the key to leave here is hung on one of the monsters. NS. Therefore, if the player wants to pass from here, they must try to open those doors.

If you are lucky, you can open the gate of the monster with the key just like I cheat now, so as long as you solve a monster, you can go out with the key. Of course, if luck is particularly bad, it may happen that even the seventeen doors opened are all monsters without keys, and the last time you encounter a monster with keys. Of course, the greater probability is that it was killed by a powerful monster that accidentally encountered before the right door was found. This kind of probability and opening a few doors and leaving safely should be the two most possible possibilities. Just open one door like me, or even open eighteen doors, which are rare cases.

Originally, because this computer helped me cheat, I just had to deal with a monster. So I only need to open one door. And if it is a player who passes the level normally, he should also open one door at a time, and only consider the next one after solving the monster inside. After all, it is obviously more complicated to make two monsters at a time than to deal with one at a time, so normal people usually will not Consider opening multiple gates at once. However, I'm cheating now, so I don't need to play cards according to common sense. The most important thing is that I know what kind of creatures are behind each door, and I also know their strengths, strengths and weaknesses.

Because of the strong intelligence support, I have obviously more choices than normal players.

"Then, let's repeat the plan." I stood in the center of the Colosseum, and then pointed to the mud on the side of the court and drew a big gate of A: "First of all I went to open door A and released the strongest monster at level 750 Open it. Because Amonster is extremely bloodthirsty and loves killing, it will definitely attack Bmonster with the key. At this time, I will run to gate C and wait for Bmonster to be killed by Amonster, then open the gate where Cmonster is located. This Cmonster It’s Amonster’s favorite food, so Amonster will inevitably choose between me and Cmonster to hunt down Cmonster. However, Cmonster is very low in battle strength, but very fast. Even if it is a closed space, Amonster is impossible to catch in a short time. He. All I have to do is take the key from the body of Bmonster killed by Amonster while Amonster is chasing Cmonster, and then leave this place as soon as the chase between Amonster and Cmonster is over. Anyway, the monsters here are all in size. It’s huge, and the two doors I enter and leave are designed according to the human body shape, and the monsters are obviously unable to get through. In this way, as long as I act according to the plan, there will be basically no danger, and there is no need to fight. The only thing is. A little bit more dangerous is the time to open Bmonster's door after Amonster is released. Because the gate will not be fully opened immediately after it is activated, but will rise slowly, so before Amonster notices Bmonster, I need to carry it a little Amonster is in circles in the field."

"Ok, the plan is basically like this, so do you want to start now?"

I nodded and said: "No problem, you start from now Don’t talk until Amonster and Bmonster fight, I don’t want to be distracted."


After confirming that everything is ready, I went to the painting Next to the gate of A, there is a more obvious rotating disk on the wall here. I grabbed the handle on the disc with one hand and turned it clockwise by ninety degrees, and then pulled outwards to pull the entire disc out of the wall more than ten centimeters long, and then continued to turn the handle clockwise by ninety degrees and then force it towards Press it into the wall. When the disc returned to the wall completely, and the edge was level with the wall, I heard a click, and the gate that was seven or eight meters wide and five or six meters high began to rise slowly under the rumbling vibration. At this speed, this door cannot be fully raised without one minute. But I guess as long as the door is half open, the monster inside can almost be squeezed out.

In fact, I didn't have time to observe the condition of the gate. As the gate here started to move, I had already turned around and rushed towards Gate B. It’s the strongest monster at level 7,500. Although I’ve come across guys who are higher than this level, it’s a lot of space and I can give full play to the advantages of high mobility. My familiars are all around, and my battle strength can be fully utilized. Although I often like to charge forward by myself, in the final analysis I am still a beast trainer. Without the familiar, I am like a mage in the forbidden domain and a warrior who has eaten Soft Bone Powder. The strength is definitely to be greatly improved. Declined, so now I can’t get entangled with the 7500-level monster, or even if I can’t die, I will definitely be held back.

Although the area of ​​the Colosseum is not small, but fortunately the distance between Gate A and Gate B is not too far. When Gate A opened one third, I rushed there. On the side of Gate B. Grab the handle on the wall, and follow the same steps as Gate A, turn it—pull it out—turn it again—press it back. With a click, Gate B finally started to start and slowly rose, and Gate A over there was now half open. From under the gate, you can see a pair of giant claws stepping on the ground, and from time to time they will pull the ground under their feet. It seems that they can't wait to come out.

