"The process of acquiring this skill is more complicated." The voice replied: "But that is for players who pass the level normally. Since you want to acquire this skill, then we You can think of some workarounds."

"Very good, tell me what to do?"

"First of all, I need to confirm your ability, if you can be on the mountain wall Digging the tunnel will save a lot of things."

When I heard the other party say that, I first tried summoning Fenglong, but found that it was still limited, so I couldn’t help it, so I shook my head and asked. : "What about other methods?"

"If you can't dig the hole directly, you can only take the normal route, but I can help you solve a lot of troubles. Just follow my instructions. "

"About how long will it take to get the skills and leave here?" Ashford and the others are still fighting, and I can't stay here for too long.

"This is not certain, it mainly depends on your ability. If it is fast, five or six minutes may be almost the same, but if you can’t handle certain organs...Although it can pass, time I won’t be able to get up soon!"

"Then you guide me to go there first, I will give up if I encounter obstacles and I can’t get through. I'm in a hurry now, there is no time to delay here."

"Well, please go back now and arrive at the fork in the road before. Don't worry, you are under my control here, and I can follow you to guide me."

I am nodded He quickly turned around and ran up, quickly reached the fork in the road before, and then turned to the other side. The depth of the river here is not as shallow as that of the other side, but it is still a little bit shallower than the depth of the location just entered here before. The resistance of the river submerged to the middle of the thigh is still relatively large, but fortunately my strength is super high, so it is not a big problem.

This fork Dao Idol here is a lot longer than the previous fork. After almost three times the length of the fork, I finally saw the altar submerged in the water. .

Although this altar is also a kind of high-all-around-low building structure, the height difference is only 50 centimeters, so even the top of the altar is still soaked in water. However, the six stone pillars surrounding the six-pointed star altar are far beyond the water.

These stone pillars are located at the six top corners of this six-pointed star altar. The stone pillar itself is triangular, slightly thicker than the arm of a normal person, and the height is about 1.8 meters. The main part looks It looks like a certain kind of stone, but this kind of stone is rare. The surface is very smooth, almost close to the level of a tile, and it looks black and shiny. If it weren't for the accumulation of negative energy, I almost thought it was obsidian.

Although the stone pillar is made of stone, the six stone pillars are densely packed on the side facing the center of the altar. These characters are not carved up, but inlaid with something that glows, light blue, and resembles glass. Although the brightness of the inlaid text is very low, because the background is black stone, it still looks very conspicuous. However, even if it is conspicuous, it is useless, because all the words written on it are magic texts, and I only know a few of them. Ling knows it, but unfortunately, I can’t get her out now, but it doesn’t matter. I’m planning to cheat anyway, and I don’t need to really understand anything. If the words are really useful, just ask that voice. He is the manager here, he must know this thing.

Sure enough, when I walked onto the altar, the voice immediately said: "This is the altar of time. To get skills, you need to open the space device on the altar."

"How do I open it?"

"It was originally necessary to crack the text on the six stone pillars before solving the puzzle, but I know how to open it, so you just need to do what I said. "

"Ok, tell me how to do it."

"First of all, please pay attention to the foot, there should be a regular hexagonal area in the center of the altar and the surrounding area is not the same Overall, that place can actually rise."

Although the thing and the surrounding altar are not a whole, it should be easy to see, but because the thing is soaked in water, and The water still glows, so the refraction of light makes those gaps difficult to find. If the sound is not reminded, I will really not be able to find this thing for a while.

"Okay, I saw that thing. What should I do next?"

"Squat down, get close to it, and you can see each of the hexagonal areas There is a circular depression in the middle of the side. Although the depression is not very obvious, it should be visible."

I squatted down and took a closer look, and I found the depressions. These depressions are actually only two or three millimeters lower than the surrounding parts, and this depression is not the kind of depression like a hole dug in the wall, but a curved surface whose center point is three millimeters lower than the surrounding part. Left and right, while the periphery gradually rises, the edge part is completely aligned with the surrounding plane, and it is simply not visible if you do not pay attention to it.

"I see those depressions."

"Very good, now click on each depression with your finger. The starting position doesn't matter, but it should be in counterclockwise order. Press the past, you can’t jump."

"Okay." I pressed them one by one, and just after I pressed the last depression, the press did not sink, completely The six recesses without any button feature suddenly light up at the same time.