Because I am worried that Amonster will be staring at me and will not be able to attack Bmonster, I dare not run around now. I can only wait in front of Bmonster's gate, so that Amonster will definitely pay attention to it when he comes out. Considering that Bmonster is much larger than mine, it is most likely that Amonster will target Bmonster first instead of me.

The original plan was good, but when I was waiting for Amonster to rush over, I didn’t expect my feet suddenly tightened, followed by a huge force that slammed my feet. As soon as I pulled it in the middle, it immediately turned me into an upright posture, pulling back quickly with that force, and my body instantly lost its center of gravity and fell forward.

I was shocked when I was attacked suddenly behind my back. Fortunately, I reacted quickly. After I fell to the ground, I lifted my left hand and popped the claw, and slammed it into the ground. After instilling magic power, the three blade claws easily cut into the ground. After stopping the input of magic power, the cutting force of the blade claws dropped. The huge resistance instantly stopped me, but because the pulling force under my feet was too great, I left the ground at once. It became a straight line, and only then did I have time to lower my head to see what was pulling me at the bottom.

Behind me is Gate B, inside is the monster with the key, and after seeing my foot pull down my thing, I immediately feel like I got up, the previous voice said this monster It looks like an octopus.

Although the monsters in the game are all kinds of strange things, they basically have some shadows of creatures in reality, and some of the abilities of the reality templates of these monsters will also be inherited from these monsters. For example, the biggest feature of this thing octopus is its extremely soft body. A giant octopus with a body length of more than ten meters can easily pass through a gap that is so narrow that you can’t even put your fists in. The monster here is a flying octopus, but obviously this guy inherited it. The soft characteristics of octopus. Although the door gap at the back was only opened less than a foot high, the guy's tentacles had all stretched out, and one of the legs was entwining my legs and pulled me into the door.

After seeing that the creature that attacked me was the target monster, I immediately used my right hand to touch my chest. peng sound, a blue light circle exploded in an instant, and a layer of blue ice crystals immediately appeared on the surrounding ground and the gate behind it, and the tentacles were gradually zhi zhi quack.

As the thing was frozen, my legs slammed and banged, and a piece of tentacles wrapped around my leg was directly broken into ice slag on the ground, and I immediately used both hands He supported the ground behind his head backwards, followed the force of his waist to bounce his body upwards, supported the ground forcefully with both hands, and jumped up with a flip and jump, and then flipped in the air. When he landed, he was already facing the direction of the gate. I ran forward seven or eight meters quickly before stopping, and looking back, the ice had disappeared, and the monster's tentacles could indeed regenerate. Now they have completely grown back to their original form. It seems that tentacle monsters almost have the ability to regenerate, which should be the characteristic of this type.

I don’t know if it’s because I didn’t succeed in pulling me into the gate or I was injured. The monster inside made a roar of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry, but the sound was halfway through. It was overwhelmed by another roar that was even more frightening. As soon as I looked back, I saw that Gate A had already risen on 2/3/2021, and a reddish-brown creature that looked like a tiger in armor came out of the gate.

This guy straightened his body after he got out of the door. It can be seen that he is about eight to nine meters tall, and his body shape should be close to that of the tiger among cats, because it looks Very strong. However, there is no hair on the surface of this thing, and it is replaced by something like a reddish-brown armor. But I am sure that the thing is not armor, but something that grows from his body. It may be something like an outer skeleton.

The overall shape of this thing is similar to a tiger, but the head is not as round as a tiger, and the mouth is slightly longer. When you open your mouth, you can see the two neat rows of daggers growing diagonally toward the inside of the mouth. Sharp teeth. This kind of teeth is a typical carnivore's teeth. The inwardly inclined teeth can hold the prey tightly to prevent the opponent from breaking away. The wide upper and lower jaws make the root of the tooth thicker, and it is not easy to break in the violent bite. However, I am actually more worried about this guy's claws and tail, because it is a large creature after all. To deal with the small things in its eyes like me, teeth are generally not used. The teeth of carnivores are used to deal with creatures that are the same size as or larger than themselves, and the paws are tools for teasing small animals.

In front of this thing, I am basically about the size of the mice in front of a real tiger. Normally, even if he bites with his mouth open, it is usually difficult to hit, but it is not as easy to use as his claws.

Although the creature in front of me looks quite tough, fortunately, I don't need to face him by myself. Seeing this guy coming, I immediately turned around and ran back to Gate B. Bmonster over there immediately retracted all his tentacles after hearing Amonster's call, but the gate was half raised at this time, and I could see Bmonster inside shrinking in the innermost compartment when I stood by the door. The corner is trying to shrink himself into a ball, apparently terrified to the extreme.