The water surface at the top of the altar is about ten centimeters deep. Originally, the luminous water surface would block the light below, but the six recesses emit red light, so in this cyan-green Unusually conspicuous under the water.

When the light came on, the six stone pillars on the top corner of the altar suddenly rang out at the same time, and then there was no response. I looked at the stone pillar on the periphery in surprise and asked: "What's the matter? Did I press the wrong one?"

"No, this is normal." The voice prompts me: "You please now Go to the stone pillar on your left."

I walked over in confusion, then looked at the stone pillar and asked: "What about now?"

"Hold the stone It may take a little bit of strength to lift the pillar up. This thing is quite heavy."

I Yiyan stepped forward and hugged the stone pillar with both hands. A slight upward trend, a little bit of strength was added to lift the stone pillar up a bit, but the thing seemed to be inserted quite deep, I had to let go of the stone pillar and bend over to hug the position near the bottom before rebuilding He lifted it up vigorously.

When I pulled out the entire stone pillar from the altar, I discovered that the actual length of the stone pillar was about two meters and twenty, which means that the depth of the inside of the altar was four. Ten centimeters.

Originally, after pulling out the stone pillar, I wanted to ask what to do next. I didn’t expect that just after the stone pillar completely left the altar, the triangular hole where the stone pillar was originally located was A triangular stone pillar of the same thickness was raised again, but this time the stone pillar only rose about one meter and then stopped, and there was no text on the three sides of the stone pillar, only a piece was standing on the top. The red crystals in the shape of a hexagonal pyramid look quite weird.

"What is this?"

"This is a reactor, but you don't need to worry about it. Now put the stone pillar in your hand to the center of the altar, and pay attention to what you just pressed Location, there should be a slot there."

I walked back and took a look at the stone pillar. Sure enough, the top of the previous hexagonal area actually opened the six triangular covers, revealing The six openings are all triangular, which coincides with the size of the stone pillar in my hand. "Next, are you going to unplug all the six surrounding pillars and insert them into the six slots here?" I looked at the hole and understood roughly what to do.

The voice replied: "Yes, it is indeed necessary to move the six stone pillars, but the order is disrupted. The one in your hand needs to be inserted into the slot at the top right in front of you, and it needs Note that the side with the text faces the outside of the altar."

"Okay, I understand, tell me the next order."

There is this guard who guards and steals with me. , Cracking the mechanism becomes super easy. This complicated mechanism should have been very complicated. Think about my steps. If you rely on the player to solve the mystery, it is estimated that you may not be able to go in for a busy day, but I only used two minutes under the guidance of that voice. All six stone pillars are in place.

After the six stone pillars around the altar were removed, the same new pillars popped up, and the top of each pillar had that kind of red crystal, and the center of the altar was already above the ground. Hexagonal stone pillar. This stone pillar is actually made up of six triangular stone pillars. Moreover, the six sides of this hexagonal stone pillar all have the kind of luminous characters, and this kind of characters actually changes from the previous light after the stone pillar is fully inserted. blue becomes the current scarlet, the same color as the crystals on the surrounding stone pillars.

"What should I do now?" After finishing the assembly of the stone pillar, I asked again.

"Now, please move one face to the right."

I looked at the stone pillar in front of me, then moved it, and turned to the direction facing the face on the right. Said: "Here?"

"Yes, it is here. Now, stretch out your finger... No, to take off the glove, you need to touch it directly. Okay, now use your finger to hold the highest position Then, don’t lift up your finger, slide your finger all the way down to the bottom text."

I followed the voice guidance and started sliding my finger. Those texts would be the moment I touched Extinguished. When I drew a vertical line on the stone pillar, the entire text on the stone pillar was extinguished.

I didn't want me to remind this time, the voice said again: "Now switch to the other side, and extinguish all text in the same way."

I turned to quickly extinguished the text. "Okay."

"Now move one side to the left, and also extinguish all text."


"Change to the opposite side, the same Operate."

"Okay, do you want to destroy the remaining two?"

"Yes, but first extinguish the one that is farther away."


After obliterating the last text in order, I asked again: "What about now?"

"Now put on my gloves and hug The stone pillar, and then force it counterclockwise. The chassis under this stone pillar can be turned."

I hugged the stone pillar again as required and tried to rotate it a little bit, feeling this thing. There is a lot of resistance, and it takes a lot of effort to turn, and there must be a mechanism connected to the bottom of this thing, because when you turn, you can clearly feel the resistance of each section, just like the knob switch of an old electric fan. The gear has a very obvious feeling, and you can feel it when you enter and exit.

"Where is this going to?"

"You should be able to feel the resistance of one gear and one gear. You have already turned two gears now, so turn us counterclockwise It's called minus, clockwise is called plus, turning one gear counterclockwise is reducing one, turning one gear clockwise is adding one. The correct password to open this mechanism is -6+1-17+10-4+2-26+15- 9. Just turn in this order. Note that you have now subtracted two, and then subtracted forty-nine can be turned over. Don’t count it wrong!"

"Got it."

Although there is a 26 in this rotation code, after turning it, you will find that the distance between one gear and one gear is actually very small, even if it is turned 26 gears, it is less than one revolution. I estimate according to the change angle of each gear, This thing turns around thirty-six gears.

Speaking of which, this organ is not only a test of intelligence, but also a test of physical strength. Even with such a high power attribute as me, I started to pant a little after turning around all coding. If this is to change a mage, even if there is a password, I can only stare at this thing.

"Okay, the rotation is over, what should I do now?" After I rotated all the sequences as required, there was no change in the altar.

"Now go and take down the six crystals on the top of the surrounding stone pillar. The order does not matter, the crystals are all the same."

I quickly turned around and got a crystal, and it’s here. The moment I picked up the crystal, the hexagonal stone pillar in the center made a bang, and it sank a bit. The voice reminded me: "Don't worry, this is normal, go get the other five crystals."

I go to get other crystals as required, and every time I pick up a crystal, This changed stone pillar will sink for a while. When I carry all the six crystals back, the hexagonal stone pillar on this side has completely sunk into the altar, leaving only the top to be aligned with the ground of the altar. Flat, except for the different colors of the top of the stone pillar and the floor of the altar, there is basically no difference.

"What are we going to do next?"

"Stand on the sunken stone pillar in the center and step on it."

I lift my leg I stepped on it, moved only half of the weight to the stone pillar, and then began to sink automatically. The big hexagonal hole suddenly began to burst into water, and soon a new hexagonal stone platform rose up. This stone platform is the same thickness as the previous stone pillar, but it is definitely not the hexagonal stone pillar made up of the previous six triangular stone pillars. Because the material of this stone pillar is different, it looks like a whole piece of crystal, which is completely transparent. Yes, the black stone pillar is very different from the previous black stone pillar.

The stone platform stopped when it reached a height of about 1.6 meters, and then six openings bounced open on six sides at the same time. When I looked at the shape of the opening, I knew it must be the crystals in my hand, but I still asked if I need to pay attention to the order, but the sound reminded me that I could put them in any order. There is no order.

After placing the six red crystals, the transparent crystal platform in the center immediately sank again, but this time it did not disappear completely. It only sank to a height of about one meter and then stopped, and then the altar The six stone pillars on the top corner suddenly rose a short collectively, and then they suddenly fell outwards at the same time, but they did not fall completely, but stopped at a forty-five degree angle. After that, the whole altar shook, and the top of the altar under my feet actually started to rise. After the top of the altar was completely raised out of the water, the top of the altar suddenly sank a little bit, which was completely invisible before. Sliding on the side gave way to a tunnel entrance, from here you can see the steps below.

"Why don't you ask me if I can dig a hole. If I can dig directly in, wouldn't it be so troublesome?" I asked.

The voice replied: "Yes. If you have a way to dig a hole, you can almost enter the passage by digging down for more than three meters. But now it’s good to open the passage correctly, because you dig If you go in, the river above will pour into the tunnel. Although you can breathe underwater, your movement will be affected. So you don’t have to worry about water when you go down from the altar."

" said Yes." I said, walking to the tunnel entrance and asked: "Am I going on like this? There are no institutions below, right?"

"There are many institutions below, but you don't need to control them. These institutions I control all of them. They are all turned off by me now, and they won’t start at all."

"haha, it’s convenient to have you as an insider."

No mechanism If this is the case, this is just a long tunnel. I ran all the way and ended up in a short while. At the end of the tunnel is a stone gate, which originally needed special props to open, but it turned into an automatic gate here. As soon as I approached the door, I opened it by myself, and the door fell as soon as I entered.