I thought that these two monsters would fight for a while, didn't expect Bmonster just screamed, and Amonster shivered with fright.

Although the situation was a bit unexpected, I got into Gate B, and then ran to the innermost position of the compartment and shrank to the corner. Of course, Bmonster and I were in two corners, and we both put ourselves Hug into a ball.

Although our strategy is the same, Bmonster is there after all. When Amonster swayed into the gate, he found Bmonster in the corner at a glance. Then he didn’t even look at me. Rushed up.

Bmonster was probably completely frightened now, and he didn't even know that he was resisting. Amonster bit the place where his body connects with his arms and legs, and then let out a deafening scream. Under the stimulation of the pain, Bmonster finally started to fight back. The huge tentacles were completely unfolded in an instant, entwining Amonster whole, but Amonster was wearing hard armor, and Bmonster's arms and legs were almost useless to him. Of course, that is not what I want to care about. Seeing the two monsters entangled together, I quickly got up and ran, rushing directly out of the cubicle and towards Cmonster.

Cmonster is the worst monster here, only level 2500, so I opened the gate of Cmonster without waiting for the end of the battle. This guy is not high-level anyway, even if he comes out early, he can't do anything to me. But thanks to my decision, because here Cmonster's gate is only halfway open, and there Amonster has already emerged from Bmonster's compartment.

Obviously, Bmonster only persisted for less than one minute and then hung up. The gate on our side has not even been fully raised.

Just like the information provided by the computer before, Cmonster is the most delicious dish on the recipe for Amonster. As a result, this guy rushed immediately after discovering the Cmonster here. Come here. Fortunately, Cmonster is not directly frightened like Bmonster. Instead, it reacts quickly when it gets out of the cubicle and starts scurrying all over the place. The shape of this Cmonster is like an enlarged ferret, the color of the fur is also white, and the speaking of which is still very beautiful. But this is all related to me and I, I rushed directly to Bmonster's compartment, and then I saw Bmonster that was torn into several pieces.

It didn't take much effort to find the legendary key. The headache was that the monster's mouth couldn't be taken away. The computer said before that the monster’s mouth is very powerful. Now that the monster is dead, I found that the monster’s mouth is actually a forging material, and the level display is three S, which is super Top Grade Material. Unfortunately, the problem is that I can't open the Phoenix Dragon Space now, and this thing is half the size of a bathtub, and it weighs almost more than the weight of an adult man. Even if my strength is strong enough, carrying such a thing on my back is still terrible. But it's a shame to throw it away, I finally decided to take it with me.

Let the eternal split into a small part into a rope, and then directly fixed this thing on my back, and then I sneaked out of this compartment.

The two rare beasts outside were still playing a chase battle. Cmonster was busy escaping, and Amonster was busy chasing it. There was no time to talk to me. I easily ran to the exit. After inserting the key, a two-meter-thick rocks begin at the exit slid inward to a depth of one meter, and then moved laterally to make way for a passage. I swiftly got into the tunnel, which is considered as leaving this level completely.

After passing this huge Colosseum, a deep well descended vertically, and the computer directed me to jump straight down. There are many flying monsters in this deep well. Normal players need to fight these monsters in the air when they get down. Because there is a forbidden air field for players, no player can fly here, and can only fight with monsters in a completely weightless environment. Of course, because the players are not astronauts, so basically no one adapts to this environment. The mage is better. At any rate, there is no need to look for a focus point, as long as the lead is calculated when aiming. The warrior is terrible, because there is no relay point under the feet, so swinging a weapon or fist will make the body rotate. The fighting posture can be described as completely deformed. Even if it can display the usual one third battle strength, even if it has a good balance, most people directly Will spin endlessly in the air, and finally fainted.

Although this weightless falling battlefield is terrible to most players, I cheated again this time. Those monsters that should have come out to fight with me are all enclosed in individual channels, and the opening and closing of these channels is the responsibility of the computer, that is, the guard here. As a result, we are now in collusion, the gate has not opened at all, I just have to fall all the way to the bottom.

There is a huge blue magic array at the bottom of this vertical well. When I hit this magic array at a very high speed, my body speed immediately became very slow, which violates physics. The phenomenon of the law is almost impossible in reality, but here it is very simple.

After successfully passing through the magic array, my falling speed is about the same as jumping off the table, landing lightly, and then directly pushing open a door in front of me according to the instructions of the sound. The skill reward was in this door, placed in the center of a huge altar, and I saw it as soon as I opened the door. It's just that the thing that carries the skills makes me a little bit puzzled, because it is actually a ball of light floating in the air. How can I take away this intangible and intangible? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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