Behind the gate is a stone chamber. The voice explained to me that this room originally had a mechanism. After entering, the player will be locked inside, and there will be a few secret doors on the walls on the left and right sides. Open it, and then there will be a lot of Carnivorous Insect spewing out. Players need to find the only key from the four exits of Carnivorous Insect, and then open the stone gate opposite to leave here. Of course, those insects will definitely create a lot for you in the middle. Trouble, so this is definitely not a simple mechanism. Without certain strength, it can't survive. Even a person like me really has to rush through this level. In the end, he must consume a certain amount of blood and magic to pass. I want to be intact. It was almost impossible in the past.

Although this mechanism is terrible to others, I don't have to work so hard here. The stone gate on the opposite side fell down at all, and the insects on both sides were blocked in the secret door and there was no chance to come out.

After passing this stone chamber, there is a larger stone chamber behind it. It feels like an indoor gymnasium, with a large and scary space. That voice opened the mouth and said again at this time: "This is also a mechanism, but you may have to fight for a while."

"Aren't the mechanisms here under your control?"

"The mechanism here is still under my control, but I can't control the monster inside. It was originally an Colosseum. There are 18 gates around it. Behind each gate is a monster. The level of strength ranges from two. It ranges from one thousand five hundred to seven thousand five hundred. To leave this room you need to use a magic key, but this key is hung on the neck of one of the monsters. What I can help you is to tell you directly Which monster has the key, saves you from trying one by one. However, I can’t control the monster inside, so you still have to solve the monster before you can get past."

"Here's With such a high monster level, can ordinary people go there?"

"This task was originally a task that players can only receive after level 3000, and this task will inform the player of the difficulty in advance, so normal people’s minds If you are not sick, you should not accept this task before the fourth thousand level. This is an accident for you. You came in too early, so the monster here is obviously difficult."

I shook my head and said:" It’s okay, as long as I don’t exceed level 5,000, I can deal with it, and I should be able to beat the opponent below level 4,000." Actually, I’m still conservative, because I can’t summon the familiars now, and my strength is a big discount. , Otherwise, I can be sure to get the opponent at level 6,000, even if it is at level 7,500, I can't beat it, grabbing the key and running through the level should be able to do it. But now that there is no Familiar, I can't guarantee the battle strength. Five thousand level is the current limit, and no matter how high it is, it is dangerous.

Fortunately, the voice said: "In this case, don't worry. The key is a 4,000-level monster. Although the potential is huge, this is a juvenile monster, not an adult. So currently it is only four thousand level. According to your statement, it should be easy to handle."

I nodded and said: "Since you want to cheat, do it thoroughly. Tell me about the strength characteristics of this monster. What kind of monster is the opponent? How big? What is the attack ability? Where is the weakness? You should know all of these?"

"Yes, I know all of these, but even if I tell you, It won’t help too much."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because the ability of this monster is ability extraction."

"What is meant by Ability extraction?"

"In fact, it is to copy your abilities. No matter what skill, you only need to use it once in front of him, and he can learn it immediately, and the formidable power is based on his own level. Because the opponent There are four thousand levels, so he has learned your skills. After using them, the formidable power may be greater than that of your own."

"I rely on, so abnormal? Then if I don't use skills, I just use them. Body refinement melee melee?"

"This is the same. This monster can completely replicate your body refinement."

"putting it that way is the other humanoid monster?"

"No, this monster is like a cartoon octopus floating in the air, with a big head, like a balloon, with eight arms and legs underneath that can perform physical attacks, and he has eight eyes. There is almost no visual blind zone except directly above and directly below. In addition, his mouth is below the body, which is the middle position of the eight arms and legs. The attack power of this mouth is very, very high. If you are bitten by his mouth, you will definitely be immediately Hang up. This is where he has the highest attack power. But he generally doesn’t use his body to fight. His main ability is to copy an energy body to fight against you. This energy body is the key to copying skills, and it seems that he can be attached A summon energy body, so you have to be prepared to face multiple enemies at the same time."

"Why do I hear that this monster is not like a four-thousand-level monster, but rather like a eight-thousand-level monster? Is the ability going against the sky?"

"Actually, you guessed it. This is really an 8,000-level monster, but it’s just a juvenile state here, so it’s currently staying at the four-thousand level. , He will become an eight-thousand-level existence as an adult.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Support is my biggest motivation. )

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